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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/20 in all areas

  1. It's a twist on an Animal Farm line: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
    3 points
  2. Hey guys and gals of Obsidian, I would love if you could add Pillars of Eternity 2 to the GeForce NOW catalog. Pillars 1 is already on the platform, but I would really enjoy playing Pillars 2 on it. Thank you guys for keeping RTWP alive, and knowing what the fans of the old infinity engine games loved about them, I wish you guys were called for BG3.
    2 points
  3. Obsidian, I just want acknowledge, How awesome you guys are. I literally have been waiting and searching for a single player game, that has an interesting story and writing since the Witcher. I have to say Obsidian you knocked it OUT of the park with The OUTerworlds. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say this, Thank you so much. Thank you for putting so much hard work and effort into this and every game you do. I will forever be, playing Obsidian games for the rest of my life. You guys are what we want out of the gaming industry right now, you made a game, put so much in it, no other added transactions, and YOU FINISHED THE DAMN GAME. I can only hope that you guys will start a trend and bring this type of passion back to the industry. You guys are the best gaming company right now in my opinion and its not even close. I hope you guys continue to make great games and always put the heart and passion in all of them. Thank you Obsidian so much. From, a simple gamer P.S - Gonna go play the Outerworlds now I wanted to you ask everyone's opinion on Obsidian and how they compare to rest of the industry? good and/or bad. lets keep it civil too.
    2 points
  4. Hey everyone, Unfortunately for Deadfire, Nvidia and Versus Evil were unable to come to an agreement that would allow for Deadfire or any other Versus Evil titles to be on the GeForce Now platform. I reached out to Versus Evil and they said that for the moment, they don't have plans for games on GeForce Now, but it's possible that it could happen in the future if they can come to an agreement. I hope this helps clarify the future of Deadfire on GeForce Now and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this can happen.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Hello, if you use Bounding Boots's Leap ability to get to chests/persons undetected with even low stealth then you're smart. But it's only 2/rest while the Barbarian's Leap ability allows for the same shenanigans unlimited times (out of combat). What if there was a way to use Bounding Boots unlimited times though? That would be cool. Luckily there is: Stealth while unseen. Pause game. Target the place where you want to jump to and click. Unpause for only a fraction of a second (basically hit space two times very quickly). Your char will jump up and you'll have paused again while the char's in the air. Repeat until your dotted circle appears at the point of destination - but your char model hasn't landed yet. Now abendon the Leap (click the x button). Combat log will say "XY abandoned Leap". Your 2/rest uses will not get used up, but you char will still land in the dotted circle. From there you can loot/pickpocket etc. The timing with unpause/pause is crucial but not that hard to do. Not useful for ultimate runs since you can't pause, but very nice if you want to sneak effectively without investing in stealth. You can even jump past enemies and then pass the boots to a party members. Works since it's out of combat. Enjoy!
    2 points
  7. And here it is on Nexus : https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/438 Feel free if you have any comments about this Nexus release !
    2 points
  8. Nice, what did you use? Love the Viking blod look
    2 points
  9. Good God! Is it truly the fabled scaled one participating in this neck of the sandbox?! lol I have to say, I don't think anyone has experienced these times in his or her lifetime. Not to those of us South of the border, at least. I guess I should post something about my day now. Well, let's see. I'll post a picture. For all of the fact that some folks probably hate my political views, they'd be won over by a sip or two of my home brewed mead.
    2 points
  10. I've played through DS1, DS3, and DeS on NG+ at SL1, I definitely have a formula down for how I approach things in these sorts of games by now, .
    2 points
  11. EOB1 & 2 are fantastic TSR/SSI gems. The GOG versions do come with the booklets in PDF form; including the clue books—if need be. ___________ Even Legend of Grimrock had a couple references to them.
    2 points
  12. You are correct. It's a weird shift. A few years and 30 pounds ago I had borderline high blood pressure, bad knees and I would throw my back out about once a year. I wasn't in terrible shape. I could still get up and down the ice in a hockey game. But I didn't feel like I had a lot of energy. Part of that was just being a parent. The early years are tough because you are just trying to keep them alive. I mean, they have very little sense of self-preservation for the first chunk of years. It was exhausting. So I started running, and the energy started coming back, and some pounds went away, and the blood pressure got better. That improvement can be a bit of an addiction in itself. You have to keep pushing to see more improvements. But I have way more energy. My back still gets tight, my knees still swell, but I recover way faster from those things. I also get to do amazing things like swim across the San Francisco Bay or climb a snow topped mountain with my bike. There are no regrets.
    2 points
  13. DS: Dungeon Siege DS2: Dungeon Siege 2 DS3: Dungeon Siege 3 Nintendo DS: alternate reality where Dungeon Siege became an established Nintendo franchise with spin offs such as Dungeon Siege Kart, Doctor Dungeon Siege, and of course Dungeon Siege Amibos.
    1 point
  14. Massive thanks, @Elric Galad, and congratulations!
    1 point
  15. You're right, I've switched to green, it's much better.
    1 point
  16. Love Brothers of Metal! lml
    1 point
  17. not sure if we agree with hoon, but we do know billy taylor's song, penned in 1963, feels powerful and disturbing appropriate today. 1763? 1863? when does it finally change? am no longer sure what some folks mean by racist or racism. doesn't matter though. we want this song to be a joyful anachronism by 2063. too much to ask? HA! Good Fun! ps a couple days past we mentioned how little it took to make anything relevant, yes? just had a weird brain hiccup and recalled jeff goldblum did billy taylor's song on his jazz album. coincidental, jeff goldblum were once on sesame street, as bob's brother. minneapolis johnson. and thus ends yet another Gromnir autism moment.
    1 point
  18. speaking o' quincy jones, and am knowing is weird, but is possible our favorite kill bill moment were when we first heard the ironside sirens sound in tarantino's flick. were just too cool. HA! Good Fun! ps full disclosure: we prefered mr. jones' sanford and son theme to ironside.
    1 point
  19. Unbroken/Trickster is one of my favorite party tanks. You get enough engagement (Unbroken+shield+Persistent Distraction + Hold the Line = already 4) without the use of Defender Stance but can take Mob Stance or Warrior Stance instead. Good mix of tankyness and dmg (especially on disengagement) and impervious to ranged and AoE attacks thanks to Large Shield modal & Adept Evasion. I like how you can still move on the battlefield with the help of Escape (despite being immobilized from the modal). And you also can terrify. The cherry on top is that he can lure enemies to a spot with Dazzling Lights easily before unstealthing. This usually makes sure he can engage even those enemies who would otherwise sit in the back rows and shoot/cast. I personally like lots of engagement slots because unlike PoE it makes a tank really sticky. 5-6 slots is def. enough though.
    1 point
  20. can you change the font color of the nerf ? its really hard to read on nexus
    1 point
  21. Don't worry, Vikings stopped physically invading people over a thousand years ago, we only invade you with flatpack furniture and "better than thou" attitudes nowadays
    1 point
  22. +1 Please for the love of games return PoE2 to GeforceNow!
    1 point
  23. June 19 is the date General Gordon announced Federal orders (General Orders, Number 3) in Galvaston announcing the freeing of slaves: Since the westernmost states' slave owners had been fleeing the Union army to Texas with their slaves, this date is considered the last date where slaves were made aware of their freedom, which became a focal point in Texas that spread nationally. You can read a bit more about the history here where I think Dr. Gates does a good job summarizing the history and importance - https://www.pbs.org/wnet/african-americans-many-rivers-to-cross/history/what-is-juneteenth/
    1 point
  24. Ah, nice, love the colour! I reckon blueberries from the look, I'm a mite more sceptical about cherry mead I've got a few recipes for mead, I made birch sap mead with a friend, but I'd be interested in seeing what recipe you used
    1 point
  25. Fresh blueberries. ....At least I think it's blueberries. It might be blackberries, but I think that tends to look more purple than dark red. I have cherries I bought for the little lady that she hasn't eaten and they're probably *just* right for making cherry mead. That's more tart, but I put in enough honey to take off the edge and then I sometimes add dark brown sugar at racking if I want to carbonate and that has a distinctively sweetening effect. It took a while, but I love the end product now. You just have to be patient, and I was for patience made. :wry grin: Anyhow, I tend to have a lot of stuff fermenting at the same time, and I'm a bit in my cups now so I think I'll wait until tomorrow to verify. I can post the recipe if anyone is interested.d
    1 point
  26. Something different for y'all
    1 point
  27. Eye of the Beholder II was the first AD&D game I ever played. Loved every second. If you're interested in playing the EOB games these days I'd recommend using The All-Seeing Eye. While drawing my own maps was a fun thing to do while I still had oodles of free time it just isn't something I want to have to do today. ASE really helps. And before anyone wants go to KKKodex on my ass here, keep in mind that Grimoire, Herald of Incline also has an automap feature (sort of).
    1 point
  28. Thanks P_M, I have also shared your query with Admin. F
    1 point
  29. Preparing ... hoping it happens ... to actually relax this weekend on the Canadian prairies prior to a Zoom explosion next week ... pray for the Big Green on the Roost y'all
    1 point
  30. Apparently Dark Alliance is coming out this fall Trigger warning - Polygon
    1 point
  31. well that is one reeally ugly gun! I hoped you would trust in czechnology https://cz-usa.com/product/cz-75-b-9mm-black-16-rd-mag/
    1 point
  32. ironic, meatloaf had dropped a whole bunch o' weight previous to his fight club role, and he were wearing a fat suit throughout the film. is actual one scene, which didn't get edited, where you may see meatloaf with his pants falling down and he needs pull 'em back over his foamy suit. also, in spite o' being much shorter than edward norton, he towers over ed in that scene. movie "magic." still hope. @Hurlshot from our pov, the only reason for swimming in the waters o' san francisco bay is no longer valid: escape alcatraz. those waters is having sharks and is brutal cold. 'least near half moon bay you got great surf. regardless, congrats on the mixed blessing o' your newfound vigor and "health." HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  33. I was shocked that this guy was a Lord Soul, given the obvious and painful limitations of his design. Don't think I got hit even once by him, but of course, with Souls games, I usually spend a few minutes being super cautious and studying a boss's movements before I start attacking.
    1 point
  34. I don't remember if I talked about this, but I had a solid B cup on my leg after crashing my bike. It was just this weird sac of fluid hanging out right where I impacted. When I started running again, it would jiggle up and down painfully, so I started wearing a compression sleeve on my thigh. My wife used that as an opportunity to lecture me about the importance of good sports bras. Anyways, the fluid is nearly gone now, and my wife has upgraded her collection of sports bras. You have my sympathy, Azdeus.
    1 point
  35. It did to me when I first glanced at it
    1 point
  36. At long last I can be the hick salvagers in the Starcraft intro.
    1 point
  37. Technically this belongs in the metal thread, but I'm not sure it would get the exposure it deserves there. Nanowar of Steel really outdid themselves with this video. So let us all join in making a joyful noise and praise Odin, Lord of Furniture:
    1 point
  38. 1 point
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