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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/20 in all areas

  1. As you can see, puns are back. This one is thanks to my lovely SO. And that "u" in the name is no mistake, just a lovely pun, cause you know...he's a shadowdragon, on drugs right? he he he... Ok, enough about puns. =============================================== Shadowdrugon ===============================================Difficulty: PotD v5.0.0.0040 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Role: High single-target DPS and single-targer disabler-----------------------------------------------------------------Solo: No (maybe if you abuse summons to use as a distraction and use nemnok's cloak, still doubt it) -----------------------------------------------------------------Berath's blessings: +50K Gold/Loaded pockets/Bonus attributes(!)/Fine equipment/Pet for Eder(!)(cause you know he really deserves it)/Unique item vendor/Infamous Past/Mythical discovery------------------------------------------------------------------ Class: Shadowdancer (Rogue + Monk) ------------------------------------------------------------------Subclass: (Trickster/Nalpazca) Nalpazca can probably be changed to Helwalker but will be much more glassy, possibly too much. ------------------------------------------------------------------Race: Human (The Fighting spirit can be of great help, but other than that, any will do)------------------------------------------------------------------Background: Any will do, for RP purposes I chose deadfire and explorer------------------------------------------------------------------ When listing attributes values, it's what creation window should show when you finish distributing them, racial bonus and background included, any further changes to your attributes will be berath's blessings and abilities (on my previous post it was a bit unclear so a new method, if you use all attribute points, they should add up to 78) Attributes: MIG:12 CON:11 DEX:16 PER:18 INT:11 RES:10 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Proficiencies: Rapier(!) (+20 Acc modal with -50% Recovery penalty, works great with full attacks and rapier's low 3.0 sec recovery time) Sabres (always in off hand so we get +2 pen for free becaus for full attacks, only main hand recovery counts) Stilletos (With legendary, we get up to 15 Pen (just weapon) for those extremaly armored enemies, recovery malus hurts just as little as in rapier) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Alchemy/History (Makes sense to respec into history from other roleplaying one once you get giftbearer's cloak and it will give more than Cloak of Greater Protection ------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities: Legend: essential-(!), sugessted-(S) otherwiseto can be considered situational and may be changed PL1: Monk: Swift Strikes(!), Lesser Wounds(S); Rogue: Crippling Strike(!), Escape(S) PL2: Monk: Clarity Of Agony (!); Rogue: Blinding Strike (!), Dirty Fighting (!); Mutual: Two Weapon Syle (!) PL3: Monk: Swift Flurry(!), Stunning Blow(!), Soul Mirror (S); Rogue: Confounding Blind(!), Finishing Blow (S), Riposte PL4: Monk: Duality of Mortal Presence(!), Thunderous Blows(!); Rogue: Persistant Distraction(!) PL5: Monk: Stunning Surge(!), Enervating Blows(!); Rogue: Devastating Blow (S), Deep Wounds (S); Mutual: Tough PL6: Monk: Turning Wheel(S), Flagellant's Path(!); Rogue: Slippery Mind(S) PL7: Monk: Heartbeat Drumming(!); Rogue: Deathblows(!) Other worthy mentions that can be taken to shape the playstyle in some niche a bit: -Backstab combined with Shadowing Beyond instead of Flagellant's path and Crippling Strike at later levels when CP is not used very often. -If you stay with just Escape, and don't "upgrade" to Flagellent's Path (FP) (better range and full attack, higher cost), Weapon and Shield Style is a great choice for tougher battles and when using Tuotilo's Palm Outward Spikes to further increase chance for riposte attacks. -For tougher fights, Iron Wheel can be useful with it's +3AR max bonus, change if for Turning Wheel -Improved Criticals should be taken instead of Slippery mind if you choose to frequently use food blocking mind afflictions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: Weapons: Rannig's Wrath/Scordeo's Edge and Rust's Poingard/Scordeo's Edge and Scordeo's Edge or Rannig's Wrath/Tuotilo's Palm; Aldris Blade of Captain Crow is a nice earlier alternative to SE Helm: Helm of The White Void Neck: Protective Eothasian Charm (a tiny mod to change per rest to per encounter, so it's less tedious) Torso: Devil of Caroc Breastplate Ring: Ring of Prosperity's Fortune Feet: Boots of Stone Cape: Giftbearer's Cloak (after your history skill gives more than +10 that Cloak of Greater Protection gives) Trinket: Muatu's Head Gloves: Aegor's Swift Touch or Mortification Bindings Ring: Entonia Signet Ring Belt: The Undying Burden Pet: Abraham or Dude the Six-Toes Cat (Eder should carry Nalvi, however, giving him Concelhaut's Skull is much funnier and more petty (pun, I almost cried when I realised that, might be too much time in quarantine)) ------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it, now for more 'in depth' description. So, Crits. This is what this mod circles around. Also speed. Hence highest PER and very high DEX. High crit chance is achieved by combined buffs to Acc and instantly debuffing enemies with stunning surge, confounding blind and persistant distraction. Full power is revieled when high accuracy is combined with both swift flurry and heartbeat drumming as one can proc the other and vice versa. But even before that this is a true single target DPS beast. About level 17, his total damage was about 163K while Maia(pure ranger) was 2nd with 95K and Eder (swashbuckler) was 3rd with about 60K. And for testing stuff on dummies I had to mod their HP from 500 to 5000 because they were dying too fast. Beast. My favourite part about this build is that he's ready instantly and, if used wisely, can retain full damage capability through the whole fight. Biggest hole in defences is Will, that is filled with minor protection rings and greater cloak of protection(unique item vendor) and later with Giftbearer's Cloak and some bonuses to RES. Party. I played this build with full party comprising of: Eder (Swashbuckler), Xoti (Priest), Aloth (Battlemage), first Maia (Ranger) later ~18lvl Tekehu (Theurge) Abilities. It is important to maintain battle discipline and do not use up resources too fast as without them DPS falls greately. Crippling strike is never upgraded as we use it scarcely and as a back-up if we run out of mortification. As outlined in worthy mentions some changes can be made without sacrificig core parts and survivability. I would not recomend Helwalker instead of Nalpazca as it probably would need constant casting on him Barring Death's Door. About Confounding Blind (CB), while exploring this build I found some issues with flanked and CB, you can read about it here if you care at all, if not, I made a tiny mod that fixes both issues and it's here: Flanked 'fluctuating' stacking and confounding blind fix.rar. My solution is also included in @Elric Galad's BPM, which I would recommend to check out. Another important part is getting to enemies quickly and hunting ranged enemies and mages. This is done by using Escape and/or Flagellant's Path. Mages with Deflection below ~80/90 and lvl 20, be probably outright destroyed with FP. It is crucial to remember that while Guile is not refundable with this build and Mortification is, often using CB to be sure Stunning Surge(SS) is refunded, is the way to go. Most attacks should be carried out with SS as long as we have high Crit chance. It is a full attack so the cost will be refunded even if only one weapon crits. Both Escape and FP can be used to traverse the battlefield and have their finer points. At the begining Escape is a must have, later can be changed to FB but having both is just as good. Trickster abilities give us the much needed survivability while sacrificing just +10% additive sneak attack bonus. Mirrored Image costs just a tiny 1 guile and the +30 Def bonus is just huge. Coupled with Llengrath's Displaced Image and this multiclass native very high reflex, make you neigh untouchable (although for just few hits) and for longer if used with Weapon and Shield Style and Tuotilo's Palm. Weapons. Rannig's Wrath is a perfect rapier with increased action speed, total +9 Acc bonus (+5 is from any rapier's "accurate") and enchantment to add +1 Pen and another for +10% Dam angainst flanked targets. And almost all of them will be flanked. It's modal of +20 Acc stacks with its native bonuses AND +20 from SE Adaptive, and tops with 162 Acc (+10 from helmet) that can be further increased with Devotions of the faithful and/or Aware, with both it tops at 167 Acc (170 with accuracy gauntlets). While still having nice 1.6 sec recovery with the modal active (swift flurry also active), and dropping to 1.3sec when modal is deactivated (SF still active)(That is with proposed gear). Scordeo's Edge makes for some ridiculous DPS whe cascade is active and with +10 INT from DoMP it last a quite a bit longer then 5sec. Rust's Poingard is best used against enemies that are immune to being blinded. CB only adds it's additional Def malus if the target can be blinded. Enemies resistant to Perception afflictions are saved from this malus. Incidentaly, the malus from Rust's Poingard is for some reason concidered a beneficial effect so it will most likely stack with everything else you thow at your enemies. Like stunned or flanked. Tuotilo's Palm makes for a perfect shield here, it hit's can add Acc to unarmed attacks (it also counts), benefits from Transcendant Suffering therfore scaling and it can be enchanted to either give another chance for riposte attach to proc, or give us another +10 Def and Ref bonus. Awesome. Aldris Blade of Captain Crow is also a very nice addition for survivability and damage as it gives +8 health on every crit, gives 10% Hit to Crit and also flat +10 shock damage on Crit. Very nice indeed. A important addition is Beza's Toothed Blade. it is a must when fighting Veil-Touched enemies. I forgot that when I went for BoW dlc and my crit/hit ratio dropped anoyingly and I burned through Mortification way too fast. Gear. Helm of the White Void gives us a "all-stack" +10 acc bonus to any attack that aplies body or mind affliction. So any affliction. Also that's almost all of our attacks. Excluding Devastating Blow and auto attacks. Before it's obtained Thaos' Headdress is a good substitute with only +5 Acc but also +10% Dam to flanked targets. I know it's PoE 1 dependant but later about that. Protective Eothasian Charm. Great Near Death incoming damage reduction bonus plus, juicy +1PER, available extremaly early, worn it the whole game, never looked back. Devil of Caroc Breastplate. Obvious, +2 each class resource, Self mending for +2 AR, and INT Aff resistance. Also nice -10% recovery time. Ring of Prosperity's Fortune. Given the economy in the game getting full 15% Hit to Crit from it is a no brainer. Nice for times when we face high Def enemies and to help SF and HD also get Crits. Boots of Stone. Much needed RES and DEX bonuses and a resistance to MIG Aff as a cherry on top. Giftbearer's Cloak. Already covered above. Only other thing is the extra weapon slot and quic item slot for more druuuugs. Muatu's Head. Good for a tough spot as his attacks restore your health. Aegor's Swift Touch. It allows us to reach the height if speed potential. Mortification bindings to increase error margin for using SS. Entonia Signet Ring, up to +10 all Defenses (+2 for every enemy that engages you, 5 stacks) The Undying Burden. +2 CON and up to -10% incoming damage, just what the doctor ordered. Abraham helps us reach the full speed potential as well. Also he gives the entire party +10 HP on kill and we plan to do that a lot. Dude the Six-Toes Cat is a nice switch with no recovery time reduction but double the HP regen on kill. Also as my girl says, "soo cute". Possibly it is. Potions/Drugs/Food. The single best survivability potion for me is Compassionate Soul Essence. Makes you neigh invincible and is available very early on, and it's extremaly cheap. For drugs I like the whiteleaf for the health regen and bonus Will, concentration also desn't hurt when fighting ranged Rogues thet interrupt you a lot. For regular fights I try to have Honey Wine Hen active for damage reduction and HP regen. Depending on the particular tougher fight, either Captain's Banquet/Shark Soup or Mohora Wraps, Brew Battered Ysae is nice with +3 CON bonus and -20% recovery time bonus. Aaaand that would be it. The thing I said I'd adress later: I just plain added the Thaos' Headdress with Unity Console. As I plan to add SE or at least Aldris Blade. After the added mechanic of exporting NPC with gear I figure it doesn't really matter and it's starting gear anyway, and for Aldris Blade, I rushed Ashen Maw on this playthrough and was punished with still unpatched bugs around Wahaki questline. And it doesn't change that much. So if you ask me, go crazy. Still though I wouldn't go too far so as to let progress mean something. Even if after getting to Neketaka you basically can get anything anyway. (I am very tired when writing this so that's probably why I'm a bit salty). When I read this tommorow I'll probably find something more I should have mentioned, if crucial, I'll post it as a separate post in this topic. And for last, here a short showcase video (would have done more but it is very late) of single combat vs 5000 HP dummy. It has very low defences but I mostly wanted to show the full DPS potential. @whatever369, rushed this for you as I know how impatient I get when I want to try out a new build. Have fun! And of course all best to all you lads and lasses. May you be safe from Ishiza's droppings.
    5 points
  2. I recently bought a new computer and gave my son my old one, which opened up an entire world of new games for him. Basically he can now play anything in my massive Steam library, whereas his previous hand me down PC was pretty limited. He is almost 10, and it's been fun watching him discover all these PC games that I've played over the years. His first two that he got into were Baman: Arkham Asylum and Assassin's Creed 2. He doesn't have a controller yet (possible birthday gift) so I've been impressed by his ability to work the keyboard on these game sthat play better with a controller. I was worried AssCreed might be too violent, but I figure it also give me a chance to lecture him about the Duomo di Santa Maria Del Fiore and Da Vinci. The other game he wanted to play was Lord of the Rings Online. I've played this off and on for 13 years. I hadn't been back in awhile, so it didn't take much to convince me we should team up and play together. I let him use my old account with all the perks and content and started from scratch. I even set us up on Discord, since the computers are not in the same room. I was surprised how hooked I am again. They added two new races. One is a High Elf, basically a really old elf that fought in the big battle against Sauron back in the day, but has been in a coma since the 2nd age. Bleh, not an elf fan. The Stout Axe Dwarves are the other new race, and they are fantastic. You start out as a slave in Mordor, and escape around the same time Gollum does. It's a great way to work you into the whole Fellowship story. So far I'm really enjoying just exploring the beginner areas. They look graphically much better than they did over a decade ago when I first played, and the attention to story details in this game has always been its strong suit.
    5 points
  3. i was in QA and later worked as technical designer for a while.
    5 points
  4. The party of fiscal responsibility and small government is certainly living up to its billing.
    3 points
  5. I think GD liked it as well but he also liked what they did to Luke in TLJ IIRC The only person I personally know who liked Picard is my dad and I'm considering taking a DNA test because of it.
    2 points
  6. i showed this to some italians. they were confused about the bottle part and then they googled it and called the pope to start a crusade against USA for this sacrilege against cheese
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. I would probably get fired if I ****ed up as badly as those cops at any job I've had since I started waging. That there is higher standards for burger flippers than people who have the legal authority to kill people is ridiculous.
    2 points
  9. I don't think personal complaints have much to do with this. If you look at online reviews and steam player reviews this game is stated as awesome. This is what drives many people to play a game. Anything else is marketing. You have to reach your potential players and make sure you send them the right message. I myself don't rate POE2 as an incredibly good game. It's a fairly average game overall. It does a few things really well and a few things really really poorly. But opinions like this don't affect sales because I would only know this when I play the game, meaning after I bought it. They might have sold more if they did something like this: https://v1.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/95683-Strip-Bayonetta-in-These-Innovative-Japanese-Ads I think that's one of the funniest marketing tricks I've ever seen
    2 points
  10. Lord of the Rings Online has aged pretty well. My son, who was born about 4 years after the game came out, wanted to play. I'm hooked again.
    2 points
  11. Seems here too that the only overall group that dislikes work from home is the most essential one- middle managers, of course. They also seem to be the ones obsessed with having long and pointless Zoom meetings instead of long and pointless face to face meetings.
    2 points
  12. I didn't hate the first episode (just the entire premise, but that's something else entirely) and it was all downhill from there, the lowest point being the ending, the second episode and that Borg Queen rescue teleporter. Nothing else in the show to clearly said "Look we don't know anything about Star Trek and we don't care" than that. Voyager's Borg transwarp conduit system was borderline insane, but at least they had the good grace to show that the Borg were plagued by internal and external issues that were hard to recover from. Guard Dog just likes to see himself on the screen.
    1 point
  13. Fixed that for you. De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum. But it's really hard not to reply. On the other hand it would just be a rehash of everything posted before. If I had to choose between watching Picard again or driving a rusty nail up my scrotum I'd very much pick up a hammer. Without a second thought.
    1 point
  14. Then you're the only one around here who likes it.
    1 point
  15. I too liked the whole Enterprise intro, including the theme. Never understood the complaint that a Star Trek show's theme must be orchestral only -- they even omitted the Star Trek part from the title to pre-empt that (to no avail). They could have maybe used Archer's Theme for the intro, but I think it would have detracted from a certain... innocent charm (?) that was an undertone I really liked in the series.
    1 point
  16. Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that a Head Bobbing option was added in Patch 1.2. You can find the option to toggle it off and on in Settings under Gameplay. I hope this helps, and good luck in Halcyon, Freelancers!
    1 point
  17. Well it’s not free to play, if you need to pay for it with your free time, which you could spent on something more fun... like lobotomy...
    1 point
  18. reviving this thread with my first post here. Finished recording my ultimate run, I just copied tenray's zealot run (woedica priest/streetfighter rogue) with some very very minor adjustments here and there. I even encountered the same bug that made me alt f4 and waste 2 days in game time at the SSS bridge repair interaction. Heres hoping obsidian approves it Shoutout to Victor Creed & jaggedjimmayjay82 for helping me figure the dragul sss fight, and ofcourse tenray since i basically copied his strat!
    1 point
  19. They have something called Monster Play, where you can be a Warg, Orc, and some other baddies. I haven't played much with it, I think it is more of a PvP type option. https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Monster_Play_Character It's really more geared towards following in the footsteps of the Fellowship and cleaning up all their messes.
    1 point
  20. Yep, very soloable. I've played it off and on for over a decade and rarely group with anyone.
    1 point
  21. Not quite, nobody is dumb enough to mistake one of those hornets for a bee. They're trying to do things like poison the hornets, but there are so many more 'normal' wasps and bees than the 2(!) confirmed murder hornets in Washington State that they are, of course, ending up poisoning pretty much anything else instead.
    1 point
  22. Without that scene we would have never gotten this: Everything else is interpreting way too much into Lucas' intentions. He just wanted a flashy fight scene.
    1 point
  23. I think there is an important information that is missing in this thread. It might be obvious but since I discovered it very recently, some others might be unaware too. SPIRITSHIFT IS CANCELLABLE by hitting shift button by clicking again on the current form icon. This is useful for any druid but obviously much more important for shifters. You can even use the shifts for self-Healing. I don't know how I could have ignored it till now. Probably because I never needed to cancel Spiritshfit. Honnestly, it changes everything. The subclass almost feels like a strict upgrade from animist, especially because of its very solid free Spell list.
    1 point
  24. So after looking though this, yes I can do this and I really like the idea. I do not have enough time to get it done before my next release this Friday due to work, life etc. I am going to create this as a separate MOD add-on, it will require the main files from my MOD but can be downloaded separately at players discretion. My goal is to have this done and published by 5/19/2020. I have a book titled Ring Of Winter https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/The_Ring_of_Winter_(novel) I am going to create a ring based on this lore and your idea. I was mulling over adding another ring into the MOD so I will have this done and published to the Nexus with the next release in 2 days. Something like this: +2 Frost power levels +2 illusion PL -1 Resolve OR weakness resolve afflictions / Possibly Enchant recipe to remove penalty Spell Like Ability 'Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar" Once per encounter OR once per day
    1 point
  25. Thank you for this information!
    1 point
  26. Impressed by Epic's engineers. Hm, I guess game's disk footprints are going to be colossal.
    1 point
  27. Amazon Fresh finally works again in my area. They're often out of stock on "my" stuff but at least when you order you can get a delivery day (usually next day) instead of no slot available at all. Yay? Been trying to increase my strength/toning exercise again. My weight is still fine but past couple years I've totally become a wet noodle re: muscle tone/strength. Darnit I am so lazy now.
    1 point
  28. Well then you see how much a .NET expert I am ! Actually did learn that last week, I guess it didn't stick, will have to see if I could have used that somehow. I'm just glad my code didn't get rejected because my spacing was too much or, God forbid, I put comments.
    1 point
  29. Apparently because I can add null checking in a module, I am a .NET expert. I sense my company is desperate for any competency.
    1 point
  30. ^ When I was a younger man and still had hair on my head, I used to try to make the strongest character I could, then I had an epiphany; I came to the realization that many of my most enjoyable RPG experiences (pnp and vidya game) came from flawed and/or unusual characters. Since then I've almost always favored sticking to a concept over trying to get the biggest and best numbers. I create a backstory and concept in my head and then pick stats, skills, perks, etc that fit with the concept, regardless of how useful or efficient the build is. After many long hours, I have cleared a Split sector of Xenon invaders in X4. In total, I destroyed 4 Xenon stations and 1 that was just starting to get built (nip that bud right then and there), 4 destroyers, 8 or 9 frigates, a dozen or so fighters and scouts, and countless defense drones. The only real threat to me were the destroyers. Xenon K Destroyers have massive firepower, more than my Odysseus Destroyer. However, they are slow and have really poor maneuverability, even for a capital ship. Plus, my destroyer's main guns have superior range to any of the K's weapons. So it was all about being patient and smart, outmaneuvering the K and shooting it from a safe distance while is sloooooooowly turned to face me. I made a ****ton of money and rep for my heroic deeds (no brave NPCs ran interference for me this time, it was all me). I even sniped a few passing Xenon fighters on my way to the Zyarth Patriarchy shipyard after it was done. I swapped out all the turrets on the destroyer for split models. Same type of weapon, same damage, but Split turrets, while less armored, have significantly faster turn speed, which helps them track fighters better. While there I contemplated buying a Split Rattlesnake Destroyer, I had just enough to afford one with minimal equip. Ultimately, I resisted temptation and invested in some station module blueprints and decided to expand my HQ, investing for future profitssss. My HQ previously had a solar power plant (this should be your first production module on any station, energy cells are used in almost everything) and a Teladianium (Teladi alloy) foundry which used ore (collected by a mining ship I bought from the conveniently placed asteroid field near my HQ) and energy cells. I'm currently adding a silicon refinery (I'll add a second miner if the one I already have can't keep up on mining both silicon and ore), a refined metals forge (non-Teladi specific alloys), a smart chip factory (uses silicon wafers and energy cells), and a scanning arrays factory (silicon wafers, refined metals, energy cells). That will give me a self-sufficient production facility that produces 2 intermediate wares to sell (Teladianium and Smart Chips) and one high-tech ware to sell (Scanning Arrays). It will take a while to recoup the investment, but it will be worth it in the long run.
    1 point
  31. Yeah, I remember you took the socialite etiquette skill because it fit your character even though I'm not sure it was ever used. Sorry for the double post but couldn't get it to combine satisfactorily on my phone.
    1 point
  32. Better call the electrician back, he messed up your posts.
    1 point
  33. Hi, I think that the game sold less mainly because: the main story (less inspired) and the pirates setting that maybe seems strange related to the lore of poe. Surely there is also some marketing /communication aspect involved and that were coming out other similar pc games. As my personal opinion about the game I would say that: I found the ship system and the "open world" exploration boring. I think that whit the poe1 map you can focus more on story and progression (related to main story problem). combat system and mechanics I think that are good and multiclassing is interesting and funny. I don't like resting with food because is too easy and also the empowering mechanics for me is not adding anything. I also don't like that you really don't need healer classes. In the end I would say that when I replayed the game I liked it more than the first time because I was focusing less on story and more on combat. So in the end I completely loved poe1 instead poe2 was a really good game but that couldn't hit me as the first one but I still think that the game deserved more copies sold. I still hope for a Poe3 with the best about the poe1 and 2 that could reach all the rtcwp fan base. Sorry for my English cause I'm not a native speaker.
    1 point
  34. I saw this thread and got excited there was a new development... Prior to selling Obsidian to Microsoft. Feargus mentioned they wanted to make PoE3. Interest was also expressed of using the IP for other sorts of games, I think the obvious and mentioned extension is an Elder Scrolls competitor. I say something akin the the following it in every thread speculating on the IPs future. They should make a proper PoE3 before going beyond. It will help tie off the established arc, and allow them to segue the world towards the future of the series. These games are cheaper than a AAA title, it will take a lot of work catching up with The Elder Scrolls and in the mean time they shouldn't let the IP fallow. Doing PoE3 would be good practice to handing the series over to a director other than Josh, who seems to want to work on Pillars as more of a creative designer than a director going forward. It will keep the creative pipe-line of Obsidian busy as the engine people of Microsoft help prepare for a fully 3D title. Lastly it will allow the series to grow in expose prior to delving into more expensive and riskier ventures by growing the exposure. Imagine a PoE3 with a proper Microsoft ad campaign. Deadfire had almost no exposure. Never mind the shear amount of good will for taking their time to turn the Pillars ship before squeezing Obsidian into alignment with the Microsoft Studios machine. A AAA Pillars could perfectly straddle the line between old and new Obsidian fans, but they need to play their cards right.
    1 point
  35. So I'm doing his main quest to retrieve his data from the outlaws. I betrayed Cassandra after agreeing to help her but shot her in the back. Also got Porter to leave peacefully. I'm trying to either turn in the data to Anton or keep it, however as I'm roleplaying as a total d-bag, I want to convince Anton to kill himself. However I don't get the persuade options that other players seem to get, despite my persuade skill being 50+. And I keep reloading to different points trying to remedy this, and I either gain certain dialogue options but lose others? Like I can't seem to tell him about the " Black marks and paperwork " in response to Jameson's death in one save, but in another I can. Like wth is happening? My stats are high enough and I've been a jerk to him the entire time, what's going on?
    1 point
  36. I stopped playing. I'm not sacrificing my experience just to get past. There's no lack of good games to play instead. I'll come back to it if they fix it.
    1 point
  37. When will there be a fix to this MAIN MISSION? I wouldn't be as concerned if this were an issue with a side mission. I opened dialogue with Nyoka and did not respond correctly to open the side mission to collect the pills. Now my game is stuck. I cannot complete any further dialogue with Nyoka and the pill lady won't give the side mission. Total brick wall. Any ideas when this will be patched, or if the dev's are even working on it? Extremely frustrating.
    1 point
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