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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/20 in all areas

  1. My son asked to play Lord of the Rings Online, so I decided to join him. I am letting him play my old account with my level 100 captain, so I decided to start from scratch. It's still just a fantastic bit of world building they managed to pull off. I love how alive the zones are. I think we'll just enjoy exploring the Bree-lands and Shire together.
    2 points
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/385 Well, not true New Game Plus... but it lets you start the game at lv20 with all unique items. With level-scaling actually being a thing, I imagine it would be fun to try all the late late-game loot from the DLCs for a whole playthrough! Can be activated in ongoing playthroughs, which I imagine would be convenient for playtesting. "The experience and items will be granted through a script that fires whenever a map, other than the intro sequence, is loaded. To clarify: you won't be granted the experience or items until after you've exited the cabin in the intro scene. The script will only fire once per playthrough, so you can keep it checked in the Mod Manager without issues. However, you might want to deactivate it afterwards, as not to trigger on other playthroughs. You might have to save and quit to main menu once after character creation before the script triggers."
    1 point
  3. "Materialism explained"
    1 point
  4. ^ Backyard barbeque cammies; you'll never see them coming when you light up that grill.
    1 point
  5. Tales of Zestiria, Tales of Vesperia.
    1 point
  6. Yakuza: Like a Dragon seems to be coming to PC.
    1 point
  7. Stealey is involved - https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-05-05-microprose-returns-after-two-decade-absence
    1 point
  8. I'll come back to it Anyone ever played SR:HK with mods? Saw some overhaul thing I'm considering trying out
    1 point
  9. This was brilliant by the way. I really appreciated this mod! I paired this with Deadly Deadfire and it's been a blast.
    1 point
  10. http://ja2v113.pbworks.com/w/page/4218334/Downloads ? Mirror #1 for the main release still seems to work, while you can use a wayback machine link for its patch: https://web.archive.org/web/20150429185030/http://kermi.pp.fi/JA_2/v1.13_Releases/Official/English/v7435/Update/JA2_113_UpdateForRelease7435_English_7609.exe
    1 point
  11. If it can be any help, I had trouble with antiviruses trying to mess with the loading time / Access to saved games. Leaving the game out of their dirty hands improved my experience in a significant manner. EDIT : good synchro
    1 point
  12. I don't know. Your aggressive tone, however, does not help you, nor does it encourage anyone to help you. And really, "thousands"? Without checking, I am inclined to be absolutely certain that you are wrong. Please show me the link to 50 posts that describe your problem. That's a start, but you're still at least 1950 (that's something like 97.5%) short from what you are claiming.
    1 point
  13. Sure. With my pc I have just finished playing Metro Exodus without any problem, and now it is not able to run a 2D game. There are thousands of posts in the various forums that describe my own problem, do we all have problems with our PCs?
    1 point
  14. Started a fresh game of JA2 (v1.12) I tried in vain to find a version of v1.13 that would run with the GOG version on Windows 10. I could find working links for builds up to 4552 or so, but that one crashes badly. There are newer builds available I think, but the links I could find so far (including on the Bear Pit forums) are all leading to no longer existing pages Ah well, 1.12 with tons of guns and sci-fi is fun to
    1 point
  15. Get Even seemingly has you go through memories(?), much like the Animus in AssCreed, via a device that's like a VR headset strapped to your face. If I'm reading it right, it's one of those what's real and what isn't deals. You apparently play a guy named Cole Black (why do video game characters always have to have the most facepalm names?) who was a drug addict and became an assassin. At the beginning of the game you are apparently trying to rescue a girl who is being held hostage and has a bomb strapped to her chest because reasons. You find the girl and try to diffuse the bomb and KABOOM(?) Then **** gets weird(er). It's confusing.
    1 point
  16. The Sis voice pack comes pre-installed with the base game. You just go into the audio options menu and slide the voices slider to 0%. The more important question: Who installs all of that but DOESN'T install a Steven Heck voice pack? I decided to take a bit of a break from X4 to play Get Even. It's from The Farm 51 and has mixed reviews from both journalists and gamers alike. I played Deadfall Adventures from these developers and that game was largely panned while I really really liked it; what can I say, I have weird tastes. Anyway, it's a FPS, but it's not just shooty shooty, the game is suppesed to be kind of a mind****.
    1 point
  17. I think this might be the wrong way to look at Gromnir's and I's positions on the matter, though I obviously can only really speak for myself. The argument that I have previously and specifically taken issue with is the overly simplistic equating of the two parties, their leaders, and where they are going right now. It would be so easy, especially as someone who doesn't like either parties or its leader, to do that - but that's intellectually and morally (I feel) lazy to me, which is why I have argued against doing that. Whether or not that leads to somebody else wanting to vote one way or another is a different matter entirely - just the fact that they're not exactly the same does not mean anyone is obligated to vote for them, and I don't think I ever made that argument. As for personally you (or anyone else), it's whatever - at least you engaged with the process (...if I remember correctly anyways, I'm pretty sure you did). Keep in mind that I come from a younger generation than yourself, and I have grown so incredibly weary of dummies closer to my age group who will not bother with the primaries, then complain that they utterly despise Trump and also don't like Hillary/Biden very much and why should they vote for someone they don't like or feels represents them, as if the older generations are responsible for choosing a candidate that represents those who by and large didn't and don't vote. The primary, to me, is more important than the actual general, but so many - too many - people don't see it that way. I think anybody that votes in the primary pretty much already did their job, and aren't obligated to engage further if a candidate they do not find morally reprehensible didn't emerge - not in this laughably awful first-past-the-post, two-party system anyways. People who didn't bother to vote in the primary and then complain that both choices suck should have their brains violently and gruesomely dashed against the rocks for their crimes of utter cluelessness. Fortunately for them, their shortsightedness and almost certain stupidity is not actually a capital-punishment level crime.
    1 point
  18. Taking the chaos spawn out for a walk: Ogre enforcing social distancing:
    1 point
  19. Sure, if you take resources into account. But if it's simply about "what you would like to have" then I can see zero reasons to not vote for both. If they keep the Deadfire engine then delivering both modes shouldn't be a huge problem resource-wise (or so I would guess) since the foundations (and more) would have been laid already. If the question was "What would you prefer? TB or RTwP" then this would be a different beast of course. I personally think a PoE3 needs RTwP - just to be a coherent experience as a sequel. But I would welcome a TB game with the Pillars IP (which is not a sequel to PoE/Deadfire) very much as well. I don't need multiplayer at all. But if it helps selling more copies and makes more players happy while it doesn't mar the single player experience too much: why not? More sold copies might more than balance out the increased resource cost.
    1 point
  20. After toying around with the idea of a true one-hand dueling build for the player who wants some Riposting musketeer / spellblade flavor here is my Friday and Saturday evening results. Adding to next release of MOD which is scheduled for 5/15/2020. Rapier- Best or Pierce / Slash damage- Restricted to main hand only Holding a weapon or shield in the off-hand will cancel Duelers Bolero and Grandmaster's Flamenco. May dial down Duelers Bolero and Grandmasters Flamenco by 5%. Need to test on POTD.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Started watching the South Korean show Kingdom yesterday. It started slow but then turned out to be pretty good. Now I can't stop watching it.
    1 point
  23. New Morning Star for next release Aft Sweeper Can enchant to remove -1 dex penalty Ability Mighty Blow 1/per rest Cone attack , push enemies 5m and knock Prone for 2 seconds causes interrupt. New cloak built on request Grants Soul Torture 1/ per rest- equivalent to level 9 wizard spell Cloak of Death
    1 point
  24. Most likely its function is to decrease the status effect inflicted by 1 increment. The opposite of weakness which I tested So enfeebled turns down to weakened, Inflicting weaken will cause sickened and inflicting sickened is probably nullified.
    1 point
  25. Transformers, more than meets the eye. Alternatively, play Emerson Lake and Palmer while viewing the above gif.
    1 point
  26. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/388 Just finished a mod with affliction keywords for everything but sickened and weakened. The big deal here is that it affects the status effect, where other mods affect the abilities. This overwrites all non-expansion afflictions listed, so it has to be used as a base. Other mods that change any afflictions won't have the keywords, so they'll neutralize this part of my mod. Any other keywords that would be cool?
    1 point
  27. Maybe it can help a little
    1 point
  28. KOTOR2 is crashing a lot so going to take a break with either SR:HK or P:Kingmaker
    0 points
  29. A beloved corpse is reanimated apparently -https://www.microprose.com/news/microprose-is-back#
    0 points
  30. Ah, Americans https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/michigan-prosecutor-charges-three-relation-fatal-shooting-related-face
    0 points
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