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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/20 in all areas

  1. This is the Police is a pretty entertaining one, you manage the officers and send them out on calls. It's not quite the same tone as Brooklyn 99 though. I may have let the job of being a police chief corrupt me. It starts with a little bribe to look the other way so that your buddy can get out of debt, and it may have ended with me taking out a hit on an officer that decided to squeal to the IA.
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. I was just surprised that he posted something that listed Taiwan as a separate country.
    3 points
  4. I couldn't imagine why Iceland and its 50 inhabitants are doing so well
    3 points
  5. This is essentially a free 2-ish hour demo for the game coming out in a few months, It's unremarkable, but perfectly functional turn-based cRPG. Check it out if you're looking to kill a couple hours.
    2 points
  6. If you want to play a streetfighter I recommend you to have a SC priest in your party who can cast on you Barring Death's Door+Salvation of Time as early as possible or else it will be painful. You can pick SC streetfighter and spam Gambit at high level or streetfighter/soul blade and spam Soul Annihilation from start to the end or streetfighter/helwalker who has a chance to attack again on crits. The SC rogue and the monk perform poorly against enemies with high defenses or crit to hit conversion. The streetfighter/soul blade has the highest melee dps (is not dependent on crits) and is effective from the start (at the beginning you can also build him more tanky and play like a regular rogue while still doing good dps); at high level you can have also fun with Disintegration and cast Brilliant on your priest...
    2 points
  7. Those should be multiclasses of course. The paladin adds tanking/healing, the chanter adds great support for the party (passive healing, buffs, summons), the cipher offers also some great buffs (Pain Block, Ancestor's Memory, Tactical Meld) and CCs, while the priest adds Barring Death's Door and Salvation of Time besides other buffs/heals. With them in your party you can deal smoothly with any encounter in the game. After that, you can have up to 6 other classes in your party which can be whatever you want.
    2 points
  8. Wow, old bump. So basically Obsidian's Mass Effect. We could use a good Space-Opera RPG to rival the ME series... Yeah, to me ME1 was the more interesting game, simply because it asked you to buy into the RP mechanics even if they were simple. They tactical squad commands were essential to wining many encounters, you couldn't just gun things down on your own. ME2 was probably better for it's tighter gameplay, but instead of opening up more tactics it just became a third person shooter with a branching non-linear story and customizable character loadouts. I can't remember the last "GOOD" Space-opera/Cosmic/Solar/Space cRPG... I guess you have things Stasis but that's only half-way there.
    2 points
  9. The soul blade/rogue has a specific synergy with the Sun and Moon flail and Toutilo's Palm shield (which I recommend using at least until you get Barring Death's Door) because it will increase your survivability without sacrificing your dps. The flail hits twice which allows you to gain focus during Soul Annihilation and you can spam it over and over again (besides the raw dmg you gain the PL dmg bonus, concentration with every hit and you can interrupt on crits). Because Soul Annihilation is a primary attack you will use only your flail, while the Toutilo's Palm will cut your recovery like if you were using two weapons (besides adding more defense and a chance to riposte). With Salvation of Time you can still use the same combo and benefit also from 50 deflection bonus from Escape for a higher chance to trigger ripostes (from the rogue/shield) which translate in more focus and damage. Using two weapons is of course possible, but then you will have to alternate between Soul Annihilation and other abilities/normal hits in order to gain focus. Using 2h weapons works also very well and with the Whispers of the Endless Paths you can hit with Soul Annihilation multiple targets for great AoE damage. For the stats you should keep in mind that once you have Barring Death's Door con/res become useless (thus you should lower them as much as you're comfortable with). The important stats to max are in that order : per>mig>dex and the rest in int. Ideal race is human (accuracy/dmg bonuses while bloodied).
    1 point
  10. Don't worry, these days there's an overlap between funny and political.
    1 point
  11. It's a dead horse at this point, let the idiots at Bethesda keep it. How about, you know, expanding on The Outer Worlds? Which, imo, is better than Fallout, as Tim Cain, lead designer of both games, agrees.
    1 point
  12. Can't wait to see how loose he is being this time.
    1 point
  13. Parkinson's dyskinesia mechanism explained My Mum was an artist who acquired Parkinson's when she was older, and so had to stop working. It's a helpless feeling not being able to fix that, or counter the effects of the medication. Hopefully they can develop better treatments now.
    1 point
  14. Police Simulator games, there are several but I've never played any. 2 looks more like what you're describing. Saw a recommendation for Keep the Peace but it looks like one of those forever early access games. Police Tactics: Imperio but it has a rather low score on Steam.
    1 point
  15. @Gfted1 you have inspired me. Today I'm walking down to the river to go fishing. Maybe I'll find some grubs, nightcrawlers, or crickets along the way to use for bait. If not the good ol' beetle spin never fails. Well... sometimes it does.
    1 point
  16. In case people missed it:
    1 point
  17. Our government is both patting themselves on the back and running a major gaslighting campaign. After watching Ischgl (Tyrol as a whole) export Corona literally everywhere else in the name of money tourism they issued a massive lockdown order with edicts that were (or rather, are going to be ruled) unconsititutional, gave law enforcement a carte blanche to harrass people as they please and now they're pretending that the orders were never meant to intrude upon private meetings or people's ability to go places as long as they keep the distance rules. It's ridiculous. Up until last week the police was forcefully breaking up private gatherings and issuing heavy fines and now we're supposed to believe that there never was a government mandated order to not go visit your friends and family? That they appealed to our better sense and everyone just stuck to it? Several incidents of law enforcement breaking up private parties and heavily fining participants. People were accosted by the police for being outside all by themselves, fines given for other people passing by because distance. My neighbor was harrassed while she was waiting for her train to come after having to go to work, even with a permit. People with a holiday or weekend home were expressedly forbidden from going there (so how does that work if I'm allowed to drive around as long as I'm alone and I can do what I like at home?). Sure, there are bastards in the police and I suppose a bunch of them were using the situation to assert and exercise their power over the common man, but, yeah. They just acted like that because they wanted to, right? Not because that came down from the top. Riiiiiiiiiight. Sure. Here's to hoping courts will see right through this charade and people hopefully won't be deterred from suing the manure out of the bastards. We get it, the lockdown was deemed necessary to contain the disease after reacting way too slowly after watching Italy for a while, and it might as well have been. Who knows. Hindisight is 20/20 and all that stuff, but really... just grow a spine and admit to messing it up. Sheesh.
    1 point
  18. South Africa from 1/05/2020 has relaxed our initial level 5 restrictions to level 4, that means there is certain things we can now do like walking, cycling and jogging between 6am-9am only I just went for my first real exercise in 6 weeks, a brisk and scenic 1 hour walk up to Table Mountain and back. I thought I would be much more unfit than I was and it went fine. I am going to include this routine every second day until the gyms are open again and safe to use
    1 point
  19. Shadowdancer (Rogue/Monk) is a good multiclass in terms of damage. With Blunderbusses (and the weapon proficiency) it's very easy to get your Streetfighter flanked (via distraction) without actually getting flanked by enemies. But since Monk and Rogue both have abilities which help with movement (Long Stride, Flagellant's Path, Escape) it's also no big problem with melee weapons. Single Class Rogue can get the abilities "Vanishing Strikes" and "Gambit" which are very good if you build towards them (in case of Vanishing Strikes that means Backstab and maxed INT as well as everything that prolongs duration, Gambit wants high ACC and crit conversion). That will take some time though. On the road towards Power Level 8/9 (where you'll get those two abilities) it will be less exciting than a Shadowdancer.
    1 point
  20. Apropos nothing, has there been any hubbub about a new Due Sex (I know that's not how it's pronounced) game? Mankind Divided came out about 4 years ago and I haven't heard anything.
    1 point
  21. Oooops. Yeah, until they patch the game, I'd advise against ironman. You could try to friendly fire kill your team which will cause the mission to restart.
    1 point
  22. SpaceX aces final parachute test ahead of historic May 27 crew launch.
    1 point
  23. On my second playthrough of Chimera Squad (the investigations change slightly based on the order you play them in and what Dark Event you choose to prevent). I think the main problem I have with the game is that devs do not understand how repetition makes things stand out. When you head out to a mission, the squad rides out in an APC. The way the parking spot is modeled makes that maneuver by the APC pretty much impossible - basically the non visible side of the APC must be clipping through walls. On mission return they play the clip backward, which makes the parking painfully unrealistic. Now if those videos were only played a couple of times, most people wouldn't give it that much thought. Most likely my initial thought "Heh, that APC drives the way I do in Saints Row" is as far as I would have gotten. But I have seen it over 50 times in my first playthrough. Over 50 times leaving the base, over 50 times returning. That is when the "little things" have the time to stand out. If you will have players stare at a specific video repeatedly, more than anything else in the game, then you shouldn't cut corners there. Same with the writing. Whisper (the not-Bradford of the game) is written as the person who tries hard to build team moral. He tries to strengthen camaraderie, is friendly and jovial. He also is the person who does mission briefings, which means this joviality is part of every mission. At the same time, one of the starting squaddies, and the game's only dedicated healer is also the team's joker. Terminal is just one joke after the other. But as she is someone everyone will have on their team, and because her levity will be part of her interaction with every otherwise not funny character, it upsets the balance. The game's writing is fine. The story is fine. The characters are fine. But the devs didn't consider how much facetime certain aspects would have and how all that would interact with everything else.
    1 point
  24. Disable JavaScript. Anyway, the article is garbage, so the paywall may be actually protecting you from losing a few IQ points. Through liberal cherry-picking -Malaysia, Singapore* and Indonesia are all conveniently left out of the "analysis" as is, most glaringly, Belgium- and by connecting the dots by means of "with this therefore because of this" you can draw any conclusion you want, backed by "data", no matter how absurd. The piece is just a glorified blog post -- neither news nor rigorous analysis. And people actually pay to read this tripe? *Singapore's HoS is a woman, but her role is largely ceremonial (sexist pigs!); the HoG is a man.
    1 point
  25. Fun Fact: The Sierra text parser is where I honed my (laughable) typing skills as a wee lad. I can still type "open door" with a swiftness you would not believe.
    1 point
  26. Glad to see some of these games are still alive. edit: So this video is an investigative reporting on the development status of various as games "that seemingly vanished" IGN always with the **** titles....
    1 point
  27. Also for next release Maces are not used often. Here is one worth using. New Warhammer
    1 point
  28. I made Placki Ziemniaczane (Polish Potato Pancakes) Not much to it, it's just finely grated potatoes, finely grated onion, and eggs to bind. Salt, pepper, and paprika to season and chives and parsley to garnish. Simple and delicious.
    1 point
  29. Konstanten and Fassina can hook up and it's pretty sweet (coming from somebody who usually groans and yawns when romances in games come up).
    1 point
  30. This is peculiar. When I started POE1, I quite obviously knew nothing about the ruleset. I played the game on the Classic mode (or Normal or whatever the name was: the not easy and not hard mode anyway), and there was nothing impossible about the game. The bear encounter in the cave was too difficult to do alone and at low level, but the guy who told me about the cave did explicitly say that to me as well. So I went back later at a higher level and with a bigger group and did just fine. The first Forest Lurker encounter was very difficult, but again: I retreated and came back later. After a certain point, the only thing that was really difficult was the Adra Dragon. I also didn't find the ruleset hard to learn or unintuitive, but this is of course very subjective.
    1 point
  31. Recently during the latest Inside Xbox that aired on April 7th, 2020, we announced the Grounded will be available through Xbox Game Preview on Xbox One, Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Game Pass for PC, Microsoft Store, and Steam Early Access on July 28th! To help you prepare, feel free to check out the episode on YouTube. Right after that episode, we also livestreamed some single-player gameplay for your viewing pleasure! Also, if you haven't signed up for the Xbox Insider Program, now is the time to do so as we will be starting an Insider flight soon, as in May... who knows. How to sign up for the Xbox Insider Program: You can also wishlist the game on Steam: Lastly, don't forget to follow us on our social! Discord Twitter Facebook Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more information heading your way over the upcoming months!
    1 point
  32. No. You clearly want different things from your RPGs - and that’s fine. Different strokes and all that. If PoE hasn’t appealed to you by this point, it’s probably time to move on.
    1 point
  33. Imgur is acting up again, not finding my images. No Mordheim today.
    0 points
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