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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/20 in all areas

  1. A guy walks into Barnes and Noble to buy a book about turtles. After a little walking around with no luck, he decides to ask the girl behind the desk if they have any. "Hardback?" she asks. He doesn't hesitate: "Yeah," he says. "And they bury their eggs in the sand."
    4 points
  2. Got up early and turned the garden soil then cut the rows. That wasn't hard work because I have a small tractor. Now comes planting. That kind of sucks. And I'm kind of procrastinating
    3 points
  3. Coolest by a country mile was the Su-47, especially with the prototype's colour scheme. Backwings just look awesome even if they aren't really practical. There's a fairly well known plane rebuilder at the nearest aerodrome to where I live and they did mock attack runs on me during flight testing for one of their Mosquito rebuilds (I was spraying gorse and they obviously decided a red ute parked at the top of a hill made an obvious and safe target). Pretty memorable experience, but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end if it were for real.
    3 points
  4. This is key, and the ultimate source of all my discontent. Everything in the game that I don't like ultimately seems to go back to MP. The game seems to me to be designed and built firstly for MP, where all major design decisions have been made with MP in mind first and foremost. Yes one can play the game SP, but MP is how one is *supposed* to play it. And that is a problem for me, maybe even a deal-breaker.
    3 points
  5. How is it affecting him? Skin? Eyes? Benadryl works pretty well on dogs for short term use. 1 mg per pound of body weight.
    2 points
  6. But you have two wonderful dogs, so it all evens out in the end.
    2 points
  7. Ding ding ding! The post has gained all 7 forum reactions! Stay awesome, fellas.
    2 points
  8. I recommend you ascendant/ghost heart with bear pet (the pet can become a burden sometimes). Elf with 19mig/dex/per, 15int, 3con/res (if you feel confident) or 19per,15mig/dex/int, 11con,3res if you want to be a little sturdier and background Scientist/Mystic/Scholar. For bows you have Frostseeker (main weapon) and Essence Interrupter (second weapon). (Veil Piercer and Aamina's Legacy are also worth mentioning because they can give better results in some fights. ) For the rest: - armor - High Harbinger Robes/Fleshmender/Changeling's Mantle - head - Acina's Tricorn/Thaos' Headdress (Horns of the Aurochs*) - neck - Torc of the Falcon's Eyes/Charm of Bones/Elewys' Locket - back - Three Trolls Stiched (Rekvu's Scoarched Cloak*) - rings - Ring of the Marksman + Ring of Prosperity's Fortune/Chameleon's Ring - belt - Sash of Judgement (Belt of Magran's Chosen*) - boots - Boots of the Stone/Footprints of Ahu Taka - pet - Harley * Using Frostseeker will summon very often a fire elemental if you wear the Belt of Magran's Chosen. If you have Rekvu's Cloak activated the elemental will heal you instead and also give you another 10% cold dmg (Horns of the Auroch). The fire elemental can be used also to buff yourself (Borrowed Instinct, Body Attunement, Wild Leech...) For skills pick metaphysics (For Essence Interrupter) and arcana (for Avenging Storm). For abilities Eyestrike+Marked Prey, Lingering Echoes, Fast Runner, Marksman, Biting Whip, Two Handed Style, Phantom Foes, Hammering Thoughts, Evasive Roll, Marked for the Hunt, Psychovampiric Shield, Pain Block, Protective Companion, Stalker's Link, Resilient Companion, Driving Flight, Borrowed Instinct, Tough, Tactical Meld, The Empty Soul, Survival of the Fittest, Improved Critical, Disintegration, Echoing Horror, Evasive Fire, Ancestor's Memory.
    2 points
  9. Posting this here since we often discuss education in this thread:
    2 points
  10. Wow, that was brutal encounter, Enuhal. Glad you made it through!
    2 points
  11. Fourth Update: Iacchus, the Pale Elf Wizard - Randomly Generated Party Challenge, PotD This one is interesting, mostly because of my own incompetence and bad memory about certain encounters. Almost lost the run here. Anslög's Compass involves one big fight against xaurips, including against priests, champions and skirmishers. I was ready for that one, had Raiden and Alkyone eat some food and drink some beer. The enemy backline was disabled and weakened via slicken and chill fog while Aurora started buffing up the party with Inspiring Radiance, Blessing and Armor of Faith: Predictably, Raiden got stunned by the xaurip skirmisher, greatly weakening his defenses: While this did result in him getting knocked out and the skirmisher moving on to Aurora, my damagedealing melee fighters, Alkyone and Surya, were able to quickly take down our enemies one by one: Isolated, the lonely skirmisher stood no chance: So - this obviously isn't the encounter where we got close to death. "But Enuhal", I might hear you say - "This is clearly the hardest encounter on the map!" Well, yes. I even rested after that one, to make sure i was prepared for anything coming my way. However, I managed to screw up to the south of the xaurip camp by pulling a truly unneccessary number of guls for no real reason. First, I just engaged one of the vessels and took it down. Next, I encountered a group of 3-4 of them. Fine - not too easy, but nothing my party wouldn't be able to handle. But, as I was setting up Alkyone to flank the guls from the east, she added three more foes into the mix - they were waiting just out of sight, and I didn't notice. They all swarmed her, and with her weak defenses, she was an easy target - so we lost our best damage dealer, and as you can see in the screenshot, my general positioning is terrible - Raiden is supposed to take most of the hits, but he's barely getting attacked: Breaking engagement with anyone seemed way too risky, though, so my goal was to deal as much damage as possible before everyone got knocked out. We quickly lost Surya and Aurora, but Iacchus and Numitor started spamming Fan of Flames, taking down some of our foes: Not even arcane veil was enough to keep the swarmed Numitor alive, though. Raiden and Iacchus were left standing. At this point, I realized that Raiden has great reflex defenses due to his stats and his weapon-and-shield style and just started casting spells directly at him, allowing Iacchus to hit more guls - still, it wasn't enough. Raiden got knocked out, and it was Iacchus - who was out of spells - against three guls. I saw no choice but to try and run. Two guls had engaged the Watcher at this point, but their disengagement attacks only grazed him: You can see one gul, belonging to the eastern group, already turning around at this point. A second one soon followed, but the third gul persisted - it was already near death. Iacchus had to stand and fight against this last foe - since he's not exactly good at that, at least not without spells, I had to activate both of his arcane veils to ensure his survival - but he prevailed: As it turned out, the two guls who didn't follow Iacchus ran out of sight of my remaining knocked out party members - so everyone was able to get up again! That was a close one! I rested, and actually only found on of the two guls in the morning, as I was hoping to get my revenge. No idea what happened to the other. In any case, I still had to clear the spore cave. Not too difficult, though I once again got Alkyone into an awkward position when pulling the party back to isolate the sporelings: I really have to work on that. Luckily, the dank spores were easy to defeat, as Raiden blocked their confusion attacks with the hermit hat: Returning back to Gilded Vale got my party to a much needed level 3. Raiden picked defender (not sure if that's a good choice at this point, to be honest), Alkyone got reckless assault. Numitor learned Bewildering Spectacle and Fetid Caress. I spent some gold on more food and swapping around wizard spells (having two wizards means that I get access to a wide variety, as they can exchange parts of their grimoires, but there's a lot of copper involved). Let's hope that Magran's Fork is less stressful, though there's a very dangerous group of boars to deal with around there.
    2 points
  12. Night of the Living Loading Times: You wait for five minutes, then a jump scare happens, then you wait for another five minutes. The more you save the tenser it gets. It's going to be waity. Just wait for it.
    2 points
  13. Astarta, Moon Godlike Cipher (PotD Solo): Entry 2, Defiance Bay Sidequests In my last post I shared Astarta's talent picks. They were Galant's Focus and Fast Runner. Some of you may be thinking: Hey! Those aren't cipher picks. You're right. And that makes sense. Because Astarta isn't a cipher. What I mean is she doesn't fight like a cipher- at least not in Defiance Bay. My rogues, Astrid and Alia, were expert weapons wielders who rarely used weapons. Likewise, Astarta is a cipher who rarely uses cipher powers. In the early/mid-game, item charges and scrolls are so powerful that they crowd out swings of weapons and such. By the time you've summoned your shades, dropped your Touch of Rots, and called your beetles, there isn't much left to do, really. Whispers of Treason is nice, since it gives enemies a target in between summons, but that, too, can be cast via item. What's a cipher to do? Astarta decided to run with it. Why not? In the early mid-game, Astarta was basically Alia + Silver Tide. Even their base accs were virtually identical at 30 and 29, thanks to Galant's Focus. And Astarta had one more advantage over Alia beyond Silver Tide: she had a movement rate bonus via Fast Runner. So, yeah: proven strategy plus passive healing and a movement rate bonus? Astarta wasn't going to die here. She had a free pass to L7. First things first:the de rigueur fetch quest binge- Something Secret, Brave Derrin, Rogue Knight, At All Costs and Unwanted. We did Never Far from the Queen, too, using stealth and intimidation. We took Ring of Deflection and Fenwalkers for our Catacombs random loot items. Helig was our first fight. We were at L5. We didn't have the Rotfinger Gloves yet, but we had picked up the Obsidian Lamp, using Gloves of Manipulation + Fletcher's + Gjefa. We opened with the Obsidian Lamp. Helig is doomed. You can see that I've cast Psychovampiric Shield here. I did that mostly because I like the name. Ask me what I want for Christmas and I'll say "A Psychovampiric Shield, please!" I'd like to say that to an actual Santa: a mall Santa. Can you imagine? A grown woman sitting on a mall Santa's lap and asking for a Psychovampiric Shield? It would be great. I'd totally do it, except mall Santas are gross. Plus it's March. Anyhoo. As you probably guessed, the Psychovampiric Shield cast ended up being just as useless as a mall Santa. This room is big;they're slow; we're fast;we have a bow; they don't.But I'm glad I cast it nonetheless: the animation is neat, and it's always a good idea to test defensive spells in a safe environment. I'm pretty sure the shield was long gone when the vastly superior Mental Binding ended the fray. (Oh! That crit reminded me. We were rolling with Yenwood and Gaun's Share at this point, each wielded one handed. Why? They cover all three damage types; they're free; and they have defensive bonuses. We'll need to select our weapons with greater care soon, but we aren't there yet. For the super curious, Yenwood has a burning lash; Gaun's Share has corrosive and kith slaying.) After returning to Dalton, we picked up the Rotfinger Gloves and put down some thugs. Obsidian Lamp->Ring of Searing Flames->Rotfinger Gloves x 3->Whispers of Treason->Oaken Scarab. This battle was very simple. I've fought many just like it before. And yet it marked a turning point for me as a player. Something small happened that really changed my perspective. I guess I'll document the event first. We can go on to the navel gazing after that. The battle predictably wound down to one charmed thug and some allied beetles. These thugs regenerate, but with Silver Tide untriggered, her cipher powers at the ready, scrolls on hand and potions at her disposal there was no threat at all. And even in the worst of worst case scenarios, Astarta could have fallen back on her movement rate advantage. I wasn't worried in the least. I did get annoyed though. The beetles unsummoned, The thug engaged and when he did, interrupt became a problem. I knew this was a risk- Astarta does have a low Resolve, after all. But I hadn't prepared for that contingency. Those who know my BG play are aware that's very unlike me. We took more damage here than we needed to, more than I would have liked. That's when I started thinking. Since beginning PoE play I've been sort of coasting along, not analyzing, not studying- just picking up little tidbits here and there. I’ve been playing as if I already knew everything, like I’ve been with BG in recent years. But what I should be doing is playing like I played BG when I first started: as an active learner. I see why I fell into that trap. I’m not a gamer in general. I’m a BG player almost exclusively. And so I’m not accustomed to studying new games. I only did that once and that was years ago. But now it’s time for change. Now it’s time to turn my brain on. I think I’ll do that. Anyhoo. That was way longer than intended. The point is, I think I’m going to get better soon. Hooray for that! And hooray for dead xaurips! Seeking another level up, we backtracked to Guilded Vale. This is hardly worth discussing, but I kind of like this shot. The shades are targeting the priest, fyi. We finished with Mental Binding. Note the March Steel Dagger here. It’s fun to play with against low DR enemies. I’d sort of like to dual wield the Sword of Daenysis and the March Steel sometime. I don’t expect it to be great, but it could be fun in the early game We killed the bears next. We’ve charmed a young one. The shades are targeting the adult. Easy win. Ok. By now we had reached L6. We were ready for some caster battles. We started with Built to Last because Built to Last means Aru Brekker and Aru Brekker meant we could respecc. Here we can see the opening, along with food and drug buffs. The Arrow Trap was there because we still have two left over from the early game and they're actually kind of nice. 20-27, base. No acc penalty, only bonuses from Mech 4 up. That's a a solid free attack. We caught some debuffs here: hobbled and dazed. The durations were brief, but this annoyed me. I definitely intend to make the Ring of Unshackling a greater priority in future games. Dodwyna falls first, thank to triple Draining Freezes from the shades. Endgame. Have fun with that, Mr. Mercenary. How much did you get paid for this job? All Hands on Deck went smoothly. A few battle plan contingencies on display here. A charger, breaking off from the shades, catches a Whispers of Treason. We now keep Spirit Shields at the ready, having learned our less in Supply and Demand. By Two Story job I started to feel I had this battle plan down, with all contingencies in place. I don't expect drama or significant damage in fight like this going forward. Pre combat stats. We started working Deleterious Alacrity of Motion into the sequence here. Note the early Spirit Shield, taken due to positioning possibility of a charger peeling off and engaging. I don't expect to do that often, but it's something that should be available, if the situation demands. Crushed'em. We used Mental Binding in the closing. Speaker to the Restless was deployed as we built the requisite focus. Virtually no damage in this fight. With plenty of room to operate, we skipped the early Spirit Shield in The Parable of Wael. The shades are targetting Iben. Virtually no damage once again. In and of itself that doesn't matter: these are super-easy fights, even on PotD. But I can start to feel myself approaching battles with the same mindset I used in BG. I'm excited about that. It may not save Astarta, but it bodes well for runs to come. That's good. Best, A. Current Character Record and Inventory as we head off to Dyford. (Note the respec!)
    2 points
  14. ^ But will kids today even understand?
    2 points
  15. Astarta, Moon Godlike Cipher (PotD Solo): Entry 1, Caravan Camp to Caed Nua Three cheers for Caravan Camp! Oh how I love thee! There's beer and guns and fashionable clothes! What more could you need? Ok. So it's one beer. And that gun doesn't work. And those fashionable clothes were taken off a corpse. But, you know, we've all seen this place a zillion times and I'm desperate to make it interesting. So hooray for Caravan Camp! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! (Quick shout out to Chateau Irenicus: You'll always be the first...) Ok! Here's how Astarta killed things: Antipathetic Field is anything but pathetic. It has an insanely high power ceiling for an L1 ability. There's one problem with it though: it'll kill your friends. Thankfully, Astarta doesn't have any friends. We did more of that: killing things with the death ray, that it. But we did not avoid the game's first badge of incompetence: the wound of shame on Heodan. I'm beginning to think that having Heodan run around, doing naught but take disengagement attacks is less than ideal... Moving on! It still sucks to be Heodan. These oozes usually target Calisca, in my experience, but apparently Heodan's injury made him the jucier target. The question now is: will he survive? And yes! We gave the poor boy a hunting bow so he could stay out of harms way. He got his soul ripped apart by a machine instead of being eaten by spiders. That's better, right? At L2 we took Galant Focus: Acc matters in the early game and we're going to respec. So: we've made it to Guilded Vale. Soloists and readers alike: You know the early game drill. We went Boots of Steath on the roof: 20th; Gloves of Manipulation in the bedroom: 2nd; Ring of Searing Flames: 2nd. We didn't stick around for the Ring of Unshackling on the 4th but I kind of wished we had. Dungeon dwellers were nixed with Eyestrike->fine quarterstaff. Fun was had by all. After leaving Raedric's we used stealth for The Smith's Shipment, followed by beer and chi-chat in Against the Grain. You know zen koans? Those bizarre sometimes contradictory questions with unexpected answers? Well I have on for you. Question: When is failure a success? Answer: Durance! Our next fight was the skifty little Late for Dinner throwdown. I continue to enjoy this fight. I think isn't because I get to use traps. After opening combat with a war bow shot, we faded and then called our new buddy: Mr Amazing. We should have opened with Mr Amazing instead of the bow. Next time. Used the death ray to melt the outlaw while the other A dropped the bandit. As Marylin Manson once said: We're all stars now in the dope show. Gotta love the team work in this battle, amirite? Quickly now. Stealth for Buried Secrets. We leveled up here and took Fast Runner. Summons juke for the main hall. You know what that means: Maerwald will speak with you now. You know the fine wand over by Galawain's Shrine? And do you remember how we took Fast Runner? 2 + 2 means we're going to win this fight. We worked in some fineries, though. Like blocking the door with Mr. A. And duping Maewald into killing his spirit bro. We even got off a gratuitous cast of a questionable pick: Psychovampric Shield. If you're all: Hey, why not Llengrath's? It comes in a freaking bottle! All I can say is we'll get to that later. Artful separation made this a breeze. Remember: It isn't cheesy when you're the one doing it. Pop goes the weasel. Ok! I'll be back with some Defiance Bay sidequests soon! Best, A. Btw, Astarta at L4, IIRC Skills: Athletics, 0; Lore, 2; Stealth,5; Mechanics, 3; Survival, 0 Powers: L1- Whispers of Treason, Eyestrike, Antipathetic Field; L2- Mental Binding, Phantom Foes, Psychovampiric Shield Talents: Galant's Focus, Fast Runner
    2 points
  16. Excerpt from the Community Update #2 just now: What you will eventually play has been in the planning at Larian and closely with Wizards of the Coast for over 4 years now, with their key creative people colliding with our key creative people in ways that we will eventually talk about in greater length. Our task is to create the ultimate Dungeons & Dragons game; a loving and modern sequel to Baldur’s Gate 2. Oozing with 5e D&D greatness, set in the world that you know and love. You will explore Baldur’s Gate 100 years after Baldur’s Gate 2. The Bhaalspawn saga has ended, and a new threat is converging on the city of Baldur's Gate. But the gods do not forget, and the shadows and scars of the past will not stay silent. You will meet and get to know many new characters, and encounter some of the legendary characters you know and love. Most importantly, you’ll learn how their stories have evolved. And as you play, you will heavily influence their fate. And later: We’ve built an engine that allows all 250 people at Larian collaborate to become the ultimate DM. Allowing for near-limitless reactivity, responsiveness, and a memory that never forgets who you are, or what you’ve done. No matter who you roll, dice-rolls, modifiers, and physical simulation have all been designed to simulate a D&D experience that feels as though it’s straight from the imagination, where no matter the dice roll the story will continue. It’s also a game that is intended to span the entire range of human emotion. It is in equal parts a dark and a light game. “We always want to make failure as interesting as it possibly can,” said Senior Writer Adam Smith. “We don’t put everything that’s cool and interesting behind success.” “Light and dark are really good sources of advantage,” noted Swen in a recent GameSpot interview. The philosophies that define the rules in D&D 5e also define the narrative, where you’ll often make difficult decisions through initiative or through the roll of the dice. The Baldur’s Gate games were dark - sometimes darker than many people remember. Baldur’s Gate 3 is no exception, though in 2020 we’re able to take the gamut of emotion and experience and stretch it further due to systems, simulation, and of course also our cinematics team. Unfortunately we did not make it to the end of our PAX East 2020 live demo due to a feature (see: bug), but those in the hall witnessed a scene where Astarion’s hunger got the better of him, and through a series of dice rolls (and often audience choice), Astarion sank his teeth into Shadowheart to varying degrees of mortality. Astarion was happy (systemically), but Shadowheart often ended up dead (also without irony, systemically). Baldur’s Gate 3 is on course to be a ‘Mature’ game, which is publishing language for “if you go any further the ratings board is going to be extremely annoying”. We want to push the limits of every theme within the game, which should allow you to play exactly how you’d like to play. Astarion may be a Vampire Spawn, but that doesn’t mean he has to be evil - if hungry. Though you saw one path at PAX East, there were many possibilities for good, and evil -- note also, everything in between. It has always been Larian’s plan to create games that allow you to play however you wish. This larger team, and this new engine, allow us to push this further than ever before. Much further than Divinity: Original Sin 2. As you delve into an epic adventure that subverts the binary morality found in many RPGs, and explore Baldur’s Gate with new and existing characters, 100 years after the story of the first two games, dice roll by dice roll, we hope that together we can reignite that great sense of discovery you felt as you dived for the first time into Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2, bringing the experience of an open-ended D&D game to photo-realistic realisation, albeit with 5e rules in place of 2nd edition rules. Things have come a long way in 20 years, but what’s important to us is that you’re along for the ride. You have many questions, and we have answers. We’ll be hosting a Reddit AMA where you can ask Swen (Creative Director), David (Producer), Adam (Senior Writer), Nick (Lead Systems Designer), and Jiji (Writing Director) your questions. 11:00 PT on March 12, over on Reddit!
    2 points
  17. I have a biased opinion perhaps. I used to playtest for Amplitude. Endless Legend is their only game I dislike Endless Legend has more interesting, races, and playing each of them differs from playing the other races. It has a narrative victory condition on top of the usual victory conditions, where you finish your faction quest line. My problem with the game is that it is extremely slow to get going. A friend among the people who playtested it extensively told me the game does not really start until after turn 100. Age of Wonders 3 diverged from previous Age of Wonders games by giving you two choices during commander creation: race and class. Your race dictates your starting city and race relations, though later you can, as always, absorb any race's cities into your empire and train units of those races. It also affects some resistances and possibly weaknesses for your commander. Your class is more important, as it will lock in your class specific units and spells. These class units can then be of any race you have a city (with the required buildings) of. So if you are a Warlord, in a goblin city you can train a goblin phalanx, in an orc city an orc phalanx.You also choose some specializations, such as fire mastery, for extra research (spells etc). Different classes do play differently (especially the mage and druid, who use a lot of summoned units), while race is mostly a flavour choice. The greatest problem here is that the game allows for tier 3 unit stacks of doom - spam your best unit and fill your armies with it. Once you raced to that, there is no point recruiting anything else. Age of Wonders Planetfall is in a way Age of Wonders 3 in a sci fi setting. It does a lot different though. They fixed a number of things in tactical combat that hadn't worked out in 3. They also changed the way cities grow. The maps are split into many sectors, and as cities grow, they take over sectors (max size 5). Planning your cities becomes a bit more involved, at the same time you loose the freedom you had when you were choosing the exact spot for your city. Planetfall adds garrisons to your cities for the first time in the series, so you don't have to keep defensive armies everywhere. The tech tree has been split and brought in line with other 4X games. It was extremely boring due to being bloated with loads of techs that just slowed down research progress without being interesting (your food production increases by 1... yay...). They have started addressing such issues with updates. Race choice is a bit more important, as it affects your initial tech tree (though you can unlock tech trees of other races that join your empire). While each class comes with it's own secret project - all secret projects requiring you to build the specific class building 3 times and then lasting for 10 turns... On low difficulties the AI in Planetfall is not aggressive at all, so the game can become boring. Melkathi is a forum regular and big time fan of the Age of Wonders series as well as Endless Space and Dungeon of the Endless. According to steam he has 133 hours in Age of Wonders Planetfall, 273 hours in Age of Wonders 3, but only just over 20 hours in Endless Legend. When not posting Mordheim screenshots, he is known to sometimes post relevant replies.
    1 point
  18. Some degrees ARE a waste of money. If there is not demand doe the skills they require. A Master in Art History might land you a job running a gallery or as an editor of an art magazine. But there is not an abundance of those opportunities. Before picking a major a kid really ought to investigate what career fields that education might apply to. And what the potential earnings are. Not that career decisions should be made entirely on money. Take Hurlshot for example. It takes a lot of education and drive to do the job he does. And despite how important the job is I think he knew going into it he will never get rich doing it. So what drives him must be passion and that is worthy of respect. Pursuing passion is never the wrong thing to do but it should also be a decision made knowing what your career prospects are. A college degree is like any other widget you can buy. It has an absolute and objective value. You should never pay more for a widget than what it's worth. The value of the widget might be increased if it's worth something to YOU for your plans and your life. Notre Dame offers an undergrad program in Theology. It costs $50k per year to attend Notre Dame not counting room and board. A graduate with a 4 year degree in Theology will be $200K in debt and the salary of a protestant minister is around $30k. It would be a terrible decision from an objective business sense but if being a pastor is your passion in might still be worth the cost to you.
    1 point
  19. i'm not sure it even counts as cheese if there literally is an item that lets you ignore interrupts with an injury. what possible use could it have had except to... let you ignore interrupts while injured?
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. The last fact about Phillipe seems unnecessary though. I mean, it plays into this whole idea that there is some sort of competition between the two. Honestly I can't really say I know many people with degrees that think people without degrees are stupid. I'd actually say it's more likely that a person with a degree will look down on a person with a degree from a rival school than they are to look down on people who have a tradeskill education. For example, I look down on Stanford grads.
    1 point
  22. So what I'm reading is... someone who had no reason to suspect she may be infected by SARS-CoV-2 talked to doctors. She was told that she shouldn't seek testing by at least two different people who are qualified to make that call, something she is not - obligatory reminder that medical degrees obtained in the University of Internet do not qualify one to self-diagnose or practice medicine. Common cold symptoms alone do not warrant testing. Frustrated by the medical establishment, she took to Twatter instead, where her hysteria was echoed by other people with common cold symptoms, one of which is a ****ing Ph.D (!) who was later quarantined because she had actually had contact with a carrier and whose test results came up negative. I think I'm... going to refrain from commenting further.
    1 point
  23. Complete reverse for me, I've seen heaps of classics from close up- including some near uniques like the Polikarpov- but basically no modern jets. Modern warplanes don't really make it out here, but I can literally go down to Ardmore and watch Spitfires/ Mustangs or Sopwith Camel (replicas) take off while having a coffee at the cafe (they do paid flights on the classic planes so you see them pretty frequently, bit pricey but something I will get around to doing, once I win the Lottery). I was also lucky enough to be on the Isle of Wight during the 60th anniversary of D-Day, and they had a heap of fly overs.
    1 point
  24. While it never made it into service, Ive always thought the XB-70 Valkyrie was pretty cool.
    1 point
  25. On candy stripe legs the corona comes Softly through the shadow of the evening sun Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead Looking for the victim shivering in bed Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and Suddenly A movement in the corner of the room And there is nothing I can do When I realize with fright That the corona is having me for dinner tonight.
    1 point
  26. Thanks for sharing Indira! I'm excited and laughing/giggling/smiling like a stupid. Yes, despite my concerns, every time I hear some news about BG3 my excitement grows. I am happy to read about Astarion, because I'm very interested in him. I hope him killing off party members (for good?) is not entirely based on dice rolls alone. Looking forward to the Reddit AMA!
    1 point
  27. Monkeys take over government... https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/marauding-monkeys-take-over-government-21643512 Services and efficiency expected to improve
    1 point
  28. been a while since last tried those new kings bounty game it was surprisingly time consuming
    1 point
  29. I'm getting used to staying up until 0700. I had to take the noc shift because of classes. I have advanced nursing practice and advanced pharmacology this semester. With God as my judge, it's not a pecking order thing. Being a specialized nurse with decent overtime might even make more money than a nurse practitioner. It's not that I get to wear a white coat. It's that I'm old. Old enough that I didn't want to go to med school at the time. Old enough that I don't want the physical demands of being a nurse for the next twenty years. Even that's not the case, though. I want as much freedom to help my patients as much as possible without having to answer to someone else. If California goes the same way as about half of the states, I'll be the primary provider and I'll be my own man. I might be a bit of a jackass around here, which I freely admit, but I'm *good* with patients. They respond to me. they trust me. In the past, if I'd posted this late, it would undoubtedly be the result of overindulgence. Now, it's trying to stay awake. Gives me the chance to catch up on random internet jawbonin' about political events. @Guard Dog Keep up the faith, man. I catch up on your posts when I'm here infrequently and feel like we're friends, even if you don't know who I am. Take that as an insult or a compliment as you wish, but I believe you're a decent guy trying to make sense of what I am convinced is a chaotic and capricious world.
    1 point
  30. Both. I am currently in middle of my forst PoE1 playthrough and I enjoy the game much more than most of the other games, I’ve played In last few years.
    1 point
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