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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/19 in all areas

  1. There's nothing, then a glimmer... Then you're dead! Build Name : The Glimmer Man Class : Swashbuckler (Fighter/Rogue) Subclasses : Tactician/Assassin Introduction : Pure sniper build using the interraction between invisibility and Brilliant Tactician. Firearms ensure that you can use Smoke Veil instantly and avoid any damage. If you don't play with Berath's challenge activated then Smoke Veil will just end the fight - use it at max range, run out of the enemy's sight, then restealth and come back to finish the target. The build starts working as soon as you get Smoke Veil. Game Version : 5.0 Difficulty : PotD Solo : Yes (or keep your party out of the fights) Race : Island Aumaua Culture : The Living Lands Background : Scientist Attributes : 21Mig/3Con/15Dex/18Per/18Int/3Res Skills : max Arcana (for Spearcaster - required for Dorudugan) Equipment : weapon - Dragon's Dowry (Eccea's Arcane Blaster vs pierce immunes), helmet - Acina's Tricorn, necklace - Charm of Bones, armor - High Harbinger's Robes, cloak - Ajamuut's Stalking Cloak, gloves - Woedica's Strangling Grasp/Gloves of the Dungeon Warden/Killer's Gloves, Ring1 - Ring of the Marksman, Ring2 - Ring of Focused Flame, Belt - Sash of Judgment, Boots - Footprints of Ahu Taka Abilities (required) : Disciplined Barrage - Disciplined Strikes+Escape, Backstab, Smoke Veil, Dirty Fighting, Fighter Stances - Conquerer Stances, Penetrating Strike, Fast Runner, Arms Bearer, Confident Aim, Two-Handed Style, One-Handed Style, Weapon Specialization, Quick Switch, Fearless, Armored Grace, Uncanny Luck, Tough, Improved Critical, Unbreakable, Weapon Mastery Temporary Bonuses : Sharksoup, Nature's Resolve, Alchemic Brawn, Alchemic Guile, Alchemic Wits, Adratic Glow, Rabyuna's Boon Other Recommended Abilities : Gift of the Machine, Effigy's Resentment: Sagani, Savage Cunning, Infamous Captain, Cauldron Brew - Might Pet : Harley (10%dmg/3acc ranged) How it works : Invisibility + Brilliant Tactician Observations : Persistent Distraction doesn't work with ranged. Deep Wounds (and all dots) will keep you in combat preventing Brilliant Tactician from triggering. Deathblows could work in theory (use sparcrackers) but in practice is not worth the effort. Belt of Magran's Chosen is good too, but the blight it summons can prevent Brilliant Tactician from triggering, making you waste more time. Sometimes enemies get stuck in a loop preventing the combat from ending - staying out of their sight and becoming invisible again will usually fix it.
    1 point
  2. UFO = Unidentified Flying Object. It doesn't mean extraterrestrial.
    1 point
  3. This is a weird hacky corner case. The exact implementation of Tactician is that no allies are flanked, and all enemies are flanked. But if you de-aggro via invisibility, the number of enemies goes to zero, and every one of those zero enemies are flanked! QED!
    1 point
  4. This.... this is something I should have read before installing this game, I actually spent half of last night reading it thank you for pointing it out and especially thank you @thelee for making it, all that info in one place is invaluable! Some parts of that FAQ should be really accessible from the main menu of Deadfire! Also special thanks to @Boeroer for always giving answers to all kinds of questions based on his own in game experience which otherwise would take me days of play time to figure out, really appreciate it! Anyway I'm still in tough spot deciding between Evoker and Blood Mage because honestly these would be 2 very similar builds that would probably work just well enough to not have troubles on potd with a party while not getting bored with it really fast The character I am looking to build is Warlock spell caster who spams spells with all the barbarian action speed buffs also getting some on hit passive from improved frenzy and skip recovery on spells after you score a kill which should happen quite often, in my recent play trough I played Witch Ascendant/Furry Shaper and all that spamming by frenzied caster was really fun for a while until it got old because : after early thunderous report and instant ascension this character would just Finnish 99% of the fights by itself with either AI spamming Silent Scream or me queuing 20 amplified waves on a tank while priest casts salvation of time twice. I think its safe to assume that playing Warlock instead of Witch would be more exciting than cipher spamming one spell until the fight is over. I guess when I say spamming spells it should automatically be blood mage but since Boeroer shared that tip with double Fireball necklaces well I can get 8 additional fireballs per encounter on evoker, which is why I cant make up my mind
    1 point
  5. Not a sale per se, but Rockstar just released it's own game launcher and it comes for limited time with free GTA: San Andreas if someone is interested. Nice about the game, sucks about another launcher.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I don't wish death on anyone, of course, but there is a very real possibility that future generations will look at these guys as worse than tyrants and mass murderers. They made billions with little regard to environmental impact, then used those billions to stifle any actual investigations that were being attempted. They committed major environmental crimes, then used the profits from those crimes to buy politicians and influence. Their carbon footprint is the size of a dinosaur killing asteroid. They have jeopardized future generations. None of that has to do with thought or speech. They physically damaged the planet. We all do, but they did it best. For that they are held up as pioneers of business, and I just don't think that will hold up in a couple generation when we can't breath the air. You are making me sound like a raving environmentalist GD.
    1 point
  8. Delete, or cut and paste? If the former, it may be a bug that needs reporting. If the latter, I think the forum software is pasting not just the text but things like background and typeface. You can get around that by pasting as plain text (ctrl+shift+v, no idea how to do it on phones). Aside, I'm also missing the quote goto function. Didn't the first iteration of the new forum have it?
    1 point
  9. So Koch can spend his life spreading propaganda and directly influencing da big gubbermint in ways that will almost certainly make it harder for my (hypothetical) kids to survive in a world where food scarcity, extreme weather, and geopolitical crisis are exacerbated by rising temperatures, all so he can make more money, and the real villains are the ones who are glad he's dead? Then **** it I'm a villain.
    1 point
  10. Roll a new one. What would be the point if you didn't get to experience The Journey of levelling to 60 ?!
    1 point
  11. Oh, you don't need to remind me of it. My first year at the university, and first money earned. I bought collectors edition of Dragon Age. I was greeted with a merchant in my camp bugging me to buy a crappy DLC, in a game desperately starving for a quality side content (or quality content in general, after opening chapter). I have been more cynical ever since. But as other mentioned, it is Privite Division who is publishing Outer Worlds, not Microsoft. Not that 2K is more trustworthy, then Microsoft, but if publisher will have negative influence on OW it will be on 2K.
    1 point
  12. Yes, tactician is required for fights that can't be ended (bosses) or if you play with Berath's challenge.
    1 point
  13. And there's sequel in tow this month.
    1 point
  14. these two are a couple despite his mother aggressively trying to chase her away
    1 point
  15. Oh thanky you, too. You are most welcome.
    1 point
  16. I am finally, hopefully done with dull near-identical forest squares in Baldur's Gate and entered the titular city. So, when you're hit by cutscene incompetence and get surrounded by a mixed horde of fighters, casters and demon summoners, you can: a) observe which one is the most dangerous, what spells they open with and stuff, then reload and prepare with scrolls potions etc accordingly OR b) reload and toss a fireball or three at the empty area next to the fog of war hiding the mobs. After all, you already know what they have to say. Not that I did not appreciate PoE series before, but ploughing through all this drudgery makes me appreciate it even more.
    1 point
  17. Since we haven't talked about this in a while
    1 point
  18. Humble has a RPG bundle with Tyranny and PoE for $4.58 for the middle tier at the moment
    1 point
  19. Hey all, just wanted to thank the game's community for the patch you made a few months ago. It's very good and I'm grateful. Especially you, Boeroer! You've been very helpful in the past and you deserve great respect.
    1 point
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/355
    1 point
  21. Rob Gronkowski Tells Behavioral Neuroscience Ph.D. That CTE Is "Fixable" Because He "Fixed" His Own okie dokie. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. Packers also 2-0 after two ugly wins. Any kind of win > any kind of loss (...outside of pyrrhic victories, I guess), but that 21-0 start made me think we were gonna blow the Vikings out.
    1 point
  23. Sorry, for some reason I missed that this thread got responses. It turned out all I had to do was load my other saved games (where I had the game finished already) and I automatically re-unlocked the achievements. Odd but it worked out in the end.
    1 point
  24. I guess I am the only one who does not like turn-based then.
    1 point
  25. Diplomacy and brutal honesty don't work well together. I know from professional experience...
    1 point
  26. 'tis a good thread. Let's reinvigorate it from time to time.
    0 points
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