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If Obsidian kickstarts a space opera RPG, would you back it?


Would you back it?  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you back it?

    • Yes
    • Maybe, I'll want some details first
    • Not sure
    • Certainly not
    • Other(comment)

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With Mass Effect's death by artistic integrity, There is no space opera game that interests me and so I thought: Why wouldn't Obsidian do it? 


Now I am not saying it should have the same gameplay/graphics of ME, the question is about a new IP in a space opera setting


sorry for my english =] 

Legionnaire of the Obsidian Order

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If it was anything remotely like Mass Effect, no.

Luckily the Space Opera genre is vast, larger even than the gamma and delta quadrants combined, so they could do something that was more than just militaristic rambling intertwined with existential angst and shouts of "Look this is a npc from the previous game - see your choices mattered!"


To me Obsidian have proven that they can do interesting things. A good Space Opera would need a very detailed setting. With Project Eternity Obsidian has a great chance to show just how deep their own IPs can be (Alpha Protocol, while being one of my favourid games, was set in the really real world, so is a different thing).

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Only if they used a modern engine. I've got far too many isometric games to finish, which seemingly takes me years to do. They couldn't come close to funding something like ME through Kickstarter anyway so hopefully a publisher comes along so they can do something interesting again. 

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I back games that I have no intention of playing, just for the hell of it, so the question doesn't mean much to me. :p



But yes, I'd back an Obsidian title be it a space opera, a city-builder, a side-scrolling platformer or a dating sim.

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Yes.  I would even back a pony hair brushing simulator in Obsidian kickstarted one of those (I would ESPECIALLY back a pony hair brushing simulator :brows: ).  I would MUCH rather have hard sci-fi than space opera, though.  Better yet, a modern espionage RPG.  One that does not in any way shape or form resemble a modern espionage RPG published by SEGA that had the best conversation system ever put in a RPG.  It would star Rikel Norton and they could call it Epsilon Covenant.  :shifty:

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I have no particular interests in a "space opera" game, especially of the Mass Effect or SW kind; so while I would want to support Obsidian, they'd need to do something really spectacular with the setup and gameplay to get my money. I hope they don't do it, but instead - if ever Kickstarting a new IP again, or even getting publisher backing for such - something completely different from that (or a swords&sorcery setup).

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Were it based, even remotely, on a game like Traveller then probably.




Character generation mini-game madness FTW.


Cool things about Traveller from the Wikipedia article linked...



Key features derived from literary sources are also key features baked into the Traveller game in all its forms:


Human-centric but Cosmopolitan
The background of the OTU features a human-dominated universe. As such, the core rules primarily focus on development of human characters touching only briefly on a few non-human species. Despite the dominance of humanity, a large number of aliens was always implied to exist, inside and outside of Charted Space. There are numerous Traveller publications with rules and extensive information on playing aliens. Interstellar travel Interstellar travel is facilitated, and limited, by the use of a technology called the jump drive. These drives are capable of propelling a spacecraft between one to six parsecs depending on the individual drive's specifications. Regardless of the distance of a jump, the duration required for the trip is approximately one week. Limited communication A central theme to Traveller is that there is no form of faster-than-light information transfer – meaning no ansible, subspace radio or hyper-wave communication technology is available, thereby recreating an "age of sail" feel to the game. Most interplanetary communication is handled by courier ships, most commonly "X-boats", which are small Imperial vessels with long-distance jump drives that travel between systems transmitting and receiving vital data. Systems not on an X-boat route must rely on mail runs brought in by visiting ships. Feudalism The limits on the speed of information means huge empires cannot directly command all member worlds. Since local rulers cannot be directly controlled by central authority, affairs are managed by independent nobility, who make use of classic titles such as Baron, Duke and Archduke. Non-utopian future and No Prime Directive The human race never evolves into a superior state. People remain people and continue to show courage, wisdom, honesty and justice, along with cowardice, deceit, and criminal behavior. Planets fight out internal wars, and capitalism is the major driving force of civilization. The same factors that shaped Earth shape the Traveller universe.   Edited by Monte Carlo
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I'd like to say I'd back Obsid on anything but that's not true as I never picked up DS3 or and of the NV DLC.


Space Siege 2? No thanks


Star Trek RPG? Yes please


Something original? Sure that'll work too


or WH40K

Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Hell yes. Not only will the game be cool, but seeing butthurt fanboys whining about mechanics tickles my funny bone.

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I would, provided they stay away from that boring time travel nonsense.  Time travel is the worst narrative device ever.

I would argue that amnesia is a worse narrative device.  And this is coming from someone who loves both Amnesia: The Dark Descent (haven't played the new one yet) and The Witcher series.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Sure, something gritty and Lensman-series like, with space pirates, inertia-less hyperspace drives, psi corps, blasters, force fields, pleasure droids, anti-gravity systems, weird alien psycho-active drugs, progenitor relics, mind control devices, huge space battles, and galactic empires. If it was done well and had squad-level combat, I'd snap it up.

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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Pretty much sight unseen, barring some notable tragedy between now and the Kickstarter.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Nope. Done in so many other places already.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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