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What are you playing now - the plays the thing


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Still splitting my time (what little there is) between XCOM and DA2.


XCOM is nice enough, but there are some things that irritates me. The "streamlining" has removed some parts that I miss and I can't find out how to completely remove the "Jumpy Cam Feature". I hate it when aliens become visible and the camera just goes AWAL to show a closeup of them. Disabling "kill cam" etc. in settings was even the first thing I did. I like the two characters in the base though, the heads of the science and engineering departments.


As for DA2, I'll probably agree with alanschu that 3rd act is the "weakest". So far, I've seen very little that I didn't already do too much in second act. Spent a lot of time killing the same scum (with a different name) at night, visiting the same mansion, the same dungeon etc. It would probably have benefited from dropping the third act and add whatever plot centric stuff still to come at end of the second act instead and call it a day. Sometimes less is more :)


Still on my to-do list is telling Meredith (who seems to have replaced the viscount in the game mechanics) that I've caught her wayward mages and solve a side quest for Merril and Anders (both of which are (together with Fenris) my trio of least favourite characters. I fear I'm probably going to "rush" the final part, just to get to the ending now :(


Not sure why people seems to hate the characters. I don't expect excessive realism in my games. As long as they stay true to the nature that the game has defined for them, I'm quite happy. My favourites are still Isabella for her happy go lucky attitude, Varric for being the coolest dwarf ever and Aveline for being a woman shaped battering ram (I think that was the in-game comment). Bethany only played a role in first act and Sebastian only really in the second act.


Will wrap up my final thoughts and share once fully finished. I'll probably replay the game again some day as a fighter... and yes, I liked the two DLC's, Legacy and Mark of the Assassin. Nice change of pace and location :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Some GW2. Wondering if I should level up for the next event...


Started replaying Age of Wonders (1) and am having a blast.


and still playing a bit of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dream

Edited by melkathi

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Finished Nightmare in North Point. On one hand, the crazy dialogue was awesome. On the other hand the gameplay was very repetitious. The whole thing lasted about 1,5 hours, so it wasn't too much of a grind. The ending was lame and some lines regarding Mimi were rather off putting.

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Finished Sleeping Dogs.

It starts well with a sufficiently cliché story line and a fun fighting system - too bad neither got developed with time.

What remains are shooting and chasing sections that are not really very interesting.

Eventually the game slowly spirals-down into another average-quality sandbox.

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Finished DA2. Ending wasn't as bad as ME3, but still a WTF? ending :huh:


Not happy about the Merrill quest line and I'm not sure where Anders' would have taken me because I turned down helping him after collecting stuff for him I doubt he was being honest about (turned out to be the right decision). At least Aveline stood by me, despite voicing some misgivings. Good girl :)


But damn, something that felt good (who said you couldn't make any meaningful choices):


I got to kill both Anders and Fenris


That was an awesome feeling, made me all warm and fuzzy inside :woot:


Yeah, I probably stand by some of my previous observations, I liked the game mechanics of DA:O way better and the recycling of stuff did hurt the game (third act felt like a third cup of tea made from the same tea bag, but the first two acts were ok), but it (the game) wasn't worse than I'm definitely up for a replay in a not so distant future. I'll have to finish my ongoing game of FO:NV first though, since I've yet to complete that game and I also have that game of XCOM going now that I started on.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Well i thought DA:O was worth replaying at first, but i never will play it again. So not that much different from deciding never to play DA2 again, after finishing it. :grin:


Awesome feeling? If there was a time when the body needed to explode, that would be the only time ... but you get only get that crappy way.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Well i thought DA:O was worth replaying at first, but i never will play it again. So not that much different from deciding never to play DA2 again, after finishing it. :grin:

Well, I bought the big pile of all things DA:O off Gamersgate, so I'm going to replay it again some day to try out the DLC's. Not that I didn't already complete it a few times.


It had its own share of things that I didn't like, but again weighing up the pros and cons I ended up with a net positive. Positive enough to replay it at least. Doesn't mean I would heap universal praise on it :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I got to kill both Anders and Fenris




They should have let you

tranquil Anders. That would have been a satisfying punishment.





I like your way of thinking :shifty:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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What I'm liking about Torchlight2 - dual wielding. Wands, pistols, claws. I've been largely investing in the "automatic" skills rather than the mana-costing ones, and just using the weapons as they are. For some reason, it's fun that way. Also, lots of Uniques already. No Legendaries, but it's still early. So...yeah...items and replay are much better than D3 so far. Map/dungeon design isn't bad, with secret rooms to find and some randomization. No enemy respawning, which I kinda miss yet kinda don't.


Which isn't to say it's perfect, but for $20...it's a nice job. Fate was ok for what it was, Torchlight was kinda meh, and TL2 is where they get it right...at least for single player. Haven't tried MP and probably won't, since hubby isn't interested.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Finished Dishonored, decided to just ditch that sneaky nonsense and go out for blood. Was at least sneaky in my killing of 47 guards

and Samuel

in the last mission.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Torchlight was kinda meh, and TL2 is where they get it right...at least for single player. Haven't tried MP and probably won't, since hubby isn't interested.

The multiplayer also feels good, though my MP-only Outlander feels rather weak in his kiting/crowd-control build. Only "feels" though, because even though my friend's Engineer is tankier and deals far more damage, I can still solo bosses that kill him, given that they don't respawn too many ranged enemies.


If you plan on doing MP, do so with Veteran or Elite (in case you're not afraid of dying multiple times, as many mini-bosses in Act 1 kill in 2 hits), Normal is far too easy with multiple people playing.

Edited by Nordicus
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I know I'm way late to the party but I finally tried playing Dragon Age last night. You guys were right, it's pretty good. It's been a hell of a long time since I was hooked on a game.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Just finished NWN OC. Going on to HOTU.

Skipping SoU?


HotU is definitely the highlight of NWN. The original campaign and SoU are both decent, but HotU is flat out awesome. I've played through HotU probably nearly a dozen times, it's just that much fun. Altogether I've logged somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 hours in NWN, including the mountains upon mountains of user created content.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Just finished NWN OC. Going on to HOTU.

Skipping SoU?


HotU is definitely the highlight of NWN. The original campaign and SoU are both decent, but HotU is flat out awesome. I've played through HotU probably nearly a dozen times, it's just that much fun. Altogether I've logged somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 hours in NWN, including the mountains upon mountains of user created content.


Did you ever notice the writing between Ch 2 & Ch 3 of HotU was a little disjointed? Like it was written by two different people with very different back grounds? It was. I posted that on the Bioware boards a long time ago, DG responded that I was right, they were written in there entirety by two different guys.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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"Skipping SoU?"


Yeah. I want to continue with my OC character and SOU is meant for level 1 characters. And, yeah, I know, technically, HOTU is a continuing of the SOu character's story. *shrug* Plus,. I love HOTU and I find SOU supbar mixed up with some decent ideas.


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"Skipping SoU?"


Yeah. I want to continue with my OC character and SOU is meant for level 1 characters. And, yeah, I know, technically, HOTU is a continuing of the SOu character's story. *shrug* Plus,. I love HOTU and I find SOU supbar mixed up with some decent ideas.

The one time I actually was able to actually finish a NWN campaign, I imported my guy through all campaigns. He was ridiculously overpowered by HOTU. Dexterity through the roof, nobody could hit him.


Anyway, still playing Assassin's Creed 3. Finally got to play as Conner as an Assassin. That took way too long. Zone of the Enders HD should be arriving today. Halo 4 on Tuesday. So it looks like I have the rest of the month set. And it's all on consoles, man that's been a while.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Anyway, still playing Assassin's Creed 3. Finally got to play as Conner as an Assassin. That took way too long.


Hurray, Conner is now an Assassin! Here, have another 3 hours of new game concepts!


It just drags on forever. >_<

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Did another few hours of Morrowind and I'm nibbing away at the main quest, Caius has just left so the training wheels are off. I managed to soul trap two Dremora Lords (with great difficulty) during the last few quests but was greatly annoyed when the Telvanni mushroom building lady woman turned them down, I'm pretty sure these qualify as "strong" souls but apparently not :blink:

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Listening to the Morrowind soundtrack, apart from Nobuo Uetmasu it's one of the few soundtracks I actually enjoy. It makes me want to play, but I probably won't enjoy that as much, actually.

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