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  1. Does the food buff timer keep ticking during dialogue conversation? (in case someone says, "why not just test it yourself?" I want the answer to get indexed, SEO baby!)
  2. Description: If you talk to Eder (the dialogue that triggers him to join your party) after completing the "Lord of a Barren Land" quest, favoring Kolsc, Eder's dialogues won't be adjusted to the fact that Roedric is dead and Kolsc is a new lord. Mostly it results in phrases in line of "I'm the next one to hang" (even though he's standing right next to the group of people who just removed the corpses from the tree) and "Kolsc is on the run" Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1) Complete "Lord of a Barren Land" quest by killing Roedric 2) Return to the gilded vale 3) Talk to the animancer dwarf for the first time 4) Talk to the Eder
  3. Hey there, I don't know the exact rules regarding exploits, but since it's a singleplayer game I think it's alright to post them here. If not, moderators know what to do ***************** After having collected the remains during the Buried Secrets quest, and upon returning to Wirtan, it's possible to get in a dialogue loop that keeps on giving money (and I assume but haven't checked-- Aggressive disposition). Link to images showing how it's done: http://imgur.com/a/gPo3C Text-version: - Select "I found more than bones" - Select "[Might 15] [Lift Wirtan off his feet] I will crack your head in two if you lie to me again. [Aggressive]" - Select "Throw the remains at his feet" - Select "Fine, keep your silence. I want my payment." - Select "I found more than bones"-- and repeat. ***************** Love the game!
  4. Hello again, I will edit this thread everytime I encounter something odd or contradictory from my perspective; all of the "issues" posted here are mere nuances that I share with you all in hopes of sparking a few laughs and talking about how finicky we all are. Needless to say SPOILERS AHEAD. Let's get to it: On the quest Built to last, the scrivener you're supposed to rescue resists to tell you anything about how her research works, afraid that she might give away too much and cause trouble again. A few lines down the dialogue, she willingly HANDS YOU the entirety of her research and entrusts its fate to a complete stranger. So much for learning your lesson. Finding a stolen manuscript for the Elder Archives in an attempt to conceal secrets grants you "unlimited access" to their secrets. Sharing those secrets is a part of the cult, I get it, but It feels too quick and too much. That's all I've got for now. Feel free to add/comment as much as you like. IcosahedronXIII.
  5. Hello all, I am finding some bugs with the dialogue options as that the text is giving a file name rather than decisions. Bug 1: the weak wall in the first dungeon (with hammer and chisel) says: (Title:) Missing 07_si_weak_wall_1* (Options:) 1: *Missing 07_si_weak_wall_2* 2: *Missing 07_si_weak_wall_7* 3: *Missing 07_si_weak_wall_3* Bug 2: speaking with the innkeeper at Gilded Vale: Pasca- *Missing 07_cv_gilded_vale_innkeeper 13* [Gilded Vale: Moderate Positive] With the same bug like dialogue options as with the weak wall in the dungeon. Kind Regards. Mackmora
  6. Situation: Eorn is a wanted man and if you confront him about it you get 4 ways to deal with him: 1: Promise to keep it secret, 2: Give him 300 money, 3: Turn him in or 4 Attack If you promise to keep it secret, you will have an option to brought up the subject again: "We need to talk about..." If you do so, you only get options of 1: Give him 300 money, 2: Turn him in or 3 Attack. There's no option to back down from conversation. The situation hasn't changed in any way, but the options have.
  7. She says she'll help me find Thaos, but I'm pretty sure I had never even heard of Thaos in the game until that moment. Full dialogue: On that note, does anyone else think that the pacing for certain characters' "bonding" with you is a little off? I mean I had barely met Sagani a day ago and she's already going on about how I'm doing so much for her.
  8. Just started the game and what struck me first as a rather large inconvenience was the dialogue representation in the game. PoE apparently chooses to go the way Planescape: Torment did (as opposed to BG series) and along the regular dialogue replicas, it gives you also some fluff information around, describing the general circumstances (i.e. that you interlocutor shrugged or that he is looking at you very strangely or some such). Now I admit I am not a huge fan of this, however I respect this design choice. However I think it is implemented rather poorly. I beleive the fluff text and dialogue text should be distinguished much more than by quotation marks and a very slight degree of brightness. The distinction should be either by different font colour (e.g. white and light blue) or different font type (italics / non-italics). I am aware that e.g. in PsT, there was no such distinction and it did not pose any problems, however first of all this game was much more text heavy and, more importantly - there were comparably much fewer *voiced dialogues*. Now this is where the real problem enters the scene in PoE. On one hand, you have the text dialogue that gives you the dialogue replicas *and* the fluff text of various lengths, on the other, you have the voiced dialogue that gives you the dialogue replicas only. You are forced to follow the text dialogue because it gives you more information in the fluff (some of the fluff descriptions are quite lengthly) but you are disturbed by the voice dialogue that *does not* follow the text you are reading at all and you get desynced very fast: Text - Sound fluff replica replica replica replica replica fluff replica You either need to stop reading the text and just listen to what they say (at least for me it is difficult to read fluff text and try to perceive what the character is saying aloud) or frantically try to find the text the character is saying (can you imagine the experience of people with not that good English?). For the future, I would propose to forgo entirely the fluff text in all voiced dialogues. The information provided by the fluff text should be conveyed in a different way, i.e. combination of the contents of the dialogue and voice acting (or an actual animation if you feel daring), however this is obviously impossible for the existing dialogues, where I would go for a decent colour distinction. This should not be too hard to patch in since most of the speech is already pre-parsed very clearly by quotation marks.
  9. So I began playing the game yesterday and really got into it in no time at all. I am really pleased with the intricacies of the game logic and love the narrative writing. The visuals and music are also absolutely stunning. The one little glitch-type issue I am running into, which is rather disorienting after getting immersed in the game, is that sometimes the character voice overs start part-way through their dialogue. This has happened from time to time both in legitimate dialogue as well as when characters speak to comment on something while just wandering around. An example of this is would be if a character were to say something like: "We should be careful in this place." the text will display just fine (thank goodness) but the audio voice over might start somewhere like: ". . .ul in this place." Although I often read subtitles and such, it is still really bothersome. I have not seen any other posts about this issue and thought that if anyone else was experiencing they could comment, suggest fixes, or get Obsidian's attention to patch it.
  10. Is there any way to be able to have the other party members talk to someone, in order to utilize their stats in conversation? I tried this once but it reverted back to my PC talking.
  11. So I started up the game with happiness in mind and ran into a snag in character creation. It took 20 seconds to load the portrait. It wasn't just one portrait, cycling through ANY portrait was met with a 20 second lag between every click. Eventually I picked a picture and figured it'd be no problem once character creation was done except this problem followed me into the game. Dialogue takes about 3-5 seconds to start in every little thing, every little input, character select, even movement is met with awkward pauses and dialogue confirmation seconds later and opening up the inventory takes 20+ SECONDS TO LOAD! Someone help! I'm dying here, my excitement for the game has suffered in the last 4 hours.
  12. This is more of a question. I initiated a conversation and I had the required might (stat) for the conversation option with the character I was using but the option was non selectable (red). Are all conversation options based off the main character you created or who initiated the conversation? Opinions/answers? Thanks a lot
  13. Please discuss your thoughts, ideas, complaints, suggestions etc. on Pillars of Eternity here.
  14. Been playing for about two hours. Each time I'm hit with a dialogue option that has a stat or skill attached to it, I've found that when I choose it, nothing really happens. I mean in the sense that nothing really new opens up, no new dialogue, no special action that you wouldn't get had you not picked that special dialogue. Is this for the beta only or am I just not meant to really use that mechanic in Dyrford?
  15. I already knew that The New Kid, a.k.a. "Sir Douchebag", would be a silent protagonist. However, I always took that to mean that, while the player character wouldn't have a VA, there would still be some kind of dialogue system - like in other Obsidian games. But, after watching the gameplay trailer, I'm not so sure anymore... To me, RPGs are all about interactive dialogue and moral choices. That's the reason I've never really liked jRPGs (okay, that's not completely true - I used to love them back in the mid-'90s, but that was a long time ago). I knew this game would have FF-esque combat when I pre-ordered it, but I also knew there would be character customization and that it was being developed by Obsidian, so I assumed it would be more "western" in terms of dialogue and decision making. Was I wrong? As a fan of both South Park and Obsidian Entertainment, I'm sure I'll enjoy the game no matter what, but I would still like to know: will there be any kind of (interactive) dialogue system?
  16. I request that [continue] choices in dialogues (i.e. when there are no 1, 2, 3 choices) be hotkeyed by pressing 1 rather than enter, or some other key closer to the horizontal numericals. Using 1-2-3-4 etc in dialogue feels like smooth sailing. But then all of a sudden there's that [continue]-dialogue and you must either move your mouse and click the button, or move your hand all the way across the keyboard to press enter.
  17. Just musing over a point that I've noticed while playing PST recently. I've played a lot of IE games and installed various mods as well. Different writers use a different style to accomodate describing actions / other narrative as part of the dialogue. Some use (parentheses), some use *asterisks*, some use traditional "speech in quotes". Just wondering how you prefer it to be handled. Examples: You'll have to pay for that! (her eyes dart between your party members, trying to keep you all in sight) 1. Ok, we'll pay 2. (Attack her) 3. (Run away) You'll have to pay for that! *her eyes dart between your party members, trying to keep you all in sight* 1. Ok, we'll pay 2. *Attack her* 3. *Run away* "You'll have to pay for that!" her eyes dart between your party members, trying to keep you all in sight. 1. "Ok, we'll pay" 2. Attack her 3. Run away You'll have to pay for that! her eyes dart between your party members, trying to keep you all in sight 1. Ok, we'll pay 2. Attack her 3. Run away Or is there a better way?
  18. I'm going to buy the game either way, but I'd like to know in advance which it is so I don't get my hopes up. When you interact and talk with NPCs in PE, will it be more like NWN2/Dragon Age/Mass Effect, with zoomed-in cutscenes? Or will it be more like the Infinity Engine games and NWN1, where you stay at the same view level and just have dialogue boxes pop up? I'm assuming the latter since it's probably a whole lot cheaper. On a related note, to what extent will there be voiceovers? Full voiceovers are probably out too, like cutscenes, right? So like the Infinity Engine games, we'll have what, the first line voiceovered, and the rest of the dialogue just in mute text? Will companions have catchphrases like Minsc or will they be fully mute?
  19. I'm sure "This is an idea I came up with" has become an automatic eyeroller of a phrase for many people on here, not least the developers themselves. Nevertheless, this is an idea I mentioned in a thread on the Wasteland 2 boards that almost immediately struck me as a good fit for PE, and people seemed to like it a lot over there, so I think it's worth copy-pasting. Probably worth noting that I was here assuming a hard threshold-based system of Speech checks, as in New Vegas. That may or may not be the case for PE, but I think at least some of this is still salient regardless. Oh, and Fallout obviously has a classless skill system and PE doesn't, so. I'm also going to censor some of the curse words, as I'm not yet sure of this forum's policy regarding them. Now, obviously, this isn't something I think PE should adopt wholesale, but there are some interesting ideas in there that could be adapted to PE's systems. I would never claim it's perfect, but it's a good starting point. What say you, PE forumgoers? I'm open to any reasonable criticisms.
  20. At Chosen of Mystra they've got a guide on how to make a sound set (It is very easy, I made 2 in a weekend, I'll have to redo some, probably in the coming week for BGEE). I don't know how many sound files there was for Planescape: Torment but there is quite a few. Inspired by this thread ("Dialog mostly voiced?"). Making a double post/second post on what I'm voting. Don't forget to tell if the Poll is bad (with suggestions/feedback) so I can make it better before Edit time runs out!
  21. Ugh, want to make a poll but too lazy and can't think of anything right now. Harassed this thread about this for a bit, because I didn't want to make a topic on it. There's many ways for expression to take place in the game. A pixel can do a lot. Text, Animations, Voice and still pictures/portraits. All tools for a more "representative" experience of the expression the Companion (or your character) is doing. In the attachments below there are some Examples of what I'm flirting with. JRPG's and Anime use lots of "emoticon" stuff that might not completely belong in Project: Eternity (I'm personally not ruling it out, perhaps there is a way to make it super goed in a realistic and acceptable way). Should the Character portraits included with the game also have a facial expression when you are "Choosing"? Instead of a "Red Text: This is a Renegade choice" versus the "Blue Text: This is an Alliance choice" it would be choosing your Dialogue Choice 1 through 3 depending on the expression of your character. Does he look menacing when you want to choose "I'll gut your stomach and stomp on your flesh!" versus having a more serene smiling facial expression next to the "Hey how are you?" choice Thoughts? EDIT: Less voice-acting required as the bodily language is conveyed through the facial portrait expression, however it could reduce a few sentences of text in the Dialogue Log because the Writer wouldn't need to write the characters "expressions" every time.
  22. I don't remember what game it is... Star Wars: The Old Republic or Final Fantasy XI... might've been a different game too. Anyways, great log customization, I could have all of the combat log in one tab and all of the dialogue in another tab. Sometimes I dislike being interrupted in the midst of my adventuring with the banter pauses in Baldur's Gate. Is it possible to have a separate Log which handles Dialogue? Either by its separate window or a tab. I would like that a lot. Lots of Feedback! :D But to the point, being able to initiate dialogues whilst you are walking without an entire dialogue interface. Your companion says something and you can choose to engage in the conversation or not. There could be a timer in the Dialogue Log, so you only have a certain amount of time to answer these banters. Leaving the area you are in with a banter started would also negate it. Could this effect friendship sometimes? If you ignore your companions too much they will take less like to you. The only issue I can think of: - Your companion starting a discussion in the midst of combat, avoid this. An example: "Gorion would be proud of your actions! :D" - Khalid Showing up as text, with choices underneath it ("Yes Khalid, he would" or "Maybe" or even "Can you please stop?"). Not answering wouldn't make Khalid less friendly though, but there could be other "outbursts", "icebreakers" and similar between the companions and you, or companions vs companion banter that you can interact with and butt into which would effect "friendship". I think that Jaheira blurts out something like "Don't come close to me" when Xzar (mechanically, in-game) is too close to her (a generic voiced "Jaheira doesn't like the evil alignment", again, this doesn't even have to be voiced). http://forums.obsidi...e/page__st__220 Indeed the whole "I win" has to do with what the devs choose to use as responses not due to the use of tags to let gamers know what dialoge options have skills or other things involved in their use and I suspect we will find a large number of tag-able options in PE - or at least I hope so. Could, examples, "Bluff" and "Intimidate" ("Speech Skill" could suffice) be Active Abiltiies used in the game interface (and not in a Dialogue interface)? E.g., Right-Click on target, choose Bluff/Speech Skill when you can respond (could give you 1 to 2 more options/choices in the dialogue log, depending on what your prime speech skill is: Humble? Intimidating? Persuasive? Bluffer?) Thoughts?
  23. There's already a long topic about a pair of narrow areas of dialogue. But dialogue is a huge, broad topic with a lot to cover. The first is that, traditionally dialogue choices made presentable by things like a high intelligence score are automatically "better" than any other option. It's just a reward for you having that high int score, but it's not really interesting gameplay wise. Couldn't instead things like a high intelligence score open up previously unavailable option that might be an interesting viable option, rather than simply "better"? This brings up the question of who speaks for your party. Again, traditionally the Player Character speaks for the whole party. Which essentially means that if you want the options for better outcomes, or at least more choices, you need your PC to have a high int score, high charisma score, or etc. It's been discussed whether others in the group should be able to speak, or whether the group as a whole should have bonuses. But having a party member that isn't your PC speak brings up the question of whether you, the player, is in control of everyone, or whether there can even be the conceit that your party members are independent people with their own goals at all. If you are the higher controlling power of all, then you can't actually have a party member get angry at an action taken, because the conceit is now that you are all controlling and why suddenly can't you control them now? It also brings up the question of why you would have entire dialogue paths for low intelligence or low charisma characters. Specifically choosing options you know is bad when you have "better" options available is an option, but not one a lot of people are going to feel good about choosing when they might otherwise have enjoyed the low Intelligence/low Charisma dialogue. It's been suggested that your party members butt in when it matches their personalities to do so, with their own equivalent of the higher INT dialogue option that you can choose. Then there's the question of timed dialogue events. You might have seen these in Alpha Protocol and/or The Witcher 2. You are given a choice to make, and a time limit in which to do it. Alpha Protocol had these all the time, The Witcher 2 had these only for very specific extra time sensitive events. What do people think of these in Project Eternity?
  24. So I've been playing and replaying some of the older IE games and some other cRPGs these past few months and I've noticed that a lot of the riddles in the games are riddles that I couldn't remember the answers to many years later. I thought it was good fun having to figure out the answers again. However, as soon as I looked at the answer choices, the solutions were simple enough. All I had to do was pick the right choice (or reload and pick the right choice (or reload...)). Anyway, it would be nice if either on hard difficulty or as a game option, we would be able to type in the riddle answers instead of picking from a dialogue option. Might and Magic III:Isles of Terra is the only game I've played where I could/had to type in riddle answers through keyboard and I really enjoyed having to figure out the solutions. Anyway, it's worth bringing up. Computer AI is nowhere near being able to accept dialogue that is typed, but at least we can do a simple IF (typed answer) = "actual answer" THEN correct() ELSE incorrect() for riddles. It would be enjoyable and definitely harkens back to the good old days when video games were actually tough because of the riddles. For those of us who want to just go through the story or who don't have a strong background in English, we can remove this option to get through the riddles. I can see this being a problem for localization and translations, but hopefully there is a workaround. Oh, and don't make it case-sensitive.
  25. What kind of movement options will be available? Traditional point&click like in IE? WASD? Will there be a zoom? If so, any plans for an auto-zoom to show all party members? And what about the dialogue? Will it be a carbon copy of IE games or can we expect some innovation, like finding from the journal the dialogue that triggered that entry?
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