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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Obsidian has their work cut out for them chasing down all the bugs, improving the animations, etc., so I suggest that you contact the makers of Cialis for sponsorship of this award. When the time is right to be the Pillar of the Community...
  2. Salmon, asparagus, wild rice--salmon topped with mix of white miso, lemon, honey, stoneground mustard, and Dijon mustard before being cooked at 450F.
  3. Gotta love Heidevolk when they cut loose.
  4. ^ Right back at you, bub.
  5. Because many Americans a) proudly scoff at the mandates of Political Correctness; b) appreciate and admire Western Civilization; c) work for a federal, state, or local governmental agency and enjoy having a 3-day weekend.
  6. Yeah, I can't see myself turning down an opportunity to play a single-player D&D 3.75 (aka Pathfinder) game on PC, so if this goes through I'll be shelling out my Kickstarter pledge right quick. Let's have it, Obsidian! A card game, however... Meh, I'll pass.
  7. Truth be told, replay value and finding something I'd previously missed or wasn't able to access because it was class specific are highly desirable. I certainly hope that PoE is worth 5 or 6 play-throughs with new things cropping up when you select different options. No, this is your stumbling block. You backed something that was never intended for you or those of your perspective and you can't quite wrap your mind around the idea that not everyone shares your gaming priorities.
  8. Yes, she can dial a phone with those...possibly an old-style rotary, as a matter of fact. Yowza!
  9. Yep, as was noted above: very much like an early '80s Dragon cover. Ah, nostalgia...
  10. If the shoe fits... And Christ frequently taught via the parable, I might add.
  11. If the PoE system is at least as robust as the NWN2 system when it comes to assigning default behaviors to members of the party, then I'll be satisfied. Anything beyond that will be gravy--or frosting--depending on your culinary desires.
  12. You Euros could do with your own NRA or GoA, but for them to have a fighting chance you'd also need a Bill of Rights that included an unambiguous right of the people to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, property, and state. Fight the good fight, Woldan!
  13. For all those yet with a pulse, yes!
  14. Proving to one and all just how out of touch with reality you remain, Hurlshot. Here's someone with a better grasp on the unvarnished reality of Islam.
  15. Just a lovely cross-section of unreality 'round these parts, Longknife.
  16. I'd like to see an option to improve the initiative and/or speed of my attacks and also the ability to disarm and improve the ability of my party members to disarm opponents if all melee combatants are able to attempt the disarming of their opponent(s). I recall a drow monk in Hordes of the Underdark that gave my rogue/shadowdancer fits with that little trick and I'd like to be able to do unto others before they do unto me.
  17. I want them to deliver a cRPG that's a) written by and for adults; b) good enough to be worth five or six replays; c) has a good bit of tactical combat with a measure of strategic planning thrown in as well; d) uses a strong measure of verisimilitude so as not to strain my credulity; e) is thoroughly--start to finish--tested and retested to hold to an absolute minimum those immersion breaking, profanity inspiring bugs; f) offers us numerous choices that have significant in-game consequences; and g) offers engaging companions, banter, and conversation.
  18. Well, here's another group interested in exterminating all liberal democracies or republics. A belief in nothing will not stand one in good stead against those with a firm belief in something.
  19. ^ That sums up Moonglum's albino friend and wielder of Stormbringer quite nicely.
  20. And that's why you're providing feedback on the Beta. Gracias!
  21. That's a very intense indigo, Woldan. To what plant does it belong?
  22. Gee, who've thought that this would prove to be the case? This goes back to that line from The Incredibles...
  23. ^QFT. I believe our fine Mr. Sawyer has succumbed to the notion that all choices should produce relatively equal outcomes. This is, of course, patent nonsense, but he's from a very different school of thought than those of us who favor a higher verisimilitude quotient in our gaming. Creating a dex-based frontline fighter in leather armor and equipping him with dual daggers should lead to a great many more headaches for the player than a strength-based fighter wearing a chain hauberk and equipped with a broadsword and shield. The latter is appropriate for the role and the former simply isn't.
  24. What's the point of putting up with anti-Godlike harassment from the local yokels if you're not mildly to moderately superior to others of similar class and level?
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