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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Welcome to Detroit? Yeah, that'll kick the hornet's nest... For me it'll be Core Four plus a couple for flavor, depending upon how appealing I find the personalities of the potential companions.
  2. I might be mistaken, but I expect that there'll be one or two extra NPCs that might or might not become available as companions depending upon certain choices that we make within the game (e.g. selecting a certain quest, resolving a quest peacefully, being of a particular race or gender, etc.). I wouldn't expect more than that because of the cost of voice acting and the myriad of interactions and dialogue growing exponentially greater as you add potential party members.
  3. Couldn't agree more Heh heh, heh heh, heh heh...monks. I think we can consider that one as "taking wounds" to power later attacks.
  4. ^ Move over, beer: she is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Holy Moses...
  5. I'd like it if some of the dark areas in the game were actually dark enough (especially early in the game before players get their hands on permanent magical light sources) that maintaining some sort of spell (Light, Ultravision, etc.), torch, or lantern was mandatory. Too often in cRPGs the simple act of being able to see after sunset in a mature woodland or in some subterranean area far from the surface is the default setting. Ambient light where ambient light shouldn't exist is taken for granted, assumed by the players as a given. I wouldn't want to have all the darker areas pitch black, but enough of them should exist that operating with a light source in one hand and a weapon in the other is a regular occurrence for 2 or 3 of the party members so that the rest of the party can function without penalty.
  6. Perhaps I'm the exception, but I had little to no difficulty with the camera in NWN. They changed it a bit for NWN2 and that required some re-education on my part, but neither was objectionable. Of course, I always toggled the ceilings off and spent at least 95% of my time in the tactical, look-down mode.
  7. Racist? Ha! Not even close.
  8. Nice. Optional content should always remain just that: optional. I'd say it should be more a case of Completionists (best gear, Level 10) beating the final boss in 2 or 3 attempts and Crit-pathers (good gear, Level 8 ) needing 9 or 10 attempts to achieve victory.
  9. Nor did the barbarians against which the Legions fought. Those pilums could not only punch through people with aplomb, they also functioned as dandy shield removers. Once a shield was impaled by the heavy pilum (note weight between metal fore-shaft and wooden after-shaft), the shield's owner was forced to dump it and fight the legionary without his first (and frequently only) line of defense. Clever guys, those Romans.
  10. Obsessive-compulsively so, at times. Providing that PoE levels are similar to D&D levels in terms of overall power, I'd like to see at least a two level difference between otherwise identical parties when Party A does a minimalist, crit-path only campaign and Party B takes advantage of all the quest opportunities available.
  11. Um, experience and leveling go hand in hand with reducing near-impossible opponents to merely difficult ones. It's quite specifically and intentionally one of the perks of having a party at Level 10 instead of at Level 8 when the time comes to confront bad ol' Blegmar.
  12. Level/encounter scaling? Good Lord, one hopes not! Players who spend the time and effort to complete 90%+ of the optional material should find the difficulty of later encounters somewhat reduced because of their more advanced levels and the corresponding enhancement of their abilities (e.g. superior hitpoints and skills/feats, better gear, more spells, etc.).
  13. A delayed release some time in Q1 or Q2 in 2015 wouldn't bother me in the least. The more QA work done before it's released, the better. I have little patience with glitches and errors fouling my gameplay, so let Obsidian buff out the rough edges thoroughly before this one hits the marketplace.
  14. Monty Haul Campaigns: too much, too powerful, too common. When your adventuring equipment is significantly more important than your stats, feats, and skills, the creator of the game has FUBARed the campaign.
  15. 2 fighters (includes paladins & rangers) 1 wizard (might be a sorcerer depending on the NPCs available) 1 cleric 1 rogue (might be a bard) 1 slot open for flavor. (often a druid, my favorite class) I tend not to stray far from the traditional D&D Core Four.
  16. Without bothering to go back and review that particular brew-ha-ha, I think the objection was equally "What the <bleep> happened to my traditional stealthly, thiefy rogue?"
  17. I recall reading that the deities are prone to being meddlesome and involve themselves in the world to advance their agendas. This suggests to me that they'll take an interest in what their clergy are doing and have the potential to bestow boons and inflict reprimands upon those who profess to speak and act in their name. The deity itself as envisioned and sculpted by Obsidian will be the ultimate arbiter of the mysteries and dogma of their denomination. This will variously have its roots in the reputation system and certain key dialogues throughout the story.
  18. Looks like we're getting both, and that's a positive inclusion on the part of Obsidian.
  19. Lephys, I suggest that you view the priest as an Olympic athlete. If the priest of Deity X talks the talk but fails to walk the walk, then their conviction/faith is lacking and their ability to perform miracles (spells) suffers as would the performance of an Olympic athlete who gives lip service to their training regimen but fails to take seriously the need to train, eat, and sleep in the appropriate manner. Good vs. evil isn't relevant, but proper/improper relative to the tenets of faith belonging to Deity X is most critical. True faith requires conviction and faith is the dynamo for the priest, so lack of conviction results in lack of priestly performance.
  20. Leave the small increase in power as is for harmonious player behavior, but boost the penalty to small-to-medium level. Unless the priest in question is insane, the cognitive dissonance between their faith and voluntary actions should sap their effectiveness because it's largely the strength of their faith that powers their spells. If faith is the dynamo generating the power, then acting against the ways and mores that sustain said faith ought to have significant consequences. Great update and I can easily see myself wanting to do a run through for each class thus far...accept maybe for monk.
  21. And, given the cultural Balkanization proceeding apace in the USA, that's how a great many of them prefer being referenced.
  22. That would also explain the excessive speeding in those countries. Excessive consumption of vodka + liberation from the boot heel of communism + aggressive "manliness" culture = a plethora of amusing dash cam videos.
  23. You've clearly never dealt with fire ants before. I spent half a year in Louisiana and, let me assure you, fire ants deserve no sympathy, pity, mercy, or compassion. Their sting carries only 1/3 the punch of a yellow jacket sting, but they tend to swarm over you in significant numbers. As you might imagine, it's not a pleasant experience.
  24. Just keep your greyhound well away from any remaining rabbits in your menagerie as even the most mild greyhound, sooner or later, is likely to seize them and snap their necks. That's what they were originally bred for, after all.
  25. I have to wonder if hair that long sometimes gets caught up in the armor. Perhaps plate isn't so bad, but about chain?
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