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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. That'll drive away the spirits of darkness...and some neighbors, too!
  2. Keep the aggravating conlangs to a minumum. Write things phonetically and we'll all be better off. Samhain being spoken as "sah-wen" and sidhe being pronounced "she" is more than a little irritating. I wouldn't want to have to wade through much of that sort of thing in something that's supposed to be entertainment.
  3. 1. I'm quite happy with 6-8, but not more or less. 2. Undecided as I don't know the details of the system (e.g. how many points do we have available). 3. Single attribute. 4. I'd prefer it depend upon Dex. and, perhaps, some skill/feat/ability into which we place points. 5. Yes--Dex. comes to mind and possibly Str., too, especially when carrying a burden. 6. I'd prefer it remain largely as it was in D&D.
  4. Corrected and motion for carnivorous flora is thirded and the motion is passed. Ironmaws, blood thorns, razor vine: interesting plants in Planescape.
  5. Looks like a spruce of some sort. The roots are undoubtedly drawing water and minerals from the decaying organic material that has slipped down into the fissure. It looks a little chlorotic (lacking in chlorophyll). Next time you pass by it sprinkle some common 12-12-12 fertilizer around it and it'll improve greatly for a while.
  6. So long as QA doesn't suffer and the release date isn't pushed back more than one quarter, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing another couple of companions and wilderness areas. "More" is generally only a negative when it interferes with or detracts from what is already present.
  7. Pedoduck?
  8. Holy water, blessed items as a temporary screen dependent upon the faith or "resolve" of the cleric in question would work well in this situation. Oh my, but how certain segments of the player population would howl about not being able to kill the ghost outright and being forced to run the gauntlet before the undead spirit wore down the resolve/stamina of the warding priest. All the more reason to do this, Obsidian!
  9. No arguements from me with regards to smaller weapons like daggers receiving only a limited bonus, but larger weapons are a different matter and should receive a proportionately larger bonus to hit point/stamina damage when wielded by stronger characters. This is simply common sense. If other statistics are lacking in importance, then Obsidian should design the game around the idea of making them more relevant. Nerfing strength is too "gamey"--a quick and dirty fix to the perceived problem that doesn't make much sense.
  10. Force = Mass x Acceleration Holding dexterity as a constant, the stronger you are the more acceleration you can impart to the swing of that hammer, thus the more force (potential damage and loss of stamina) you can inflict upon your opponent. Color me less than happy with the nerfing of strength.
  11. You have to complete the pledge management process first. You won't get any badges until you do. What the hell does this other site involve? Is this "pledge management" asking for more money or what? I damn well already donated during the original sign-up phase...
  12. So long as the original stretch goals are not diminished or in any way short-changed, another companion and/or another wilderness area would be very welcome.
  13. I, too, do not have the green "K" despite having backed at the $65 level during the original Kickstarter backing period.
  14. I do believe that today's snow shall be the one that stays for the year.
  15. Cheers, pardner!
  16. So long as "balancing" doesn't render our choices near meaningless in the name of egalitarianism, I'm right there with you.
  17. It was a Wood Golem, but now it's a Yule Log for everyone in town.
  18. A perfectly lovely day in the park, it would seem. Those Saracen tree squirrels are in deep doo-doo.
  19. It's a single-player game, hence whether you save every 5 minutes or every 5 hours is no one's business but your own. P:E isn't imposing any save limitations in Easy, Normal, or Hard modes, but there is some sort of Ironman option that only allows limited saving, if I remember correctly.
  20. You rang, rjshae? In all seriousness, anyone looking to make a significant impact upon the world would qualify for a Silver tidal influence: driven research scientists, professional athletes, entrepreneurs, conquerors, vikings, Supreme Court justices, etc. I'm not sure that run-of-the-mill A-holes necessarily have the ambition to move the "Silver Meter" very far, but some of the more motivated ones undoubtedly do. We don't know the name of Egil Skallagrimsson today because he was a paragon of sweetness and light, after all.
  21. And, had it been his mage that miraculously saved the day with a "Hail Mary" spell, he'd likely have been pleased as punch.
  22. This one caught my eye and I thought it might serve well for pork loin, too. Seared Loin of Venison with Brandy Cream Sauce Ingredients: Meat 1 1/2 Lbs. Venison loin Salt and pepper Sauce 1 lb. Mushrooms of your choice cut into about 1 inch pieces 1 Shallot cut into small dice. You can substitute 1 tablespoon finely diced sweet onion 1/2 Cup brandy or cognac 3/4 Cup cream 1 Tablespoon dijon mustard Salt and pepper 1/2 Teaspoon raw brandy or cognac Directions: Preheat oven to 425 degrees Heat pan over medium high heat with 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil until just smoking Liberally salt and pepper venison Being careful not to burn, sear venison for about 30 seconds on all 4 sides Place venison on an oven safe sheet or disposable pie plate and roast in oven for 8-10 minutes for medium rare Sauce Add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the same pan the venison was seared in while still hot Add mushrooms to pan while maintaining the medium high tempeature on the pan Let mushrooms brown for about 3-4 minutes without touching pan - add Shallot With wooden spoon stir mushrooms around and allow to cook for 2-3 additional minutes Add brandy or cognac to a cup Remove pan from heat Keeping pan away from you add brandy or cognac and ignite Place pan back on stove and cook till flames are out Add cream and reduce by 3/4 Add dijon, salt and pepper You can now add additional 1/2 teaspoon of optional raw brandy or cognac if you like
  23. ...complain that water is wet. Project: Eternity was conceived quite deliberately as a nostalgic throwback to the era of Planescape and the BG/IWD series of cRPGs. Given the significant Kickstarter enthusiasm displayed by those of us interested in just such a cRPG, I anticipate that Obsidian will produce at least two expansion packs or sequels. You should probably look elsewhere for your gaming entertainment for the next several years.
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