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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Elves or the French?
  2. I understand why Obsidian might make children and other NPCs invulnerable, but it always sticks in my craw when the party ends up in a battle in the middle of town--fire, cold, lightning, & acid aplenty--and no one but the direct combatants ends up dead. I concur with Lephys' post on the first page: let everyone be vulnerable and let there be consequences if you're seen doing something dastardly.
  3. Dead on advice from Woldan. Oh, and if you do develop a flinch, Wals, then I recommend shooting a .22LR or something similarly light for a bit to allow the flinch to dissipate.
  4. He watched The Lion King too often and now he wants a mane.
  5. Two rings is plenty. The emphasis should be on your character, not your gear. Harry Dresden uses those kinetic energy rings aplenty, but they're all of the same type and it's Butcher's universe, so his rules are sovereign. If we were to go the multiple ring route, I wouldn't mind stackable rings so long as they're limited like Harry's--same type on same hand, need recharging, singly not very powerful.
  6. I'll be very curious to read/listen to the update that addresses this issue.
  7. Given his personal workout regimen, his women have to be on the muscular side of the spectrum or else he tends to break them...
  8. ^ Not familiar with this allusion... Edit: And I'd very much like to see some additional information on familiars and animal companions some time before the end of 2013. I never roleplay a druid, ranger, wizard, or sorceror without a F/AC tagging along as they're just soooo potentially entertaining and useful. 2nd Edit: Ah, Nonek is alluding to Mr. T. Got it!
  9. That's a rare and delicate balancing act to sustain for any length of time. Enjoy it and protect it as best you can as I can assure you that it's nearly impossible to recapture once disrupted.
  10. Traditional chicken and broccoli, always better the second day after it's had time to blend. And leftovers are grand--no effort for a satisfying meal!
  11. More corporate? No, just more considerate.
  12. Trust me, Lephys, I've neglected nothing. If Str. isn't the primary damage stat for physical combat, then Obsidian's decided to reinvent the wheel with their "Attribute" system and, while they might make a non-intuitive system work reasonably well, it's always going to strike me as unnecessarily "gamey".
  13. If they've gone sufficiently far into their collective navel as to conjure up a system in which strength is not a "damage stat", then I'd implore them to come back down to good ol' terra firma and put the bong away for a while.
  14. Zeiss? Which testicle did you sell to afford Zeiss glass?
  15. Why did you tell your boss before you had something else solidly lined up? That's marking yourself for termination as a potential weak link.
  16. A good read for you. Negative interactions at work are 5x stronger than positive ones as people expect civilized, respecful treatment in the office. If you're an A-hole, I'd fire you in a heartbeat. How do you know if you're an A-hole? Here's what Robert I. Sutton refers to as "The Dirty Dozen" behaviors that A-holes use to poison the workplace: 1. Personal insults 2. Invading one's personal territory 3. Uninvited personal contact 4. Threats and intimidation, both verbal and non-verbal 5. Sarcastic jokes and teasing used as insult delivery systems 6. Withering email flames 7. Status slaps intended to humiliate their victims 8. Public shaming or status degradation rituals 9. Rude interruptions 10. Two-faced attacks 11. Dirty looks 12. Treating people as if they are invisible Use this list as a mirror and if you see yourself reflected in it, methinks you need to shape up.
  17. Adopt them while they're young and still approachable. There are several adult ferals that I feed and they've no interest in letting any people closer than 8ft. or so. And smack your ignorant neighbor on the back of the head. Stupid people shouldn't have pets of any sort...except maybe a pet rock.
  18. Aside from a Tolkien-influenced period back in the late 70s/early 80s when I was first playing AD&D, I never really made a lot of elven characters. Don't really understand all the hostility directed their way, either. *shrugs*
  19. I was relatively heartless--big surprise!
  20. Doesn't that imply that you'd end up with a collossal list of crap to sift through if you indiscriminately used that "Take All" option? If so, that really sounds annoying...
  21. BINGO! I enjoy reading, but the font better be large enough and the prose had best be non-convoluted. This is a game, not a dense treatise written by cloistered academics writing to impress their peer group as much as to convey actual information, after all.
  22. But wouldn't that fill your inventory with a significant number of damaged or nearly valueless items that you'd have to regularly purge to keep the clutter to a minimum? That's something I'd like, too!
  23. Basic black is timeless and elegant, but I wouldn't want to fight a summer campaign in the Mediterranean whist wearing such armor.
  24. It beats a 5-gallon bucket filled with water. The wife'd never forgive you...and neither would the prosecutor.
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