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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. After reading Die Wacht am Rhein by John Ringo, I had to give this one a listen and I was not disappointed.
  2. Early 70s is far too young to pass through the Veil...
  3. Heretofore unknown Internet music channel about which I've taken an interest.
  4. And speaking of speaking of Islam...
  5. One doesn't lift one's legs all that high while moving in plate, so I imagine that it'd be quite easy to move in. Mounted combat might be a different story, however, as the skirt would have to ride up quite a ways to fit over a saddle.
  6. It never ceases to amaze me that there are millions of profoundly ignorant people who’d NEVER countenance baseline budgeting and Keynesian economics with regards to their own finances, but will perpetually look the other way when the Federal or State governments rationalize such foolishness.
  7. Nice hyperbole, Walsingham. While you might enjoy the "Londonistan" phenomenon for some bizarre reason or other, I expressly want to avoid such things happening in the USA. The only way to do this is to check the source of the problem: immigrants, both legal and illegal.
  8. Probably not much at all, but the protection it offers makes up for it. It's not so bad once you get used to it. Take some cardboard, a set of scissors, tape, and you can easily simulate looking through a sallet or any other type of visor if you place the cardboard over the face of a hockey helmet. I did that when I was in elementary school. Being used to the helmet already, the transition wasn't difficult.
  9. Do a little digging whist avoiding revisionist history (i.e. LibProg lies) and it's easy to find. The Germans simply weren't interested in becoming Anglocized and it was necessary to force the issue to prevent divided loyalties. Here's another one you might not have heard of previously: “We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul [sic] loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.” The Chicago Daily Tribune. “Abolish Hyphen Roosevelt’s Last Words to Public.” 7 January 1919 (p. 4). Hurlshot and the rest can keep their polyglot Flake-i-fornia boarding house. The rest of us are heartily tired of the myriad problems spawned by massive Third World immigration and the failure of these immigrants, both legal and illegal, to check their Old Country way of thinking and behaving at the border. This nation already has its own culture, one based upon its founding British, Irish, and Germanic antecedents. Given that the cesspools from whence they're fleeing were created by those who look like, think like, and behave like them, it's only logical that the Old Ways need to stay in the Old Country or they'll just be re-creating the same Third World mess over here. Had I my druthers, I'd: shut down ALL immigration for the remainder of the 21st Century to allow for the proper Americanization of those who've come here legally since the passage of the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 Arm the southwest border and give the troops aggressive rules of engagement deport ALL illegal aliens fine the hell out of businesses caught employing illegal aliens declare English our national language and the sole language for all legal documents, including ballots end birthright citizenship to eliminate the costly scourge of birthright border hopping deport the treasonous rabble (MEChA, Counsel on American-Islamic Relations, Black Panthers, etc.) and place a death sentence on those who return Our nation, our ways and mores. If the Johnny-come-latelies don't like it, they're free to go back where they came from as--trust me on this--they won't be missed. An excellent review of a superlative work Who Are We? that deals with the USA and our present immigration/cultural issues, but is pertinent to all Western nations dealing with such problems.
  10. Nothing revisionist about my post. And one language is only appropriate to help prevent the Balkanization of the USA. Then again, you're from the People's Republic of Flake-i-fornia, so I suppose your attitude is to be expected as it's been spinning out of control for decades.
  11. Indeed, we do...and then plant yet more by a ratio of 7 or 8 to 1. Contrary to ill-informed popular opinion, we've been doing a fine job of reforesting the nation for quite some time.
  12. But it damn well should be and the Founders must be rolling over in their graves at the poisonous influence of these foreigners grows. Hell, old Ben Franklin stomped on the Germans quite hard to ensure that they spoke English, the proper language of our founding people.
  13. The hispanics, Mexicans in particular, are deviating from this markedly and many of them foam at the mouth when one tries to assert that English is the proper language of the USA. As such, they are cause for great concern. I'm quite ready to "lock 'n' load" when it comes to their pestiferous ilk. The Muslim arabs in Dearborn, Michigan aren't any better, either.
  14. One hopes for more than a smidge of interaction with the familiars/animal companions (FACs). They're bonded with a specific character, so it'd be gratifying if they wanted to socialize (play, hunt, inquire, etc.) from time to time.
  15. When you invite the Third World in mass, you de facto become the Third World with all of its violence and social pathologies. Enoch's words were prescient and, were he alive and well today, I'd place him in charge of all issues concerning immigration and immigrants. It's simply time to deport all the non-Western rabble and shoot those who offer any resistance. I don't hate Arabs in the Middle East, Hispanics south of the Rio Grande River, or Asians in Asia etc., but when they emigrate to the West and cling to the ways and mores of their country of origin while denigrating their newly adopted country my blood boils. Had I my druthers, they'd be shown no mercy. Well it would be to rid the West of the lot of them. We've already let too many of them in already here in the USA.
  16. A good DM/GM ensures that all aspects of a character are brought into play during the campaign, so those electing to min/max to the point of having preposterously low scores pay a heavy penalty.
  17. I'm glad I never sat at your table. I don't see how earning XP isn't enough to earn a level in any class the character is eligible for or why a wizard wouldn't take one level of Fighter for some martial ability, especially in a low-level game. It's all about encouraging roleplaying rather than rollplaying. Do as you wish while playing a cRPG by yourself, but when sitting around the gaming table I was very firm about forcing the players to aquire a mentor or pay for training for their first level in a new class. To site JFSOCC as a prime offender, if the party didn't have a ranger then how would his character obtain those specific outdoors abilities (ranger-related skills/feats)? He couldn't, so I'd have forced him to seek out a mentor or paid trainer as part of the campaign in order to pursue advancement as a ranger. Having taken up the new class, I'd have further required him to invest a minimum of 1 more level in said class within the next 5 level-ups or his character would be denied advancement. Yes, that's right, you'd be looking at a minumum of a 2-level investment for every single class chosen, so multi-classing was no longer an inexpensive, rules-lawyering, technical way of picking up abilities on the cheap. Instead, players truly needed to think about whether or not it was a worthwhile investment over the long haul. Opportunity cost makes life difficult for the powergamers and keeps DMs sane.
  18. When they've killed all of their opponents they keep peaceful watch over the rubble and decomposing bodies. See? Peacekeepers!
  19. Appropriate for a Subject, but not for a Citizen.
  20. I don't mind multi-classing, but I absolutely despise the one-and-done phenomenon and banned it when I was a DM. Additionally, I required of the players an active in-game effort to aquire the new class and its associated abilities. Ain't no free lunch when Tsuga's sitting at the head of the table, kiddies...
  21. I always preferred Thief over Rogue as all of my AD&D characters of the topical class were of the stealth-pick-stab variety, not swashbucklers or thugs. Stalwart traditionalist? Yes, I am--ain't changin', neither.
  22. Wrong. All it proves is that a significant number of people didn't care for Mitt Romney as a presidential candidate.
  23. Details regarding the 70% figure.
  24. Did we expect anything less from the feds?
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