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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Take Out The Trash "Trash" or "trap" options are a time-honored tradition in RPGs, both tabletop and computer. Trash options are choices that are intentionally designed to be bad, or that don't get enough attention during development and testing to actually be viable in the game. It is now 2014 and, friends, I am here to tell you that trash options are bull[excrement]. In a computer RPG, any trash option that goes from designer's brain to the shipped product has probably gone through a few dozen cycles of implementation, testing, and revision. In the end, the trash option is the proverbial polished turd. Any seasoned RPG veteran that looks at it in detail realizes it's terrible and avoids it. Those who don't look closely or who aren't system masters may wind up picking it for their character under the mistaken impression that it's a viable choice. In any case, it's a bad option that the team spent a bunch of time implementing either for misguided schadenfreude or simple lack of attention. Excerpt added for your gratification, Infinitron.
  2. Anywhere outside of combat is fine by me.
  3. You've got that right, Karkarov.
  4. QFT: "I’m not sure what it is that reporters want. Do they want the police to protect them when they wander into a free fire zone? The police have a lot more important things to deal with than act as bodyguards for reporters. Do reporters think they should have free rein to run around a riot ignorantly, putting themselves and the police who try to assist them in danger? The desire to cover the story under such trying circumstances is admirable, but it’s clear that there are many reporters in the streets who haven’t a clue what they’re doing. That ignorance is going to get one of them killed unless they’re more careful." http://t.co/WsekKxMnwp
  5. This suits me well enough. Given the isometric viewpoint, I don't imagine we'll be able to zoom in or out very much and the modestly oversized weapons won't force us to squint to confirm that our fighter is using the flail he's supposed to be using against the heavily armored opponent. Nice job, Obsidian.
  6. Brown is a formerly living example of why so many of us have concealed carry permits. I'll not mourn his passing and, frankly, another 100K of his ilk planted in the ground would be a fine, fine start. As for the LibProg professional agitators of the press and the racial grievance industry, Rush speaks for me.
  7. I successfully hunt white-tailed deer, wild turkey, and ruffed grouse. As such, I know a fair bit about moving about unheard and unseen while engaged in Still Hunting. Go 'way!
  8. And this, sir, is a feature, not a bug. No pun intended as I leave those to Lephys.
  9. Can't help but wonder why an elf from Mirkwood would want all of those branch-snagging points on his leather and scale ensemble. Elven dexterity not withstanding, such a panoply just ain't made for maintaining stealth amidst branch and brush.
  10. AD&D and 2nd Ed. both suffer from a lack of feats/skills with which players may customize their characters and this, I suspect, may be a bit off-putting for players used to more flexibility. I started with the Basic boxed set (Keep on the Borderlands, anyone?) and quickly moved on to AD&D. It was grand fun back in the day, but I wouldn't want to go back to it for an extended campaign. I must say that I rather prefer the less videogamish feel of AD&D over the modern incarnations, however.
  11. That's a good start. Israel, finish the job.
  12. Thanks, but no thanks, to this lovely suggestion--too reminiscent of "sparkly vampires" for the tweens to moon over. El barfo.
  13. Death godlike needn't be wanton slayers and random reapers. Any culture that believes in reincarnation or that embraces the concept of natural cycles (annual, seasonal, etc.) as part of their core concepts might be more favorably inclined towards a Death godlike. Crossing the veil, so to speak, is a journey we all must take. Sometimes doing so is an end to prolonged suffering and the loss of dignity that often accompanies venerable age or debilitating illness. If acknowledged as a manifestation of relief, an Angel of Final Mercy, Death godlike might not be universally reviled in such cultures. Of course, no one wants to check out too early, so maybe it's best to buy the Death godlike a round from across the bar and then be about one's business elsewhere... Edit: Nature godlike might inspire as many peery looks and cases of the jitters if the godlike in question is the manifestation of the red-in-tooth-and-claw aspect of the wilds.
  14. With bony growths like we've seen so far for the Death god-like, helmets are out of the question. I wonder if this will be reflected in the combat system?
  15. Indeed, I did, having commented before reading the entire thread. Thanks!
  16. This will never come to pass. Hamas reflects the will of the people of Palestine and was lawfully elevated to power by the ballot. Both the Israelis and Palestinians covet the same land and shall be at one another's throats eternally... or until the Israelis finally embark on a campaign of extermination against the perfidious Palestinians and properly finish the job in Gaza.
  17. Mixed response? Phooey! This is most disappointing. I never make a wizard or sorcerer without a familiar. Is the possibility still open for them to be included in an expansion pack? *crosses fingers*
  18. Music to my ears, Mr. Sawyer. Keep at that QA!
  19. As he's wearing lobstered gauntlets, gripping the blade to use the weighted pommel and/or stout quillions for bludgeoning is definitely an option.
  20. Let Obsidian do as they see fit so long as they give me proper warning that I'll not be returning to that particular area. Edit: Should we be able to return to areas later in the game, some level of change would be welcome as an indication that a few months have passed--verisimilitude and all that.
  21. I am well and truly envious of your opportunity to visit the land of the Sagas, Woldan. Say hello to Hekla for me and, if possible, swing by the site of the Thingvellir for a photo or two. Edit: Don't let them talk you into eating any rotten shark meat, a Norse "delicacy".
  22. That's why there's a difficulty slider and a Hall of Adventurers included--very thoughtfully, I might add--in the game.
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