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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Faith can move mountains and numerous studies have shown its beneficial healing qualities, but burning Pokémon cards? I'd say the pastor might need to move his bowels because he's full of fertilizer.
  2. The drunken halfling in the caravan in the Shadows of Undrentide expansion pack for NWN1 was a cameo, but I can't remember his name.
  3. Given my druthers, I think I'd be the NPC you'd either recruit or find yourself fighting against at some point in a subsequent chapter.
  4. You will remain seated until the Remain Seated sign goes off...or else!
  5. I may have posted this before, but it's still solid information on casting silver bullets.
  6. As long as the extremes are preserved, I'm not against a spectrum of possible outcomes. Flesh to Stone, for instance, should be in this ballpark: No effect--slowed to half, lose half of dexterity bonus for "x" duration--slowed to quarter speed, lose all dexterity bonus for "x" duration--petrified.
  7. While driving my F-150 this morning I heard an unsettling metallic *thunk* come from the rear of the truck. After I parked I discovered that the driver's side rear leaf spring mount has rusted through and let go. Crap, crap, and mega crap. They're about $150+ each, plus labor. This I didn't need. Oh, to live in a state where they don't use rock salt like it was going out of style...
  8. You might want to look into something like this to control those pesky June bugs. Granted, it's a long-term solution and not one that provides immediate control, but it is safe for your garden.
  9. It's always good to purchase two or three even with a species capable of reproducing from root risers (clonal stems) as the genetic diversity helps to ensure that your planting will be successful. Glow in the dark sap? That's new to me...
  10. Good choice for scarlet red compound leaves in autumn. Our white-tailed deer eat it--not sure if you have red, fallow, or roe deer in your area that might do the same. Avoid fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica), more of a ground cover, unless you know you're OK with the nose-tickling, dusty-sweet aroma. That stuff makes me sneeze.
  11. No, I was merely playing off of Nonek's post about all of us being unlovable and suggesting that those who consider themselves as such are likely to want some pixel passion. Not all who favor romances fall into that category, of course. Peace.
  12. The Case for Romance is nearly identical: Can't get it anywhere else, so pixel passion has its devotees.
  13. Kudos for this scaling of forms. It's details like this that give me great hope for this game.
  14. True enough, but if you have enough fabric draped from your shoulders to go parasailing, you've overdone it.
  15. That much flapping cloth anytime would serve as a shroud for anyone foolish enough to wear it. I certainly enjoy capes and cloaks, but that's a bit much.
  16. I've never seen the remains of a person hit by a train, but I imagine it's not all that different from white-tailed deer--much disarticulation, shattered pieces for many paces alongside and in between the rails.
  17. Pleistocene animals would be very welcome as a) they're not often used in games (dire wolves excepted, of course); b) they're generally large enough to do serious damage if riled; and c) some of them are highly unusual and would provide welcome visual interest. Regardless of whether or not Pleistocene, Holocene, or fantasy animals are used for animal companions, fleshing them out and making them more than a walking/flying weapon should be a priority. As they'll be with us throughout the game, they need substantially more depth than a no-name pedestrian in the market district of City X.
  18. They (and cloaks) flow with movement and the wind and create an element of elegance that we've long since abandoned. Stylish trench coats are our modern substitute, but I have to say that they fall a bit short of the mark despite their superior practicality.
  19. Simulationism strikes a blow against rainbows and unicorns! *mwhahahaha* Yes, I enjoy being a pest at times.
  20. With a fixed isometric viewpoint I don't see this as terribly significant, unlike NWN2 in which adjustable bodies were a good feature.
  21. *iz sad* See ya on the other side, spud.
  22. You likely offer them non-hostile eye contact. They'll correctly interpret that as a sign that you might have a measure of compassion for them because looking them in the eye without disgust written all over your face suggests that you see them as something more than an obstacle to be avoided. Why must others park next to me when I've deliberately parked well away from the building so as to avoid the door dent gnomes from Larson's "The Far Side"?
  23. He's the High One, the Wanderer, the Allfather, etc., but not the Omnipotent One. Besides, for the wisdom to take root the sacrifice had to be one of a permanent nature. Costly, painful lessons are seldom forgotten, after all.
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