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Found 9 results

  1. In the US, at least. Next year is going to look very interesting in terms of what games look like in terms of inclusion.
  2. Since the last one died a horrible death, I thought it was time to bring this fine thread back.
  3. We begin celebrate 8 March! http://www.internationalwomensday.com/
  4. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-gender-pay-gap-is-a-complete-myth/ Justice achieved, why wasn't i told?
  5. Previous thread here. Burlesque is pretty hot..
  6. As I read the thread about armor and weapon design, I wondered: "What will the women in PE be like?" I don't know if it has been discussed already. But I am fairly sick of the standartised perfectly proportionated women (ppw) in most games. It is simply unrealistic, especially if it involves breast-formed armor, total lack of armor or a fantasy-version of stilettos. That does not mean that I don't want good-looking women, as there are well-proportioned men in any fantasy universe as well. I only ask two things: 1.) An average distribution of the population in regards to beauty and body-size and yes, that should go for companions as well, especially the romanceable ones. Reducing every warrior women to her looks first and her skills second is kinda primitive - and i dont want to go into the average muscle mass (or the unrealistic lack thereof) of a standard ppw. 2.) A new definition of beauty in games, less fixated on the body proportions and more focused on character, all in all. Top models may be good-looking, but not the kind of women you want to spend your life with. Stop regarding minor fallacies in looks far more important than intelligence, character and the likes, dear co-gamers! The weather after this post could turn definitively ragey, with a chance of ****storm, so let me clarify: Yes, as a male I am attracted to ppw. But as an intelligent human I like women with "a special something", or character, or whatever you call it far more. And I certainly do not want all women in PE to be "ugly, but with character" or "fat, but with personality" or whatever crossed your mind while reading this. I just wished that the gaming community, developers and players aside, would expand their definition of beauty. And maybe in this game, which does not need to show screenshots of ppw anymore to find interest, it will finally be possible.
  7. Hi Obsidian people who might be reading this, I like to play the games you make! And I am really excited for this kickstarter because you're answering to the fans! But can you make sure we get a good proportion (half would be ideal!) of well-written female companions? More Fall-From-Graces, Kreias, and so forth? And could they have clothes that they wear all the time please? Unless it makes sense that the character would wear less, of course, but it shouldn't be like that for most of them. I'd also really like it if a few of them could be something other than white (and some of the guys, too). Maybe a couple could even be queer! I have a lot of faith in you, and I'm sure lots of your other fans do, too! You write wonderful characters, female or otherwise, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'm sure I'd like them either way, but some representation would be fantastic now that you don't have any publisher telling you that T&A is how to sell your game. Thanks for reading!
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