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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. I'd like to see character progression reflected in equipment, but I figure that would happen naturally right? I mean, your gonna have better gear as you progress, and unless they don't render your equipment your gonna see the difference. Confidence in the voice, that's a cool concept but I don't think VOs will be much of this game at all. Cooler animations? Animations are never that impressive in isometric games IMHO. The coolest animations are from spells really, and powerful spells should naturally look...well more powerful, so that's another inherent visual upgrade. New combat abilities could have new animations as well. I don't see a point in changing how a character swings his sword for a basic attack as he levels though, it won't look that cool regardless of what you try to do with it. TLDR: Visual feedback on character progression will happen naturally, no need to worry about it.
  2. It makes sense to me, but a compromise would be making the world very reactive to custom made appearances. It seems like a hell of a lot more work though, but limiting VOs down to almost nothing could make it a real possibility. I definitely appreciate the forced PC though as far as improving your connection to the world, but I'd really like to create my own character name and appearance in this game.
  3. That's a pretty interesting concept, I dig it. I'd like it if the companions just did their own thing, or you could ask them to do favors or look into something specific. Seems like it would be a nightmare to implement elegantly though, but I'm not a game designer so I really have no clue. I just know I'd like to see my companions have their own personality, having them do their own thing in the city would enhance that feeling. But you have to be careful about letting it affect the players game too much, wouldn't want a companion going off and getting into a fight or ambush and getting murdered when you have no control over it. If you could control the companions directly, well it would lose the feeling but would cut down on frustration. Maybe something in the middle, like they do their own thing but come back with a narrative rather than something that affects gameplay.
  4. I just hope they include low int PC/NPC dialogue.
  5. I think it'd be cool to have the main quest change to accommodate your killing of a main quest NPC. Not like, oh he dropped his diary. More like, it changes from saving the world to ruling it. Making towns tremble in your wake...Muhahahaha. And yeah, nobody wants important NPCs to die from monsters or falling off cliffs. But if you get into a fight near him, accidentally fry him with an AoE...your fault, he should die. That being said, you should be able to cast all spells on NPCs, including protective ones.
  6. Basically you don't want one way of playing to completely over-power another. I don't think anybody wants that.
  7. Broken down to it's basest form: Is challenging, but not cheaply so. Makes me care about the characters. Gives me a reason to continue playing. If I talk about a great cRPG Offers good PC customization Has a balanced tactical combat system Offers many dialogue options Has a good amount of world lore Fleshed out NPCs Elegant UI
  8. Cost to purchase Cost to repair Limited quantities available for purchase Fatigue to wear when exploring (and just to head off one obvious criticism: clearly you'd disallow fast-swapping of armor after pausing and going to inventory) All much better ideas than deciding that if it's actually good at its job then you can't be good at yours. Interesting take. Maybe it's time to get away from the old idea that plate inhibits movement and start looking at other pros/cons. The important thing remains that it's balanced of course.
  9. Thoughts: Need beer! Ale! Mead! Don't make it some weird named drink please.... You shouldn't start seeing weird colors if you drink ale, it's not LSD It should inhibit your int slightly, but you should be able to handle 1 or 2 with little penalty Everything else in the game, I care little about.
  10. These arguments about what real armor provides are all moot. Gameplay balance trumps realism. It doesn't matter if a man in full plate custom fitted can move around easily. There needs to be a reason to choose something else over plate or everyone would use plate.
  11. Yeah, it's pretty annoying even with a single character. League of Legends is an example of it happening too often IMO. I leave it muted.
  12. I can't imagine 3d enhancing an isometric game very much, but I've never seen it in use so I couldn't really say. What I can say, I personally wouldn't use it, and it wouldn't add very much to gameplay (for me at least), therefore I don't want them to waste time on it.
  13. We should be able to attack children and main quest NPCs. In fact, we should be able to break the main quest line completely, they should just let us know we did it morrowind style.
  14. I had to pick CoD....just couldn't resist.
  15. I think gameplay should come before realism, and I'd love to see all armor types viable for one reason or another.
  16. I've been playing dishonored without quest markers...it makes the game way better IMHO. In fact, turning off the UI completely has given the game...well a tense feeling that didn't exist before. I feel more connected to the world, and though it may be frustrating sometimes to travel around looking for a specific person, when you do find them it's so much more rewarding. I'm not against including quest markers in PE, just please make them optional, and give us enough information to complete quests without them in the journal.
  17. I've gotta say, I always felt romance options were cheesy in games. That's not to say they couldn't be done well, I just haven't seen it ever. I'd prefer this game to avoid cheesyness, as much as I love cheese.
  18. I think this is one of those times where gameplay outweighs the need for realism. Sounds like they don't want useless gear....trees? I don't know how to word it...like all hide armor is on the same tree. I can understand it. I'll use Ultima Online as an example: Leather Armor: Offered lowest AR (which is bad in non-THAC0 systems), restricted meditation. Ringmail: Offered higher AR, restricted meditation. Chainmail: Higher AR, but not by much, restricted meditation. Platemail: Highest AR, restricted meditation, had a dex penalty for each piece. So you can see Ringmail and Leather armor are pretty useless, in fact no one used leather armor for the most part. Ringmail was used a bit more, but mostly by the people who roleplayed orcs. Chain was used by dex fighters. Plate was used by tanks. They changed the mechanic of leather to allow meditation, and suddenly leather was in demand...cows be damned!
  19. Hey I found an awesome guide about mods to install! http://thunderpeel2001.blogspot.com/2009/01/planescape-torment-fully-modded.html I played a bit at lunch for the first time...what am I getting myself into here...
  20. It's one of the pillars the game stands on. It wouldn't be happening in any other view. Besides, it means we get gorgeous landscapes and backgrounds. If your not into isometric games, well this is the wrong game to be a part of.
  21. Can anyone recommend mods to tweak the game performance/appearance for widescreen? Or just general bugfixes and tweaks?
  22. Can't wait for this game. I haven't been scared from a game like Amnesia since I played resident evil 1. There was another one for gamecube....sanity's requiem or something, it was more freaky than scary though. But yeah...the first Amnesia...my god the water level.
  23. I'd just like to chime in and say: In my eyes DA2 failed where DA1 suceeded. The biggest tell: You can't zoom out for a tactical view in DA2...as soon as I realized this I thought "oh no...."
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