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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. Um... I, for one, would like the ability to place each piece of furniture. Given the isometric view, Ultima Online comes to mind in what I'd like to see it modeled after. You could make some bad-ass houses in UO. I'm against these preset designs...it's not building a house it's picking from a menu.
  2. Oh yeah? What's that based on?
  3. It would dilute the narrative, IMO. The "point" in progressing through narrative-based games like BG or PS:T (okay, the latter was special) was the story. Mechanics, exploration, interactions--all of that is important, but the story is what holds it together. And all good stories, like books, have endings. The way a game ending is implemented significantly frames the strength of the story: In something like Oblivion, the storyline is an afterthought because the "point" is open world exploration, something you can continue to do after the main storyline. So to turn it around: What would it harm to expect players to finish up loose ends before going to the end-game? So if it had an epic ending, but then allowed you to still play despite the ending it would bother you? Why not just stop playing? It would harm players by them not being able to play anymore. Sure, you can load your last save, but you won't have any of the gear or rewards from your final quest.
  4. I'm just an advocate of transhuman rights. Elves, dwarves, gnomes, and yes, the living impaired all deserve a fair shake in my book. Far be it from me to change your beliefs, I can only advocate my own.
  5. You sound like a zombie rights activist. Zombies give up there rights as soon as they start shambling towards a god fearing man with a shotgun. You sound like a typical zombie bigot. Just because you don't understand their culture doesn't give you the right to blast them with a shotgun. But were getting off topic here. In relation to a post I read in this thread, specifically the one of the necromancer wrongfully enslaving the living impaired to work, while the living lazed about growing fat off of the work of others. This behavior is monstrous and should be treated as such in this game. necromancers should be shunned and punished for abusing the living impaired with no regard to their feelings.
  6. As long as we have weapons that don't reload but instead explode and magically reappear in your hands after you throw it.
  7. So it's OK to enslave the living impaired or as some of you insensitively put it: the dead? The living impaired have rights just like the rest of us!
  8. I hope they rework the map entirely. I didn't like the look of it, and it seems kind of small TBH.
  9. What would it harm to allow players to continue after the game is over? Those who don't want to don't have to. Those who do, can. It's win win.
  10. The game is RTwP not turn based. They said this from the get go.
  11. I'd like to see respec in the game, but at a significant cost of time/resources to the player.
  12. Meh...has no allure in a game like this for me. Fits better in Loot-Fest games IMHO. I wanna see those stats, stat!
  13. OP...that's one hell of a name there. Everyone wants this in the game, it's a safe bet to assume that anyways.
  14. Yeah if they could figure it out I'd be willing to contribute in whatever way possible. Heck, I'll donate my CPU cycles for rendering if they work it out.
  15. The great thing about contributing to Kickstarter is I won't have to pirate this game, I already get it for free as a reward!
  16. I don't care about touch implementation one way or another. What I do care about is multi-screen. It would be awesome to have you inventory/journal/notes screen always open in a second monitor.
  17. The OP is saying his manual saves are getting overwritten by auto-saves which sounds like a bug since he's not on ironman mode. I think we can all agree: "Nobody wants PE to overwrite manual saves with auto-save." That's what ironman mode is for.
  18. Wouldn't your character fly too high and obscure the entire camera? Or if he flew too low he would hit buildings? Sounds like you just want a no-clip console command.
  19. There were ratmen in Ultima Online. You couldn't play as one though, well without a custom server.
  20. Honestly when I read that about stamina....I really don't like it. I don't want anything to regenerate automatically either. I hope they are able to pull it off.
  21. The game overwrites ALL the saves on the level, even my manual saves. Might be a bug. Wow that does sound like a bug. I'd check the x-com forums, if there are any. There will probably be a patch fairly soon too.
  22. I'm on board with the general sentiment that this would be awesome if they could figure out how to do it well. That being said, If they can't I'd be fine with a crapton of similar answers.
  23. Dude, you can manually save. If your so worried about losing one soldier then your gonna have to manually save before each soldiers command. What kind of auto-save would you have implemented? Seems like you want it to auto-save every turn except when a soldier dies. Name a game that does anything close to that.
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