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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. Congrats guys! I'm happy I was able to donate a small amount towards this project.
  2. I roll with: 2 assaults 2 heavies 1 support 1 sniper
  3. I'd love to see a game with the Ultima Online inventory system. Which is no specific grid, everything has a weight, and you have a max weight based on strength. There is also a limit of 155 items regardless of total weight, and it doesn't count stacks of arrows/bolts/bandages etc... You can become over-encumbered but still move, you walk and lose stamina each step until its 0 and you can't walk any longer. I like the no-grid system because ...well I don't know why I just dig it for some reason. It was always a PITA finding stuff sometimes and I kind of liked that aspect for some reason. It just felt so...free.
  4. Magpies are know for stealing shiny things. Besides Crows, blackbirds, Ravens, Rooks have been done to death - look at the cover for DS3!!!! Ah I see, makes sense. I just got bird pwnnnned
  5. As long as I can import I'm happy. I plan on role playing a cat with his head in bread.
  6. Personally I want the PC to be silent. I hated choosing a voice when none of them sound like me. I don't want to hear a grunt, groan, or annoying battle cry when I click. But by all means put it in the game for others, just give me the option to disable it. VOs, leave them as sprinkles so the dialogue can be richer and more varied.
  7. I'm from Belgium, I'm 100% certain people are quite a lot more liberal about alcohol and sexuality in continental Europe than is the mean in the USA. But, counterintuively (maybe), that means we're also on the mean quite a lot more responsible and even-headed about it. It's not about opression, it's about being decent human beings. Lighten up though, it was a special occasion. I'm sure they don't do that every weekend with children around. And the internet stream chats...well good luck cleaning those up.
  8. I was never big into the romance options. Always made me feel like some sort of creeper... That being said, I don't care if they are in the game, just don't shove them down my throat.
  9. This isn't Age of Empires or Civilization here, were not going to see the world advance like that.
  10. That's a million dollar idea right there.
  11. I think when you equip your firearm the game should morph into an FPS.
  12. Everyone knows a group of cats is called a youtube of cats.
  13. Torment sounds like the winner. I'll check it out =) Thanks for all the recommendations.
  14. I've only ever played Baldurs Gate II. Well.. and Dragon Age Origins which is pretty cool too. I want to get back into the feel of eternity in the interim. I also don't want it to look like crap on my widescreen...which is a bit hard but I found some mods for BG2 that make it look decent. Suggestions? With mods? What are you guys playing?
  15. No way man! I want two big citys accessible whenever. (After you discover them of course) I don't want to go through 14 levels to reach the second city. The endless paths seem more like....a special challenge. Now if there was a secret city/town/grove...that'd be awesome, but please don't make it the second big city.
  16. Don't care if there isn't an announcement for another 5 years. Just make an awesome game, let me know when I can get in the beta, and put in some cats. I'm happy speculating here and playing x-com during the interim.
  17. Your getting into the realm of: "It makes sense in real life so it should be this way." It's been proven again and again that what necessarily makes sense isn't always good for balance. There has to be some sort of restriction/penalty for equipping certain items or everyone will end up with the same best gear. If everyone can wear full plate with no penalty then who wouldn't do it? A warrior should be able to don full plate with no penalty. A rogue will lose his ability to had and take a dex loss. A mage should have increased cast time/cooldown and a reduced range or something. Etc.... I like rabbits ideas above. Let the party members wear what they want but implement penalties/bonuses to encourage certain gear on certain classes.
  18. That's where I saw the leprechaun....He told me to burn things.
  19. What don't they do?? They can fly around near you! They can chirp, or whistle in some cases! They can scare away worms! They can occupy your old wizards free-time with seeds/bread! They can prevent you from planting trees! They can repair your quills/arrows once a week! (Allow a full week for proper feather regeneration) And most importantly, they can hide in your backpack and scare the crap out of would-be pickpockets!
  20. Obviously the cheetah would win...boring race if you ask me.
  21. Games shouldn't give a damn about politics or how they portray their characters in relation to the real world. So there's some obnoxiously forward bisexual predator in a game. The developers aren't saying: "Yep, this is how all bisexuals behave." They just made a damn character. It's these sensitive folks that perceive insults that are not there and freak out...get over yourself.
  22. I think the rogue should get a crow.
  23. They'll have a console commandline I bet. No reason not to, if your against it then don't use it. Console commands can also fix broken quests before patches are out.
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