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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. I want dragons asking riddles where the wrong answer results in them eating you.
  2. The reward for higher difficulty settings is higher difficulty and the satisfaction you get from the challenge.
  3. Do it morrowind style, you kill the wrong person and that's it.
  4. I recall hearing something like: Sometimes you have to use violence, even if you don't want to. Something about adding danger to the world. Makes sense to me, and only means some encounters will be that way.
  5. I'd love to have bikini armor for Minsc!
  6. I'm down for weather. As far as it affecting combat...man sounds like too much for me. Your getting into the space of making saving throws to walk through extreme cold. I don't want half of my spells to be weakened cuz it's freaking raining.
  7. Yeah it's really taking off and I couldn't be happier about it if I tried....well wait...maybe..... :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: There we go!
  8. Are you guys kidding me? First of all everyone knows Barbies Horsetime Adventure 5 is gonna win GoTY in 2014, what else would it be? Runner up will be Half Life 4 - The Final Episode which will be an RTS. PE Doesn't stand a chance against these behemoths...
  9. Orlans sound more like hobbits to me.
  10. X-Com needs this lol. Something like: You're still playing??? Go take a shower, you probably smell by now.
  11. I'd rather not have to go searching half the game to find the one F/AC my wizard or druid is interested in bonding as a F/AC. It might not be as emotionally satisfying for some folks, but I'd rather start my characters off with the F/AC that matches my concept of the character in question. How bout you get one to start but can find rarer specimens throughout the world. Taming would be awesome! Pet giant spider, oh yeah...
  12. Yeah I hope they fudge the numbers a bit on purpose so you'll be excited when you find out it goes down another 3 levels.
  13. Gigantic venus fly traps!
  14. Been too long...too long since I loaded up BG2. I might have to try Planescape Torment, never played it.
  15. You mean like dragons? Dragons always seemed like Dinosaurs to me. I definitely want some dragons...god that would be awesome. Preferably speaking ones that ask riddles. I don't have a problem with dinosaur inspired monsters, but I hope they don't use names like Tyrannosaurid....
  16. I hope the unknown race is gnomes.
  17. Yeah it just burns me up somethin' fierce when people be using incorrect words all the day.
  18. Yeah pro is the way to go. Batman: AC comes to mind immediately, freaking amazing voice acting.
  19. One of the coolest experiences I ever had was in Skyrim. I was reading a book about Trolls, said they were susceptible to fire. That was freakin awesome, I didn't need some loading screen tip to tell me or some online wiki, it was just presented in-game from the narrative of a troll hunter. I'd love to see loading screen tips eliminated all-together, and for knowledge about certain enemies found in books...or since there is no printing press in PE then through spoken word. Taking that to another level, what if there are no quest markers and instead only the knowledge you find. One thing that I liked and hated about skyrim were the quest markers. You have a much closer relationship with a quest if your not just steamrolling from marker to marker, but on the other side of it extreme frustration can set in by having no idea where to go. Perhaps there could be an option to turn quest markers on and off. What do you guys think/feel?
  20. Obviously it could be expanded to accommodate the entire screen, but I love how it looks, and most importantly: 1. You should be able to drag the item right on to your paperdoll and not be forced to drag it to a box. 2. It should be integrated with the inventory screen, and accessing it should pause the game.
  21. Minigames, I can take em or leave em.
  22. The God of Bacon - Arvinassus
  23. Free voice acting from college students? I'll politely say no thanks. Obsidian said it's not all about the money anyways, it's also about flexibility of dialogue options. I think BG2 got the perfect balance of little VOs here and there, but mainly leaving it up to your imagination. In fact, I hope your character isn't voiced at all, the voices never sound close to mine at all.
  24. As long as it doesn't sound cheesy.... TBH I already don't like the term: biamhac or the term: svef
  25. I like the absence, will create more conflict/oppression to fight or encourage!
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