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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. I'd like to see monsters and such that freaking destroy you if you come across them too early, but I'd like to be able to beat them after gaining experience (in game and as a player). I'd also love some ancient monster of immense power that is beatable, but only by incredible means. (Special sword or items dedicated to that particular monster). Or, a truly unbeatable character that is in for dialogue, won't attack you, but you can attack and immediately get steamrolled for your stupidity. But don't make one that attacks you and you can't beat eventually. BASICALLY: I want to be forced to run at some points, and feel fear and dread of certain monsters. I also want to be able to overcome them eventually.
  2. At it's basest form yes, but technology brings great change.
  3. I don't like having 5 spells that are essentially stronger versions of each other, leads to a bunch of never used spells. I don't like spells that have no counter. (When it comes to disables, obviously damage spells can be countered by armor and hp) I don't like having to memorize spells and rest. I don't like having one spell ultimately overpower the rest. I don't like spamming magic missles.
  4. I'd like my player to be considered a villain by others, but a hero to himself. He's trying to solve his crisis by any means, and sometimes that means cutting people in half where they stand. I don't care if the world calls it evil, I call it justified.
  5. Someone mentioned fishing....that would BE AWESOME! I'd like to be able to maintain a garden of herbs and spices in my house/stronghold as well.
  6. This one be one of the greatly appreciated little details.
  7. It would be awesome to play with a couple good friends. Maybe the next iteration, or well get a mod to support it. I'm hoping this game turns out like Torchlight, as in the first one funds a second bigger better version.
  8. I liked the idea stated earlier: No number, but selection of young, middle aged, old. Just to have a few narrative differences, however small. I made an old mage in Dragon Age Origins....his freaking voice was way too strong for the character I envisioned. And the whole mage circle thing didn't really work, what a ****ty student I must have been to take so long.
  9. Dragons are awesome.... Ok, maybe Skyrim was like too many dragons. No, it was too many dragons, not maybe. But I'd love to have a single dragon in the game. Have him in some far away place where you could only find by listening to rumors and clues from townsfolk. You get to him and he's intelligent and speaks to you. I'd love to see some rich dialogue with the legendary beast, he could have an attitude of slight amusement, but it would quickly turn depending on your dialogue or actions. He should, of course, have a treasure cache to guard as well.
  10. ^^^^^ Couldn't agree more with the post above me.
  11. So... tell us how you really feel. EDIT - So... someone beat me to saying tell us how you really feel. So... oh well. I can't stay long anyways, I have some things to... sew.
  12. Obese characters and character creation? That would be phat!
  13. I'd like to be able to smoke a nice pipe full of...well whatever they come up with. But it's not important really, not like having ale.
  14. One dragon, just one. He's HUGE, ancient, speaks, and is guarding a big treasure. He asks you riddles, simply to pass the time and amuse himself. If you answer correctly he allows you to take A SINGLE item from his cache. If you try to take more he will attack. If you answer wrong, he will allow you two more failures before dismissing you forever. If you answer sarcastically you will provoke the beast. You can try to persuade him into letting you have some treasure, but one wrong word and his temper flares. He should be next to unbeatable and have huge amounts of physical and fire damage. If you somehow manage to destroy the beast your actions are whispered about across the land. Some folk adore you, saying you rid the world of a great bane. Others felt you have contributed to the death of an ancient and holy guardian, these people will no longer be friendly, and some may outright attack you on sight. Just random thoughts.
  15. Man, I didn't know how to put my feeling to words but this is it. I love a good tactical challenge, but recently playing PS:T and BG2....the controls just feel muddy and the UI is...well frankly it's ugly as hell.
  16. Other scripts that come to mind: We can't not have Double Negatives Oxymorons are worthlessly useful Similies are like trivial spells Metaphors are your shield Alliteration Announcements are awesome Onamonapias that really pop And let's not forget word play in general. If there's a quill, there's a way!
  17. Fable had a cool alignment visual cue, but I wouldn't want something that ostentatious in PE.
  18. I'd love to write on my map and in my journal.
  19. I think it's more about encouraging a certain playstyle than how realistic it is. Sure, anyone stabs you in the back it's gonna hurt. But if anyone stabs you in the front and hits your heart, you should die immediately. It makes a realistic game, but you die quite easily. Giving rogues a bonus for backstabbing is a way to encourage that playstyle. It should be more about balancing abilities and making the classes unique before you start analyzing how realistic it all is.
  20. I hope I can be a tank mage! It was awesome in UO, running around with a halberd, whacking a dude, de-equiping it to land an energy bolt + explosion combo, re-equip for finishing whack..... Good times man, good times.
  21. I liked how you could buy any property in Fable and make gold from it. Honestly though, it's low on my list of priorities. I know we get player housing already, and I'll probably enjoy getting very stoned and decorating my virtual house, but if it's not robust I can always run my private ultima online server to get my decorating fix.
  22. I'm in agreeance an option to swap out the models would be a nice compromise. If it's not too hard or takes up too much time of the Devs of course, but if the devs don't put it in a modder will figure it out. What I'm against is the removal of an entire species due to phobia, i'm not against allowing them an option to swap models.
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