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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. Sounds like an oversight. Whenever u use an active ability, it breaks invisibility. So I guess the system think phrase is an active ability.
  2. Is the trick in having melee weapon in mainhand and ranged weapon in offhand? Or in stance itself? I was checking yesterday Pistol/Sabre interaction with simple Full Attacks. At range - only pistol was firing. At melee - only sabre was hitting. Perhaps will have to swap them and check again. Also Charge... It is Cleave only I think, I forget melee weapon in which hands, will check later
  3. Actually Paladin/chanter is tankier as u don’t rely on any buff, and have monsterious healing power. But it’s a chanter
  4. As @boeroer knows I’m whining on this ability for a while, and here come’s the newest op combo of cleave, which I read from another forum. As we know cleave does an 360 degree full attack. That is what we know. But! The point is this full attack can include range weapons So if you kill someone with melee wean and triggers full attack, you shot everybody around u with offhan pistol if u go sword/pistol.
  5. No wonder priest is your favorite classes in PoE 1 and d&d, they are both top 1 classes in two system Well I'm happy that finally it is not a mandatory class to take, finally i can get some other classes join my team.
  6. Yeah this is annoying, cannot even bind keyboard to takedown, it resets every save load.
  7. Yeah the only thing interested me in mid tier is Deep Wounds and Deathblow, and you get them as multiclass rogue anyway, and not a fan of it's high tier abilities comparing to monk ones.
  8. So I'm curious if you can achieve this with gears and I list the gears I found that will help with it below: Fire: Magran's Favor = +3 Fire keyword PL Sun and Moon = +2 Fire keyword PL Pet Pozzi +1 Fire keyword PL Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff = +2 PL --------------------------------------------------------------- Frost: Sun and Moon = +2 PL Tekehu’s rod +2 PL Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff = +2 PL --------------------------------------------------------------- Electricity: Deltro's cage = +2 Elec PL Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff = +2 PL --------------------------------------------------------------- Acid: Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff = +2 PL --------------------------------------------------------------- Poison: Silk Spider Robe = +3 PL Helm dropped by kraken = +2 PL Alchemy**: +1 skill = +1 PL --------------------------------------------------------------- Evocation: Firethrower's Gloves= +2 Evocation PL Evoker = +1 Evocation PL --------------------------------------------------------------- General: Nature Godlike = +2 PL Amulet of stone power = +2 PL for one combat Imp pet Nemnock = +1 PL for wizard, priest and druid spells --------------------------------------------------------------- There you go + 11 PL with fire spells, +13 if use stone power, +7 ice, +9 elec, +7 acid. Enjoy your permanent Empower blasts ** Alchemy adds poison spell PL is probably a bug.
  9. I would like to design a passive talent or a gear attribution called 'Empathy' which will let your character to receive the same buff as the target you buffing. Too bad I shall create this item for my 'make an item' tier
  10. One simple thing, it is very easy to stack deflection in deadfire. I manage to stack over 210 deflection as Herald or Crusader Key equipment, the adra large shield that gives deflecfion based on athletics, that’s +37 def, one armor gives 20 def, a ring gives up to 15 def, parry bracers +7 def, faith conviction +21 def, and etc..
  11. 1. On boarding fight gives way more reward. 2. You can manually approach enemy ship and on boarding, and you won’t take any damage or only being shot once if you do so. 3. Cannoneer of different experience seems to meaningless because I always stop for a round and then firing to make sure I have 100% acc.
  12. I just killed that frost dragon in like 10 sec.... I’m not even use any OP things here, in contrast I’m avoiding most of them. Hella boring fight
  13. So the lash damage is still not correct. For example if I did 118 damage with sword and have 35% lash, I shall do 41 fire damage, but actually I did 51. I've take overpenetration into consideration so don't bother ask.
  14. Lol, so this is basically PoE 2 version of Image Project from Baldur's Gate So I assume you can abuse all per rest items or all consume items like necklace of fireball.
  15. So I did some test and find that 1 PL will add 1 damage to your basic damage. So for that quarterstaff, you get 4 extra basic damage, if multiplied by damage bonus and lash, roughly 24 extra damage from 4 PL per FoD + Sneak attack, which is pretty good imo. 1 PL = 6 extra damage. Not to mention it adds extra damage bonus based on your skill. So I'm not sure if Voidwheel or this quarterstaff, which is better, but i think the quarterstaff wins in pure damage.
  16. Obsidian should really add the game to steam workshop, it has so much potential. Actually I’m surprised this feature is not in, is that because there’s no time for steamshop support ?
  17. Yeah I’m not surprised if you shot a target that is immune to pierce and cold, your memory card gonna blow
  18. I think Obsidian shall use the builds we post in character builds subforum as prototypes for enemies Like what if you meet some Chanter/Paladin enemy as a leader followed by Unbroken tanks and Assassin/Soulblades? It could be pretty challenging.
  19. The funny thing is no matter how much multipliers you stack, it won't do even close damage to empowered inner death But I doubt many enemies will have such high health pool anyway.
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