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Everything posted by Gurkog

  1. Put in a tier that includes a calender featuring all of the devs in swimsuits! I bet it would be popular! Who would be which month? What backgrounds would they use? What kinds of suits would they wear? OK... you can tell I am really bored!
  2. I would like to see mod tools as a stretch goal before multiplayer. Even though I rarely use mods they are fun to read about and toy with.
  3. I think the leveling mechanics might be more like arcanum/fallout. I would be happy if they were, but there is nothing wrong with a more DnD inspired system. I am sure i could have fun with anything as long as the characters, quests and stories are awesome.
  4. xp system rewards characters for role playing while skill use system rewards characters for slamming their head into a wall for hours on end. That is why I like the xp system.
  5. I would prefer following cryptic clues and vague historical hints about legendary items. It builds up their history and gives you something to do trying to chase them down. It makes them feel like a part of the world. Just randomly finding pieces and slapping them together was never any fun for me. EDIT: I guess you could follow those leads to parts of a legendary item. A long as there is some historical context for the location of said pieces. Like finding an ancient, weathered journal where some hero tells about snapping his blade in the hide of a dragon. You can find the blade fragment without reading about it, but it would be nice.
  6. There should be breaks set into the main quest line that allow a player to explore without penalty, but there should also be parts where ignoring quests changes the outcome. A mix of both keeps things refreshing, because if all tasks are time sensitive they start to lose impact.
  7. Oh god... not dark elves... perhaps make them thin, short, sickly, gollum-like, emo prats. I do so hate elves in general. I would rather have well crafted orcs. Not the stereotypical kind... be respectful. Multiplayer is not something I care for and don't want them to spend time and money implementing it, but if that is what it takes to get sales... oh well. Alweth, I have played too many games where multiplayer HAS effected the singleplayer experience, but those usually allow only 1 playable character and no party.
  8. Dragon Age: Origins had a lot of powerful items given through hidden quests with cryptic clues and puzzles. I liked it a lot. Hidden, super powerful bosses like the Lich in Baldur's Gate 2 are also awesome. It sucks to get my ass kicked while peeking into dark corners, but it is satisfying to have the feeling of hope and anxiety it brings too.
  9. Not everything has to be an orchestral score. After listening to an orchestra for a while my ears scream for a snappy little tune without all of the pomp and flair. Done right, like the title theme of Chrono Trigger, can hit a person just as hard with a simple music box tune as anything else. Use what fits the scene and not any particular style... EDIT: ED-E's battle music was freaking brilliant. I usually turn off music during games because the music just does not fit the scenes (Final Fantasy titles are usually an exception), but I always looked forward to hearing ED-E's scratchy, tinny victory tune.
  10. I don't care if there is a level cap... I just want the final encounter to be a real pain in the ass if the player character charges head first, sword swinging. I likes me some challenging combat and final bosses usually fail to deliver... although Obsidian games usually do not have that problem. Guess I am not too worried.
  11. It is possible to craft a game with a very personal story and the player has minimal impact on the world. It doesn't stroke the character's ego though, so it is not a popular route to take. People love psychological masturbation. Since the world is extremely difficult to explore, due to big nasty critters, any sequels can be fairly insulated as long as they focus on differnt provinces. I guess that would be sort of like the Elder Scrolls... except they don't need to do the retarded 200 year jump between each game. I am thinking that is probably what the plan is. It would allow them to insert 'rumors' about events in prior games and cameos.
  12. I put my priority as reactivity. It is hard for an RPG to have too many choices and consequences. My secondary choices were larger world, more text and modding toolkit. These 4 things would add the most value, in my opinion. The other stuff is great too, but those are the key components for an RPG to shine.
  13. A cow that will always try to get on the other side of fences because the 'grass is greener'. Lots of fond memories of cattle growing up on a small ranch. They are very affectionate and playful, but they also bust fences trying to get that greener grass...
  14. I think that if there is are romance options in the game they should be inspired by The Crying Game. That way LGBT are satisfied too! Although, it would be hillarious to encounter a situation where a L/G character is romancing an NPC of the same sex and in the end that NPC turns out to be the opposite gender in disguise. It would be worth putting in romance just for that.
  15. People need to realise that graphics engines and art design are two very different things. I hope you aren't refering to me? I know that TES games are buggy as **** because of BGS ineptitude at making a game engine and not gamebryo. Also, I know that art direction and renderer are seperate issues.
  16. Like I posted in the other thread, I do not see how rolling random stats is role playing a specific character that you want to play. Perhaps a compromise is that rolling will always give the same number of stat points, but they will just be distributed randomly. This way players who dislike stat gambling can just craft their character without worrying about being 'gimped' because the random selection has the same number of points as just buying. Also, if random is chosen the stats should be locked unless the player rolls again... this way the player is not tempted to 'fix' the stats. Players whom really desire random stats would get what they want too! So... fixed number of points available when rolling or buying, but rolling locks the player into whatever the gods chose for them. Sounds good to me.
  17. I wish I had the funds to chip in more.... stupid Kickstarter games have soaked up all of my spare change already
  18. I see a bunch of top tier donators dropped their pledges or reduced them. I do not see how the graphics from Wasteland look "cartoony", but maybe that is because I have been playing too much Warcraft and Torchlight... those games really look cartoony and are great fun. Wasteland 2 is offereing a lot of options for players to set their own "grey-brown, washed out, CoD style" coloring fix. Perhaps Obsidian will do the same. Anyway, I am encouraged by the choice and wonder if people realise how much it would cost to get linux support for the Onyx engine's middleware? Perhaps the next big title comes out they can convert Onyx to Linux, but until then Unity will be great for collaboration with Fargo and company to utilize every ounce of it. Keep up the good work, Obsidian! Only you can change the nature of the dudebros and basement dwellers!
  19. Nah, I am just excited. I was this way with Wasteland 2 and Dead state while their Kickstarter campaigns were running. I am easily excited I guess.
  20. It might be part of the to-be-announced stretch goals. Probably will be included once they announce the engine,
  21. I would rather not beta test. I tried that once and it was not much fun. The process felt too much like work, and I guess it was supposed to.
  22. For all we know it could be the fact that lead can bypass the arcane veil and a lead melee weapon would be a bad idea. It's too soft to make an effective sword or axe and it's also freakin' heavy. I will compromise then. Pistol in 1 hand, axe in the other. That would be fun!
  23. I preordered Torchlight 2 months ago and have it installed, but I am spending my free time obsessing over Project Eternity. Do I need to seek professional help?
  24. What if Steam changes in the future? What if I want to play Project Eternity while Steam is downloading or while someone else is playing another game? What if I haven't got the internet at that moment to install the game from Steam? Then just get the GoG version. I still don't see why you would need both. EDIT: When picking a service you have to take the good with the bad. Since I explained why in my original post I don't know why you even bothered to comment. .... I guess I should respond by saying, "read my sig"
  25. A well swung pickaxe has more energy per square inch of contact surface than most bullets. I suggest driving spikes into mage skulls as a witch hunter.
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