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Everything posted by Gurkog

  1. Newgame+ should stay in the ****ty console games and ARPGs that have little to no story and all combat. An import/export option does not really even make sense either as there is no multiplayer. I would rather they spend more effort on making a cohesive world and story than an everlasting mmo-esque trash feature.
  2. Fragments of Eternity: The Void Within When you stare into a soul the soul stares back into you!
  3. We will rape their cattle and stampede their women!
  4. The god of storms and fire should be.... Tim.
  5. The main protagonist should be an ornery bastard who is just too stubborn to die. That is the only thing that makes him/her special!
  6. Thank you for the update! Glad to see our EU friends get some lovin' if we hit the stretch goal. The artwork was rather interesting and I am anxious to hear his backstory. I am looking forward to the future updates so keep them comin'!
  7. The K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid!) method for itemization is my favorite. Make bonuses unique and easily understandable. No stacking bonuses. Very limited number of bonuses on any 1 item. Most items should have built in advantages/disadvantages before any magic is applied. yadda yadda yadda...
  8. In short, yes. The long answer is to have a large variety of skills and whatnot for the player to pick and choose from. That allows a combat 'style' to be specialized in without using rigid class structure.
  9. Discrimination is easy to produce among any population. All you need is civil unrest coupled with a pervasive ideology that identifies itself as seperate from the whole and a group that is less capable of defending itself (be it small numbers, socially conditioned submission, or physicly weaker). Someone belonging to the ideology points out how random person x of the outsider group is not as worse off as the average disgruntled citizen and say that society's problems can be solved by making them feel worse. I guess life is easier when others are suffering more.
  10. They don't discus much about how discrimination against different nationalities, cultures, religions of 'white men' there is by various 'white men'. Lumping a very diverse group together was one of the dumbest things government has done. Especially since there has been so much hate and violence among them. EDIT: bah... I should stop trying to form arguments and type while I have sleepy head.
  11. Only challenge fights that are out of the way an optional should give XP. They are test of combat abilities and as such a sort of combat skill check. Just like there should be stuff for every skill like that. EDIT: @undecaf I think that there are probably levels and upon leveling up the player gets points for both combat and noncombat skills.
  12. I don't see how anyone who has played any of Obsidian's games can be worried about them treating women unfairly. They are marvelous crafters of stories in games. I didn't think this topic needed to be discussed.
  13. Knowledge allows for freedom. Ruling bodies suppress knowledge to keep people under control. Freely distributing knowledge amounts to undermining authority and empowering the individual. Self reliance diminishes the need for group participation and the guidance of a leader. Perhaps the gods wish inhabitants of that world to be their subjects, and knowing the true nature of souls might strip away the only leverage they have.
  14. I was too afraid to check that movie out. I liked the one Stallone starred in back in the day... it wasn't great, but it did alright.
  15. Different options based on skills, actions and reputations. Lots of variety that can not be accessed with any one specific set of skills. Everyone misses out on a bit and things unfold differently because no 2 characters are the same. That is what I want.
  16. They said they will add at least one dungeon like IWD, not that the entire game will be a dungeon crawl.
  17. They should be. If it's to be a credible world, some things should simply exist because they do, and not be part of some pre-written narrative. I'm talking specifically from a game design perspective. If they are there, then they provide a challenge for some reason. Even if that challenge is simply killing said creatures. The same reason you'll have chests to unlock and caves to explore. And so the circle turns. Why not just give XP in the first place then? The xp is given for reaching an objective. You can kill stuff, talk your way by, sneak, use wilderness skills to find a secret path, etc... whichever you pick you get the same xp for passing them. I do not see what is so bad about that.
  18. It will probably be achievement based XP in the vein of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. In that you gained experience for advancing quests, discovering some stuff, and can earn skill points from various NPCs (quest reward usually) and books (with enough in the research skill to read them). Any character could do pretty much anything, but the different races (classes basicly) had their own set of 3 special abilities that a player can spend experience on. EDIT: In that game combat does not give experience unless it is used to finish a quest goal.
  19. I would probably kill myself trying to operate that Urumis.
  20. it could be sort of like the Drakensang system. Classes determine starting values for skills and add bonuses and penalties to the points required to level them. I guess that would be a hybrid because any of them can learn to do anything, but to truly shine in a skill the character needs to belong to a class that specializes in it.
  21. There should be a dragon in the first room and by the end of the crawl it will like a sickly duckling in comparison to the final encounter. No... there should be a herd of dragons in the first room! Perhaps ones of differing lineage and temperment having a discussion on where to place furnishings in their new abode. yes... I can see it now. Persuade one group of them that their choice of drapes over the air shaft is excellent and egg them into a confrontation. Perhaps if you aid said drape lovers you can convince them to guard the entrance from other adventurers in return from retrieving sick loot from below! EDIT: 1. I would say... 20 levels more or less depending on the size and number of puzzles/traps/encounters. 2. Perhaps some historical books or ancient texts/stories could give clues to the location of the dungeon and what lies at the bottom (really vague). There could be creatures inside with tasks for you and they can shed some light on the purpose of their level and perhaps the whole shebang. 3. I would prefer it to have minimal impact on the rest of the game. If it is a no-go there could perhaps be a few ultra-hard puzzle/encounter single level crypts/dungeons/caves scattered around the world. In an ideal world you could do it all! 4. Definitely a stretch goal. Lots of people love a good dungeon crawl and those turned off by the less combat oriented nature of the main game might kick in for an adrenaline fix.
  22. Why do you think they will use a Fallout/Arcanum style system over a D&D inspired one? We already know that they're using classes, so that implies a pretty substantial difference from the Fallout/Arcanum system right there (and one much more similar to D&D). I too would be happy if the system was more like Fallout/Arcanum/Lionheart, but I don't remember seeing anything to make me think Project Eternity won't be taking the approach of D&D type games. They have Tim Cain designing the core mechanics. Tim designed both of those and both were very well received. Classes could just act as modifiers to base values in skills and minimum number of points available to spend in combat or non-combat areas.
  23. Would guinea pigs, rabbits or baby ducks do?
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