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Everything posted by Gurkog

  1. I am hoping that the recruitable companions have their own personalities and quirks that alter what you can do with them or what they will do without your consent. The idea would be to give them pseudo AI so that they will react to the main character's actions, the personalities of other companions, and how much attention/neglect they receive from the main character. Adds a touch of unpredictability and emotional investment.
  2. Some games, like Dead State and Grim Dawn, were well into development before running a Kickstarter campaign, but Eternity, Shadowrun Returns, a bunch of adventure games and Wasteland 2 had nothing. Well... they had a bunch of developers brooding over the possibility to revisit franchises and scratching the itch to expand upon them. Eternity is a bit different because it is a spiritual successor and not a blatant sequel or derivative of an original series.
  3. Who says that the player character will not be a kid?
  4. Classes will be... Misdirector Acrobat Muscle Strategist Diplomat or maybe I am confused with skill focuses! EDIT: Taking it bit seriously this time: Big Game Hunter Footman Energy magician Matter magician Trickster
  5. A challenging quest for me would be color coordinating an outfit for a ball. "What do you mean, green pantaloons and a pink shirt don't match?!"
  6. Romancing companions isn't my bag, but I wouldn't mind some NPCs in various social standings and whatnot to flirt with. I want my companions to be comrades in arms, breaking bones and bread together to the bitter end! it would also be really awesome to have a well developed bond with an animal companion. I want to bawl my eyes out if the critter dies! Oooo, perhaps if players have the ability to summon creatures there can be a few of them and one is chosen at random each cast. The creatures could have unique personalities and quirks that give some flavor to what are usually cardboard meat shields.
  7. Just imagine the pain if a woman doesn't shave regularly when wearing chain bikinis.....those little links like to grab and tangle loose strands.
  8. If a developer/publisher is spouting the play time of a game, there is probably a lot of padding. I have endless fun with tower defense games like Orcs Must Die!, but could only get myself to play Dragon Age 2 once. Although, long + great gameplay trumps short any day.
  9. I am in the camp that is without access to decent broadband so DRM and pirating are both unattractive. I just don't bother with games that have DRM now. Although, I do buy some indie games off STEAM, but I guess searching for different distributors should become a priority for me.
  10. Please let there be no DRM.... I stopped buying games with DRM once I realised my computer became unstable due to all the seperate DRM running in the background. I uninstalled the games with the DRM and magically my computer stopped crashing or getting conflicts as often. Besides, my games catalog is growing so large that anything creating any kind of hassle does not get used anyway.
  11. I use the term 'content pack' for individual items, units, quests, etc. that sold seperately. I break out expansion pack for the ones that include a substantial volume of content and gameplay additions and/or changes. The distinction for me is the selling of an individual bit or a collection of stuff.
  12. I just hope they switch to GoG or some service, anything, other than DRM. I stopped buying games with DRM a while ago, except for some good deals on games that are hard to find outside of STEAM. I think Obsidian made it pretty clear what their methodology will be for Eternity. I think they are also using the project as a way to train/test newer staff and that is why the presentation is clunky. Their starting video is not much different than a lot of the successful adventure game pitches. They are using brand recognition to generate an initial buzz.
  13. I prefer RTWP over TB just because it is a LOT faster while providing the same functionality. If I want to go on autopilot and breeze through stuff I can, but when micromanagement is needed or desired I can pause and issue commands as needed.
  14. NPC combatants taunting a player character should result in a lack of ability to control that character for a short period. Depending on the abilities of characters, their actions while under the effect of a taunt should be quite varied. A fighter might charge and shield slam the the insulter, a mage could polymorph and incinerate him or whatever the classes do.
  15. It is not uncommon for Kickstarter projects to include localization as stretch goals. It can be rather costly and difficult for text heavy games too. There is a very large quantity of material that has to be translated compared to an action title. At least, I think Brian Mitsoda said that in the Dead State forums.
  16. Some of my thoughts about your comments: Diablo 2 was not very dark, but it had a more realistic art style. They made D3 harder, but they did not alter the gameplay to do so. Arbitrary gear checks are an artificial form of challenge that gets repetitive and boring. Mixing in a variety of tactical challenges, via unit behavior, would extend my interest. Encouraging the player to deviate from a set routine extends interest, but they reduced the randomness of levels so it turned into the same boring grind anyway. This is a case where the developers tried to fix a problem by attacking one of its symptoms. In D2 the best gear was often times rares, but finding highly useful rares had extremely low odds - way beyond finding uniques, sets and runes. The 'fixed' stat items in D2 usually had extremely varied tactical value because of their unusual properties. D3 got rid of the variety in those properties which cut loot diversity down to mainly stat enhancement. Another case of trying to fix a problem by attacking a symptom instead of the underlying cause. The problem is not with what the fans said, but in what blizzard heard. They tried to fix a rusty pipe by plugging holes instead of changing to a more oxidation resistant material.
  17. I wasn't paying too much attention to the Kickstarter video as I was watching it, because I was convulsing with joy, but it seems like they might have seen and taken some inspiration from fan ideas already. Some fans and I had various suggestions about the use of souls and how the behavior of the characters can shape the form and function of their abilities. I noticed that an emphasis on character souls was mentioned in the video and it definitely intrigues me. I have no illusions to think they would take fan ideas and implement them without polish and consideration for the situation and environment they will be utilized in. Taking the raw form, moulding it and making it their own is the only way to have ideas fit seamlessly. I just hope we can add a perspective that sheds light on aspects of the world they might have overlooked.
  18. I love the work you guys do and I just signed up to toss my 2 cents into the wishing well. All games should have choice and consequence, because that is what enjoy in your games the most. 1. An isometric, turn-based RPG with a sort of Pokemon type system that involves enslaving the souls of demons/spirits and using them to battle others. The appearance and abilities of the souls' physical manifestations could be based around how they are aquired and the choices you make when interacting with others. The souls could have different categories that straight up attack, manipulate matter, project energy, or some hybrid of them all. 2. An isometric and turn based RPG involving people who travel around in and battle using robotic exoskeletons sort of like a small scale mech warrior. The robotic suits could have a general style for each character in your team and allows reconfiguration or addition of offensive, defensive, and mobility systems. 3. An RPG, mystery, or adventure game set in modern times that involves a combination of magic and good ol' fashioned firepower. There could be one or more parallel dimensions that host magical creatures, civilizations, and enviroments. Solving puzzles and/or investigating could involving going back and forth amongst these worlds. Finally, please, please, PLEASE, whatever you do, make sure there are lots of choices and consequences.
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