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  1. ! This post is subject to change with new ideas filling blank areas ! An interior DLC would be amazing : The Kitchen: with new bugs (flies, ****roaches, centipedes, fleas) new armors (fleas boots for jumping higher) new weapons and tools with new uses ??? Animal fur near a bowl (cat or dog) cat or dog food for ??? more vertical level design (with a possibility to craft a glider with ****roaches wings ?) a cold biome like in the fridge with a new armor craftable with animal fur to fight the cold (cut content) ! an idea from an other post, can't remember the name of the user ! a new mutation to fight the cold change colors of armors and clothes with a natural resource ??? need ideas more food resources like (cereals, honey, milk with new smoothies ?) new materials (open to ideas) electricity from batteries for base building A new boss The Bathroom : Silverfishes, ****roaches soap crafting resource for making ... ??? a use for soap bubbles in this area ? The Living room : The Bedroom : Plastic from toys to make an even larger storage solution
  2. A drone synced with the map and special black boxes. This drone is only ment for lazy users an easy way back to the base or a resorce location. A few areas would need no drone zones(similar to no build zones) to prevent explotative use of drones. The size is not that big only player sized. Although you could make a drone vehicle that doesn't sound safe as they have no lisence for that.
  3. Just an idea I’d like to throw at ya. If you ever decide to expand the game into the house (Where all the mad scientist equipment is) Have bed bugs and fleas, gnats, a fish tank, grubs in the fridge (spoiled food). Introduce copper and other metals (jewelry, plumbing, utensils) There should be a cat that roams around and if it spots you, you’ll have to run from it and hide. Possibly a gun powder related tool that will scare the cat away temporarily (in order to grind in certain areas efficiently) Sticks its paws through places to get you. Maybe a small dog in a cage that you have to sneak by and grab a key or something (avoid the fleas but if you attack them too close to the dog it will wake up etc). Love the game, it has endless potential
  4. Hey! I'm going to start by saying this is a really nice and fun game to play, spent around 20h on the first days of the release, exploring, building and testing the mechanics. The setting is really cool, the "Pixaresque" art style goes really well here. The story is short (so far) but I'm eager to learn more! A Roadmap to show how the updates are gonna be laid out would help tremendously. Down below are my suggestions on gameplay improvements, what I personally would like to see added and a small or content update I came up with. Quality of Life Equipment such as armor and weapon should not take up an inventory slot. General idea, the thing you are wearing cant also be in the bag right? Hotbar crafting, e.g. if you have a torch on hotbar slot 1 and it breaks, pressing "1" again will fast craft it if one has the ingredients for it. Same for any consumable item like the bandages etc. Sorting options, both in chests and inventory. Also making it auto-stack with existing stacks. Drop all button for a stack, so u can share stacks of arrows quickly or food etc and not have to drop one at a time. Crafting "x" amount button is needed aswell same reason as above, that one could make a stack of arrows quickly. A system where crafting auto-detects ingredients in nearby storage containers. Cuts down on the inventory sim. Show time left on downed allies. Compass marker. Slime mold torch should work underwater? Content Character abilities / feats - 4 unique teens that stand out, adding abit of depth to the selection creating for unique gameplay with different setups for co-op and single player experiences. Wheelbarrows / Sleds - Something to bring with you to carry planks and stems. Weapons - More tiers. More weapon types, E.g. Crossbows, 1-handed / 2-handed varients of swords / maces / axes, Shields, Slings etc. Weapon abilities - Essentially a alternative fire option, e.g. Spear with a charge attack. Club with a overhead swing. Sword with a spin attack. to diversify the weapon types. Armor - More unique one-piece gear like the Aphid slippers, Eg. Mining helm made from fire flies. Rideable insects - Ant pets, ladybug jousting, wolf spider hunting parties so many options ran through my head here and this could be a really fun addition to the game. Decoy items - Consumable item to throw either away from you or on to the attacking creature to lure it or repel it away. Craftable bags - Increase inventory space by crafting. Crafting materials - Sand, Mud, Clay, Plastics(?), Mining ore etc. Base building - Different tiers of house building, creating for unique building options. More shapes for different materials. Fences, Pillars, Ladders, Trapdoors. Stair options, Ramps. 2nd tier of stockpiles which can carry more planks / Stems. Interior building - Beds, Chairs, Tables, Chandeliers, Tiers of storage containers - chest/cupboard etc, Carpets, Paintings, Display cases. Decoration - Painting, color chests, interiors etc. Boats - Make leaf boats to cross water areas. Weather system - Rain, terrifying water just crashing down. Fog, seasonal themed weather e.g. snow. Weather system 2.0 - Hard ask here - rain could fill up trenches and alter the yard experience after it rains. Bosses - Ant queens, Broodmother spider, Infected lady bug etc. Some progression bosses made to fit the story arc or as world bosses. Invasions - event where one has to defeat a swarm of ants, or other insect life. Creatures Generally more of everything but to name a few. Flying - Bees, dragonflies, fire flies, hornets. mosquitos, moths Ground - Worms, centipede, beetles, Aquatic - Fish (to make water dangerous and scary), Striders, tadpoles, water beetles DLC Idea / Event Idea Lost and found Where players can find lost toys that through time have been forgotten and found by insects that drag it home to their bases. Either like action figure weapons and armor that have unique stats on it, or more Lego's themed pieces both tools and weaponry.
  5. Intro After having played Grounded only just 7 days (game time) since the 1.0 release I've loved every single minute of it. I played Solo on survival (Medium difficulty I think) and when watching some YouTube videos from other players (Mediocre Milton, JadeCraft, Sir Sim-slot etc) there have been a few things I think the game needs. I have completed the main campaign and currently collecting gold creature cards and building bases around the yard for when we get some new DLC. Now to the Juicy stuff... Ideas Bugs The variety of bugs in the game is awesome and after seeing some of the potential cut content there are a couple of bugs that I think would work really well. Stick Insects - They could be a nice addition to the lower or upper yard, since the size of them could be large in comparison to the player they could be menacing and could hide on the branches or plants and get agro when you're near. Wasps - This was something that looked like it was cut and understandably since they can be aggressive but could be cool as a hidden dungeon type area with a next being put on the tree or up on the blue tarpaulin. The issue would be the amount of them and them flying around but could be cool to have a nest. Frogs - Now these might not be creatures we can kill but similar to the Koi fish they could be leaping around the pond and potentially cause havoc on bases or get agro if you go near any of them. If we can kill them it would be cool to get some new armour that improves jumping height or swimming. Caterpillar - Again similar to the frog this could be something just around the garden to give it some extra. If we can kill it then again we could have some sort of mutation like the caterpillar does when turning into a butterfly. Butterflies - Just something else to be flying around the air that doesn't want to stab you like the mosquito Grasshoppers - These could be a cool addition and like the frogs when killing we could get some unique armour that lets us jump higher making the game have more verticality meaning the game doesn't have to stay in the one back yard but more on that later Beetles - I guess depending on where the garden is set you can have a whole range of beetles but something different to kill and with a whole range of unique colours. Quality of Life The game does a great job in guiding players through the garden but for those that are familiar with survival, games that have RPG elements where different builds offer different things we're used to seeing certain things and here are some suggestions. Mutation Phase Info - Right now when you unlock a mutation some have 3 phases, each phase obviously gives you a different value with that mutation but there is no indication on the percentage or dp it gives. Having a small bit of info at the bottom that says... Mutation Name Phase 1 - 10% buff Kill 20 more (bug name) for Phase 2 or something like that. Damage Numbers - In most RPGs you see the amount of damage you're doing to the enemy so we could have this as an option for players who actually want to see the damage being dealt like traditional RPGs. Map Markers - When you discover landmarks or key areas on the map the icon is shown on the map, for me this should be similar to Milk Molars, SCA.B's and Raw Science. Once you've found the location it can show up on the map until you collect it then it's gone. Reason for this is that there is no way to actually track which molars you've collected. Bug Attack Info - Currently and I could be wrong because I don't have access to the game when writing this but I don't think the creature cards tell you what types of damage the bugs do once you scan them. They tell you weaknesses and resistance but knowing what damage they deal will also allow those players who do go to certain areas with certain gear to better prepare Some New Things The game as mentioned has a lot of variety in what you can do with the game when it comes to base building parts, armour and weapons but I've got some other ideas. Weather - We already know that weather effects are going to be added at some point as it's been on the feature board but I want to go a little deeper with this. Snow 1. The pond could freeze over and we can break the ice to get through, once inside the water is colder so we also need to worry about temp as well as air. 2. The garden itself will be harder as ice will form on certain plants, the snow can cover a lot of it if it's a thick snow layer meaning traversal could be fun trying to work your way through the snow. You might not get as many bugs flying out in the snow or travelling but being out in it could allow other materials to be farmed like Frozen items Rain/Storms 1. The garden could have more flooded areas until the rain dries out, also if your base isn't elevated it could start taking damage from the mud and things moving in the garden through the rain. With this we could fashion little boats to travel to perhaps new areas that could be added. 2. If it's a storm you'd obviously have lightning that could strike your base or even you as a player. The field of view could also be reduced due to the storm being so bad which adds another dynamic to the game. Hail 1. hailstorms could just be another weather effect that can cause a lot of damage to not only you but bugs also considering the hail will be considerably bigger. Armour Customisation - We're in the back garden and it's super colourful, it would be cool to be able to perhaps go collect certain things that we can then make dye and recolour our armour. It's a simple thing and doesn't really offer any game value except it looks cool and for those in multi-player doing challenges and Whoa they could all look the same with cool coloured gear based on the builds and sets they like. Almost like a transmog for your armour but colour also. Base Building Free Cam- Right now base building is sooo much fun, after playing No Mans Sky for over 450 hours the one thing I think Grounded needs is a free cam base build. If you have the materials also then instead of having to climb to the top of that tower you're creating you can actually build from within free cam. Even if the base part needs stems or grass you can hold them on your character and still build in free cam. Now this might change the immersion a little because it was funny trying to build a tower and your parkour skills failed and you fell to your death or into a bunch of spiders but would make building easier. Underground Base Building- So a lot of the labs are underground, it would be cool if there was a way we could do similar and build these cool bases underground. With that we could introduce the worry of the weather above or worms causing damage but this is just a crazy idea and not something I'd do a lot of as there is soo much to see up top. Base Blueprints - So this is going into more of what I think would be cool for DLC but for those who have completed the game and really ventured into the labs they have cool shrunken down beds, cooler workbenches etc Obviously this tech is from Ominent but would be cool if there was a way we could make similar or get similar by perhaps stealing materials from the other labs or something along those lines. Mounts and Flight - So traversal is fun in the game, getting around can be great but once you're in the end game and building bases you want to get to sides of the garden to farm materials quicker. I think it would be cool to have perhaps an Ant as a mount, if Ominent have the little beeping thing on its head to control it then why can't we hack that and then control the ant? I know there was talk of pheromones and being able to control the ants that way which would be awesome. Other things for better traversal would be a more solid version of the Tuft, I know there was like a clover glider or something like that from the stuff I have seen but why not build like a wing suit from the moth wings and allow you to glide? this would mean you need to be high up to take full advantage of being able to travel the whole garden but it's a faster glider than the tuft and something cool. DLC Ideas and How it Could Work So the whole idea of the game is to survive the backyard and grow big and go home. Now once this Is done people might be wondering how could DLC or more content be added to the game, I have some ideas of my own New Garden - During the game it mentions that other kids have gone missing, with the main 4 kids being shrunk down against their own will we could make it that in the DLC they choose to be shrunk again and therefor more prepared as they're working alongside Wendell to try and stop Ominent. I won't spoil the good ending or bad ending but those who know both will know how this could work. If we're more prepared and we know that Ominent are up to no good like all evil organisations then it could mean we venture into a whole new garden because we know they've been kidnapping kids again meaning a whole new area even if it's the neighbours garden. We could have more tech since we're working alongside Wendell meaning cooler armour, similar base building options like the labs as well as cool tech suits and abilities that make building, traversing different. Another way we could introduce a new garden is to have the kids similar to above shrink down because there was something lost in the undershed, when they go down and into the sinkhole, a rain storm hits and flushes them away down the pipes and they end up elsewhere. Yeah it would be a little convenient if they managed to end up somewhere that happened to have shrunken labs but the pipes could have been how Ominent transported things from Garden to Garden. The Shed - I know there was a leak of the shed but as some of the content creators I mentioned above have stated in their videos this could just have been a dumping ground for all the assets but I think actually going into the shed is a cool idea for easy DLC for now until a new Garden or area is opened with story content. The shed could be introduced as Wendell may have a different version or an earlier model of the SPAC.R in there and he was using that with limited resources. Or we could just make it that Ominent knew what he was doing and took full advantage and setup base in the shed without him knowing. A whole world of possibilities in that shed. There are tonnes more things I have ideas for but this is a massive read for anyone that does chose to do so so thank you if you've got this far haha. Might see you in game Cheers
  6. -New Ice Cooler biome which could either be between the Garbage Pile, and the House Steps, or near the shed. (Edit: Would make sense if it was near the picnic table with some drinks inside.) . Is filled with Ice Cubes, which can be smashed with a tier 3 hammer, (and maybe some new types of frozen insects could be found frozen inside some Ice Cubes, maybe a new type of spider. And it's frozen body parts could be in a recipe for a new weapon of some sort. A Frozen Blade?) Could use Ice chunks from the Cubes to make/fuel a refrigerator of some sort. (Edit: And being inside the Cooler for too long without corresponding armor, gives you the Freezing effect, similar to the Sizzling effect, except it slows you and drains your stamina. You could use mite fuzz or gnat fuzz to make insulated armor that keeps you warm. You could maybe also make some ice tipped arrows that give your target the freezing effect for a short time, and you could maybe make something like a sword made of hardened ice or something.) -Maybe a DLC where you can enter the house and look around, and you can see an adult walk around sometimes, (while trying not to be stepped on,) and be able to collect new resources, such as; dust, carpet follicles. And maybe there could be some food in the cupboards, and some stuff in-between the couch cushions. -Maybe add some types of small rodents, such as; mice, rats, squirrels? -(Something me and my friends have been wanting for a while,) a wasp nest near the top of the tree, with a wasp lab. And the wasp lab could be connected to the BURG.L lab, but the explosion broke the connection, because we see other rooms inside the BURG.L lab, but we can't access them. So I think we should be able to climb up the tree inorder to get to the wasp lab, and the lab could possibly be halfway inside the wasp nest. And you could get some resources from killing the wasps maybe?
  7. So ive been trying. To get the Brontide but the issue is the doors are sealed and have been through the whole story line i never got access how do i open the doors or atlest wall breach to get the item. no buttons or terminal anywhere and ive looked for 2 days now. i can't find the soultion. please help. note im on console so console commands are OUT OF THE QUESTION.
  8. I own the Outer Worlds for PS4, a physical copy. I updated the game before purchasing the DLC bundle including Peril on Gorgon. I have multiple saves that are post-Radio Free Monarch and pre-Point of No Return, yet traveling in the Unreliable doesn't trigger the DLC. It's installed, I even got a little banner flash at the bottom of the screen when I loaded up the game that said "peril on gorgon available!" But again, none of my multiple post-RFM, pre-PONR saves seem to be working -- I've tried flying from Terra 2 to Groundbreaker, from Monarch to Scylla, nothing. It really sucks that I actually followed directions and kept the correct saves and I STILL have to replay the entire game if I want to play the DLC. Not cool, Obsidian. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
  9. Ok, so, bit of a long story.... On it's release day, I bought the Peril of Gorgon DLC. However, all my save files were after the point of no return - the final stages of the final mission. Therefore, I was unable to leave Tartaurus and start the DLC. I ended up having to get a refund for the DLC through the xbox website, which was accepted within an hour. I knew that the only way for me to get to play the DLC would be to start the game again and get to the start point for it. I left it a couple of days and then started a new game. Although I had been refunded for the game, I guess the game still thought I had the game, or that the DLC wasn't actually uninstalled yet, as it said on the main menu "Peril of Gorgon installed ✔" and in game, in the quest screen, there was a Peril of Gorgon tab. Peril of Gorgon must've been available for me and not been removed yet, I guess. Anyway... I started the new game and played for a few hours. The next day, I went to return to the game only to find that I was unable to load any save file, as it says "Peril of Gorgon missing". I am stuck. Although, it also says "Current version - Save version -" which should be ok for me to continue, I'd think. I then bought the DLC again, hoping it would fix the issue - it did not. I then got a refund for the DLC again. Would I now have to restart the game yet again!?
  10. i bought the season pass today to play the new dlc, and its not working. i tried 3 different saves for the same character and none of them work.
  11. (my hopes for the future of grounded after It is released) hope that In the future despite grounded not being out yet I hope to see dlc like maybe something involving exploring a room of a house like the kitchen because you can keep a lot of the enemies in the game but just have the players in side and make stuff like crumbs food keep in mind this is what I hope happens if there is dlc
  12. It might have gotten hidden in the folds of Obsidian's 2019 holiday tweet, but anyone have any guesses concerning the OSI logo on the canid's collar?
  13. Hey everyone! Your friendly, neighborhood, marketing drone here with what I hope will be an eye-opening insight into gamers' thoughts on DLC. First off: a big thank you to everyone who participated in our survey. Hearing your thoughts helps us understand your opinions better, and make better games. Background For those who don't know, on October 4, 2017, we published a survey, asking some key questions about players' preferences regarding DLC, and a bit about their backgrounds, as well. As anyone at Obsidian will tell you, I am big on data, and have been pushing for stuff like this for a while. So, hey, thanks for making me look good with the absolutely huge response we got to the survey: Forecast Response: ~12,000 - 18,000 Actual Responses: 55,035 Sources: Kickstarter/Fig Backers, Obsidian Forums, Obsidian Newsletter, Reddit (big thanks to the awesome humans at /r/projecteternity and /r/Fallout!), Twitter, Facebook, and from many of our wonderful developer and publisher colleagues. The survey ran until October 20, 2017, and we thank everyone who participated and all our partners who assisted us! For those who missed it, here is the amazing survey background art we used, as created by our Community Manager, Aarik Dorobiala (presented here in 1080p for those who want to use it as a wallpaper!): A Note on Sampling Methodology The statisticians among you will have noticed that our data-gathering methodology was not blind, and that's an important thing to call out. Because we didn't use a random sample of our customers or backers, but rather went to specific areas and allowed those populations to self select, we know that some of the data in this survey will be skewed toward those specific population groups. For our purposes, however, that's fine. We are interested in engaged gamers who are likely to be interested in our DLC (and DLC secularly), and we were willing to sacrifice some methodological precision if it meant driving more participation in the survey for this go-round. The fact that the survey got more popular than we ever imagined is a bonus, but it also means we need to take these results as directional, rather than strictly determinative, since the populations who responded to the survey may or may not be representative of the total population of RPG fans out there. -- Section 1: Demographics While the first section of the survey asked about DLC preferences and the second, optional, section asked about demographics, I nevertheless want to show the demographic results first, so readers can understand a bit about who answered these questions before they see how the questions were answered. The demographics section was 100% optional, but it's not clear that everyone understood that. Although we did have some folks opt out of certain questions by skipping them, we may have had significantly more if we added an affirmative opt-out answer choice to every question, which is what we will do in the future. This was my mistake, but one of the things to think about when you review these results is that I treated this piece at least in part as a "meta-survey." That is, I wanted to test certain questions and methodologies as much as gather data itself, so I can improve our data gathering and survey user-friendliness going forward. Please note that we have omitted a question for the sake of consumer privacy. Question 1: Age We were a bit surprised to see how many of the survey respondents were teenagers, but otherwise, our age demographic for this survey tracks pretty well with what we expect for the "typical" gamer: about 3/4s are between the ages of 20 and 34. Question 2: Gender While we expected that we would get a majority male response, we did not expect it to be this skewed. Only about 2% of people skipped the question, though we were asked why we did not have a third, or opt-out gender option, such as "Prefer not to answer." That was an oversight -- I simply believed people would opt out by skipping the question. Question 3: Country of Residence We were very gratified to have people from nearly every country in the world reply to our survey -- despite the fact that it was only available in English. While the numbers aren't clear on the chart, Germany featured the most respondents from a non-Anglophone nation (2,431), which was almost as many as Australia! Since the map doesn't fully show everything due to size constraints, here's the top 10 countries by number of respondents: USA - 25,089 UK - 3,939 Canada - 3,909 Australia - 2,471 Germany - 2,431 Poland - 1,651 Sweden - 1,412 France - 1,132 Russia - 1,070 Finland - 923 Question 4: - OMITTED Question 5: Preferred Gaming Platform Windows PC was by far the most commonly used gaming platform for respondents, followed distantly by Android Phone, PlayStation 4, and Portable Consoles, in that order. No other system was a major occupier of time for most of our respondents. One thing that was interesting to see was just how much more popular Android was than iOS among our respondent group. One note: our survey was quite popular on the subreddit for PlayStation 4 (/r/PS4), but the equivalent Xbox One subreddit (/r/XboxOne) does not allow surveys, which may have biased console usership results. Question 6: Preferred Purchase Platform Tracking with the use of Windows as the primary gaming platform, it's no surprise that Steam is by far the dominant platform for respondents' game purchasing decisions. Of considerable interest, however, is how high up on the list official console digital marketplaces ranked. This suggests a shift among leading-edge (or "core") gamers toward digital purchasing on console, away from brick-and-mortar or other physical disc distribution. NB: GOG.com's abbreviation should be rendered GOG, not GoG, apologies for the typo in my chart! -- Section 2: DLC Questions This segment consisted of mandatory questions, and just about everyone completed it -- we had less than a 1% abandonment rate on the survey. While there were ten questions asked, we omit the tenth, as it involves internal Obsidian benchmarking, and was originally geared toward a specific consumer-targeted audience, not the much larger audience we ended up getting, so the results aren't super valuable. Question 1: Owned Obsidian DLCs It's no surprise that Fallout: New Vegas, still one of our most popular games, remains the leader in terms of DLC ownership. We also had a significant number of respondents who owned DLC in Pillars of Eternity and, surprisingly, Neverwinter Nights 2, a game that's now more than ten years old. Only about one in ten respondents did not purchase any Obsidian DLC at all. Question 2: Acquisition Method This question got a lot of feedback from the community, and I'll will revise it if we ask a similar question in the future. The feedback largely centered on a few issues: A large number of respondents commented that, while they would not commonly refund/return the base game in order to acquire the Game of the Year (GotY) Edition, they would refrain from purchasing a game at all once DLC of any kind is announced until a GotY or other complete edition is released. Many people felt that the question insufficiently described why or how the DLC was attractive and therefore made it difficult for them to assess the value of a season pass or DLC. Everyone loves sales, so that answer choice could have been folded into the others as a value-add. Question 3: Preferred DLC Features I color-coded these by type so it would be easier for everyone to parse respondents' preferences. Overwhelmingly, respondents want more game content -- that is, they want the game itself to be bigger, deeper, longer. They want to be able to come back to it, or continue on with it. However, there was also a significant number of respondents who were looking for expanded or additional game systems, such as multiplayer (co-operative) or replayable modes such as roguelikes. Anything tagged as "competitive" or "PvP" was not considered attractive, however. Question 4: Quantity of DLC Respondents were very clear here, and their responses track with the bias toward content-based features in the previous question: people want bigger, deeper DLC for their money, not small stuff. Question 5: Influential Factors The most influential factor for the majority of respondents in informing their decision to purchase DLC is price. This could imply that respondents feel that DLC is generally overpriced, that DLC generally doesn't strike them as a good value at MSRP, or simply that gamers are cost conscious. Among the other factors, word-of-mouth factors such as a friend's recommendation or score from bona fide other gamers were the most important in influencing buying decisions. Interestingly, most respondents felt that time between base game launch and DLC launch was not a major factor in their decision to purchase -- this could be interpreted in two ways: either respondents don't mind waiting for deep content, or they feel that they won't purchase new DLC no matter what, until it's on sale. Questions 6 & 7: Price Calibration These two questions were designed to work in tandem. I was looking to anchor respondents at a $45-dollar base price for a game, and then see if raising that base price in a subsequent, identical question, caused them to re-value an associated season pass. Given the structure of the questions and the expected effect of the anchoring, the 7.8% difference in average expected price can be considered not statistically significant. Basically, the base price of a game, alone, was not enough to make gamers think differently about the value of the season pass (and, by extension, other associated content). We got a lot of feedback to these questions that price alone was not sufficient for them to evaluate the value of a season pass, and, of course, that's true. To give some insight into what I was trying to accomplish with these two questions: I was interested in whether putting a change in base price in front of a consumer's face would cause a cognitive bias that might affect his price tolerance for ancillary purchases. In other words, does price alone have a direct relationship to perception of value or further willingness to engage with a product? Looking back on this, was this question the best way to evaluate this heuristic? Probably not. I've had some suggestions for improvements that I intend to incorporate into future question series, and I'm going back to my behavioral economics texts to deepen my own understand -- but I still think the results are interesting, nevertheless. One other note: while our respondents put the desired price of season passes at around $17, in reality, RPG gamers pay about $25 for them (when purchased as a separate product, not as part of a Deluxe Edition or GotY) on average, according to industry sales data. Question 8: Free DLC Pretty clear message here: people like free DLC. 4% of respondents, however, clearly feel that DLC is not good, in any form. Question 9: Genre Preference Everyone hated this question's answer choice structure. I tried something newfangled by allowing people to drag and drop their answer choices in a stack-ranked list, and we got a ton of feedback on it. First, it apparently didn't work on mobile -- sorry about that, I should've tested it better. Second, a lot of people commented that they felt pretty much equally weak on a variety of genres but felt they were forced to rank them better than each other, anyway. This is interesting, though, because despite a lot of these comments, Sports and Casual emerged as the clear losers. You'd think that if, say, the bottom five or six genres (which is what most people said they didn't care about) were equally lousy to people, you'd have a fairly even distribution, since the order of the answer choices was randomized. So, while our respondents didn't like the way this question was structured (and I'll kill it for next time), it is interesting to see that it forced the truth out -- sports and casual games are the least liked. Therefore Obsidian is killing our latest secret project: Lord Bolingbroke Polo 2018. Just kidding, we wouldn't do a casual game. -- Conclusions All in all, lots of great takeaways here, and we'll be using the data internally to ask some even more in depth questions. For example: do people who own Pillars of Eternity DLC also own Tyranny DLC? Do Europeans have different DLC preferences from North Americans? Why do RPG fans hate sports games? There's so much to be learned here, and we are so grateful to our fans for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We will continue to get better at making surveys, and we hope you will continue to engage with us and let us know how you feel, so that we can try to make the best games possible for you. We know we can't please everybody all the time (this survey proves that), and we're not trying to do that, but if this kind of research can help us get better at making the games we love to make, then our marketing team is doing its job.
  14. Is it possible to convince her to attack Rymrgand or 18-19 skill checks just provide a different "No"? I'm going to respec and check it after completing the DLC, but if anyone has already done it, the information would be much appreciated.
  15. Starting topic of any/all ideas & suggestions for possible future games & DLC content. Here are a few things that I'd like to see in future installments or DLC content. 12 Companions Weapons/Armor DLC Archer companion that switches between standard crossbow & bow with power based weapons that include elemental damage ex: fire, plasma, shock, etc. Mimic/Shapeshifter companion that can take on identity/form of anyone in game which could be used for missions or to infiltrate a group/faction or replace someone in game or be used for humor aspects.
  16. Will there be mods support? Any planned DLC? Season Pass? What endgame going be like? Multiple Endings? Character creator? Any pre order benefits? Anything else I should know?
  17. Which is the reccomended party on each dlc to have optimal and more interesting interactions with the companions?
  18. Game freezes or crashes shortly after Rymrgand smashes the ground with his axe upon refusing to serve him. I don't know what happens after that because after the camera follows the purple fracturing effect, the screen either freezes or the game crashes. I've attached the crash log. The screen freeze is similar to that of the Fort Deadlight bug. 2018-08-06_184944.zip
  19. I think it was kinda dissapointing that sefyra (adra dragon) is not in poe 2, either as a draco lich (if you killed her) or as a high level old principi pirate (if you let her took falanroed body) in poe 2. another thing that needs work, is that some classes (like the monks) are kinda ignored in poe, having few special dialogues . deadfire needed to have more quests for these forgotten classes.
  20. Hi, I'm using steam for PoE 2, and everytime I go to the DLC store page and hit "download" it just launches the game. Happening with Rum Runner and also the "Critical Role pack" DLC. Under properties (in library) the 2 DLC's aren't even listed as an option. Any way to fix this? I'm also doing shared library with gf, if that helps. (She bought it, not me)
  21. Is it possible (and makes sense) to play the DLC after finishing the main quest? (no spoilers, plz)
  22. I have a family account on steam and this game was purchased by another family member (though I'm the primary player. Please don't ask). I went back to play after the latest update and I couldn't play any of my saved games. Because ALL of the free DLC had been removed. This is possibly related to the fact you can't actually download the optional DLC on steam in this situation but it is unbelievably annoying. Very fortunately removing and reinstalling under the other issue made the saved games reappear, but that's not pleasant
  23. After the latest update "Potions of Plenty" ("Seeker, Slayer, Survivor" DLC, side quest) does not progress - the belt (Less Unstable Coil) does not charge after battles in the Crucible (4 battles without any updates in the journal).
  24. Seeker, Slayer, Survivor. After defeating the naga at the Crucible, the Slaying Face congratulates the party with "The naga's venom offers only pyrrhic victory for those who best them, yet our contender lives to fight another day!". Does it mean that there was a person named Pyrrhus in the history of Eora, who achieved a victory, while suffering heavy casualties? Or it should be considered a bug?
  25. There were several hidden skill checks in the last part of the DLC (or the sound of "Skill check failed"; the Pool of Memories) and after defeating the Porokoa is was possible to tell Engari that the Faces were incarnations of one Watcher (with "Honest" disposition). I could not confirm or disprove it in my playthroughs, because I was not able to pass the above-mentioned skill checks. Is this information correct? And, if it is, why do the Faces go on a murder rampage, when freed (with or without host)? I apologize in advance, if the topic was started too early (10 days after the release of the DLC).
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