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Everything posted by Gurkog

  1. I hope any romance included in the game is like Memento... it revolves around the character constantly reliving the final moment of his lover's life- as he watched, helplessly while she is murdered! That would be awesome. Generic Bioware trash romance is rather boring. Obsidian needs to show them how to make one with impact.
  2. Humans could be faster learners and more adaptive, but are also more volatile and irrational. A good way to balance humans and explain why other species/sub-species are annoyed by them.
  3. I think Pixar is the only studio that does great animated films. Way better than Disney trash.
  4. I wouldn't mind Orcs if they aren't the stereotyped 'evil-bad guy' race. That is just way over-used. I would not mind having the elves be the evil bastages that I can smash with mallets and choke them with their own entrails.... elf genocide *drool*.
  5. To call them hostile is like calling Stalin, Ghandi. Although, if the game had a squid-like race I bet they would be all for tentacle rape sex.
  6. A Murloc type race would be great. Stupid Blizzard should have made them a Horde race instead of dirty elves.
  7. Cheating isn't morally wrong, but if the game is any good players shouldn't be bored or frustrated enough to want to cheat.
  8. I think Obsidian is taking the phrase 'Go big or go home' to heart.
  9. I wore out the novelty of no second chances mode back when Diablo 2 came out. I played hardcore mode for a couple years until I got tired of doing everything again because of a server hiccup killing my characters.
  10. Sawyer mentioned that there will be cannon models used as decoration in cities and such. It will be fitting to have some low-tech handheld firepower. People act like most modern guns weren't first developed before 1950 (hint: they were) just that the current incarnations are a bit different in appearance.
  11. I wouldn't mind romances like that creepy stalker elf chick in NWN2. That was good stuff and even better since I find elves annoying and repuslive. If there are any relationships developed, they should be implied. I don't want the game to shove it in my face because it assumes players can't notice subtlety (Any of Bioware's work after being acquired by the evil EA overlords).
  12. I don't see anything wrong with them. They aren't in-depth companions that I am supposed to interact with frequently or take seriously.
  13. Influence/friendship/whatever meters don't work. By adding them, you make the player pick dialogue options not based on his/her opinions or feelings, but rather what he thinks the NPC wants to hear, to get a relationship boost and unlock new conversations or bonuses. It might be better if it's hidden, but still I'd rather not have such mechanics. Only when you are metagaminng or roleplaying a complete flatterer. If it's the first option, then congratulations, you are ruining the game for yourself by your own choice. Influence meters are the only way to keep non player characters reactive to player's choices throughout the game. Meters are fine and dandy, but I am happy that the option to hide them will be present in PE. Seeing meters like make it hard to invest myself in the characters and dialogue. Hopefully OE will be able to satisfy the metagamers and LARPers roleplayers with the optional functions!
  14. The demand for Bioware level romance in games reminds me of the 'extended' version of Stranger in a Strange Land that included 2x the content that was cut from the original printing. The extra material basically was a precursor to the sexual revolution, except that by the end the author implies that the only way to truly know and love people is to sex them. You can not know and love parents, children, best friend, anyone unless you sex them regularly... I understand why the publisher demanded the extra content to be cut originally... because it was juvenile masturbatory fantasy. This must be what the current RPG customers want, because 'romance is a vital component of all deep relationships'. Why can't we just have real relationships that don't hinge on bumping uglies?
  15. I think I beat Kangaxx my first time by chain summoning stuff for him to beat on while I waited for him to run out of spells and his buffs to wear off. I think I did most fights like that, my first time. Magic users were extremely powerful in BG2, unless you play the attrition game.
  16. They will probably include lots of recipes for making Kerfluffle smores!
  17. In BG players had very little control over how many of the characters developed and I liked that. That level of control is fine with me. I just don't want complete control over them.
  18. We will be getting an adventurer hall, so if you want moldable companions just head there instead of using the in-depth ones. Everyone wins that way.
  19. If there are any bards they need to all be like Grobnar!
  20. Alpha Torment Ice Wind Protocol Knights of the Old Torment Neverwinter Siege Knights of the Old Nights Dungeon Protocol
  21. I loved the IE games thought ME had an extra helping of cheese in the storyline and the combat was mediocre at best DA:O had all kinds of poorly structured choices and consequences, and combat KotOR was OK, but clunky NWN was a disappointment on all accounts Ya... I didn't much care for Bioware after NWN, but Obsidian has kept my attention the whole time. Bioware makes teen fantasy while OE crafts adult stories. I backed PE because I know OE will provide a mature and satisfying story with at least decent combat.
  22. I think winning as an evil character is to convince everyone to give me what I want, even if it kills them indirectly.
  23. There were a few projects I have seen in the last few months that I thought wouldn't make it, but they somehow get the bulk of their funding at the end. Anything is possible on Kickstarter, and that is the beauty of it.
  24. Good players should be punished for doing the 'right' thing in a community that has different values. Stopping a ritual sacrifice or something because it is the 'right' thing to do could brand your character as a disturber of the peace. Factions would be wary of your presence because of your lack of regard for their traditions and values. Stuff like that would be nice. EDIT: A good player who takes the law into their own hands could easily become an outlaw vigilante of any faction. Local powerbases do not like random hobo adventurers usurping their authority.
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