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About adamsorkin

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    Mad Alchemist of the Obsidian Order
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. Please include some kind warning before linking out to tvtropes...I've only got so much time and charge left.
  2. RPS has an interesting Q&A here: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/01/09/planescape-torment-sequel/#more-137374 - discussing the new Torment "sequel" sans Planescape. Not a bad read - thought it might be of interest here.
  3. Picked this up from a Steam sale awhile back, and found it to be a pleasant surprise. Certainly not perfect, but I enjoyed it pretty well. The Bourne/Bond/Bauer choice scheme and timed dialogues still stick out for me.
  4. I don't think Tolkein (despite the half-elf epithet) had hybrids - didn't offspring of multiple races choose which race to become? Elrond chose elven/immortality, while Elros chose humanity and was mortal (albeit very long lived).
  5. Not too shabby! My amazon payment processed pretty quickly after things wrapped up last night, so hopefully it won't be too much of a pain on your end!
  6. Haven't yet read the 7 or so pages that have spawned from this comment yet - but this caught my eye. I'm a sucker for this trope every time - getting stuck somewhere late in the game, itemless, and only relying on the skills you've developed to escape/re-equip. I don't know why - every time, it just works for me. And for the record, options are good. Easy exits don't ruin my experience. I may use them or not, but I'm not unhappy for them to be there. I don't mind being challenged, but I never want a game to frustrate me for its own sake.
  7. Looking forward to them! - I will likely play on iOS, provided the UI is manageable.
  8. I enjoyed Crossroads as well, and would be happy to see a similar feature in Eternity - perhaps with a little more in the way of customization. Really liked how it felt like you were tangibly making a mark on the game world.
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