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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/21 in Posts

  1. Most likely just a troll post on twitter (and people who eat that kind of stuff raw and actually believes it if it resonates with their own bigotry) The (twitter) posters account is just a bunch of religious garbage, bigotry and racism. I.e. someone who lost at the game of life. Would make a good Trump follower I suspect. Lacks the brain to be anything else. Edit: And yeah, looks like nobody has any idea what the mysterious discord server could've been
    4 points
  2. Isn't the whole thing a troll anyhow? There's nothing online that indicates this happened that doesn't come back to this tweet and the now deleted tiktok (and from what I can tell the largest lgtbq+ discord is still active and I find it weird that Discord wouldn't be able to restore anything despite what an admin does since typically corporations would have access to server backups)
    4 points
  3. Did you read my spoiler about Black Swan? Not sure, since it was contained within my mega-spoiler. Here it is again if you didn't:
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Cant find any options in the crafting menu for the stuffed creatures. I think its a bug, or i am missing something haha!!
    1 point
  6. ghost touch is more useful than in the previous build as shadow and spectre touch attacks were seeming disabled in the earlier beta. now you better kill 'em quick before they level or strength drain you to death. not a lotta such enemies, but is nice to have at least one dependable weapon usable by somebody other than camellia at lower levels. am replaying from level 3 after hearing skalds is likely still busted. we foolish gave seelah multiple skald levels after two paladin levels and we won't know whether keening were fixed until five levels o' skald. on core a few encounters include one or two extra foes. not a substantial change so far, but am wondering if a few o' the boss battles were altered. HA! Good Fun! ps not all cold iron weapons are working as intended to bypass demon dr. the talking weapon also, perhaps not complete surprising, does not confer cold iron quality to weapons such as clubs. however, we were much surprised that the cold iron masterwork dagger we bought for the woljif were not bypassing demon dr. am assuming this "bug" is an issue in rt as well as tb and at difficulties lower than core. atm, all characters appear to be getting 1 point o' slashing bonus damage, so at first we thought that were what were being reduced, by demon dr, but nope. pps more new bugs. if you respec a character with an animal companion, you will be prevented from choosing a subclass for your animal companion-- defaults to vanilla "animal companion" post respec. (edit) scrolls of restoration may be purchased at the defender's heart, but they are listed as "scrolls of," at a cost of 700 per. three total. ppps oracles still cannot choose a second mystery via the tier 1 mythic options, which makes our plans to add nature to daeran a non-starter. am beginning to think few class specific bugs were addressed for this build. as an aside, am uncertain how much more am gonna play until there is a new patch. 'cause at the moment we got a bug where we cannot access companions while in camp. no changes to inventory, level-up, spell books, etc. gotta make changes at the world map and then reenter camp if we want to rest or whatnot. for a compulsive micromanager, this is not an ideal situation.
    1 point
  7. Somehow, I get the feeling that I wouldn't enjoy that one. Maybe another time...or an entirely different life, .
    1 point
  8. Well, then I'm not sure what else I can say to PB's defense, except that both I and majestic seem to have 'loved' it. I recall that when I brought it up in the movie thread when I first watched it a while back, another commenter, maybe algroth, said something along the lines of that he thought PB was okay, he guessed - he'd already seen and loved Aronofsky's films before watching it, though, so it just wasn't very special in comparison to, you know, those. ...Might be that you like one or the other, . (e): Although if you already read all of our spoilers, I think some of the mystique would be lost on you anyways probably...probably.
    1 point
  9. Experiencing most all of what has been reported above -- One other thing I've noticed is the Acorn Tops are just disappearing about half of the time. They're not going partially under the ground or bouncing into my inventory, they're just gone. And the acorn bits and shells are giving randomly numbered drops, sometimes one, sometimes 2 or 3, sometimes nothing (perhaps planned?) Single Player / Mild / X-box
    1 point
  10. Like I said, I only saw the poster directly before watching the movie. The poster didn't give me a definitive impression for what kind of movie it was going to be - though I did have some vague ideas - but it did give me the impression that it was a movie I absolutely had to see, that I would not be able to not see it, which is what contributed to me immediately watching it. It was...the first non-Ghibli anime movie I watched, I believe? Kon's Millennium Actress (which I liked less but still liked) would soon follow, IIRC...and then sometime later by Tokyo Godfathers and Memories, the former of which is also one of my absolute favorite films (and Memories is fun enough as well). Oh yeah, Paprika was in there as well at some point. Actual movie spoilers: I often connect different voice actor "personas" as well. They're not really personas, just different jobs from the perspective of the VA, but in my head, they're connected personas. There are a few different VAs, like Sarevok's from BG1*, Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob, Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time, Fall-from-Grace from Planescape: Torment, and some others whose voices are so emblazoned in my brain as one or two specific characters AND YET THEY KEEP GETTING MORE JOBS AS OTHER CHARACTERS that eventually I start looking at their biggest (to me) roles as being sort of fusions of themselves. There was a really weird example of this in Adventure Time when Amethyst from SU showed up as a character that I knew I recognized the voice of, but somehow bizarrely and mystifyingly couldn't initially place it, and I didn't really like the character at first...but when I finally placed it as being Amethyst, it was like a flip instantly switched in my brain and I suddenly loved him (she was playing a young boy character) because I knew it was her. Weird stuff. *Boy, he sure gets type-casted into a million different villain role.
    1 point
  11. NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity will head to new airfield today on 5th flight.
    1 point
  12. Perfect Blue (1997) A film about the question of which blue is actually the perfect one. For me that's easily ultramarine, but that should surprise nobody at all since it is made from Lapis Lazuli, who incidentially was the best supporting character in Steven Universe, at least until her story arc had a barn dropped on her, no, I mean, until her story arc was dropped liked barn. Apparently there are people who think azure is the best, but we wouldn't entertain such madness now, would we? The film features three seiyus I recognized: Sailor Jupes, Seiya and Hikari/Tomoyo. Tomoyo I already talked about, it was hard getting her out of this performance even if Mima came first. The vagaries of establishing an association with a single character. So it was Tomoyo first, then Mima, for me. I think the other direction would have been less of an issue, an issue that is predominately mine anyway. Can't be yours, can it? Obviously not, unless we're the same. Which we aren't, even though for a while I thought we would be. Similar, perhaps, but to the point of being a simulacrum? No. Yes? Does it matter? I was sure once, now I no longer am. I also really should sleep more and watch less at 0200. Back to character associations for a while. I often do that, for fun. Every time I see Mark Hamill in something I tell others that I saw Colonel Blair in a TV show, or movie. They're usually wondering why someone like me, who has seen Star Wars for several hundred times (to the point of knowing the entire dialogue of the original trilogy by heart, in what seems like a far distant, happier time - you know, before Peter Pan turned out to be a dream, and reality came crashing down hard on me), would associate Mark Hamill with Wing Commander first. Because I feel like it. For the same reason why I keep calling Neil Patrick Harris Carl Jenkins instead of Doogie Howser. Because psychic space fascists easily beat kid doctors. They're also about equally as realistic. But what's real anyway? Regardless... so, not sure. I did not recognize Hikari as Tomoyo when watching Neon Genesis Evangelion recently, recreating Tomoyo with the more lighthearted parts of Perfect Blue was apparently a choice, or I failed to pay enough attention. I don't think it was the latter, beause I felt really, really bad for Hikari. Poor girl. I'm sure that's Shinji's fault too, he could have disabled that EVAngel in a different manner. There you go. Finally something to blame on Usagi, other than being obsessed with Mamosuka. Take that you whiner. Whiness? Do we need to properly gender whiner in English, like actor and actress? Would that be whineman and whinewoman otherwise? I'm not at all sure now. Is that a holdover from the time I spent my days hearing and reading nothing but a language that does have grammatical genders? Nope, probably not. That's just so this post becomes longer, because words are good. Wordcount. Yes. Hah! Where was I going with this? Oh! Mima was clearly intended to be voiced with a bit of a naive, almost child-like enthusiasm for certain things. Not bad, not bad. Good choice. Bad carreer choice for someone like that though. Lastly, if you have not seen Perfect Blue and wondered about the color at all, and, let me tell you something straight: You should! Even if it ends up being a film you probably only want to watch once. It's really blue, in the end. Yes. Warning, actual spoiler content now. While I personally do not think that anything that happens in Perfect Blue is a surprise per se and knowing spoilers will not be detrimental to its enjoyment, that is only my personal opinion. Don't blame me if you click here and find yourself in a situation where you believe otherwise and can't go back. This is great, and I am indeed looking forward to never seeing this ever again, much like Grave of the Fireflies. Not because it isn't good, but exactly the opposite. It is far too effective in what it sets out to do to subject myself to seeing it again. Fantastic work, really.
    1 point
  13. Damn, when did that happen??? I never even noticed the moment I turned alt right... please don't tell my friends!
    1 point
  14. Why? It's OK, it's on sale right now. What is not to like?
    1 point
  15. Does anyone else think that having an in game cloud storage of sorts, for objects you've built around your base that you don't want to just get rid of would be useful? Like if you had a ton of lights that you wanted to "stash", and bring back out at a later time to reuse again? Also, if there's a time where you build a wall in your base and want to add a door, you could just replace a wall panel with a door without having to break it down and completely rebuild it? These features are in other games and aren't exactly original anymore, but they're extremely useful when you can't stop building things in abundance like I do.
    1 point
  16. I suddenly feel like playing the Flash Gordon sound track by Queen again
    1 point
  17. I think it's more that 1950s sci-fi writers knew what they were writing about. Sci-fi of today is most of the time just fantasy where magic is disguised as technology.
    1 point
  18. In your last sentence, you completely nailed it. Despite the fact, I've never played the game, it provided me so much entertainment through reading/viewing reviews and comment sections, that I really can't complain about the game at all Best 60 EUR I've never spent
    1 point
  19. Ah I see thanks for the replies, I definitely didn't read up on it before posting but now I understand. I could still be wrong but sounds like it Last of Us Part2 won an award for the graphics, acting and technological development (whether deserved or not), but lost a lot of fans as it seemed to tread over what many thought was a great story in Part 1 ... so it safe to say it truly was Robocop 2 to Robocop 1 or maybe even to a lot of people Matrix 2 to Matrix 1. Again I have no opinion on the game but it seems like the reviews that panned the story were upset mostly because it wasn't the first story ... which is typical for fan reviews in a lot of ways ... though maybe my point does still have some merit, I mean it has 156,000 reviews and it only released on PS or am I totally wrong on that? I am pulling a lot of similarities between Cyberpunk 2077 and Last Of Us Part 2 ... both successes but also in many ways equally hated as much as loved, though you could make the comment that if you didn't play it you missed out on a cultural moment in time and endless hours of debate on forums, which for some is even more entertainment than the game itself
    1 point
  20. Not Bueno Excellente. 10 minutes into Legend of the Overfiend. Holy ****, this is so bad it ends up being good. It's like a cross between Sailor Moon Says, the Ghost Stories dub, and some really ****ed up hentai. Ok so this is the censored version, which cut like half an hour of the more explicit stuff. What I said previously is still true, this is like a X-rated version of the Ghost Stories dub.
    1 point
  21. You're the one who told me about it!
    1 point
  22. Is it just me, or does anybody else think Elon Musk built that because he's a fan of 1950s sci-fi?
    1 point
  23. ^ Never mind! Don't need no stinkin' RT Metro update for entertainment. Found a 3rd party map generator for 7 Days to Die that is much better (and much much faster) than the one given in the game. No more biomes always at map edges, I could make it all forest, or all snow, if I wanted, totally flat, etc. Going to take a while to figure out creation of perfect map! Maybe only one giant city? ... Goes up to 16k size (vs. 8k game default) as well as many custom sizes and settings. Pardon me while I get lost.
    1 point
  24. I'll never buy another game made in Eastern Europe except for Piranha Bytes games.
    1 point
  25. I have mentioned this before but I will support CDPR to the end of days, I will never lose faith or stop supporting such an iconic relatively new company that was able to create games as entertaining and enjoyable as the global giants like Bioware, Bethesda , Rockstar, Obsidian , Ubisoft , Electronic arts and others I am surprised that their isnt more loyalty and belief in CDPR because its a Polish company and I tend to think East European forum members would appreciate that. In other words you always want your own companies and business ideas to be successful in a global world ? I like to see successful companies and gaming franchises outside the acceptable big boys, its always good for competition
    1 point
  26. From the posts of Jeff Jackson, a NC political candidate..
    1 point
  27. Why is this funny? It seems pretty tragic that somebody would waste 2 and a half years of their lives just so they could target the lgbt community. That's some pretty deep seeded bigotry.
    1 point
  28. The Spiders' games have long been Eurojank budget RPGs. They've always had the heart and the ambition, but never either the prowess or the budget to get there completely. GreedFall feels like the closest they've ever come to realizing what they wanted to create to its full potential. There's still some jank, but this is the least jank Spiders game and the closest to AAA production value they've ever come (still not quite there, mind you). This is the best that combat has ever felt in a Spiders' game. It's still pretty much the same combat system they've used in all their games, but it just kinda works better. It flows better, the feedback feels better, and you have a lot of tools at your disposal. I didn't go much into the magic skill trees until the very end when I had already gotten everything I wanted for my build and I just had a couple extra points to spend, but I can tell you that firearms feel great. I think it's a combination of good sound design and good feedback , both the recoil of firing a blunderbuss and the knockback on the victim. Guns just feel appropriately loud and punchy. Melee is pretty good too, dodging and parrying both work well. You have a normal attack, a secondary attack, and a special attack, which you need to build up your fury to use. These attacks change depending on your weapon type. For example, with a 1 handed sword your secondary attack is a kick, which is quick, hard to parry, does little damage, but it's great for breaking guard and unbalancing the opponent. With a 2 handed heavy weapon (hammer, axe, etc.) your secondary attack it a big overhead smash. It's slow, but it does lots of armor damage and can generate a small shockwave that does some AoE damage. I can't comment on m&kb controls, but the game felt great with a controller. I thought the default controller scheme worked really well. It lets you bind a whole bunch of actions to the limited buttons you have to work with on a gamepad via a modifier button (I could have done that anyway with my Steam Controller, but didn't feel the need to since the in-game controls were plenty good enough) and the way it's set up it works really well. I'm not the most dexterous guy in the world, but even with my fat, clumsy fingers I almost never wound up doing actions I didn't mean to do. I had no problem attacking, parrying, firing guns, setting traps, throwing bombs, and casting heals in the middle of an intense battle. Everything worked properly and consistently. If I had a criticism it's that there's too much black & white in the story. They do try a little bit in giving multiple points of view, but it's abundantly clear who's really in the right and who's really in the wrong in most cases. There is a very clear good path and a very clear evil path most of the time. I wish they muddied things a bit more. Also, while they've done a better job of disguising invisible walls than ever before, Spiders does still have them in there and I really hate invisible walls, especially when it's like a couple branches half a foot off the ground. You're telling me my character can't easily step over that?
    1 point
  29. how can you not love that guy (even if you dont like steam or valve)
    1 point
  30. I think those are some good drawings! I think grasshoppers are a good idea! Maybe they could be passive towards the player but potentially damaging to your base because they like to eat grass/plants.
    1 point
  31. I'm right with them. These days everything needs to be turned into a series or cinematic universe or whatever, because money, but some things are just much much much better left as a standalone, from an artistic point of view. Spec Ops told a story, it told it well, it had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Story told, message delivered, it's done, finished, over.
    1 point
  32. Spec Ops is a special game. It's a prime example of the old adage "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". It's not perfect, but it captures the horror of war better than any game I've played. The fact that mechanically the game is such a bog standard, paint by numbers cover shooter works in the game's favor in lulling you into a familiar pattern, and then the weight of your actions hits you like a Mack truck.
    1 point
  33. I think the reason why that scene in Spec Ops works (for most people) is that they don't think about their actions when doing it. You know how it is... you're "in the zone" and you just do stuff, because you are told to do it. Not a second spared to question the action. On a second playthrough it then falls apart, though, because you know what's going on, but the game forces you to do it anyways. Now the whole emotional impact and "wa-- woops" is gone.
    1 point
  34. I didn't play either of LoU, but I do find it to be a common issue. It is interesting to watch a character in the film make all the wrong decision, but it does feel forced when the game forces you to do something you know is wrong and then slaps your wrist for doing that. I think one game that managed to pull it off is Spec Ops the line - thinking about unavoidable scene. And I think it hits as hard, as it is usually the point when people go through the motion without thinking and then realise what kind of game they are really playing.
    1 point
  35. Yes, I'd say that Bioshock is the case study because it gets most things right- and because the problem with its meta narrative is one of fundamentals rather than a design choice. You simply can't have a strong narrative and not also have linear goal setting where you follow instructions. The problem with forcing people to do something in a game, as part of a moral message, is ultimately that it isn't the player doing it if there's no alternative, it's the game designer. As such, doing something like nerve stapling completely anonymous, personality less and abstracted drones in Alpha Centauri is more of a moral dilemma because it's an actual choice. Even something as otherwise cliché and banal as CoD gets that right at times, since you don't have to, for example, actually shoot anyone in No Russian. Can't stop it either, but that again is the problem with linear plotting.
    1 point
  36. The impact of not taking revenge at the end of a game to break the cycle is definitely undercut by the bloody trail of dozens upon dozens of dead bodies Ellie creates on the way to the final confrontation. It's similar in how at the end of Man of Steel Superman saves the one family and has to kill Zod to do it. Even if you don't think about the half dozen ways Supes could have saved the family that didn't involve snapping Zod's neck, the impact of saving that one family of 4 is severely undercut by the 25 mile radius of complete and utter destruction and the hundreds of thousands of mangled, smoldering corpses Supes and Zod caused during their 40 minute rampage. If you're going to make a game where your ultimate moral message is that the cycle of revenge and killing needs to be broken and you have to forgive, maybe, just maybe, give the player the option of proceeding through the game without murdering a whole bunch of people along the way.
    1 point
  37. TLOU II has the same basic problem a lot of games have* with them trying to Say Something Significant and it being done stupidly. On one hand, it tells you to feel bad about seeking revenge and tries to say something about its futility/ circularity. On the other, there's only one way to actually play the game, and that involves... seeking revenge. The only way not to be lectured to about morality is to destroy the disk on youtube. And then you get lectured about a different kind of morality, I guess. *Case study being Bioshock, point out that the game is on rails plot wise and you're forced to obey the voice in your head- how meta, but potentially interesting- in order to progress; then once your programming is broken... you continue blithely following orders exactly the same as when Fontlas was 'would you kindly'ing you.
    1 point
  38. @oKareno - “I may or may not want to restart” I’ve restarted, I think, 4 times now. I absolutely adore this game, from the entire concept down to the sound of placing individual resources into a blueprint. I can’t wait to see it as a finished game.
    1 point
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