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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/23 in all areas

  1. Yep, playing the demo highly advised. It's considerably different to AoD's system and I'd say far more polished*. There's a lot of metagaming possible as you gain skills by using skills, so it's beneficial to do skill checks/ conversations in a specific(ish) order but it's nowhere near AoD's level- and it's not, generally speaking essential to do it that way, just beneficial. OTOH, it has that annoying feeling where you're in a high(ish) tech setting with firearms and laser guns but all the encounters occur at such short distances that you might as well not have them since everyone will be in melee range usually in a round... *Note: only played the InDev version and that not with the final update but it was already far more polished than AoD was.
    3 points
  2. There's a demo available which contains the first chapter and saves carry over to the full game. Probably going to go play that myself once my eyes recover properly from laser eye surgery.
    3 points
  3. Hubby is still into 3d printers. Not in the sense of actually wanting to print anything - well, except maybe for small tech parts/gears - but in the geek sense of always trying to improve build designs/workings, The printer itself. So long story short he's watched/been mostly a lurker of similar minded home 3d-printer nerds, and this month he finally contributed a build improvement thing. Don't ask me what, I understand none of it. But that community picked it up and featured it in some of their YT vids, and group forum posts, and one is using it in their own design now.... hubby seems quite pleased. lol. He's so cute.
    3 points
  4. So I was playing around with swapping pistols to fire a second shot without reloading the first gun. This strategy was working pretty well, so I picked up quick switch to shave off one more second during the start of combat burst. I was shocked to find that if you pause the game within about .1 second of the gunshot going off, you can swap guns, then click to fire again, and you will completely skip reload, attack timer and recovery and instantly fire the gun you just swapped to. Rinse and repeat. This could be a more generous window for timing, I didn't do a lot of testing. I have never seen anyone discuss this before, but it seems quite easy to stumble into. Although this might seem game-breaking, because it sort of is, it also takes a small amount of skill to get it right every time. I did take a video where I succeeded at the trick four times in a row. https://imgur.com/gallery/jdLpS3x
    2 points
  5. Quite a few of you here will find this analysis to be very interesting and on point: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/putins-new-story-about-war-ukraine
    2 points
  6. That's why inventory limits in games are bad - they limit the use of the time honoured tactic of "just use everything you hoarded throughout the game". That's how I beat the original Baldur's Gate. Used all my summoning wands and scrolls to fill the room with so many magical creatures, Sarevok couldn't move anymore, then took him out with arrows.
    2 points
  7. Finished Shadow Tactics: Blades of Shogun. It is a very well made tactical stealth game, though I did use a guide for the last level (and still have no idea how I was supposed to get Takuma into the wells). Started Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice. Tried to copy the configuration files from the main game, seemed to work. Created a character in Colony Ship. Somehow, the character creation seemed very different from Larian's D&D - much more stats and a reasonably long intro to provide the context and express opinions on the factions. On the negative side, there were significantly fewer non-stat customisation options. Kind of fits with the sci-fi setting where the spaceship's population are descendants of Christian fanatics. Curious if min-maxing is necessary, like it was in The Age of Decadence.
    2 points
  8. Meet Dirty Snowball. ....I swear I do more in this game than collect ships. Really. ....actually started some semi-challenge games, like starter-planet only (can't ever leave that first planet, can't buy ships only find them, can't do this or that), stuff like that. Gives a reason to scour a planet vs. bounce in and bounce off. My nomadic tendencies kick in eventually tho.
    2 points
  9. I think it would be cool if they added glowing effects to weapons that are upgraded with there corresponding attributes. I.E red glow for spicy, green glow for sour, blue glow for mint/fresh. The weapons look quite basic even when they are upgraded with the exception of the staves and spicy coaltana.
    1 point
  10. Thanks for your suggestions. To give context I am trying to make a Cipher subclass that extends the durations of all abilties with the keyword Echo. I think I am going to end up using "StatusEffectDurationAdjustment"/"StatusEffectDurationMultiplier" and manually include every status effect of every ability with the keyword Echo.
    1 point
  11. Well, there is a rather thorough video on character creation:
    1 point
  12. Bethesda did actually three Terminator games. Out of which the Future Shock and Skynet are IMHO still the best games ever released from the Terminator franchise. Although the graphics did not aged the best... To bad, they are in copyright limbo, so you can't get them legally anymore
    1 point
  13. According to Global Rights Compliance human rights group, Putin has been planning to starve out Ukraine with stealing all of their agricultural enterprises and their products and cause another "Holodomor" (which they actually did as one of the first things in the south). They started the preparation for it long before they invaded Ukraine and it is possible this will start another case against Putin and Russia in ICJ... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/putin-grain-theft-ukraine-russia-latest-b2447644.html
    1 point
  14. beware the internet... especial wikipedia. "Louisiana-style remoulades fall generally into one of two categories—those with a mayonnaise base and those with an oil base, but sometimes both mayonnaise and oil are used." am s'posing this is true. kinda. am recalling a nytimes recipe for remoulade (sorry, "rémoulade") we saw five or so years past. the recipe opined that traditional remoulade calls for mayo, but their offering were oil-- directions called for creating an emulsion with egg yolk, vinegar, a neutral oil, mustard, paprika, garlic, parsley horseradish and a few other minor additions. dude. an emulsion o' oil, egg yolk and vinegar is pretty much the definition o' mayonnaise. even the food pros at nyt says silly stuff at times and wikipedia has a tendency o' magnifying silly and wrong. am admitted mild curious 'bout the denmark version... and am dubious 'bout wiki. given color described, and fact it is a remoulade (eye roll,) am doubting olive oil (save for maybe a very light olive oil) is gonna be a major contributing ingredient for danish, but we could be wrong. olive oil is not an ideal choice for most mayo, particular for a home chef. in fact, sounds as if danish and lousiana versions is close cousins 'cause in spite o' wikipedia pronunciations, am personal using capers and lemon juice in our louisianaish remoulade... as well as parsley and horseradish. no lousiana spice blend or paprika for danish version, relying on tumeric and/or curry powder staples instead? danish version adds a bit o' cabbage, onion and carrot? regardless, if the danish version is in fact a mayo remoulade, then it should be kinda ez for @Gorthto replicate 'cause all you need do is chop and measure a few herbs/veggies and then add a handful o' spices as well as an acid and a mustard to a bowl with a fair amount o' mayonnaise and then mix. maybe add a bit o' sugar, salt and pepper, although perhaps the carrot in the danish version works to counter the acids a bit, so am not sure 'bout sugar. but again, am not trusting wiki. HA! Good Fun! ps the food am usual making remoulade to compliment is our catfish po boy. so thanks to @Gorth, we now have a hankering for catfish... which as luck would have it is present in our freezer.
    1 point
  15. Will try. Played for very little so far, but the skill checks seem quite low and there are companions (found 1; the party size depends on Charisma). The map and the journal are not particularly helpful, though the former has fast travel. Tried to launch Dragon Age: Inquisition. Any way I can access the game without interacting with EA App, which seems to have become less usable than it used to be? I somehow doubt that it will come to GOG.
    1 point
  16. Now I became curious, because I remember Louisiana coming up in the past when looking for remoulade... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remoulade True enough. It features together with Denmark as two major variants of it. Originating from France Danish remoulade Danish remoulade has a mild, sweet-sour taste and a medium yellow color. The typical industrially-made variety does not contain capers, but finely-chopped cabbage and pickled cucumber, fair amounts of sugar, and a touch of curry powder (mustard seeds, cayenne pepper, coriander, onion powder, and turmeric) mostly for color. The fresh herbs are replaced by herbal essences, e.g., tarragon vinegar. Starch, gelatin or milk protein may be added as thickeners. Homemade or gourmet varieties may use olive oil (especially good with fish), capers, pickles, carrots, cucumber, lemon juice, dill, chervil, parsley or other fresh herbs, and possibly curry powder of various contents. In Denmark, remoulade is mostly used for french fries, hotdogs and for open sandwiches with roast beef, salami, fish cakes or fried fish. Louisiana remoulade Louisiana remoulade can vary from the French-African Creole, the rustic Afro-Caribbean Creole, or the Classic Cajun version, and like the local variants of roux, each version is different from the French original. Creole versions often have tan or pink hues and are usually piquant. Louisiana-style remoulades fall generally into one of two categories—those with a mayonnaise base and those with an oil base, but sometimes both mayonnaise and oil are used. Each version may have finely chopped vegetables, usually green onions and celery, and parsley; most are made with either Creole or stone-ground mustard. Salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper are also standard ingredients. In the oil- and mayonnaise-based versions, the reddish hue often comes from the addition of a small amount of ketchup and/or paprika.[6] The sauce is often topped with paprika for the aesthetics as well as the flavor. Generally, lemon juice or vinegar are added for acidity. Other additions include hardboiled egg or raw egg yolks, minced garlic, hot sauce, vinegar, horseradish, capers, cornichons, and Worcestershire sauce.[6][7][8] While the classic white remoulade is a condiment that can be offered in a variety of contexts (e.g., the classic celery root remoulade), Creole remoulade is used on shrimp, crabs, fried calamari, artichokes, and fried green tomatoes among other foods. Today, shrimp remoulade is a very common cold appetizer in New Orleans Creole restaurants,[9][10][11][12] although, historically, hard boiled eggs with remoulade was a less expensive option on some menus. Shrimp remoulade is most often served as a stand-alone appetizer (usually on a chiffonade of iceberg lettuce). One might also see crawfish remoulade, but restaurants seldom offer remoulade sauce as an accompaniment with fish, where ****tail sauce and tartar sauce are generally preferred. However, food columnist and cookbook author Leon Soniat does suggest to "Serve [remoulade] over seafood or with sliced asparagus."[13] Central Mississippi has comeback sauce, a condiment that is very similar to Louisiana remoulade.[14] The Louisiana version sounds a bit more complex to make, maybe because of the many variants. Time to dig up some recipes for the Danish version... google, here I come.
    1 point
  17. Please update on Colony Ship as you go along, will you. That setting looks really interesting, but I couldn't get over Age of Decadence's schtick of either metaing to heaven and hell up to very hand-tailored build following very narrow track, or constantly dying. P.S.: True "cowardly" way to deal with Malalalalak is to stick him with those adhesive grenades you've been hoarding throughout the game, pelt with other grenades from afar, rinse, repeat.
    1 point
  18. I completed KOTOR 1 after 45 hours, it was a much shorter game than I was hoping for but it was great fun. It gets a solid 70/100 on the globally followed " BruceVC game rating system" I enjoyed the SW lore and the game provided classic Bioware fun around how you can do quests in your own order and I appreciated the companion interaction. I ended up Romancing the hottie Bastila and I saved her from the dark side Most combat became easy from level 14 or so with some exceptions but the battles on the Star Forge were challenging and I only succeeded by using my Jedi Powers strategically. I had Canderous and Jolee in my party for the final stage And I had to adopt a " cowardy " approach for the final battle with Malak, I used my Jedi speed to run away from him and destroyed the Jedi healing pods. Then I used Throw Lightsaber to wound him from a distance and killed him in normal lightsaber combat when he was on his last health But Im enjoying the SW universe so I have decided to play KOTOR 2 next
    1 point
  19. ... maybe scandinavian remoulade is different than the remoulade we know 'bout, (probably includes ketchup) but if @Gorthever visits lousiana, he will find local eateries include copious amounts o' the sauce as the defacto accompaniment for seafood, fried foods (particular deep fried seafood), chicken, roasted veggies, potatoes, eggs, burgers and a host o' other dishes. we would not be shocked to see new orleans natives adding remoulade to their ice cream. is a whole lotta ingredients, but is sooper simple to make remoulade 'cause you throw everything together and then hit it with an immersion blender for less than a minute; is no ricing, cooking, steaming or tricky emulsifying. @ShadySands mentioned making chili recent. am bringing up 'cause we recent made a bean and ground beef not-chili. bowl of red is slow cooked/stewed chilies, meat, and spices resulting in a thick and rich (not soupy) sauce. chili. on the other hand, the ground beef and bean dish we made were more akin to what is served at wendys. our not-chili is a bit easier to prepare than chili. so, we didn't make chili, but we did make that stuff which outside o' texas is often referred to as chili. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  20. All the easy puzzles are out of the way. Nothing but the good stuff from here on out. So close. I need to figure out how to light up that last triangle. I thought I knew what did it, I guess not. I have a feeling I'll need to go back inside the megastructure to do it. I'm not doing that until I get the last 21% of star puzzles completed, though, just in case.
    1 point
  21. Reading your posts here in the food thread, I'm not sure I can blame them Gromnir, you need to get better at managing expectations Edit: Still on the hunt for a source of remoulade. A condiment that is ubiquitous in Scandinavia and northern Germany, but dang it, unknown to most of the rest of the world. Haven't had it for 15 years now
    1 point
  22. I'm still half asleep and with the way the embed displayed, I read the title as "Dine Hard". Now I'm disappointed it's not that.
    1 point
  23. Yep. You hear a lot about the Balfour Declaration, you don't hear much about the multiple agreements that had promised the same land to the Arabs years earlier. Brits got what they deserved there, unfortunately just their soldiers mostly not the duplicitous politicians who made the actual decisions. Reminder: Winston S Churchill was 100% fine with gassing arabs who didn't agree with the British Empire reneging on their deal. Strange that Bruce doesn't mention the Jewish rebellion of Irgun and especially Lehi/ Stern Gang though. Especially since Likud was basically the Lehi political party. Very peculiar. Anyway, I'm going to offer 20% of Bruce's house to a Zimbabwean refugee. Bruce gets 80% so it's heavily in his favour, and the Zimbabwean refugee has already accepted...
    1 point
  24. had family here for a few days and they left (finally) this morning. to send them on their way with a heartyish meal, we made breakfast sandwiches. ordinarily we make breakfast 'wiches with sausage, but we had excellent ham in the fridge which we cut not too thin and then seared a bit in a pan. in another pan we cooked eggs via 3" stainless steel egg rings in a fair amount o' butter--2/3 o' the way through egg cooking, remove from rings, flip, top with a generous portion o' shredded cheddar, and then lid the pan and remove from heat to steam a bit and melt the cheese/finish the eggs. we toast and then liberal butter trader joes english muffins. stack the ingredients and serve... although we do have an optional sauce which am admitting is weird and divisive. the sauce is mostly mayo with a bit o' barbecue sauce, a bit less siracha sauce, and an even smaller % o' yellow mustard-- sounds ghastly, no? the sauce is a little hot, tangy and sweet and am thinking it works better when paired with sausage. aside: am finding trader joes muffins work better for sandwiches than something such as thomas' 'cause the tj offering is less 'bout the nooks and crannies. our preferred english muffin choice is stone and skillet , but am finding 'em to be too freaking big unless we were to use ostrich eggs or the like. am not a fan o' baking so we ordinary buy breads from a bakery or store. stone and skillet muffins are available at whole foods stores btw and am highly recommending. our family were oddly underwhelmed by the meal. sure, they all enjoyed the sandwiches, but one o' our cousins mentioned our sandwiches were "pretty much just egg mcmuffins," which were kinda the point but am thinking our guests were expecting something fancy or gourmet and instead they got drive-thru fodder. everybody is a critic. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  25. Michelle Clough is the writer of Everreach: Project Eden, she used to work at BioWare. I've not played the game, but I have had it described to me as a Poor Man's Mass Effect. That same studio is about to release another game, Soulslinger: Envoy of Death. I don't know if she's still at the studio and involved in that.
    1 point
  26. Fair point. But logistics and planning can both exist and not at the same time. Case in point: when Russian paratroopers landed near Kiev right at the start of the war in February 2022, they were supplied with maps. But the maps were from 1992. So, the places they tried to seek cover from no longer existed as such, and consequently they were easily mowed down.
    1 point
  27. Yes the main issue with anonymous sources is how we selectively believe them when they suit our ideological views or biases Its the same as the media, when they post articles we like then we believe them and use them as confirmation of the "truth" . On Codex there are people who posted the Washington Post article as "evidence " of Ukraine being responsible but on any other issue or story the WP is considered deep state\CIA\Jewish propaganda and you cant believe "anything they say "
    1 point
  28. To quote myself and to add a nice little detail to the story: the asylum seekers keep arriving on the Finnish border on brand new bicycles. Like straight out of a shop. Children's bicycles included, too. There's no question that it's a Russian operation, petty and insignificant of course, just intended to cause annoyance. Great country!
    1 point
  29. It has been said in Finland that the Swedish police probably couldn't find Gothenburg, so I'm not so sure about the Swedish government... (The reputation of the Swedish police was made by Palme and others.) Anyway, and seriously speaking, I can see someone putting a lid on the discovery if it's unpleasant.
    1 point
  30. I'm not going to search for my old posts, but I did mention a long time ago, a few articles claiming the Swedish government found forensic evidence of who was behind the Nord Stream 2 attack and decided to put a lid on the whole thing. Sadly, the only decent link I could find is to an old 2022 article from WSJ, which leads to paywall... Supposedly 4 explosions in total, spread over Nord Stream 1 and Nord Steam 2 took place (my assumption being, Nord Stream 1 got blown up too, so it couldn't be used as a backup for a sabotaged Nord Stream 2) https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/26/nord-stream-pipeline-blasts-key-details-revealed-by-scientists
    1 point
  31. Finally, last quest step and I could save-scum to get a Living Ship! So I did. Lots and lots of solar system spawns tried. They're largely egg-shaped with a fish/crustacean influence or something. Example of rejected ones: I asked around, and apparently there cannot be a "tiny" version. They're all sorta that size, not many possible "parts", but with some variation in front shape and appendages, maybe a few more unique colors, stuff like that. So I just picked the first one that didn't make me go "ugh." They have no large advantage, not my style, so not sure I'll keep it. Altho they do look kinda cool from side/behind if 3rd-person flying, but I never do that. Also I was wrong and there is a way to farm more but not worth the steps/cost/bother (unless one really really likes them, ofc).
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. They decided to patch the beta after all so I'm downloading the game again.
    1 point
  34. It isn't the same; hence it is analogy. If it was the same it'd be, well, homology. Point being of course that it's very easy to accept being given 20%- the most fertile 20%, including places like Haifa which had 90%+ muslim population- if you had zero percent before. It's a lot harder when you had 100% and someone is taking that 20% off of you while leaving you such veritable gardens of eden as the Negev Desert. To put it in perspective it would have been a population exchange of 225,000 Arabs and 1250 (!) Jews- 180x as many Arabs as Jews. Baffling how the arabs rejected such a fair offer, eh? Kind of irrelevant anyway since the Jewish Agency Council actually voted to reject the Peal [sic; actually Peel] Commission recommendations, not accept them as you claimed. Largely because its leadership thought they could drive out even more muslims and get more land. Which proved to be accurate, since they ended up expelling 720k arabs during Nakba. Which is of course why all those loony tunes right wing national religious nutbars talking about second Nakbas and 'voluntary' expulsions have to be taken very, very seriously.
    0 points
  35. Disagree. Granted, small sample size, but in the very few games I've played (2) that had XeSS and FSR2 I've found that XeSS gives better performance at comparable settings but at the expense of significantly more visual artifacts. The image quality I experienced with XeSS was unacceptable to me. Not quite the vaseline smear that was DLSS1 but still pretty bad. The performance was great, though. It's new tech, I'm sure they'll work it out like they did their drivers... Eventually.
    0 points
  36. True, but I still like the fact that you have a whole city to explore. Beware though! It's a Russian game so your money goes directly to Putin.
    0 points
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