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About Cmushi

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  1. Tried all 4 TriggerOnEvent but now the power level is not being applied. To add more details, I am adding a one per encounter ability to Wild Mind subclass called "Mind Surge " that when activated, will provide a 10 power level bonus to cipher spells with 100% chance of a Wild Surge. The 100% Wild Surge is triggering but I need to tweak Wild Mind ability to avoid triggering when Mind Surge is triggered. Power Level Status Effect: 100% Wild Surge Status Effect (copied Wild_Mind_SE_AttackOnEvent and tweaked DurationType->OneHitUse and chanetoapply->100 Both status effects are referenced to an ability:
  2. Trying to create an ability that once active, will provide a power level bonus to the next cipher spell. The bonus will expire after the spell is cast. The closest ability that I could find was Lion's Sprint which provides accuracy bonus to the next attack (both weapon and spell). The problem that I have is that the bonus will trigger even when the next attack is not a spell, is there a way to restrict the trigger to spells only?
  3. Forgot to follow the post and I did not notice the reply. So taking Bleak Walker as an example I need 6 (rank -3, -2, -1, 1, 2 ,3 ) status effects for Aggressive, Cruel, Diplomatic and Benevolent. The first 2 dispositions would increase defenses on higher rank while other 2 would decrease it. So then Deep faith would also add rank 4 (postive only?) and Untroubled Faith would be included in the negative status effects to disable if the ability is unlocked? I need to refer to wiki to check how disposition affects Faith and Conviction exactly.
  4. Paladin and Priest subclasses contain PaladinOrder and Deity components that determine favoured and opposed dispositions. Is there a way to bind dispositions from subclasses to abilities that are chosen during character creation similar to Ranger's pets?
  5. I tried BeneficialEffectDurationMultiplier"/"HostileEffectDurationMultiplier but they seem to only trigger on recieved effects and not on cast effects. I also tried increasing INT to increase durations while reducing Will and aoe range to compensate. Although it worked, they were passive effects and did not trigger only on spell casts wiith specified keywords. I ended up duplicating every keyworded spell and increased their duration.
  6. Thanks for your suggestions. To give context I am trying to make a Cipher subclass that extends the durations of all abilties with the keyword Echo. I think I am going to end up using "StatusEffectDurationAdjustment"/"StatusEffectDurationMultiplier" and manually include every status effect of every ability with the keyword Echo.
  7. I cannot find a status effect that extends the duration of abilities. Do I need to combine increasing intellect status effect with decreasing will and aoe status effects?
  8. @Noqn thank you for answering my questions. Right-Clicking top most row of Abilities and Attacks displays only DataScriptEventComponent. Yes that was what I was looking for and it also add components which answers the first question. Exactly what I needed. I turned Wizard base subclasses into a selectable ability and this is the result: Base subclasses have 1 specialized and 2 opposed schools. You can mix and match specialized and opposed schools with this new system. First 5 greyed iconed ability are added as unlike attributes, you cannot spend less than the available points. The system functions using a single category, only if you do not pick 3 of the same school such as Conjuration, Specialized Conjuration and Opposed Conjuration. This is the reason for the need of additional categories. I am planning to do the same with Paladins and Priests, replace their base subclasses with more unique variants. Since I will be replacing subclasses with abilities (instead of a different subclass) for example Enchanter subclass with an ability, I assume I need the modify the following? Specifically Parameters = conditional.Data("hasAbility(this,"Specialized_Enchanter")? result = conditional with { Data = conditional.Data with { Parameters = conditional.Data.Parameters.SetItem(1, pair[1]) } }; Sorry, I am not that familiar with scripting and the lack of auto-completes. Is there any documentation that I can reference to? That answered my question. I made a subclass that adds new and modifies existing abilities. Since modifying abilities cannot be done through BaseProgressionTableAppend as well, there is no way to make it compatible with other mods without making patches. Thanks again for your help.
  9. I have been using Apotheosis for the past months and although I have familiarised myself, there some things I need help or clarification with: Is there a way to add components to abilities or attacks such as AuraAbilityComponent or AOEComponent without duplicating and modifying existing files that already have them? New attacks always use AttackBaseGameData, is there a way on creation to specify which GameData to use instead? Is there a way to highlight or list modified files when opening mods in the editor and include value changes? Is there a way to find out where status effects are referenced? I am trying to write a user script that goes through all conversations and replace conditions containing a specific subclass and replace them with a specific ability. How can I achieve this? Rangers, Chanters and Druids uses custom1 category for animal companions, phrases and spirtshifts. I tried adding custom2 and custom3 categories to ClassProgressionTableComponent, but for some reason they do not appear ingame. Is this a game limitation or is this something I am missing? I am currently extracting gamedatas in text files and comparing them in visual code. Is there a built-in compare select in the editor? Can BaseProgressionTables include modified abilities or new abilities only? Can you provide a search query example for searching status effects that trigger once on the next spell attack? Can status effects trigger on targets with specific status effects or is it limited to keywords?
  10. I am using Apotheosis and trying to using ability categories. I noticed that ProgressionCategoryFlag has unused categories (custom2-5) but when I tried to use them, they do not appear in the ability screen. "$type": "Game.GameData.ClassProgressionTableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "CategoryNames": [ { "Category": "General", "DisplayName": 2935 }, { "Category": "Custom1", "DisplayName": 415902000 } ], "AbilityPointUnlocks": [ { "Level": 1, "CategoryObsolete": "General", "Categories": "257", "Points": 1, "UnlockDescription": 2925 }, { "Level": 1, "CategoryObsolete": "Custom2", "Categories": "8", "Points": 5, "UnlockDescription": 415902001 } Am I missing something or are custom2-5 not implemented?
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