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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/22 in all areas

  1. G & I got back from vaca last night. We had a great time in Calgary and Stampede was a lot of fun. We took the back roads home through North Dakota & Minnesota and stopped often. It was a great time all around. Going out to work with her today. My job is to keep the patients distracted with apples and sugar while thermometers get shoved in their rears. We're taking B out to dinner tonight. Life is pretty good!
    5 points
  2. for those who may have been skeptical regarding our claims o' deer boldness. got even closer 'cause she wouldn't leave in spite o' Gromnir doing a barbaric yawp and making wild arm gestures. shrubbery looks so bad 'cause o' the deer. HA! Good Fun!
    4 points
  3. Weekend work again, have to remember to log out of Youtube when my friend sends me all her Russian music. But on the bright side, I can more or less sing Любэ - Комбат by memory now.
    3 points
  4. IPAs aren't good at all - for anyone. /SCNR Anyway, the answer is Gin and Tonic. Not only is it classy, it's also a baffling drink combining two otherwise disgusting ingredients into a an explosion of taste. Plus it shimmers blue under blacklight. Can't beat that.
    3 points
  5. There isn't an attempt to teach it, none of this is true, that's why you can't find a curriculum. It is a bogeyman made up by conservatives for them to do some hand wringing about how 'the left' or 'liberals' hate white people because they are daring to accurately teach (in uni though, not school) that historically, in the USA, minorities have been oppressed by white people. 'you cant ban something in a school if it doesnt exist in some form or another' What are you smoking Bruce, of course you can. There is absolutely nothing that says, when making a rule against something, that it has to be something that is currently going on. Otherwise no new organisation would ever be able to make any rules until someone did the thing they wanted to ban. 'Gee willikers fellas, I'd really like to make murder illegal in this state, but it's newly formed state and no one's done any murders yet, so we'll just have to wait for the first one and then ban it.' See how silly that sounds? That's pretty much what you're proposing here.
    3 points
  6. Just got back from 4 days in Vegas. We stayed at The Circa in downtown. It was fancy drinks, good food, and some very warm workouts.This one was called Paint the Town Red: One of the highlights was swimming at the UNLV pool. You can get a guest pass for $10, and it is a super nice campus and facility to check out: I peed on the Berlin Wall at Main Street Casino: My wife really wanted to make the run down to the Vegas signs near Stratosphere one morning, but it was about 97 degrees by 7 AM, so she was struggling. It is about 2 miles there and 2 miles back, but in the heat it can be a real grind. Heat doesn't seem to bother me as much. There is a beautiful memorial in the Arts district to the people who died in the 2017 shooting. I always like to swing by Oscar's steakhouse and order these meatballs. They remind me of my Italian grandmother. Art: It was a great trip. Now back to real life!
    3 points
  7. sitting and waiting to take a first year civ pro final, am hearing a guy behind us murmuring same thing over and over. i must not fear. fear is the mind-killer. fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. i will face my fear. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past, i will turn the inner eye to see its path. where the fear has gone there will be nothing. only i will remain. at the time we thought it were kinda funny to hear a dude audibly repeating the litany against fear mantra before a final, but it so stuck with us we have been doing in similar situations ever since that day. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  8. Ukraine Gets First M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems | The Drive
    2 points
  9. Im always bummed when that happens, and I dont kill anything unless I absolutely have to, so I use one of these whenever a fish swallows one of my hooks: Theres a groove where you put the line, then slide it down the fishes throat to dislodge the hook, and it works 90% of the time. Failing that Ill put a pair of scissors as far in as I can get and cut the line, then release it to its fate.
    2 points
  10. Yes, I know a lot about the UA situation pre-war. I had more than a few business trips there And yes you are correct, that even in this war, you cannot expect 180 degree turn on lifestyle, but it changed a lot in last 4 months. Zelenskyi's administration tried a little bit to lower the influence of Oligarchs even before the war, and currently in the war time, there are more cases of UA army and police fighting the corruption than anytime before. Because everyone has already witnessed, what has corruption done to the performance of RU army And no the corruption in UA will not magically disappear after the war, it will stay there, but hopefully being on the EU candidate list, will be enough motivation to lowering it on par with EU "standards". Because the sooner, they get into EU structures, the sooner, they will be rid of the RU threat.
    2 points
  11. I went fishing yesterday with a friend of mine. When I first started, the float landed a bit to close to some reeds so I moved it a little bit and immediately got a bite. The next two minutes I caught 4 more fish before one swallowed the hook so far down I had to kill it, and it took me 30 minutes to get that one free. My friend managed to catch up eventually but he was quite jealous there for a while
    2 points
  12. Not like I drink, but my recommendation for something commercially available would be Hacker Pschorr.
    1 point
  13. You might want to check if you can find a Hirter Morchl somewhere.
    1 point
  14. Speaking of beer, I just visited my local Polish store and acquired this bounty of Polish and Czech goodness:
    1 point
  15. As long as teachers give tests there will be prayer in school. As long as report cards and college entrance exams are a thing you won't be able to keep God out of education! There was a saying in the USMC: There are no atheists in combat!
    1 point
  16. I don't drink beer much, but when I do, I prefer to avoid IPAs. Only the American light beers have been worse for me.
    1 point
  17. "Its funny you mention Codex, some people on this forum have called me a racist, fascist or colonialist Yet on Codex some people call me a led-belly, snowflake, degenerate, glowie liberal Im confused about my identity, what am I "
    1 point
  18. I hear the former president of Sri Lanka is looking for a new home
    1 point
  19. There's a 90% chance that's porn.
    1 point
  20. Good to know bankers are all going to hell! Keeping it light... because funny and stuff... is going to hell light?
    1 point
  21. Bull Sand Fort: Humber defence to be sold to highest bidder - BBC News
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. EA pulls a “reverse Ubisoft,” makes some old BioWare DLC free | Ars Technica
    1 point
  24. "Texaco 1-1, this is Enfield 1-1. Switch is safe (Master Arm switch set to 'safe'), nose is cold (radar set to 'Silent'), looking for 8K (pounds of gas)" "Enfield 1-1, Texaco 1-1, proceed to pre-contact at angels 20 at two two zero." Line abreast with my wing-man. Wing sweep set to "Bomb" mode, which fixes both the flaps and the wing sweep to 65 degrees Refueling probe extended "Ready pre-contact." "Cleared contact." the KC-130 announces as it extends the refueling drogue. The Tomcat briefly shudders in the burble of the Hurc, but quickly recovers... The golden rules for aerial refueling - 1. Pick a fixed reference point on the refueling aircraft and keep the basket in your peripheral vision as you approach, but never "chase it". 2. Use minute movements on stick, rudder, and throttle as you approach and make corrections. 3. Approach slowly, but above all else keep it smooth, lest you fall into a feedback loop of oscillating corrections that will force you to back off and attempt another approach. 4. If you have to back off and take a breather, wiggle your toes! "Little left." The RIO (Radio Intercept Officer) advises as he leans right in his seat, walking me into the basket as I fixate on the refueling pod the hose is being unreeled from. "Keep her steady." "Contact." the KC-130 announces. "We're plugged. That'll put out our thirst." the RIO exhales triumphantly. "You're taking fuel." "Fuel thirteen thousand... Fuel fourteen five-hundred..." The RIO reads the fuel gage over the next several minutes for what seems like an eternity as I struggle to keep the aircraft steady. "Transfer complete." the Hurc declares. "Disconnect." I back out of the basket and while the Hurc retracts the drogue, ready to unspool the hose again once my wingman is in position. Taking position besides the Harriers we were escorting while my wingman tanks up.
    1 point
  25. We (the general we in the thread, that is, not us two) talked about that briefly before, when it comes to Sailor Moon Crystal. It is, by far and large, faithful to the manga, and the series is just terrible. I would not call the manga good (far from it, it's by far and large bad, a mess and really iffy at times and I do not understand anyone who prefers it over the first anime adaptation), but even then it is still a lot better than Crystal. Just reading and looking at drawings is a whole lot less offensive than being assaulted by animation and sound too. So yeah, it is entirely possible for the manga to be better than the anime. Also, uhm, stay way from Sailor Moon Crystal. MOON TIARA ACTION! or something. Maybe @Bartimaeus still has the image where Usagi looks like a praying mantis alien.
    0 points
  26. It does progress, but very slowly. The last chapter was particularity out there. Idk, I like the manga. The side characters are just that, side characters. Some are interesting and some not so much. I guess it's easier to go through it all in a manga, especially considering it's usually very short form. I quit the anime after a few episodes out of frustration, so there is that too.
    0 points
  27. Komi can't interest majestic, episode 24, which means end of the season. Well, that is over for the time being. This apparently has a 7.8/10 on IMDB, which once gain makes me question the sanity of the world's population at large, or mine. It's entirely possible that I am the miscreant here. Anyway, the series has consistently been best when it has done away with the more egregious side characters, and I'm sad to say that unlike @KP wants Blue Velvet, I also incude Najimi in this. Najimi started out as a somewhat okay character, but they've been driving me nuts with the voice acting. But Najimi is still a long way better than Insane Stalker Girl, or Dog Girl, or Dragon Power Girl. Maybe I should really watch this with the sound turned off. The new additions this season were okayish. Anyway, the last couple of episodes were okay, which is somewaht high praise when looking at how bad the series can be. The one thing that consistently bothers me is how Komi regresses every time she manages to open up a little, I suppose for the sake of the story, because there's preciously little reason for Komi to not regularily talk to Tadano or even call him at this point in time. She already talked to him, and the barrier is broken. I also think the 'Tadano and Komi 好き each other storyline' has very much run its course. Please, stop that, do something with the setup in case you continue this into the inevitable third set of episodes, considering how popular the show is and how little it has to cost to make (just look at it). Netflix isn't really in any position to be picky at the moment, anything that keeps subs will be thrown at customers. Kinda feel like I want to chime in on the ongoing movie discussion, but it's late, and I'm kind of tired, and there's another post to make. Ideally, I'll be able to spend some time on a film tomorrow, or maybe continue with Texhnolyze.
    0 points
  28. I wouldn't mind seeing someone making an animated film based on that poster.
    0 points
  29. Probably discussions about politics and religion belong in another thread. They always devolve into something non-funny and tedious.
    0 points
  30. Yakuza Kiwami 2 Just typical Yakuza things.
    0 points
  31. Beauty: Beast: You're a bobblehead on the "overworld" map bits. Also, I like my hat. "Well that's rather random."
    0 points
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