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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/22 in all areas

  1. I just reached the final chapter of Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. I was looking for a decent JRPG and this did a good job of scratching that itch. There are like 14 games in the series, so I'm not sure if I will move onto the next one, but it is nice to know the option is there. I've also started back up with Lord of the Rings Online. My level 101 captain is making his way through Gondor and trying to figure out what all these skills do...again. 14 years of on and off again play hasn't made it any easier to figure out what all the buttons and items do.
    5 points
  2. Hylea's talon and Avenging Storm are "weapon's features" ; an attack with effort proc one lightning et potentially a wound. Effort can be upgraded with Hemorrhaging, that hobbled or Sicken the target on crit. Hemorrhaging can crit, it is against fortitude. Effort's Hemorrhaging work on any crit, from spells, weapons's abilities, chants... and the effect is a weapon's attack. I dont know for hylea's talon, but Avenging Storm's lightning can crit. SC druid become a monster with Effort: Wicked Briar, Retentless Storm and Nature Terror can crit twice per 3s (for each effect the spell have), Venombloom 3times per 3s, each crit proc Hemorrhaging, that proc 1 lightning from Avenging Storm, so 1 inspiration from Least Unstable Coil , and potentially one wound. Hemmorhaging and the lightning can both crit, that mean chain-lighning. With scroll of Avenging Storm, Chanter can transform their chants into lightning tempest too, cipher can turn big AoE spells like Phantom Foes on damage, and Beams into potential Per 1s Chain-Lighning. Beguiler are truly monsters with high arcana and +20 acc (Borrowed instincts) +10 (Helm of the White Void) +10 (the Empty soul), a Soul Echo and Shared Nightmare for SC etc. Others casters can be also Efforted, but cipher and chanter have infinites ressources, that is why I speak about in particular. The Mage Slayer 's Spell Disruption is also applied on every crit, the Hemorrhaging form effort is a melee attack
    3 points
  3. Not for Fury Druid since they loose the access to healing spells (wounds on yourself) ; but that work on every gloves that work usually with melee hits or crits. That work also with bombs or scrolls, like Binding Web, and stack resonnances for SC Monk very quickly. Sadly in my test I didnt have the time to active the Resonnant Touch because everyone died because of Chain-Lighning before.
    3 points
  4. I feel silly because I did a lot of testing with Hemorrhaging when I was testing stuff with Helm of the White Void... but it didn't occurred to me that it would proc with anything other than weapon attack!
    3 points
  5. So let me get this straight: Hemorrhaging is not only applied to the weapon attack of Effort but to all attack rolls while carrying that weapon (compareable to Engoliero dE's Blade Feast for example)? Damn! I always preferred Maiming over Hemorrhaging - because hobbled/sicken on crit seemed strictly inferior to additional bleeding dmg. Who could've known that Hemorrhaging does proc off of all attack rolls? Self-proccing Avenging Storm crit chains indeed! Swift Flurry: I don't think so because usually all those weapon procs do count as weapon attacks but not melee weapon attacks. But on the other hand Hylea's Talons do work which implies Hemorrhaging does count as melee weapon attack. Think about Enervating Blows, Interrupting Blows, Gatecrashers and yes... maybe even Swift Flurry... : Truly wild! Also wild that nobody noticed before. I guess everybody was just thinking "meh hobbled on crit lol"...
    3 points
  6. Iratus: Lord of the Dead is a free giveaway on GOG for next two days https://www.gog.com/news/our_winter_sale_is_coming_to_an_end_with_a_fantastic_giveaway
    3 points
  7. *strictly That first comma in that second paragraph is probably best replaced by a period or a semi-colon. *superfluous
    3 points
  8. Well, as I've probably said in various ways before, I'm not sure I'm an adult even now, despite what it says on any gov. records. I've never had a career-path type of job but I worked lots of retail and had my own housecleaning "business" (just self-contractor, basically, with a full-time number of clients I'd scrounged up) until I was in my late 20's. After that it was occasional part-time or single-job tasks, then it became "retired." In retail I was apparently smart enough or likable enough managers/owners kept wanting to promote me and send me to management ... classes? training? ... but I'd always say no thank you. I learned I do not deal well with certain types of stress triggers (depression/suicidal tendencies back then) and also had a few terrible employer/co-worker "me too" type experiences, and thus most of my life has been about studiously avoiding putting myself in situations where such stress triggers or situations could occur.
    2 points
  9. Sorry I just need to double-clarify this, I think it might be a slight language issue. Based on what Boeroer says, do you mean "transforms everything that crit into a melee attack?" So, if I have Effort and enchant with Hemmoraging, if I crit with Dancing Bolts spell, those Dancing Bolt crits will also trigger Hemmoraging, which will then trigger Avenging Storm bolts? Just want to make sure I got this right, because if so, this sounds potentially crazy.
    2 points
  10. I've literally had this conversation with more people than I'd care to admit. Them: What's the point of getting vaccinated if you can still catch it? Me: Lower odds of serious illness Them: But you can still die Me: Yes, but the likelihood of that happening is drastically reduced Them: Me: Them: If you're going to the store grab me a lottery ticket
    2 points
  11. Or just equipping Boltcatcher insteed of Hylea's talon, then you dont risk your life each time the spells pulse!
    2 points
  12. What is PF again? Don't say Pforbidden Fist.
    2 points
  13. the thing is, (warning: hawkeye spoilers) now sure, they made kate smarter and better at everything than just 'bout everybody but hawkeye, so is maybe not an ideal example o' a female protagonist with room for growth, but much o' the show involves clint saving kate's bacon, and her efforts to prove herself is resulting in predictable comic relief. *shrug* am not suggesting hawkeye is the best show ever, but am hopeful writers, directors and producers take notice o' the fact they may include a female protagonist who suffers a scene some audiences will reflexive label as a damsel in distress moment (over and over andoverandover) w/o such being fatal to the public reception. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  14. Actually, if the pandemic showed anything it is that countries' cannibalization of their public healthcare in favour of privatization and tax cuts for big business was criminal in how unprepared it left them for the pandemic. Also how narrow minded and selfish most of the rich countries acted. But aren't you getting tired of trying to turn every single one of your posts into lashing out at the evil left?
    2 points
  15. Wrathfinder: Path of the Righteous was easily my game of the year
    2 points
  16. A Trickster with Effort, Mask of the Grotto Deep, Ajamuut's Stalking Cloak, Ring of Clenched Muscle, Scroll of Avenging Storm, Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage and Vanishing Strike : I captured the screen env. 1 or 2 sec after attacking with Vanishing Strike. Without the Mask of the Grotto Deep and Avenging Storm but only Ajamuut's Stalking Cloak and Effort, a Wizard can Stun as long he stay under the effect of Arkemyr's Brilliant departure an enemy that was before prepared by Entropy, with an unique CC spell. It is really funny
    1 point
  17. It is : the crit from spell (some spells have many rolls so many crit per attack) inflict Hemmorhaging to the target, and it is a melee attack. That proc one lightning from Avenging Storm, that can also crit. Hemmorhaging itself can proc itself when it crit. Each crit proc a new lightning, that can crit, and etc. Each Hemmorhaging hit have 20%chance to interrupt with Babyboar pet, the chain-crit while enregized stun-lock the target during a short time. Blood or Spirit frenzy from the Crimson Panoplie (for exemple) applie their status for each hit or crit(for Blood Frenzy), adding a new layer of potential crit for each crit. Gloves like Boltercatch add a new 20% potential crit on crit. Ect.. I suspect the Ajamuut cloak to potentially stun from Arkemyr Brilliant Departure with CC spells (without Avenging Storm) with Hemmorhaging. I will try also the Mask of the Grotto deep. That doesnt work from Shadowing Beyond because the first roll is made from the spell, and clear the invisibility. And, yes, into melee attack, my english isn't good..
    1 point
  18. Using pepper pray against people is only war crime in war, when police uses it against civilians it is okay
    1 point
  19. Ha, they die so fast there's no time for further testing! Thanks for the additional explanations. Yes, this would be great for Stormspeakers too. But maybe Fury would be a too fragile a druid subclass for this build, unless you pump up RES high to minimize the wound ticks.
    1 point
  20. 5 phrases by default, and only 4 on a Skald, which is really really cheap.
    1 point
  21. Not really, there's nothing in the game that tells you to rotate. But I did frequently rotate around the moving walls and they didn't move, so I assume it's also buggy. Like I said it's a cool idea but a pain in practice.
    1 point
  22. Well... Death of a 1000 Cuts + Antipathetic field?
    1 point
  23. The Dichotomous Soul is very good for tanking (two additional quite sturdy bodies) - and I would never build an SC Monk without Resonant Touch, even if it's supposed to be a pure tank. It's just too good.
    1 point
  24. Hhahaha.. sorry Forbidden Fist
    1 point
  25. Ahem, but they worth 6 phrases. Which is 4 martial ressources according to my table. And more or less above anything a caster can do. Not sure either. There is no better Single Target damages than Disintegrate and Ancestors Memory is extremely potent too. What blurs the argument is that many high tiers for Ciphers are... Okayish ? But are they weaker overall, I' m not sure. The model is just an approximation anyway.
    1 point
  26. Eld Nary's Curse and Her Tears Fell Like Rain are good, but (Sasha's aside) imo they are not as good as Great Maelstrom or Meteor Storm even when taking friendly fire into account. And I mean even without boosting their PL into the sky with elemental/storm PL boosts.
    1 point
  27. Agreed on standing back from the walls. I had that issue too though I think at some point I just started using dimension door out of laziness.
    1 point
  28. Phrases are worth a lot more than most martial resources IMO, and most invocations are significantly more powerful than druid/priest/wizard spells of the same tier. Her Tears Fell Like Rain and Eld Nary will both end fights with just 1-2 casts which even the most powerful druid/priest/wizard spells are not capable of achieving, except maybe Great Maelstrom, but that has friendly fire and can't be casted over and over without empowering or an outside source of Brilliant. Cipher spells on the other hand tend to be weaker than the corresponding priest/druid/wizard spells other than for applying mental afflictions, in which case it is superior (e.g. Secret Horrors vs. Divine Terror on a priest).
    1 point
  29. Yeah thats always the excuse. Thats why non-lethal methods would be so efficient here...the first window that gets smashed...RELEASE THE GAS DRONES! I think the Europeans consider it "war crime" or some nonsense so theyre doomed to take the beatings and bitings. Ooooooooh, I just remembered the good ole water cannons too! A million years ago I was at a "protest" in Berkley CA and some clowns flipped over a police cruiser. A few minutes later the authorities deployed the water cannon and blasted them off the street. Lol it was so goddamn funny to see people getting nailed by a high pressure water stream.
    1 point
  30. I dont know, there is nothing in the combat log. Only a list of "blank" hit and crit from Hemorraging, edit : I tried something that should be similar, the CP extra 's Backstab (20 raw damage on weapon hit when stealth), and the Hemorraging dont proc the flat damage. The effect itself is not threated as weapon, but it come from a weapon, the difference is subtile
    1 point
  31. Ahem And what about Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming ?
    1 point
  32. Yes since stagger can crit Absolutely, and that transform everything that crit in melee attack. Abilities from gloves trigger also, or the Mage Slayer Spell Disruption (at the coast of the scroll of Avenging Storm). A mage Slayer Caster is amazing as capricious child who dont want anyone else can cast spell except himself
    1 point
  33. There are lot of games in the series, but if you really enjoyed it, I recommend to you to check out the other two games in the Trails in the Sky arc of the storyline.
    1 point
  34. I had overlooked it but you're absolutely right, permanent Taste of the Hunt is outstanding, especially with Spirit Lance on a tight group of enemies! One other thing that I had overlooked: Concelhaut Crushing Doom is tagged as Illusion and Concelhaut Spell. So with the Whitewitch mask, the Eye of Wael (Hundred Visions) and the Concelhaut pet, you can add +4 PL to it. On a SC Wizard with Prestige and a +1 PL food, you can easily cast it at PL15 or PL20 with Empower, or PL22 if you're an Illusionist. (but why be an Illusionist Concelhaut lover?). Why is it so cool to stack insane amounts of PL on it? Because Concelhaut's Crushing Doom benefits exponentially from PL: each PL above PL7 increases the duration of the overall spell and the accuracy, penetration and damage of each hammer strike. But of course duration also increases the number of strikes, and each strike adds a stackable huge accuracy and damage boost for subsequent strikes! You can see where this is going, even more so if you Empower it with BPM Empower passives! Now this one Empowered spell cast becomes completely insane, and you can still follow up with another one as SC Wizard. I thought it was already great before but now I see its potential as the one and only "fire and forget" boss killer.
    1 point
  35. Scordeo Edge's Double Strike (5% instant recovery on hit) and Tempest (10% instant recovery on hit) work with any attacks ; Sungrazer Return (10% instant recovery on hit) too ; Effort Hemorraging (Hobble or Sicken)with any crit, Xoti's Sircle Soul Reaper (+5%damage) with any kills. Instant recovery is cool with chanter as passive !! If Frostfall is equipped in main hand, the other weapon (like a wand or other) or their abilities proc Dispersed Suffering on kill.
    1 point
  36. No, you're right, it's not working for me either, even if there is a green checkbox. I'll check this evening.
    1 point
  37. I doubt everyone was good at it, but it really explains why learning the correct stroke order can be helpful. That way you can make an educated guess what a kanji was supposed to be if it's not written properly - unless it's the wrong on, of course. If anyone ever wondered why being a scribe was a full time job in the days of yore, look no further. A Japanese (or Chinese, for that matter) scholar can probably spend their entire lifetime doing nothing else and still not know all of the characters. *totally drunk* You look like my acquaintance! No idea why they're all in the past tense. Guess because the show plays in the past, must be the late Edo period. The caste system was abolished during the Meiji restoration, so for Ran to be a ronin/roshi it must still be the Edo period, but if people are aware of electricty it can only be sometime in the 19th century. Yes, back to overthinking a silly samurai show that's mostly about poking fun at the genre. The dialogue indicates as much too, people are using kisama to address Ran, which stopped being polite a very long time ago, and is an insult nowadays (and pretty much only used on TV). All in all probably not the best show to watch and try to decipher the modern language with. That said, it's entirely possible that the titles of the episodes are also written in antiquated Japanese with slightly different grammar. I have no idea. Stuff like that is probably intelligible for Japanese natives in the same way that reading Göthe in the original 18th/19th century German is for me. It's not exactly the, uhm, smoothest experience, but it's fine (lots of antiquated words, spellings are similar in pronunciation but different, and printed in Fraktur). The typeset is usually the biggest hurdle. Taking a quick look at it should tell you why.
    1 point
  38. Yeah, I certainly can't make out what Wikipedia says it is no matter how much I look at it. Seems like it'd be kind of hard to read in general to begin with before you start throwing in wrong symbols...
    1 point
  39. GioGio’s Bizarre Adventure, Golden Wind 26-32 GioGio and the gang enjoy a sunny day on the beach. Doppio, Cioccolata and Secco compete to see who is weirder. We find out more about Stando powers.
    1 point
  40. Great build, currently using it for a first playthrough and loving it so far. I'm only using the story companions and wondering what the optimal party comp would be? Currently running Eder - Tank, Durance - Priest off-tankish, Pallegina (Fire General Build), Aloth CC wizard, and just got Grieving Mother and put her in but no idea what to do with her.
    1 point
  41. Meanwhile... Shiva: "I got beaten up by a character called Beefstik. Beefstik! That's it. I am going back to FF. They may have literally objectified me by turning me into materia, but at least nobody called Beefstik beat me up. Doesn't even spell the name with a C..."
    1 point
  42. How is the guy's brother a traitor? Also I'd never compare the Clinton's to Atreides. They're more like the Bene Gesserit. But you're right, Trump certainly strikes the same figure and moral strength of Leto II.
    1 point
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