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7 points
If you look up "Eurojank Masterpiece" in the dictionary the entry looks like this:6 points
After a lot of time with this game I’ve only just realised some fundamental, critical mechanics with Chanters. The game makes no effort to explain them to you, so I expect many people are as clueless as I have been all this time. This is something I’ve only just discovered so I expect I will have a lot to learn from others in this thread who are more familiar with this. This is what I’ve found playing a Skald/Helwalker with the chants Ancient Memory (hereafter AM), The Fox from the Farmer (FF), and The Dragon Thrashed (DT). I’m using the Deadfire Polishing mod and Community Patch (they buff the latter two) Let me itemise the key points to make this more digestible: 1) For at least the chants listed above, what happens is that at the beginning of the phrase, an effect is applied to allies (for AM) or enemies (for the others). The duration of these effects is your 6s +3s linger, and the linger only is affected by INT. AM will always have this same duration, but chants which perform an attack roll like FF and DT have their duration modified by whether they graze, hit, or crit. 2) Once the effect is applied, nothing the chanter does affects it (with the exception of re-applying it). This means that you can start combat, begin chanting AM, then immediately switch chants to FF and, once FF hits (or grazes, or crits), both AM and FF will apply their full effects for their full durations. So, you can have two (or more) full-fledged phrases active within about a second of each other. The only penalty for this is that you only accumulate phrases (the resource used for invocations) when your chanting of a phrase naturally elapses – so switching your chants over and over again will mean that you never accumulate phrases. That aside, you can just cycle through four chants whenever you want and enjoy the benefits of all of them one after the other. Note, though, that there is an unchangeable cooldown on chant switching whenever you start a new chant. I now realise that this exists so that you can’t have the full effects of four phrases going instantly – it will at least take you a few seconds to cycle through them (but you can have four active at once – easily). 3) Casting an invocation does not only pause your chant progression, it resets it. Let’s say your chant progression is AM->FF->DT. You start combat and begin to chant AM: the effect is applied to you and your team for, let’s say, a 10s duration. If you cast an invocation three seconds into the fight, your chant progression will pause for a second, and then it will completely reset. So, you will start chanting AM again from the beginning, resetting its duration to every ally in range. This means that if you cast invocations quickly one after the other within six seconds of each other (easy for Skald) you will never benefit from more than a single phrase. It also means that if you cast an invocation when you are chanting your second phrase (FF in the progression above), you will go back to chanting your first phrase and not get a chance to chant your third unless you refrain from casting or switching chants for a further 12s! So in our example progression, you will never see DT get applied once you are casting invocations every 12s (I started noticing this weird stuff when I realised that my Skald’s third chant never seemed to get applied unless I sat around waiting for it). This is especially a problem for Skalds because they have powerful invocations that cost only 2 phrases. Other chanters usually need to get 3 phrases to cast their cheapest invocations and so should theoretically cycle through 3 chants when waiting for them. Brilliant, Sasha's Singing Scimitar, and the Weyc's Robes all have obvious implications here as well. Point (2) makes chanting much more dynamic than I originally thought. You can basically chose what chant you want to apply at any instant with the sole penalty of slowing down your accumulation of phrases. Point (3) can be incredibly frustrating, but it can also be used to your advantage if you play smart and use point (2) to your advantage. If your chanter can cast invocations quickly, what you should do is wait until you begin chanting at least the second phrase in your list. After you cast, your chant will restart from the first phrase. The restarting process takes less than 6s, so if there are only two phrases in your chant, you will actually have saved time by resetting the chant. Note that casting an invocation will always slow down your accumulation of more phrases but it will slow it down more the longer you wait to cast after you BEGIN to chant a phrase. For example, if you let a phrase go on for 4s and then cast, those 4s will be lost on the reset (they didn’t help you accumulate another resource-phrase). Ideally, you should always cast an invocation at the very instant that you begin to chant a phrase. Maybe I’m late to the party but I had no idea chanting worked this way. It’s partly exciting because chanting is much more dynamic than I thought before, but it’s also quite finnicky and odd.4 points
You're against governments looking the military over the shoulders, but in favour of them looking normal citizens over the shoulder. Go figure... I wouldn't want to live in your idea of a world.4 points
4 points
You know the worst thing about the Snowden thing is the US Government won the PR battle. They got people all twisted up over THAT he leaked when they real anger should have been at WHAT he leaked.3 points
Gothic remake is underway, and it's developed by a newly formed studio in Barcelona. I think Gothic1&2 are games that could really benefit from ground-up remake - when it comes to combat I felt Souls games delivered gameplay wise what Gothic was aiming for back in early 2000s. That said, that's a high bar of quality to expect. I didn't play much of the demo due to my laptop not being able to run it properly, but from what I played and saw, it was pretty awful. I am not having high hopes for this one, but I will keep my fingers crossed.3 points
As far as I know the golfing hypothesis turned out to be correct. Rich people flying to South Africa to golf in the middle of the second lockdown brought the South African variant to Tyrol, and Schwaz is now undergoing priority Pfizer/Biontech vaccination to field test how effective the vaccine is against the SA variant. You should change your Geroge Bernard Shaw quote in your signature.3 points
Nothing much to "predict" there. Tourism makes up like 30% of the gross domestic product of Tyrol. Tourism is so powerful there they don't have lobbyists influencing the politicians... the lobbyists are the politicians. The municipal council of Ischgl is made up entirely of mountain lift managers and hotel owners, and corporate fatcat Franz Hörl is actually a member of parliament. In uhm, addition to owning a hotel, managing a mountain lift company and being the head of the Austrian mountain lift association. Good thing they learned something from past mistakes though... not. The French found a solution for problems like these a while ago, maybe it's time to dust it off.3 points
Hello, Pernicious Cloud has a huge base radius (5m) centered on the Rogue - and deals really nasty DoT in an AoE. It is not foe-only. Like all AoEs with friendly fire (for example Fireball), Pernicious Cloud shows its AoE indicator with a red circle (the friendly fire part) and a yellow, bigger circle which usually indicates the foe-only part. However, with Pernicious Cloud - and that's the only ability I know of that behaves this way - the yellow circle also does friendly fire. Since the AoE can be very big this makes Pernicious Cloud quite bad if you play with a party or anywhere near neutral bystanders (city etc.). Bit sad given how many ability points you have to invest to get there. Because this behaviour is totally not in line with the rest of the game I call the current implementation faulty. To fix it there are two variants: make the whole AoE indicator red (like for example Storm of Holy Fire . this wouldn't fix the problem that the ability is difficult to use if you're not alone - but at least it will communicate its effect in the proper way) make the yellow area foe-only I would like to propose one of those fixes for the Community Patch. @MaxQuest@Phenomenum would that be something to consider? Others please chime in, too! Maybe I missed something or this was discussed before.2 points
2 points
I considered growing some produce this year, buuuuut, my sister has freerange kids, soo. Yeah. No.2 points
2 points
Actually, you don't. Not at all. And you have too much faith in technology. Those people monitoring peoples activities and communications? They were picked because they were zealots. True believers in a cause. Anything that looked even remotely circumstantial like what they were looking for got tagged and persecuted. I would recommend checking up on confirmation bias https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias. Once people start looking for something, they start seeing shadows of it everywhere. Better destroy a few hundred innocent lives than letting one genuine villain escape, right? Did it ever occur to you, that there was a reason that wiser people than that added the clause "innocent until proven guilty" (aka presumption of innocence) to legal systems in civilized countries? We've already established you're not a fan of democracies, but still, you may have heard about this particular principle. Those people will not be neutral, they wont be objective and they wont give you any benefit of doubt. They will have quotas to meet, to justify their existence and "1984" will start looking like a fairy tale that would should strive for compared to the reality you're advocating. Edit: Once you start a witch hunt, guess what? You can't really stop it again. But then, nobody expected the Spanish inquisition, right?2 points
Let's not kid ourselves, not a single serious offender will be caught. There will be however a lot of data leaks, people private information being sold, political rivals surveillance etc. Another example of people in charge taking Orwell's writing as a guidelines not a warning.2 points
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2 points
I have been playing with my buddies alot on a save that I have been running. I always host the game and it works great when we are all on at the same time, but sometimes my buddies want to play when I'm not available. They want to play on my save because a lot of hard work has gone in to it. Would it be possible to add 24/7 squad access to the save/server. Maybe something like that Minecraft does with "realms"? I would pay for it.1 point
Hello, today I bought the game on steam, and al time I try to start , the game closes, a window says, it is cause of a runtime error. My system ist Win 7, visual C++ library is 14.22.2721.0, so it is the actual version. Would be very kind to get some help, and the game running. Thanks in advance, Carl1 point
Drinking tea, "Gold of the Mountain King" from a local shop. It's delicious, love the citrusy twang at the end.1 point
1 point
You need to be careful not to confuse my posts on the manga, Crystal and the 90ies anime you're watching.1 point
1 point
It is, because it's part of an attack animation that happens every episode. Though I suppose the right arrow fixes that.1 point
On US TV, if it jiggles, it gets cancelled alas. I still remember that girls on trampolines show. Yeah, it's totally sexist.1 point
Finished S. Btw, I was getting really tired of hearing Chibiusa say "Hotaru-chan! Hotaru-chan!"1 point
Well, how do you explain the interest in the Khadashians? Many people have zero interest, yet they always manage to remain in the news. It's an attention economy and the Royals get plenty of that. We don't have an equivalent ceremonial post in the US; it's more or less fulfilled by the President, who often is busy battling negative opinion. Maybe that's why some people in the US follow the Royals instead?1 point
When you are not solo you can just knock yourself out with a spell like Necrotic Lance (out of combat preferably).1 point
Yup. The multiclassing alone is a huge plus-up for me. Makes such a big difference in the game.1 point
The monarchy are like the national pets of Great Britain. Everything they do people takes pictures of and go “aww how cute. Kate has a pretty red coat and hat.” I can’t understand the fascination but I certainly understand what Markel meant about feeling trapped. I think she spoke for all of them. Hell I think the queens corgis have more agency over their lives than she does.1 point
Quite, they've completely drowned out how they're all being monitored. I live in a bit of a bubble when it comes to my friends that are very informed about things going on, so when I saw John Olivers show where he talked about the Snowden leaks and interviewed people on the streets it was depressing to see how little people knew about it. Ofcourse, they all did want the NSA ****-pic program shut down.1 point
Sounds like a reasonable attribute distribution. I guess I'd put 2 points from DEX to INT but that's mostly cosmetic I guess. Just keep in mind that if you play with a party the Enfeeble effect is not only useful for your own effects (and stuff like Stunning Surge, Whisper of Treason, Puppet Master etc. won't even profit from MIG but only from INT and Enfeeblement) but also for all the time-limited effects of your whole party.1 point
I am currently playing a forbidden fist/soulblade and I started out with STR 15, CON 10, DEX 15, PER 17, INT 15, RES 18, with Berath's Blessings. The relatively low CON isn't a problem so long as you are careful not to stack multiple forbidden fist curses. And once you get optimal equipment as the various buffs (food, etc.) it is a very strong melee build.1 point
not that we have a vote in the matter, but am gonna suggest the answer to your question is obvious: packs o' cybernetic enhanced robodogs. sometimes you need a crazy solution to combat a crazy problem. HA! Good Fun! ps don't blame us when the robodogs inevitable slip their programing leashes. can always blame on the engineers if things go awry.1 point
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/apr/11/secret-history-monopoly-capitalist-game-leftwing-origins1 point
Depends on the enemies you are facing. For example Blaidh Golan is good against Ogres because they knock you prone quite often. Wayfarer's Hide is better against other enemies. In general the Wayfarer's Hide is better. It comes later though - so I would simply use Blaidh Golan until I get the Wayfarer's Hide.1 point
Ok, I can finally confirm this after several tries because I kept picking an animal companion that is bugged and doesn't show up, wolf, so I went with dog. Then I gave myself 3 mythic levels and went Azata and now I have 2 animal companions.1 point
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1 point
Because all of the save game issues my daughter and me are having...PLEASE GIVE US DEDICATED SERVER :). Sorry for the yell...it's a big wish.1 point