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If we had a Trump Tower he'd probably end up here, like James Cameron, Gabe Newell, Peter Thiel and the rest of the billionaire boltholers. In more positive news, looks like START at least will get renewed, as both Biden and Putin agreed to it in their first presidential call and a renewal doesn't need congressional support. Interesting transcripts too, Russian one doesn't mention Solarwinds, Navalny, Ukraine etc while US one does; US one doesn't mention JCPOA, OpenSkies etc while the Russian one does. The translation from passive-aggressive suggests there's still a decent amount of things to talk past each other about.2 points
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Everyone knows a pimp is a Project Manager. The qualification is PMP, after all.2 points
right down the road from Gromnir https://www.davisranchproduce.com/index.html prices and minimum actual decreased this year. for six months (edit: 'pon reflection, were more like 4.5 months) almost all our vegetables were hand picked by Gromnir, but not grown as while am ok with food preparation, am otherwise only able to turn plant life into fertilizer. we still have many bags filled with frozen corn. is fantastic when the watermelons, honeydew and cantaloupe become available. last year we were even given access to some o' the trellis vegetables such as snow peas, though those were a smidge more expensive. am suspecting more places such as this exist and people just don't know about 'em or think it's too much effort. HA! Good Fun!2 points
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Was expecting a delivery today and when I went to check the status FedEx said they tried to deliver but nobody was home. Both my wife and I are home today, I have a wannabe guard dog, and a doorbell camera that records everything and nobody ever approached my door. I did my best Karen impression and called in to complain which is something I never do but in the face in such an obvious lie I couldn't help myself.2 points
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Yeah, it's what happened to us aswell, we were like 6 people in the same appartment, so someone was bound to hear a doorbell. They're probably trying to improve their statistics aswell. If they've "attempted to deliver" it looks much better in the data than them missing the window. I'm glad to be working for a decent company, we don't get paid per delivered package but monthly wage.1 point
am hopeful trump enjoys a lifetime tenure in his new office. HA! Good Fun!1 point
The trickle down theory for healthcare works exactly as well as the trickle down theory for economics. The mRNA vaccines will never scale up to worldwide levels and are intrinsically too expensive for poorer countries- a 'normal' vaccine very basically requires a big fermenter like for brewing beer, mRNA ones require specialist equipment. 40USD for a vaccine course, with vaccines kept at -70C in, say, India? Even the cheaper/ less stringent Moderna version is still way too expensive. The only viable options for poorer countries are the more orthodox types- AZOxford/ Sputnik/ Sinovac. That's probably not the reason why South Africa etc are making complaints though. Under medical emergency provisions normal patent and licensing provisions can be set aside and medicines produced without explicit approval from the IP owners; they're legally establishing that there isn't enough and the situation won't change in a reasonable timeframe. Once that is done they can simply make vaccines themselves via compulsory licensing.1 point
Biden said the capitol building was the “citadel of liberty “? Now THAT is funny! That’s like calling the fox the defender of the henhouse! That’s like referring to a pimp as an HR manager. The citadel of liberty if it even exists is the bookshelf, the library, the church, mosque, and temple, maybe the classroom, definitely the gun safe. And most of all In that space between the ears of the people who value it. It sure as hell is not going to be a capital building or anywhere politicians gather1 point
My grandma, near 100ys old, is still growing them on a small piece of land each season. She comes from rural areas, and she has a tiny piece of land in a small farming commute, who use some land on the outskirts of a big city, and each takes care of their own tiny piece for personal use. The strawberries, rasberries, tomatos, carrots, applea, cucumbers, etc. Flavor like no other.1 point
Reasoning of such aside, when you have credit cards, smartphones, etc. which do not require a microchip to know everything about you (ever had that odd feeling that when you talk about something near your phone with android, you get some change on your display of adds powered by google adds?), its not impossible tech wise with the new tech roll out. I just do not see a real benefit for the cost. Why would I ever be bothered to track joe the geek or bunny the pothead? You are much better at 'controling' population by making it fragmented and divided wtih no real common values, stupid on average, egocentric and individualistic, and gamifying the life (followers, likes, etc. ) where low IQ behavior is rewarded more than the high one, and you have followers of stupid believing they are right, because there are a lot of them, so they have to be right (confirmation bias) - that's a whole different topic though, so lets stick to the vaccines and COVID. That said, (trade?) wars over vaccines! When?!1 point
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I'll caution you: when used on a companion the respec doesn't give you back the exact amount of attribute points. There's a slider to determine how many attribute points you get on a reset, but some companions start with more than the respec on highest setting allows for.1 point
Frozen is a waste of good qualities of the food. I do my groceries myself, every 2nd day with no more than I know I'll cook/prepare for my household (i hate wasting food and money). I usually eat regional seasonal veggies and some meat from local butchers and Fresh fish on the delivery days for gourmet (I know when the plane with supplies fly in). I try to avoid exotic stuff, even though I like things like Avocado, becuase of how this affects deforestations and increases carbon footprint. (same reason, why I travel with public comm daily, and rent a car on occasions when I really need one - I'd buy one, if we'd have a kid though). Here, there were price increases in groceries overall though and you could notice them, still I'd pin a blame on giving free money, and increase of minumum wages. I know that in US this is much harder to do, but if you live long enough in some area and are willing to explore and talk in person to people working as salesmen there, you can get an idea where someone cares for quality of what they sell.1 point
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I've heard that some carriers will put 'attempted to deliver' if they're running behind so they don't have to deal with the package until another day but don't know how true that is.1 point
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Has anybody else noticed how much food costs have shot up during the pandemic? I haven't heard of it being a political issue yet, but it wouldn't surprise me to see it come up.1 point
Based on the sounds and initial laughter and old man's anticipatory grin I'd guess they make the cat curious/go into hunt mode making scratchy or other noises. It's like if you wiggle your toes under a blanket while in bed and a cat stalks/hunts/attacks them. The cat hitting the actual face I'm not sure about, unless it has something to do with reflections on the eyeglasses or the grin (teeth baring), or its just the area the cat knew it could reach from a floor jump. Anyway - cats go into hunt-mode because of sound and movement. The more you "play" with them like that the more likely they are to react to stuff like that even if you aren't doing it intentionally. Edit: I had a cat once who I'd pat my shoulder and he'd jump from floor to the shoulder/back. After a while he'd do it without me signalling and thus I'd just be bent over a table or something and suddenly have a cat flying onto my back causing me to shriek in surprise, especially if I had no clothes on/claws. EditEdit: he liked piggyback airplane rides1 point
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In some ways it's simpler. You can tell a SEAL is a a SEAL when he never stops telling you he is a SEAL.1 point
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we got two EIP cards in the mail yesterday. am not eligible for stimulus so am curious if these is scam cards or perhaps an error as they appear legit. the toll free customer service telephone number looks authentic based on our intensive 30-second internet search. am knowing we should call immediate and straighten out the snafu, but somehow even the thought o' informing the government that they sent us money we don't deserve makes us feel a bit dirty and decided unamerican. HA! Good Fun!1 point
not sure i quite understand the confusion about fighter/priest (it is probably one of my more frequently used priest multiclass), but here are just a small set of pointers: disciplined barrage/tactical barrage/disiplined strikes all also affects non-weapon attack rolls. +5 accuracy (from perception), plus graze->hit chance helps offensive spellcasting a lot. so does the upgrade, where you either get hit->crit chance, or +5 int and +1 PL. adventurer/conqueror stance's accuracy bonuses also applies to spells (won't stack with devotions). casters also get some benefit from the deflection boost. in close range, with lots of engagement, mob stance's recovery time bonus also helps with spellcasting. priests also have a spell (champion's boon) that gives you lots of engagement, since normally mob stance fighters don't have a lot of engagement without shields. armored grace means casters can be faster while wearing armor, possibly even wearing more armor than they would normally priest gets access to fast runner and uncanny luck, which are two "universal" passives that the priest normally does not get access to IMO, fighter + any caster is one of the more easily synergistic builds you can set up, so i'm a little surprised that one has to ask "why does this even exist?" off the top of my head, i've done a berath and wael multiclass with fighter. the berath was like a battleship spellcaster, slower and heavy hitting. the wael one was a glass cannon build using monastic unarmed training. i think i also did magran, but i don't remember too much what i did (was pretty early in my deadfire playing history)1 point
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Denmark is confiscating syringes and other material headed for, and paid for, by Sweden. I'd like to tell Denmark that we don't have to wait for Kattegatt to freeze over nowadays.1 point
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