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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/20 in all areas

  1. Yes, these are the reasons you get a 3D printer...
    4 points
  2. As we slide into that period of so many seasonal holidays (even if a couple tend to take over), I expect we'll all have a few odds and ends to boost the spirit of the moment....
    3 points
  3. I bought this boxed (dvd) set a long time ago. Came with a tentacle stocking too, to hang up at a fireplace for the Great Old One to bring gifts edit: A photo of my seasonal tentacle and songbooks with lyrics for sing-a-long Chtulhu Carols:
    3 points
  4. I never got the Yuuzhan Vong. I'm not sure force-immune sadistic aliens, who seemed to be a cross between the Githyanki and Cenobites, was really what Star Wars was crying out for. And force-immunity seemed like a gimmick that existed only to make their threat credible, but didn't really fit the Star Wars universe, IMO.
    2 points
  5. Would really like to see a Stem Post in the building/crafting option for decks and awnings Gliders would be cool...possibly made from wings of butterflies or wasps Dyes made from flower petals to change color textures of armor and weapons Craft All Button Be able to eat nectar, mushrooms, etc off the ground without the need to inventory it
    1 point
  6. idk how its with the Beast but with fire dragon you can start dialog during combat and and it wont stop anything mostly with temporal cocoon, it has big advantage over withdraw because you can cast it out of combat
    1 point
  7. I really have very few memories/nostolgia, let alone memento's, re: Xmas. It wasn't that big of a deal in our house. The two main things were running around with my siblings "catching" tumbleweeds that we would stack by three (we left them round like snowmen), spray paint white, and turn into our Xmas tree, and the electric train on a board that it was placed on. I loved that train, had headlights and noises, a tunnel, etc. I don't have any pictures of it tho - unless I pulled out some old slides of my father's and transferred them to digital somehow maybe. But the sight of similar on TV or in stores always makes me nostalgic. Oh and there was a nativity set we kids hand-crafted that mom set on the fireplace mantle every year. I have no idea who ended up with the train or that nativity set - it wasn't me. By the time I was eight both bro and sis were in college and we stopped having any kind of tree altogether, outside of this tiny potted pine mom had in their bedroom.
    1 point
  8. If you want the most powerful MC then you have to do a no rest run in order to keep the one time bonuses as long as possible. Thus Refreshing Finale becomes mandatory because it also allows using items with abilities that trigger on Empower every fight.
    1 point
  9. When I was a kid, we would always belt out as a family the la-la-lalalala along with this song every Christmas. Not sure what that says about us...
    1 point
  10. I'd say that using a drill to make holes into solids is objectively boring. *schenkelklopf*
    1 point
  11. So... bear with me. Everything that wasn't made by Lucas was originally considered expanded universe - EU for short. It was a sort of extended canon or pretty much regarded as canon as long as the works and story layout was cleared with contacts at Lucas Arts. Lucas Arts nowadays has the Lucasfilm Story Group for exactly that (so ever since 2012) but always had people to help coordinate with the publishers (most notably of those Del Rey and Bantam, but both are part of Random House anyway). As Zoraptor noted already a good deal of the old EU had continuity problems. Many of which were created by Lucas himself, because while Lucas Arts more or less expected licensed works to be beholden to a coordinated story outline he himself didn't bother with the prequels. That's why Heir to the Empire was written from a perspective that assumed the clones were the aggressors of the Clone Wars, not separatists. When Disney bough the rights to Star Wars, they threw out the entire EU by renaming it to Legends (imagine Legends as the Kevin timeline of Star Wars, or vice versa if you want the new canon to be Kelvin ) and created a new canon that at the time only consisted of the prequels, the original trilogy and the Clone Wars tv show. Everything released from Disney from then on is also canon, i.e. Rebels, the new trilogy, Rogue One and Solo, as well as any novels, comics and whatnot coordinated by the Lucasfilm Story Group. That means there's a good deal of books now that explain - or try to, at least - whatever the hell Jar Jar Abrams was smoking when he came up with the New Republic as a single star system with no military, the First Order instead of the Imperial Remant (or simply the Empire as they continued to call themselves). I'd also call the Starkiller base a silly idea but it's hyperspace laser isn't all that different from the EU's Centerpoint Station that literally was able to make suns go supernova or blast planets and ships with giant laser beams across the known galaxy in an instant. Okay at least Centerpoint Station didn't suck up the mass of an entire star into a planet. Sure a lot of sci-fi writers and, quite frankly, most people have no idea of the dimensions invovled in space and that's mostly okay, but Jar Jar is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY bad with that. Cue Spock seeing Vulcan sucked up into a pinhead sized black hole. Le sigh. Content creators liberally help themselves and borrow from Legends all the time. Tython now exists in both legends and canon, as does Ilum for instance. In fact... Starkiller base WAS Ilum. The same Ilum from SWTOR. Obviously some form of Darth Bane must be canon too, because the Rule of Two is. So it is more confusing than ever and the stories told are worse than ever before because they need to work with what Kathleen Kennedy, Jar Jar Abrams and Captain Looper came up with. Plus the one thing they keep doing and the thing that bothers me most about the sequel trilogy is changing the way hyperspace jumps work. I hate that with a passion. Gah! TL;DR: Disney threw out the old EU and renamed it to Legends. Canon in Star Wars terms is everything that came out post-Disney (except the 2013 novel Crucible the final EU/Legends entry), Clone Wars, the prequel and the original trilogy. Star Wars: The Old Republic is in a sort of hybrid mode that is techinically Expanded Universe but also canon-y for the sake of Bioware being allowed to write new content for it.
    1 point
  12. I've been away from this forum for about 7 months and hey ho this topic is still going strong! I think I said ages ago, no kickstarter and no barely clothed women on the advertising material is probably the main problem.
    1 point
  13. That toally depends. Refreshing Finale turns the "x per rest times Empower OR refresh resources" into "1 per encounter Empower AND x per rest refresh resources". Also Refreshing Finale might lead players to actually use Empower frequently instead of saving the use of Empower points for later and then not using any until next rest. Also the difference in phrases after using Encore or Refr. Finale isn't that blatant for a good part of the game (where you don't have a big max phrase count anyway). Only later in the game (once you get access to invocations with 6 or even 7 phrases it will make a bigger difference). Because of those points I believe Refreshing Finale is the better enchantment for the majority of players, especially the ones with no or only a little meta-knowledge.
    1 point
  14. A lot of people hated the tonal shift in the later EU, from the Vong war on, which was definitely a darker more 'mature' tone than earlier. There was a decent amount of stuff that could certainly be considered edgy, though I wouldn't personally consider it so except in the context of previous SW. I'd compare it to something like 'The 100' on TV, there's a lot of things happening that fit a description of edgy but... it's a CW show, so the cannibalism, mass murder, biological warfare, organ harvesting etc are a lot 'lighter' than they sound if you write them down and the overall reaction more of a 'what will those crazy kids get up to next?'. While I don't have any sympathy for Disney at all, the old EU was unwieldy, and in theory they can re-canonise whatever they want. So Malachor exists again, because Rebels used it. Not explicitly the Trayus Academy, but certainly something that looks suspiciously like it. There were four (?) conflicting stories of how the Rebels got the plans to the Death Star in EU and some genuinely convoluted attempts to reconcile them. The old post ROTJ EU was largely incompatible with the story they wanted to tell in the sequels (and Dark Empire and Heir to the Empire were functionally incompatible with each other, plus the returning Emperor in Dark Empire would be outright lol funny given sequel context). They simply didn't want to be bound by the old stories, which would be eminently forgivable, if their new content was good. For their high profile entries the only ones which are generally well regarded are Rogue One- the first product- and The Mandalorian. The others have been badly run projects received at best equivocally.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, if we could not "reinforce dumbassness" or anything along those lines, that would be great. Be not **** to each other and all that, m'kay?
    1 point
  16. as someone who stealthed the tablet I do not recommend it if you can try something else instead. it is by far the hardest stealthing you'll ever do, and i rehearsed that damn thing a bajillion times and got clicks and timings down to a precise art and i still was in a state of near-panic during the real thing. at level 16 i would just blow as many high quality consumables (do you have summon items?) as you can to do the fight. (edit: i assumed OP was on ultimate because why on earth would you be doing magrans challenge :), but if you're not doing ultimate and you're extremely patient you could just make a bajillion individual saves and inch your way through a stealth approach. note - don't use the same save slot, because amusingly obsidian made loading the game a "noisy" effect, so a moment where you may have been safely stealthed may instead be one where a lot of enemies are converging on you when you reload) what helps is using a scroll instead (longer range than sparkcrackers) and doing it twice. as long as the enemies aren't fully on their way back, they'll get re-distracted. but indeed the margin of error is extremely small.
    1 point
  17. Hrm, Sad Panda, Well i have AssetStudioGui for pulling / compressing whatever unity 3D files, Blender (i made a 3D rapier i want to add later), and some stuff like that. if i can extract the right file, edit the hue in photoshop, then save back in the bundle or as an external bundle, maybe that would work? im willing to give it - whatever it is i have to do - a try. P.S. here's a mini of that rapier small enough to fit in file size. ^^
    1 point
  18. Sucks y'all get an upcharge on most items. I mean, I get you need to pay delivery folks hazard pay because of Drop Bears, but that upcharge is much too steep.
    1 point
  19. The UK are our guinea pigs pioneers! Distribution of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine to start in about a week (unless the subjects keels over in droves I suppose). If enough of the British survive the process, I might line up in the queue for a few shots myself here down under when it becomes available. Edit: source https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55145696
    1 point
  20. As much as I enjoy some Lovecraftian turns, I think still makes one of the best seasonal songs....
    1 point
  21. Still doing Bloodborne. Getting much better at it. It's night time now, and ducking hell, the game is creeping me out. Pretty good idea to reuse the environment like that with new / different mob compositions. You know all the places, but it's still different and you can't feel safe. Hell, I even dreamed about it today... more specifically about Eileen the Crow. Man, that's probably the coolest character in the game so far. Right now it feels to me like it's just the very beginning of the game that beats you down and is super hard. Once you managed to level up a bit, it suddenly becomes A LOT easier. While still harder than the last Dark Souls that I've played, it's really nothing compared to the first few hours anymore. Basically, the first thing you have to do is manage to unlock levelups, then pump points into vitality and there you are - the game is open now... only took me 10 or so hours, though.
    1 point
  22. I was going to the lab to get some missions and when I get to the room burgl was in I seen the shadow of something big and turn around and it was a wolf spider. Thing scared the hell out of me. I ran out of there as fast as I could. I really think you need to move burgl some where else. Its just such a risk going to that tree lol. Please move him some where else. Let the man get some fresh air lol.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Come now, Michael didn't single handedly win the logic dance battle- she got help from her very conveniently on notVulkan, very conveniently in a Romulan sect despite not being Romulan, very conveniently staying on notVulkan Lieutenant Kima mother too. The really funny thing about Tilly being promoted is that she ran through a perfectly valid list of reasons why it was moronic when Saru suggested it- a in episode plot criticism role that Georgiou has filled for most of the season. It's a new and bold approach to point out how... odd your plot is, in episode*. A far better appointment would have been the Federation liason lady from the last couple of episodes, or maybe the blonde bridge officer who doesn't seem to have a job otherwise. They're still going to use Burnham for away missions anyway, and as a Commander she'll be ranking officer unless Saru goes so it's not like they'd have to give them (m)any extra lines. Overall though, they would have been far better off developing a character to take the role multiple episodes ago, same as if they wanted to kill off cyborg girl last season they should have spent time developing her instead of just telling everyone how bad they should feel. *similar was done far better for the debate with the Vululans though, since it set out how and why they would not be really be approaching it logically but from a position of their and the Fed's culpability being an underlying tenet of their politics. There have been plenty of other Star Treks in which the rigidity of the Vulkan mindset has caused similar problems, after all.
    1 point
  25. Well at least Proto-Wesley is Discovery's first officer now, just to remind us that Neo-Wesley isn't going to out-wesley Proto-Wesley too soon. Or, in other words, just like with everything else they did on the show so far they did not think this through. At some point in time they came up with the idea of having Michael* go against orders again - because she's always right, of course, and always the best choice to go on the away mission regardless of the mission profile - so they needed her to be replaced as first officer only to notice that they actually don't have anyone that could become first officer on the existing crew roster. So instead of assigning a suitable candidate from Starfleet (remember the time when Riker made Commander Shelby his first officer because promotion from within the ranks of the Enterprise was unsuitable at the time?) they give it to the only other semi-developed character they have that can be taken out of her current position without being missed too much. Stamets can't, still being the only one that can use the Spore drive. Georgiou obviously can't (and wouldn't, at any rate), the only thing Detmer is outside of being there is the pilot, then there's the black guy on the bridge where I don't even know what his post is (in any other show he'd be the token black guy) and... oh, wait, perpetually angry engineering lady and Neo-Wesley Six with her Head-Baltar, both of which are absolute nutjobs that should be in the loony bin, not on a starship. The only other character they could have used as replacement first officer was written out a few episodes ago. *Also for those that didn't watch, in this episode Michael was assigned to a diplomatic mission to Vulcan Ni'Var where she challenged the Science Academy to Kali-Ma-Shakti-de, the Vulcan science version of a dance battle. She single-handedly out-sciences everyone present and her sweet dance moves impress the president of Ni'Var so much that they share secret research data with her that is considered a, uhm, societal taboo on Ni'Var. Because in the one hundred and twenty odd years since The Burn, nobody on Ni'Var managed to see what Michael did in a couple of Discovery episodes - that the Vulcans did indeed not cause the burn. Oh, yeah, that science experiment that the Vulcans thought caused the burn was to find an alternative to dilithium based warp drives. Okay so I complained about that dilithium isn't used for warp drives per se already, so let's not repeat that. However, so far every longer running Star Trek show has come up with numerous warp drive alternatives. Voyager alone brought scientific data on half a dozen projects home, of which the Quantum Slipstream was apparently adapted anyway, which makes no sense at all. Other things? Oh yes, the coaxial warp drive, Borg transwarp technology (how about that for a project, Seven of Nine, instead of becoming a cynical lone ranger?), TNG's warp catapults or soliton wave, Lt. Paris' infinity warp evolution chamber and these weird little subspace vortices from Voyager. A thousand years of progress and the Federation can't solve peak oil? Did the Koch brothers fund political campaigns against dilithium alternatives?
    1 point
  26. I don't think it's the actors. The fundamental problem there is that Michael is intrinsically not a very sympathetic character, but you're constantly being asked to sympathise with her. It doesn't matter if Martin-Green can act or not when she has to try and make you feel something for Michael that the plot has never really established. The acting in general always seems bad when they try to do an 'inspiring' episode with lots of 'inspiring' scenes, and this episode had both in spades. You could have had the entire acting talent of the Royal Shakespeare Company- alive and dead- available and acting in that 'Yes you can do it, Ensign Tilly!' scene and it would still have been pure cringe because there's only so much that can be done with what is scripted and how it's directed.
    1 point
  27. Yes, a pulsing spell will lift your invisibility (no matter which one) with the next pulse (that pulse gets +15 ACC and extra crit damage - but those pusles are usually small so it's not that great) - which make them not suitable for an Assassin/Caster IF you want to go invisible while the pulsing spell lasts. In RTwP an Assassin/Druid can apply Plague of Insects which is a pure DoT and then vanish with Smoke Veil and stay invisible (DoTs don't break it). He can't do the same when castng Wicked Briars or Venombloom - because those are Pulsing spells. But a pure DoT, cast with Assassinate is not as impactful as a direct damage spell because while the DoT cast will get +25 ACC it can't profit from the increased crit damage of Assassinate. That's why you see a lot of Assassin/Wizards but not that many Assassin/Druids. Although Sunlance with Assassin/Druid is pretty nice. Ah, forgot: the initial attack roll of a pure DoT will also lift Smoke Veil (any any other invisibility) - only the ticks will not.
    1 point
  28. It's kinda funny that China's government and economic system is basically everything neoliberalism tried to be but ended up being cast as it's global opponent by gullible leftists who want it and conspiracy addled righties who think it's evil incarnate. Perhaps I'm just too much of a troublemaker, but being ruled by a cabal of Harvard business and/or law degree holders is bad regardless if they're politically united or disunited.
    1 point
  29. Ensign Tilly is going to be the new First Officer on Discovery. 's all I have to say about this one. Oh, wait, I guess it's sort of confirmed that Discovery is playing in the same timeline as Star Trek Picard. Because the Romulan Qapla' Oonah thingie is back. Or still there, more like.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Gamepad sounds like hygiene product. Play it in a pc like a real man
    1 point
  32. Some sort of random bug bosses or even robots that might appear on certain occasions throughout the exploration of the backyard would be ideal. Might even drop (legendary) gear that can only be discovered/crafted by a true Grounder that can take down the foul beasts! Cause their bosses....obviously. So it’d be a struggle well worth it in the end. That way it’s more unique having items or whatnot that others may have yet to discover or simply can’t slay the dragons “bug bosses”. Might take a few times but that’s what makes it so much fun & creates longevity in my opinion. Maybe gathered items around the yard that might craft special weapons for these types of encounters. Maybe even have them respond occasionally with other secret items yet to be retrieved in a kill. Maybe even on holidays have certain items only to be found on those certain days each year they come around. That’d be dope. Also, some kind of wagon built from the weed wood or whatever to help gather much more resources as well as maybe a boat that could be crafted in case we need to haul across the waters. In my opinion, would make it so much more exciting to play. Just a thought to ponder but should definitely be consider. Why not? Sounds exciting don’t it!!!! Haha -GroundedSinceDay1 KiIIer Kujo
    1 point
  33. I think there's a big for improvement here, the first problem is "smoothies?". This item gives an instant heal, has a very low "cooldown" and can be made out of anything which makes it better than bandages, specially if you think bandages heal don't stack making spamming smoothies even stronger (the only good thing about bandages is that you can make them out in the wild on the go since you'll always find some sap and fibers). What about making "smoothies?" a risk to take since they are made out of random things? Basically consuming the item will replenish a bit of hunger and thirst and has a random effect that can be something like: heals 10-25% HP, poisons you, damage you 1-10% HP, or you give you a random smoothie buff. The second problem with smoothies is how you discover them: just putting random items in the smoothies station untill you get the right combination isn't just boring and a waste of materials, but also very time consuming since the chances of you randomly discovering a smoothie is very low (we don't even need to do the math tbh). What about buying the recipes from BURG.L for raw sience or having to find them around the world in BURG.L Chip-like quests that tell you were to look for? Because I bet that most players just looked the recipes on the internet instead of spending hours wasting their material to try getting the right combination without even knowing what smoothie would they get. The third problem is probably a bug? right now if I select a recipe in the smoothie station nothing happens unless I've got the materials to make that smoothie, which means I either need to remember all the recipes or I need too look on the internet. Just make the recipe page more usefull by showing the actual recipe under the recipe's name. The fourth and last problem is CLARITY (which is a problem related to other aspects of the game). We don't know how strong the buff or how much it last without testing it properly. Can't we just have some numbers on the item description? maybe going over the effects icon with the mouse open a little pop-up with proper numbers. Also, having a little icon appear in the bottom left corner of the screen, to the right of our stats, that represent the buff we got from drinking the smoothie with a little clock that tells us how much it will last would really help. This is just a small quality of life improvement but it would really make smoothies mechanic more enjoyable. (If I explained something bad just ask and I'll try to explain it better)
    1 point
  34. I second the stat info and recipe acquisition, however I don't think there should be nerfs as smoothies are a good alternative in areas with lack of resources
    1 point
  35. I think I like the night (?) better. Also, can you imagine having a moon that huge in the sky all the time? Us on-Earth humans get all "oooo" when our moon is just a little bit bigger than normal/low in the sky. If we were on this planet we'd all faint or something. I have to move faster in the game tho ... you don't get very far when you have the game on for 10-15 minutes at a time and spend most of it looking at the sky.
    1 point
  36. my 2 cents: PoE2: The main cover shows a ship fight against a kraken. You do not have this in the game ( kraken yes, ship fight yes, but not kraken on ship). Plus this cover makes me think of the pirates of the caribean movies, but the game gives me a different feeling. Maybe they should hire Johnny Depp for PoE3 P:K: I played the game in german and I did not think that the writing is bad. I think the game is very good, but it is also very difficult and confusing if you are not a DnD nerd. I made a bad char, but at some point I switched to story mode difficulty and finished the game. I did not have problems with bugs, but I started playing several month after release. The devs promised to explain stuff better and improve UI to make it easier for new players to get along in the sequel, but pathfinder has super complex rules and the fans always want more classes, races feats and so on and the new game has many more options than PK. D:OS1+2: I finished part 1 and I liked it, main dislike was random equipment. I never finished D:OS2 even though I was a backer. Totally random items, extreme level scaling with inflating stats ( generic item of one level is better than epic item 2 levels lower), extremely simple system where you max out one stat and skill to one shot everything, I did not like the physical/magic armor system and I did not like that the whole map was covered with necrofire or electricity after the first round in every combat. I think Larians problem is that Divine Divinity was a Diablo Clone game mechanics wise ( random items that have a level ) and they kept this system when they went from a single character action game to a party based and turn based game. I am happy that they moved to DnD, everything I see from BG3 looks fantastic. This will be one of the best games ever.
    1 point
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