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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/20 in all areas

  1. If you take the Saruman analogy to its final conclusion Trump will end up 'dead' via Rudi Giuliani, who snaps after finally deciding he can't take any more abuse. But who are we kidding anyway, Trump will resign a couple of days before being kicked out ruining all the stationary and commemorative knick knacks saying Biden is the 46th President, get Pence to pardon him, spend the next four years fighting prosecutions anyway then President Ivanka will pardon him again in 2025.
    4 points
  2. Trump considers executive order ending birthright citizenships there are also a number of stories where people in the CIA and elsewhere are worried that he will reveal some of the nations secrets on his way out of office. Add that to the numerous election challenges that even he knows are now pointless. He appears committed to creating any kind of mischief he can in the time he has remaining even though he knows it is all over. Do you know who this guy is? This is Saruman going to the Shire after being kicked out of Isengard. hey I should get some points here for finding a way to associate US politics with lord of the rings.
    4 points
  3. Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to GOG. That's pretty random random video game news. (probably another 'thanks Epic' situation where it isn't any more trouble sticking it drm free on GOG than it is being drm free on EGS, per Outer Worlds/ Metro Exodus etc)
    4 points
  4. Same. I really miss that tight turn-of-the-millennium period. So, I guess it's Ultra/High settings with RTX turned OFF and DLSS turned ON for me. Game definitely appears to be GPU bound, so I'm guessing it's not going to be an infinity-and-beyond open world type game, which could be a good thing if done right.
    3 points
  5. Following the news that the Pope's Instagram accidentally liked a risque model's ass pic..
    3 points
  6. Lots of nations butt heads with illegal Chinese fishing in the southern oceans. That is some serious money at stake. Edit: And forcing their way into Antarctica, looking for stuff worth mining, violating other countries sovereignty. China *is* a problem and will need to be dealt with. It will come to armed clashes eventually. Might as well draw a line in the... water? The one thing I will give Trump a pat on the back for, not caving in to Chinese blustering. Edit2: Not the Kiwi navy, but the Argentinian opening fire on Chinese vessels in the arctic waters:
    2 points
  7. Hey, how about this for being contrarian: Your post sounds like a competition for who has the tiniest pecker. You might win, but do you really want to?
    2 points
  8. Gives off Caesar and Pharaoh vibes.
    2 points
  9. https://i.imgur.com/2cg6z1i.mp4
    2 points
  10. Alright guys, since the Crow and Koi Fish are immortal, I think it's safe to say they are gods. The Crow is Lawful Neutral, constantly judging from atop his perch. The Koi Fish is the destroyer of worlds wishing to eat all in it's path. Chaotic Evil for the Koi Fish. Anyway I'm just trying to start a religion and convince people to make shrines for the new deities.
    1 point
  11. Not sure what this would be called in dev-speak, but I'd love to see shared multiplayer games. I primarily play with friends, and we all wish we could log into and out of a shared game without the same specific person needing to host.
    1 point
  12. Trump can't be Saruman you guys. Here's a picture with him and Saruman: So that's a bit of a pickle. He's clearly not Sauron either. How about Denethor II (the movie version, book Denethor is fraught with despair but not completely incompetent). He might as well try to burn Gondor down on his way out. So what's with the missing siege. Uhm, where did that migrant caravan invasion force go? Did it ever arrive at the border?
    1 point
  13. When you say Epsteined, do you mean being outed as a pedophile or dying under circumstances that look like a hit? Because honestly I think the former is pretty likely while the later isn't. Most likely Trump goes back to slumlording and tries various enterprises that float solely due to the true believers he cultivated over the last few years. Some Republicans will turn on him, but it will probably backfire and we'll see several crops of them trying to ape his obnoxious style because that's what wins with their base. Maybe someone in his circle turns on him, but it will probably be over a personal feud and not land him in jail. 20 or so years from now Trump will be throughly whitewashed and used as an example of an "honorable Republican" against the neo-confederate conspiracy theorists who will dominate the party by that point. After the last 4 years seeing a fictional association that isn't Harry Potter or GoT is refreshing.
    1 point
  14. ...aaaaand it is published: Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses Including, of course, a component for the skill bonus from adra potions
    1 point
  15. Every point of conflict that can cause a story companion to leave is part of the story. If you choose to side against the RDC, Maia will leave. Of course, you, as the player, knows she works for the RDC. If you choose to side against the VTC, Pallegina will leave. Of course, you, as the player, knows she works for the VTC. If you choose to side with Huana, Takehu will leave. Of course, you, as the player, knows he is loyal to the throne and a local. If you choose to side with the Crookspur Slavers, Sarefen will leave. Of course, you as the player knows he is an ex-slave, and Serafen is very very very vocal about not working with slavers. If one of your companions leave, it's over choices you made, choices you had control over. That's the entire point to RPGs that make consequences matter. You make choices and they impact that playthrough. That's the why you're looking for. That's the entire point of having choices.
    1 point
  16. Let's assume the Saruman comparison holds true... "He spent his final days as a small-time criminal master in Hobbiton known as Sharkey (from the Orkish sharkû, meaning "old man"), until he was overthrown in the Battle of Bywater. In the aftermath of that battle Frodo confronted Saruman and exiled him from the Shire, but before he could leave, Gríma Wormtongue killed Saruman by slitting his throat with a dagger, on the very doorstep of Bag End." So, in Trump terms...he'll go back to being a slumlord until he's arrested for his crimes (whether federal or state) and subsequently gets Epsteined the night before his trial starts? Or wait, maybe he only gets Epsteined *after* the trial concludes where somehow he escapes getting thrown into prison but loses all of his assets? I'm not sure. Personally, I'm more in favor of "serving remainder of his life in prison" than yet another "mysterious death that will be forever martyrized/conspiracied* by fascists or other types of baskets of deplorables" - getting kind of sick of those. *Yes, I did just make that word up.
    1 point
  17. Not everything was lost during Caed Nua destruction. Some accessories were recovered and made their way to Deadfire! Have made a mod, that adds several accessories from PoE1 to vendors in Deadfire. In v1.0.0 the following 8 items are added:Shod-in-Faith (boots) Gauntlets of Swift Action (gloves) Lavender Hat (ex. Lavender Wreath) (headgear) Binding Rope (belt) Talisman of the Unconquerable (amulet) Fulvano's Amulet (amulet) Bartender's Ring (ring) Pensiavi mes Rèi (ring) In v1.1.0 the following 10 items are added:Coil of Resourcefulness (belt) Crossed Patch (headgear) Tax Collector's Mantle (cloak) Telda's Ring (ring) Ring of Selonan (ring) Seal of Faith (ring) The Ring of Wonder (ring) Girdle of Maegfolc Might (belt) Girdle of Driving Wave (belt) Cloak of Tireless Defender (cloak): For more information check the mod page: here
    1 point
  18. I dunno.... I didn't get that feeling from GTA. The equivalent would be having to gas up your car. San Andreas you could be fat/skinny/buff but it wasn't done in a realistic way. I can't really think of anything realistic about GTA. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the next GTA had you gassing up your car Edit: I didn't see you also quoted the second half. Yeah I guess the world is open... But the story is not... Which is half of what I think an open world is
    1 point
  19. They got generic BAR resize --> AMD SAM(TM) instead of the generic DXR/ VulkanRT --> nVidia RTX(TM) or DirectStorage --> nVidia RTX I/O(TM) situation, which is a win. It really is annoying how often brands try to co-opt generic terms though (see also Adaptive Sync --> FreeSync --> 'Gsync Compatible')
    1 point
  20. The only thing that I hated about RDR2 was that it was "ultra realistic" for cleaning yourself and your horse... You had to eat and bathe... Yet you could get shot in the head 5 times and be alright. Imo there was a huge disconnect between combat and the rest of the game.... Also the missions were extremely linear,. If you diverge from the plan whatsoever the mission failed... Which I think is the only real knock against its openness
    1 point
  21. I'm playing baseball .... slots. Been on auto-spin while doing other things for a couple hours, 250M a spin. I've been on a (mostly) crazy unending lucky streak but ... ...I'm coming out way ahead, so why the exasperated faces? Because I'm greedy and it's not this one: I'm telling ya, the Home Run is a lie! Pffft. Happy Friday/weekend everyone, hope it's a relaxing one.
    1 point
  22. Shimmer Scale can be enchanted so that you're immune to all gaze attacks which should include Gaze of the Adragan. You can also make your rogue blind - being blind makes you immune to gaze attacks as well. Against Form of the Helpless Beast you should use interrupts to be honest. THis is the most annoying spell in the Drowned Barrows. You can pile up some fortitude and put on Aloth's Armor with "Known Causality" (+10 defense against Transmutation) but it will still be a gamble. Better to put a Slicken under those Scrivener's feet or something like that.
    1 point
  23. petrify is sort of a hard affliction to deal with, because dex resistance doesn't help you. aginst gaze of the adragan specifically, being blinded or having that small shield that gives you gaze protection would help, i believe it's actually keyworded as a gaze attack.
    1 point
  24. a dex inspiration would instantly solve petrify immediately, but you pretty much need a chanter for that. you have xoti -> minor intercession would reduce the duration of it. street sweeper (unenchanted, or enchanted to clear hostile effects) would also help.
    1 point
  25. More city builders are always a good thing. I adored Caesar 3, shame that series is fallow.
    1 point
  26. I can't decide if this is for the US politic thread or here.
    1 point
  27. China does have the developing tradition of what translates as "water armies" - basically a building full of geeks all running dozens if not hundreds of fake social media accounts to help shape/direct public perception and opinion. However, from my raw understanding, that's generally more of an internal, within the country thing, quite often used for celebrities and companies more than anything else. Russia has that developed as part of their cyberwarfare program as a means to shape opinions in other countries, and obfuscate any stories that involve Russian interests. That's what a lot of Trumpists seem to ignore, Russian interference wasn't in creating fake votes, it was designed to shape public perception, create discord, and convince people. Basically, all the things that any normal politician is doing these days. It was creating slanted news stories and making sure they get fed into peoples news feeds on an endless cycle, reinforcing beliefs and attitudes. Its psychological and social, not fraud and artificial votes.
    1 point
  28. Eurogamer - Next Mass Effect teased with new artwork
    1 point
  29. I told hubby what day it was. He gave a little exasperated snort and went back to staring at his monitor. Not exactly the celebratory type. Edit: I gave him an affectionate pat on the head, tho. His reaction was another grunt.
    1 point
  30. Hello! My name is Conrad, me and my wife have been playing Grounded, gotten pretty far I think, seen most of the yard. I am actually a Pest Control technician, termites specifically, and we use these things called Termite Bait Traps or Stations. They are these cylindrical plastic things that go in the ground and encircle a home, they have bait inside that attracts and is slow acting to make sure the entire colony can get some of it. Sometimes the caps on top of them can break off and expose the inside, and need to be replaced, so maybe one or two are open around the yard? I just thought it may be something not thought of yet, maybe a resource you can get to make a poisonous weapon or trap or something similar. Anyway, thanks for reading! Love the game.
    1 point
  31. At first, Hello nice shrunk mates, and sorry for my bad english skills I enjoy grounded from the first hour, cause i am a kid from the mid 80's early 90's.. and i like it that obsidian updating grounded every month. I've played more then enought early access games which wasnt nearly in that stadium what grounded was by e.a.-release. I am a german player and ive wrote an review on steam for grounded too, to bringing in some points what all thoose starting negative reviews giving an good counterpart. (feel free to visit and read it) and of course obsidian feel free to take my thoughts they are free and they are nice to improve the fun in grounded, i set no copyright to that feel fre to use Okay thats enough of introducing my self Subdivision 1. Sightseen pillars (areas in the garden) 2. Enemys 3. Basebuilding 4. Taming (work in progress) 5. Features (work in progress) 6. Outfits (Work in progress) 7. Equipmentsets (work in progress) 8. World/seasonal- events (work in progress) 9. items (work in progress) 10. Inventory system (work in progress) 11. Perks (work in progress) 12. bugs (work in progress) I do my best to write what i think over thoose points so good i can after a few hours i wil safe this for the moment and write in the next days on it forward 1. Sightseen pillars (garden areas) well if i think back to my childhood their was a movie "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" and the baseball wich activated the original laser is ovously the first sightseen pillar in grounded wich will be revealed after leaving the start spawn an action figure from battle toads can be found in the toadswamp also nice an mc - tape in the backyard remember to our childhood... okay enough with reminisce here come my thoughts and idears to new or reworked sightseen pillars 1.1 did u remember to the movie with this wierd extraterrestrial called e.t.? ive missing an landmark what thematized that one 1.2 more action figures: ive missing some of the most iconic action figures from the 80s and 90s the f..k where the h..l is he-man and skeletor and those wierd power rangers also the gohstbusters and many more of them when counting up i have an area like an chess board in my mind where thoose most iconic action figures standing in duells to each other 1.3 molehills, wich can used as a fast safe route (safe only if the mole not triggered) 1.4 i really missing the mowing machine, it was so nice in the movie "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" when the Neighbors kid come over and used it to punish the hell out of the kids 1.5 functional walkman, it would be awesome if it would possible to bring some iconic songs (if u do that.. please use some nice rock songs(maybe remixed/reworked cause copyrights)) to an functional walkman which changed the tape and his position every second or third day when a child move in the garden used it for a few minutes and trow it back somewhere in the gras (thats the reason for changing positions) 1.6 science project for school, maybe one of thoose trash jelly vulcanos or an advanced nice waterbottle rocket. 1.7 when i think back to my childhood i remember to a small cooler from coca cola for beverages in a corner on the terrace in the backyard 1.8 one or two beehives or an wasp nest even an hornet's nest (Ouch!!) 1.9 a doghouse would be really awesome 1.10 a figure made out of used bubble gum ( maybe one of the main characters (it would be nice if it peters garden when the figure is looking like willow in a cringe look, cause i think willow is peters secret love)) ten landmarks and some of them are very awesome, (i would love to see them all in grounded) ps: a castle/fort made out of lego bricks wich can give us players an savehouse would be another very awesome sightseen pillar 2. Enemys every time when i play grounded iam very excited to discover new nice things under this point i have some thougts about new enemys or reworking some enemys 2.1 flying enemys: bees / wasps / hornets / dragon-flys / butterflys / Firefly / moths( in the night agressive against light sourcess especially moving lights, like the good old torch what we all use ) / mosquito 2.2 enemys on the ground: chinch / centipede / millipede / termites / silver fish / cellar rattle / dung beetle / rhino beetle / mr. long leg (another varity of spider ouhouhu that would be awesome) 2.3 boss enemys: 2.3.1 ant-lion 2.3.2 mouse // rat 2.3.3 mole 2.3.4 mother moth 2.3.5 mother dragon-fly 2.3.6 mother butterfly 2.3.7 Tarantula 2.3.8 Mantis 2.3.9 scorpion 2.3.10 earthworm 2.3.11 snail 2.4 Immortal enemys: (cause they are big like the bird or the koi) 2.4.1 dog puppy: if u move into the dog house it start the puppy event, he will play with the players and drop a ball in front of them (of cause the ball kills an player if they stand under the ball) the players have to hit the ball with a charged hit (a higher tier of weapon let the ball fly further), but the puppy hitting them hard if they are not carefully in movement, if players hit the puppy his mother runs in and kill all with one bite per player, complete inventory lost (no escape possible) when the puppy runs the 20th time for the ball he is happy and give the player one of his treasures ( some kind of toys like bones or nibble toys) and after that the puppy will fall asleep 2.4.2 the frog/toad: he will eat the player if they are in the range of his tongue it need 3 times before u die (inventory lost completly) after ten hits he drop some frog/toad venom/posion and jumped away, maybe in the koi pond, maybe somewhere in the hedge or maybe a stork land and eat him 2.4.3 skunk 2.4.4 marten/iltis 2.4.5 Hedgehog 2.4.6 racoon 2.4.7 snake 2.4.8 squirrel 2.4.9 iguana 2.4.10 ive forgot this one 3. Basebuilding: 3.1 we need a few more materials for new tiers in the base building section 3.2 i need definitive an elevator 3.3 and a cargo lift 3.4 battlements 3.5 round segments 3.6 arrow slits 3.7 a lot more varity in the trap section 3.8 shutters for windows (3.9 taming objectives) 4. taming: cause every one likes pets and mounts, taming is something what we want, but not so easy like in other games search a pet what u like 4.1
    1 point
  32. I think that grounded could benefit from these new creatures. Enemies: Daddy Longlegs, if Obsidian decides to do anything with the shed, daddy longlegs would be a great choice as an enemy. Fire Ants: fire ants would attack quickly and swiftly and have the special ability to decrease your attack speed for a short duration. Centipede: centipedes would act as the horses of grounded, taming one will be hard, but these are quick creatures, able to get you from one point to the next in no time. Green Anole: the Green Anole is a type of lizard found in backyards. I don't have a use for them I just think that a lizard would be cool. Cucumber Beetle: a new type of hostile bug found in the vegetable garden. Grasshopper: a new bug found throughout the backyard. Bosses. I feel like the bosses should be unique and stand out from all the other enemies: Ground Scorpion, a scorpion would be a great boss and ground scorpions are a species that can be found inside sand boxes. Black Widow: one of the most infamous spiders, The Black widow would reside in a log pile (or something similar) and would have extremely powerful attacks. Praying Mantis: a praying mantis would be an unique boss that has a lot of health and would require a lot of punishment to fall. Coral Snake: The coral snake is unique in the fact that in can't be killed and will kill you in one hit. will probably be guarding a lab, and the player will have to sneak around it if they want to get inside, The coral snake would act similarly to the Reaper Leviathan (Subnautica) and the best course of action would be to move as silently as possible, small gaps would provide as breathers for the player.
    1 point
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