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  1. <putting on my best boeroer impression> whispers has an upgrade that lets you get free attacks if enemies miss against you. that already is pretty good. a fighter with its innately higher deflection, in conqueror stance, with superior deflection, and good resolve and gear could already get you into decent enemy-miss range. if you multiclass with wael/wizard/trickster you could cast some spells to spike up your deflection even higher. whispers also interacts specially with clear out. Every single enemy in clear out range triggers a whispers attack... and because whispers itself has an aoe, that means you could have multiple overlapping attacks. this effect is a bit easier with a forced-melee aoe blunderbuss (you have to equip a bashing shield iirc to force blunderbuss to being used in clear out), and works best if you do one of the clear out upgrades to maximize how many enemies you get an aoe attack with. other great swords i've used to good effect in the past: sanguine great sword with good crits (lots of sustain) twin eels (lots of sustain as well, bonus crits, but needs lots of religion) voidwheel (the necrotic lance benefits from weapon bonuses, lash damage is always good)
    3 points
  2. Tesla is getting competition in the electric car market...
    3 points
  3. This frying pan has been cat approved. Seen in an Amazon user review for a frying pan. The reviewer said they liked the pan and that "BTW, they also provide a lovely warm spot for a cat to occupy." Not sure that's where I'd want my kitty to warm its feet but ok.
    2 points
  4. Well done @thelee, but not enough typos! Clear Out can be pretty nice with Karabörü as well. The cone that it triggers on crit can happen multiple times if you're lucky. When going SC Fighter I always pick Clear the Path because its AoE size does not depend on INT and I find it to be pretty awesome in general, especially with weapons that have cone AoEs (WotEP, Karabörü, mortars with Powder Burns). By the way: mortars/blunderbusses are easy to use with Clear Out etc.: you just need any melee weapon in the left hand. It doesn't matter if bashing shield or dagger or flail etc. I would say the most potent Great Sword in terms of single target dmg is Voidwheel, but it comes rather late.
    2 points
  5. there are actually lots of notable greatswords - perhaps you are confusing it with estocs? In fact, it's only a matter of time before we say "great sword" enough that we summon @Boeroerto talk about Whispers of the Endless Paths in particular, which has tons of great potential (especially with clear out IIRC).
    2 points
  6. Now that it is out I started Werewolf: Heart of the Forest. Already spotted an option I had completely overlooked in the demo and have gone off quite a different path and met different characters. i think I am still a Jedi Guardian as far as class goes, but that's just me. I think I end up a Jedi Guardian whatever game I play.
    2 points
  7. Last night we dabbled in oven baked chicken wings with a couple of different dry rubs (buffalo and teriyaki) and they turned out pretty awesome. I would normally cook them on my grill but it was a little cold a rainy yesterday and I didnt feel like dealing with it.
    2 points
  8. Tell me about it. Young people these days... On a more serious note: "I know you quoted this from somewhere else but there is a massive difference between your 4 points, which indeed should concern anyone if we experience it like the rise of the Nazis, and wanting to curtail the harmful and insidious influence of well meaning but deeply unsustainable socialist policies " That just rubbed me the wrong way, because I was familiar with the (original, German) version of the quote as well as its context. I think you were barking up the wrong tree, unapologetically at that. As for socialism, your mileage may vary. I grew up in a hybrid system with strong trade unions. The unions eventually made themselves obsolete (today they nothing more than footnotes in politics) because they achieved their goals. Decent pay, maximum work hours, generally humane conditions. Danes may rant every now and then against the taxes, but you can still become wealthy and I don't think they feel particularly oppressed by the political system. Now if you ask them how they feel about banks on the other hand... Edit: As for the quote... basically if you don't stand up for other peoples rights, don't expect them to stand up for yours.
    2 points
  9. Note that if you use the console's "iroll20s" and "giveitem" commands to give a character a unique item and then export him - the save game where you import him into will also be marked as "cheated" and you will get no achievements/Breath Blessing points. You'd have to acquire the unique item in a "proper" way and then export it or you'd have to use a mod.
    2 points
  10. How about doing a little research... The quote is from Martin Niemöller, a German priest and diehard opponent of Hitler. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists Edit: And also, yeah, I remember that quote from history lessons way back in basic school (I would have been 12-13 at the time)
    2 points
  11. Axis Football Diaries: Week 8 vs Cleveland Coyotes: Now in HD! Gotta pick the right helmet, jersey, pants combo for each game. That's how we started this win streak. The 'experts' don't believe in San Fran Magic. We force a 3 and out on their first possession and then go right down the field. Scored on this pass to my RB/FB Hill. They immediately fumble on their next offensive series. McGee throws a nice pass here for our second score. Busted coverage. I don't even know what they were trying to do. This was a conversion on a 3rd and 19. I settled for a field goal. The Coyoties didn't watch film of last week when I torched Tennessee on corner blitzes because that's exactly what they do here. This was a TD. They finally get into the endzone in the 3rd quarter. They're going for it on 4th every time. I was in prevent and my DE Perry gets his 2nd INT of the season. This was kinda petty given the score, but I'd spent all game setting it up with run plays. This was my first and only playaction pass or early downs pass. Final Score: 41 - 17 I'm in a three way tie for first place in tier 3 half way through the season.
    2 points
  12. The Chromoprismatic staff is arguably one of the best reach weapons in PoE 2. It's a great stat stick for casters, and can be a fantastic melee weapon if you pump up metaphysics, to get a substantial bonus to damage and action speed.
    2 points
  13. This ... is ... awesome. https://www.reignofterrorgd.com (download links if you scroll down page) https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/mod-reign-of-terror/35347 You do need Grim Dawn and its two main DLC's installed tho, since it's a mod. And it's still going to have Grim Dawn stuff/mechanics/classes as well as Diablo2 ones. But ... it is awesome. They even have the music, and "braiinnns" and "Rakisishu!" callouts etc.
    2 points
  14. If you've followed my postings on this forum, you probably know that I play priests a lot, and have been trying to find a way to play basically every priest subclass and multiclass option. Universalist has been really hard for me to square up into a good satisfying option, but I finally had a breakthrough while watching some WarCraft 3 streams. A keeper of the grove! While this build isn't the most powerful or synergistic universalist you could build, I found it to be quite a bit of fun and can really carry you in the early-mid game due to the strength of its summons and buffs (which is also arguably some of the hardest parts of the game). Plus, in the process of building/playing this build, I developed a newfound appreciation for Halt. Basic build outline: stats Wood Elf, 12 might/8 con/15 dex/17 perception/18+1 intellect (old vailia)/7 resolve. Classes: ancient [cat spiritshift] + wael Skills: Alchemy and History Level-by-level guide (with free spells in brackets, optional picks with asterisk): [Summon Sporelings] Tanglefoot | Halt [Arcane Veil] Fast Runner Restore [Charm Beasts] Woodskin | Two weapon style [Iconic Projection] Wildstrike - Corrode* One-handed style [Wild Growth] Nature's Balm | Prayer for the Spirit [Mirror Image] Insect Swarm* Combat Focus* [Form of the Delemgan] Moonwell | Devotions for the Faithful* [Llengrath's] Greater Wildstrike - Corrode* Spell Shaping [Wall of Thorns] Nature's Terror* | Litany for the Spirit [Confusion] Champion's Boon Rapid Casting [Venombloom] Rot Skulls | Salvation of Time [Arkemyr's] Tough* Quick Summoning* [Call to the Primordial] Nature's Bounty* | Accurate Empower [Gaze] Lasting Empower Gear Weapon slot 1: Weyc's Wand (bound to not-priest) Weapon slot 2: Eye of Wael Weapon slot 3 (see below): a hand mortar or club Armor: Changeling's Mantle or Spider Silk Robe Other items: Giftbearer's Cloth (will grant you a weapon slot), Mask of the Grotto Deep How the build plays Summon Sporelings is a unique ancient summon that gives you two little allies and is available to you at tier 1. However, despite being a tier 1 spell, the sporelings themselves are themselves minimum level 6. That means in the early game, the sporelings are extremely tanky even by PotD standards, and even after the early game (when their offense fails to keep up with enemy scaling) their health/level gain is so significant that they can still soak up a lot of damage. Halt is also an extremely effective spell throughout the game - it has good range and super fast cast, so the trick is to cast it on a melee-only foe as part of the opening moments in combat (or directly out of stealth). You've essentially hard-CC-ed an enemy for a significant amount of time (15s + intellect + PL scaling). Directly out of stealth is preferable - because an attack out of stealth has a -85% recovery time bonus, if your first Halt whiffs you can try again almost instantly. So early-mid game, the Keeper plays like, well, a Keeper of the Grove from WC3: keep one tough melee enemy out of the fight using Halt, and then tank a bunch of other enemies using Sporelings. Use druid and priest magic to keep everyone alive, resummoning your Sporelings if needed. This is good enough that you can be carried through fights that you might have struggled with before and have no business of winning. For example, the Sealed Fate ambush by Talfor at level 6 on PotD can be rough if you take the violent approach - the enemies are triple-skulled with two dangerous wizard and a priest casting mid-level magic. I was able to clear it without a single knockout using OBS party members, with Wael's challenge enabled, carried solely on the backs of the basic early game toolkit this universalist has. As you progress into the game and get more spells than you know what to do with, a secondary focus emerges on poison, spiritshifting, and healing. A high intellect (from prayer and litany of the spirit) will help extend your spiritshift duration, and cat form gives you the best offensive punch thanks to its once/encounter +33% action speed ability. Arcane Veil and Mirror Image are good fast effects to make your spiritshifting a bit safer. Salvation of Time eventually comes along to boost spiritshift and the +33% action speed duration. The poison boost comes in the form of Venombloom (which benefits from +poison PL), Mask of the Deep Grotto, and single-wielding ranged weapons that you can use to deliver poison more effectively. (Single-weapon style doesn't boost poison accuracy, but because poison requires you to land a hit/graze first, it becomes a beneficiary of it. Very similar to how perception/accuracy is very important for a barbarian because Carnage is a dependent event of hitting a target as opposed to an independent event that happens regardless. This is also why you pick up Devotions for the Faithful.) Rot skulls aren't poison per se, but does great damage coupled with single-weapon style to land those initial hits, and interspersing it with spellcasting is a good complement to the build (since the DoTs from rot skulls don't stack). In the end-game you have several options. Accurate/Lasting Empower exist so that if you want you can take the Least Unstable Coil route and empower Venombloom - each tick of Venombloom will grant you another tier 3 inspiration from Least Unstable Coil, while also triggering Weyc's Wand's +3 PL bonus, all of which you can extend (along with spiritshift and the +33% action speed boost) with Salvation of Time. Sporelings are still effective bullet sponges, but now you can also use Call to the Primordials for a bunch of tanks with a bit more offense (though still subject to PEN/AR issues). A steady diet of poisons combined with various PL boosts (Litany, Mask of the Grotto Deep, Spider Silk Robe) will make you good at fire-and-forgetting foes of various kinds (generally casters, but a couple poisons don't target fortitude and are great for tankier foes). All the while you have the general defensive utility of the priest and druid to keep your entire party alive. Don't neglect Woodskin and Form of the Delemgan as buffs! They can offer serious survival boosts due to their very generous (if specific) AR boosts (remember: many ranged weapons are piercing). Halt is always good, and it'll only get better as your accuracy goes up and PL scaling becomes more generous. Be careful though - some melee enemies have ranged weapons as backup. But in general, the utility of Halt has been so suprisingly good that I now also weight the ranger's similar Binding/Thorny Roots much higher (though modulated by the fact that it comes much later). Possible party members and notes If you want to stay in-theme, I recommend picking up a ranger to come along for the fun. Note - I recently discovered that if you set your party AI to "passive" you won't encounter the consumable AI bug. You have to manually tell your party members to attack, but once they're attacking they'll do scripts and auto-attacks as normal (you only need to explicitly tell them to attack when their target(s) are gone or you have told them to stop doing something). I recommend using this with the keeper or else your constant diet of alchemy/poison can get tedious with flipping the AI on/off.
    1 point
  15. I haven't played Shadows, only Coteries. So far non of the npcs are as outlandish. The game actually has choices and you feel they matter. Your character has no clue what is going on, so you have no clue what your character is. The game procedurally adapts that to your choices. Which is probably just a fancy way of talking about "if" clauses Shadows games are well written, but they are hardly more interactive than a novella. This seems better by far in that aspect.
    1 point
  16. Yeah the wings are usually the entree for us. With blue cheese / ranch dressing and celery on the side.
    1 point
  17. correct You still can - if you crit a lot. That can be done by debuffing Reflex first (e.g. with Miasma of Dull-Mindedness from a Wizard and a Nature's Mark from Druid for -30 Reflex).
    1 point
  18. The AoE is crush if I'm not mistaken. Only the initial hit is pierce. So you can simply alternate targets and should be okay.
    1 point
  19. Monk is pretty much the king of stuns. Stunning Surge + AoE weapon (WotEP, rods + modal, hand mortars, Kalakoth's Minor Blights or Citzal's Spirit Lance) is very impactful and usually you get the refund because one of the AoE rolls will crit eventually.
    1 point
  20. Nope. I think the only friendly fire AoEs from weapons are Powder Burns, Blinding Smoke (hand mortar) and Keeper of the Flames
    1 point
  21. Potentially, depending on your playing style. When I played this character, I gave it as many bonuses to healing as possible to crack up Constant Recovery, and kept a Druid in the party for AoE healing. With the right equipment and buffs, it becomes pretty sturdy at high levels.
    1 point
  22. I finished Wasteland 3. It was a good game. For the most part, the choice and consequence aspect is on par with Obsidian, and I consider them the best in the business. The story was entertaining. I thought the side quests in particular were well done, and there was a good cast of characters to get to know. Combat was entertaining enough, and I loved the mix of weaponry, but I did feel there was way too much of it. I mean, there really seemed to be little value placed on human life in this universe. It was a solid follow up on Wasteland 2 and I enjoyed the continuation of the Desert Ranger storyline. I imagine the Great Plains will be the setting for Wasteland 4.
    1 point
  23. Devoted/Helwalker can be built to great single-target DPS with a great sword too. But you need to have good sources of healing and damage reduction handy cause it can be a risky character.
    1 point
  24. no build ideas here from me, but i would just say that a great-sword-wielding devoted fighter is probably right up your alley. Devoted subclass mitigates the greatsword's greatest weakness (low PEN) and fighter has a ton of useful utility for martial combat. A single-classed devoted would get you some really powerful effects later on (clear out and friends, inspired strike).
    1 point
  25. Hey @Boeroer, are you still updating this? I noticed there are some newer builds not on here (like mine ) and maybe it's about time to at least hide away the really old builds behind a spoiler tag or something.
    1 point
  26. Well, Rymrgand is not that much into that Ice vs Fire thingy. He's the god of slow destruction. Fire isn't "his stuff", but it is still about destruction after all so it's not clearly opposed to his beliefs. I think Rymrgand could be less pleased by healing spells than fire spells. Now preventing access to a whole specialty is a huge blow to the subclass balance. It can't be done without adding many more potential ability picks. I think it's not a very good idea (or you need to make much more changes, but I don't think it was your initial idea).
    1 point
  27. I wonder if I will reach age in which americans start running back to Europe xD
    1 point
  28. OK, so here comes Version 1.3.1 patchnotes : Added Saphires and Rubies in Una's shop. Reverted Adran Ban back to its original 850 gold cost. Added Acid Keyword to following Wizard's spells : Minoletta's Minor Missile Concelhaut's Draining Siphon (Concelhaut's Draining Touch was added by the latest version of CP. It had a bug - no KW to the spell itself, only the attack - but I fixed it) Caedebald's Blackbow (the attack had the KW, but not the spell itself : I added it to align with Firebrand Design) Minoletta's Missile Salvo Corrected Fractured Volition Display bug @Sergeant Arch Dornanmight be interested in this for his russian translation. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/438
    1 point
  29. The funny thing is that he never left, Ian has never been to the US and currently lives in Malaysia, which makes his almost exclusive focus on US politics strange.
    1 point
  30. While I suspect that no Justice could wholly be seen as supporting all civil liberties, in part because there are going to be situations where multiple liberties conflict, I would, personally, say that she did more to defend them than she did to restrict them (particularly when it came to the First Amendment). Although my guess is that, in part, we might disagree on Originalism and that might account for the conflicting view?
    1 point
  31. Berath : not much changes and Plague of Insects is a little out of Berath version of death, but not much more that Speading Plague (but better than other alternative I guess) Overall it's okay. Berath's Symbol and Incarnate are great. Magran : I like the replacement by Combusting wounds, great utility. Too much flame overall. Offensive priest already have a weak spot vs fire immune... I would argue that Iron Skin would be better than another Flame Wall on Tier IV. Magran is also about Iron and Weapons and this would help diversfying what she provides. For the same reason, I would go with Minoletta's Precise Bursting on Tier VII. It's close enough enough from a Goddess of War spirit and would provide at least 1 non-fire based offensive spell. Ryrmgrand : I can't say I'm a big fan of replacing Corrode based Noxious burst by another Ice spell. This one is a bit unecessary and focus the subclass too much toward Ice. But otherwise I like it. Sidekicks need unique advantages. Skaen : makes sense thematically and not so much power creep Wael : makes sense thematically and not so much power creep Eothas : good. Makes him a better healer (and fire damager) without providing too much added utility. Eothas has arguably the best symbol and Incarnate, so buffing him too much could have been a prblem. But Moonwell on Tier III is a big NO. Too strong. It's already very strong on Tier IV for druids. Watchful presence was okay. Gaun : Okay for Garden. This spell IS Gaun in a nutshell. Vile Thorn being Druid Tier I and Autumn Decay being Druid Tier II, I would swap them in your list (Vile Thorn on Tier II and Autumns' Decay on Tier III) Good improvement overall. Companions need unique advantages. Woedica : Fealty would be okay on Tier IV, I think. Still higher than Tier III from Cipher. Tier VI is a bit too high. Or it should be improved compared to Cipher's Version (that would also scale more with PL). Pillars of Fire on Tier VI didn't make much sense anyway. Maybe Ring Leader on Tier VI and no Puppetmaster ? I can't say I'm a big fan of adding a Symbol to Woedica. It contributes to the subclass uniqueness that it doesn't have a symbol (but other unique spells to balance it). About including it in my own mod : I feel that I have to test myself all that I provide just to make sure it works. And honnestly, I have done my share of testing (Unbending and all those freaking summons), so I think it's better as a separate mod. Also consider if I suddenly disappear from the Internet for a time (I'm not refferring to anybody specifically...), you won't be able to update your content. But what I can do is adding a link to your mod in my mod description.
    1 point
  32. As somebody who played quite a lot of the turn-based in beta... Let's just say for a start that the meat of it has not changed. (From a min-max perspective) DEX went from being the top-priority attribute to lowest priority, since I get the impression turn-based is more of a CC race than a DPS race; initiative isn't all that useful if enemies are constantly stunned. Obsidian didn't really - at least not from what I can tell - amend the issue that INT is only useful in increments of 5 on the most part. Into the fray/Lower Their Guard went from being a skill I never looked at twice to one of my favorite skills in turn-based. It's a free action (!) which drags enemies toward a location and lowers armor by 10 (!!), which is immensely useful for bunching up enemies for a Relentless Storm or Torment's Reach and generally has good synergy with AOE casters. The Blackjacket free weapon switch is actually immensely powerful: take out your damage dealing weapons, attack, switch back to your shield and dagger at no penalty. I've also been liking abilities which reduce beneficial effects/interrupt in turn-based. It was really hard to line up a good Concussive Tranquilizer beforehand... but now that bloody Undead Battlemage with his millions of buffs has a much cleaner way of being defeated. The inverse is also true: I've been liking the exhortations and suspension of hostile effects, as in turn based you have a lot more control over managing debuffs. To actually answer the question: what builds work? Well, builds which stack action speed don't work, but almost everything else does... A few interesting ones: Junkie Blade-Turner (Nalpazca/Chanter or Druid or anything else which passively deals damage). This one got especially stronger now that Mortification of the Soul is a free action. Engage enemies, cast mortification, dance of death and blade turning and watch as the (meele) enemies kill themselves. Once you get Duality of Mortal Presence and enough INT for Blade-turning to last 2 rounds, you can cast Blade-Turning -> some other action (like summoning or an overtime AOE like Nature's Terror) -> Blade-Turning. You constantly have wounds being generated by drugs and dance of death. Have a big shield and stay safe. Zen Liberator (Goldpact/Druid w/ Bear Form). Wear the heaviest armor you can. Walk into some enemies, start marking them with Sworn Rival (get the upgrade which refunds zeal), turn into a bear and your armor rating rockets up (heavy armor + 2 from bear + 2 from goldpact + 1-3 from Stoic Steel). Cast Hands of Light on yourself to get the buff which prevents you from getting interrupted. Stand in the middle of your enemies and cast relentless storm, nature's terror or all those other high-damage low-range spells which druid has plenty of. Meme Disengager - I don't know if this build still works, they might have patched Riposte triggering off disengagement attacks. Anyway, you need rogue + anything which can stack deflection. Get all the gear that has +deflection on disengagement attack (Great Escape Cape, Gipeon Prudesco, etc.). Walk up to an enemy, let them engage you... then walk away. They will disengagement-attack you but since your deflection on disengage is somewhere around 300, they will miss you, and get a riposte straight to the face. So this build kind of tiptoes around an enemy and watches them kill themselves.
    1 point
  33. Single target he cannot. And yes, I think Helwalker is necessary if you want to even be in the same ballpark.
    1 point
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