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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/20 in all areas

  1. I don't know, but we don't need to worry:
    6 points
  2. He wasn't banned. His account was "mistakenly" suspended for a few hours, and then reinstated. I'm not sure a lawsuit about that will get very far. I also find accusations of "Orwellianism" odd. This isn't the government. It's a private business -- you know, the same whose freedom to do whatever within the confines of the law you usually defend. When something like this comes up, I'm immediately reminded of the go-to response to left-wing social commentary: "You don't like it? Go live in Iran/Venezuela/NK". But when similar logic is used to suggest something as trivial as creating an account in a different social network, folks lose their ****.
    5 points
  3. First amendment applies to social media bans, now ? Obsidian moderators, your time has finally come, you fascists!
    4 points
  4. They'll force Americans on a vegan halal diet.
    4 points
  5. I'm pretty sure that @213374U is just laughing his butt off when the right wing brigade comes stomping in and demands government sanctions of private enterprise because they excercise the very freedoms they're usually arguing for (i.e. as long as it fits their narrative and said freedoms are not used to further some Jonesian conspiracy). Hence the "start your own platform" argument. I sure did. That doesn't mean I disagree. Doesn't happen very often but I think Skarpen's got a point here, apart from calling it an Orwellian nightmare, those were very much of an authoritarian government nature. The large tech players have undue influence and too much power. And yes, the government(s) should do something about it. They probably won't because money, but they should. Thanks, Obama! Right? edit: Wow, look at that @ callout not working. Hell... whatever. Ah, now it does. GG board software.
    3 points
  6. Who is assimilating who? Drunken Borg living in a single wide mobile home. Meth packets and beer cans all around. A cube in the driveway that doesn't run. The other cube was towed and impounded for unpaid tickets.
    3 points
  7. Turn-based is a factor, but mostly it was the overall vibe. The art style isn't compatible with me. There's a plasticky/MMORPG/mobile-game quality to it. The use of color is horrid. I didn't care for the itemization, combat mechanics, NPCs, or writing. The main story was dull. Some side quests were good. I find that I prefer, for this type of game, a fixed camera without rotation or close-up zoom, so as to leave some things to the imagination. I went into BG2 blind without having played BG1, having bought the game discs from my friend who told me the whole game was in a dungeon. Was hooked already by the second floor, but then you walk out the shaft into the daylight of the Promenade, and the music starts swaying, and there's a whole exotic city to explore. I don't think anything will ever beat that for me.
    3 points
  8. Why would the Borg come to Florida???Like do they really want to assimilate Florida man?
    3 points
  9. Can you fix feathers to go directly into your inventory when harvesting like berries? The loot drop is so small and just now I stepped on it while looking for it and kicked it so far Messi would be impressed. They are so hard to find and having this happen is frustrating.
    3 points
  10. This time I thought I'd share an idea which allows the players to fill a sort of bestiary guide in the game for each creature the player encounters. This is data gathered in the scabi bracelet. Which can be shared with burgl for science points. Burgl could even offer quests which are actually high level hunts. These are insects that normally would not show unless the quest is unlocked and active. These give the players new field data to fill up the bestiary guide and gain more science points from burgl. Also, for the fun and educational benefits of it all. Especially for the younger players. The field data entries could also have the info and inages of each creatures real world counterparts. UPDATE: Wanted to add in another idea to this where the player could take on a gameshow like challenge from burgl called "know-it-all". Where burgl will ask the player a set amount of questions based off what's in their field guide. However, this is a sunscreen. Thus the player will not be able to cheat and drop out from the challenge's ui to sneak a peek at the answers. Each question is multiple choice. And worth science points. After a set amount right. Burgl assigns a grade. Any grade that's A or B unlocks a bonus question that can give the player a prizr. Most likely an item that is rare or can't be crafted. Like a mutation or consumable. This field guide idea above could even expand towards the plants as well.
    2 points
  11. I'm an anarchist, not a fascist. Now go over in your corner and self-moderate!
    2 points
  12. I'm coming up on my year anniversary of being in the backyard and now I can't even go anywhere near the ant hill with out the game locking up due to the massive overpopulation of the ant colony. Pretty much anywhere I go that has more then 4 ants in a small area and my game starts to really lag till I kill them. Im able to deal with it everywhere else in the backyard but the ant hill. As soon as i get close it tottaly locks up and I can't move. Took me 15 minutes just to turn around and get out of the infected area. Please please please rework the ant code or prefered limit the amount of ants at a time in game. It seems like they have continued to populata this entire year. I just want the valuable quarts in them hills.
    2 points
  13. Yes, that's why I used quotation marks. I do not believe for a second that it was an honest mistake, but that's beside the point. It is their platform, you don't pay to use it, and they can shut you down at any time for any reason -- Constitutional protections probably don't extend to that barring some landmark case or other. If I had to guess, I'd say the lawsuit will be more along the lines of potential lost revenue than breach of his 1st Amendment rights, as it happened while he was doing promotion for a fundraiser. It's nobody's fault that there is no alternative platform... except the very users' of social media. And I guess there's nothing stopping them from starting one themselves. One that is strongly committed to diversity of opinions, free speech and all the good stuff (yeah right). The problem with your analogy is that there is no government mandate to restrict the social media platforms that people can use. You could literally set up an alternative to YouTube tomorrow if you had the financial and technical clout. Of course this is false and ignores how leverage and market shares work which is what I've been arguing until going blue in the face here, but we can't have the government regulating the market to break up monopolies we don't like, while taking a laissez-faire approach the rest of the time. I agree, though. It's too much power to have for someone who is essentially unaccountable. You can stop it today, though. Delete your social media accounts. You'll be happier too!
    2 points
  14. similar, darkpriest could claim to be a fairy princess. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  15. "The Democrats are extreme left, now ? " you can be so far on the right Hitler really becomes a socialist
    2 points
  16. What policies you think will endanger that which "defines being American" ? What, they're going to stop them for being loud, vulgar and ignorant ? And I think you're overstating the influence Sanders and Warren will have over a Biden administration - baby steps would be the most one could hope for.
    2 points
  17. You won't be able to catch covid from any vaccine I'm aware of as they won't use dead/ attenuated virus. Nowadays they tend to build vaccines around low variance likely or proven antigens (ie proteins/ sections thereof the immune system is already known to target, and that have very low natural mutation rates). They had to use attenuated or dead virus vaccines originally because that was the only method available- similar to how diabetic's insulin used to come from pigs but now doesn't. You might get an allergic reaction or similar, but probably if you get an allergic reaction to a vaccine you'd have got it to the pathogen the vaccine targets. Vetting is far more likely to be for effectiveness than danger. If there are big problems (as very occasionally happens) such as extreme allergic reactions they're caught by trials.
    2 points
  18. @GromnirBuddy if the worst thing you have against Trump is that he didn't build wall or ban Muslims and behaved like a politician; then you might as well call him the best President we had in decades. For once we are not involved in a war and we might see a return of troops from the Middle East(That Obama promise), we might get lower medical cost because of executive action forcing Big Pharma to sell at the same price as they would overseas (That ObamaCare promise) I would have hoped that a man that worked in the legal system would know for a fact that public pressure sways cases and the media spin has done that plenty of times. It must be sad going senile...maybe that's why you like Biden.
    2 points
  19. I like the idea. We'd need button combos to map more than the first 4 till belt slots first.
    2 points
  20. And bless you for that... I'm still sitting with a broad, stupid grin plastered on my face 10 minutes after watching that video
    2 points
  21. "What's the dumbest thing you ever did as a kid?" "Wished I was an adult."
    2 points
  22. today in less than an hour.
    1 point
  23. The Mongoose Club crowdfunded a convention and all they got was this lousy ballpit.
    1 point
  24. This may have been posted before but I love this video, we dont have bears in SA but I always wish I had a bear cub as a pet
    1 point
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