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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/20 in all areas

  1. PK is not broken, what you describe IS the DnD 3E system or variations of it. Yes, this is very complicated, it is very hard to understand for new players, it is often unintuitive, some characters can be totaly useless while others are totally OP and it takes normal people forever to understand why it is OP. It is so unbalanced that some classes make other classes totally pointless. For example you want to be a rogue? No problem, play a vivisectionist. They can do everything rogues do ( sneak attacks, a feat every second level including combat feats, rogue feats PLUS alchemist feats) PLUS a mutagen that gives stat boosts that stack with everything PLUS tons of spells for buffs and healing, including the ability to use self only spells on others. The game also rewards meta gaming, which means it helps a lot to know things that new players cannot know when they start playing. You want to play as fighter with a sword? Well, guess if you find a good longsword, duelling sword, bastard sword or scimitar in the next 80h. You are a ranger, I hope you know what favoured enemies and terrain you will meet for the rest of the game. Still, there are some hardcore fans who consider anything less as dumped down. If I understand things right ( I am not a PnP player) pathfinder became popular because DnD moved on to 4E and 5E which are more simple but many players wanted to stick with the super complicated hardcore stuff. To some extend I can understand this. If you put lots of time in understanding a complex system, you donĀ“t want to switch to another system and learn everything from scratch again. What does this mean for PoE2? I would say the success of PK proves that PoE2 did not fail because the system was to complicated, too unintuitive or too unbalanced.
    2 points
  2. Some very old Rammstein... "Heirate Mich" (Marry me)
    2 points
  3. Well, 2nd season could be fun...
    1 point
  4. I played this mod a bit on solo potd and found all mega bosses to be completely impossible unless i use bm and summon 3 flame blights for wod by hitting my own phantoms... this is very tedious and i dont see any other way except using a herald, which is kind of even more tedious... the sot/wod cheese is imo just for the megaboss portion anyways since its so much work to set up and I don't think anyone would use it for the regular encounters
    1 point
  5. When you google "pathfinder kingmaker sales numbers" the first hit is 1.2mio, and that number is from 19. march 2020. I play computer games since the mid 90s but I do not play PnP. I do not care what system is used, setting, story and characters are most importent for me. I think that DnD 3.5/pathfinder is insanely complicated just for its own sake. System wise I like PoE2 and I am looking forward to BG3 ( DnD 5E). You have lots of options but it is much easier to understand.
    1 point
  6. spanish sound, but not exact how you meant. am knowing it ain't the first roy clark malaguena posted on these boards, but has been awhile. clark deserves to be in GOAT discussion but rare is included. margarita cansino is likely our favorite hispanic entertainer all-time. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  7. Did it have Majesty? That is the realization that had you stop loving it, no?
    1 point
  8. Don't worry about that, you do well enough with grammar to manage. The problem is checking the right boxes to get a foot in a door somewhere.
    1 point
  9. It may scream atmosphere, but you know what it doesn't scream. Three Cheers For Fervus!
    1 point
  10. That's why HotS is the far superior MOBA. Fight me.
    1 point
  11. Thanks, I'll start looking for some resources. And the ego thing, well, I can only hope that it's not universal... I've never been a fan of sacrificing one's life and passions on the altar of Great Corporate Overlords, but right now I'm facing an adapt-or-die situation. Granted, we're still talking about a prerequisite long-term investment that'll likely end up being a dud (as, to be honest, I don't think I have the necessary mental capacity to code), but either way it's probably high time to do something.
    1 point
  12. Not that hard, I'd say. If you want to start out, give Python a look. Programming is just problem solving for the most part, well, and becoming the kind of person that cannot pass up a chance for ego masturbation, if my coworkers are the trend.
    1 point
  13. In the code for the attack, where it says "KeywordsIDs" add this in: "1ff3caa3-e731-4c31-96b4-e03c300e3f3c" That's the "Unarmed" keyword, it looks like the Haymaker ability applies the bonus to attacks that have it. Remember and put a comma and space after the keyword that's already in there, so that bit should look like this: "KeywordsIDs": [ "a39ed49e-b2d2-4d64-90cb-faaedf80dce3", "1ff3caa3-e731-4c31-96b4-e03c300e3f3c" ], Hope that helps!
    1 point
  14. And I heard he hasn't worked for Obsidian for over a year.
    1 point
  15. Well, that was fun. I am ready for more. Gimme DLC levels!
    1 point
  16. I'm sure there's a word- probably in some germanic language- to describe the slight feeling of satisfaction you get from finding out Bolsonaro has caught 'the little flu' after insisting it's anything from a hoax to nothing to worry about. Just a shame he'll no doubt get all the plasma transfusions etc he needs which the average native or favela dweller couldn't afford in a million years. Then again he'll probably die from the HCQ he's taking, to really double down on irony.
    1 point
  17. My friend, have you heard the good news about our Lord and Saviour Lisa Su AMD?
    1 point
  18. Just want to thank you all for the guides, you guys are the best! I just have completed the ultimate challenge with death godlike/ ascendent cipher/ skaen priest. In case if anyone is interested, the link is below: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWnrH6Lq2whImLWhcIfFYbsqaV5JnzSZY
    1 point
  19. Woke up, went to get coffee. Coffee pot gone. Sister took it. Sister went away. I'm going to ****ing murder her.
    1 point
  20. Hello, another little discovery I wanted to share: Fire Shield (the enchantment on Magran's Blessing, NOT the wizard's Flame Shield) can trigger Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming. Those will not proc further fire shield attacks but instead proc main hand attack rolls. So for example if you have a Battle Axe with Bleeding Cuts in the main hand (probably Magran's Favor) and Magran's Blessing as shield, then crits from Fire Shield can proc additional attacks from the Battle Axe with Bleeding Cuts. So this shield might increase your damage output even though the Fire Shield itself is pretty whimpy itself. For a Monk that is... Don't know if that's already common knowledge - but I didn't read about it. Have fun!
    1 point
  21. So I debugged a bit the code and fixed this myself. Going to abilities.gamedatabundle and search for id "cf1ed8cc-ff4d-4cc1-b2ad-db58c5875d4a", change IsNonCombatOnly to false and it will work properly after.
    1 point
  22. It's not hard to identify why the D:OS setting didn't click for me. The bright campiness of everything was a complete turn-off and made it impossible to get absorbed in the game. That's not to say that the grimdark ambience of PoE1 is so much better. It was overly dreary; a bit of humour would have beneficially lightened the mood. The problem with both PoE game's settings and stories for me is that they're too wrapped up in weird metaphysical concepts and are not personal enough. The population of Eora love to babble on about the gods, souls and the Wheel, but that's not much of a personal motivation to go adventuring. You spend all of PoE1 chasing Thaos without really knowing why. One of the central conflicts in the story is the debate around the use of animancy. It's a little hard though to care about the ethics of an entirely fictional concept which lacks a real-world parallel and has little to do with my PC. PoE2 improved on this in some ways. I really liked the depiction of the caste system in Neketaka. That's a relatable real-world issue, not a load of metaphysical babble. It was particularly good how quests flowed from the caste structure; that's a nice example of linking setting, story and gameplay. Unfortunately there is, as many have noted, a disconnect between Eothas rampaging around and everything else that's happening. It's particularly problematic because the player's apparent motivation is to reclaim their soul from Eothas, which mostly involves more long-winded discussions about fictional concepts. I found it difficult to give a damn about what Eothas was doing.
    1 point
  23. I'm happy to announce that 1.0 is released !
    1 point
  24. Only of you fancy working from 8:30 to 2am during crunch times (which can be weeks)
    0 points
  25. He'll be fine. He's the embodiment of physical fitness.
    0 points
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