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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/20 in all areas

  1. In other news, Rage Against the Machine had a hilarious response to complaints that they've become too political: https://www.nme.com/news/music/tom-morello-twitter-respond-to-people-only-just-realising-rage-against-the-machine-are-political-2685353
    6 points
  2. We adopted two calico kittens yesterday and they are lil rascals! Already playing and chasing each other around the house and Ive had to institute countermeasures to keep them from gnawing the mouse and power cord cables of my laptop. Also became litter box trained in one day, which is something I really appreciate about cats in general. Just drop them in the litter box and...BOOM...they are trained. I humored myself by making a "cat trap" (empty cardboard box) and theyre both in it right now wrastling with each other. Its freaking adorable.
    4 points
  3. Collapsed star proves another of Einstein's theories.
    4 points
  4. Yes, Edge of Eternity will be coming to GOG as well!!! https://www.gog.com/game/edge_of_eternity edit: also Gamedec yay!!! https://www.gog.com/game/gamedec
    2 points
  5. Yeah, it was just a bit too annoying to keep two different things with different formatting code in sync. So my gamefaqs guide is the one that has the up-to-date build. It's quite a bit of a read (but comes with a lot of mechancis lessons). The other two are less of a big read.
    2 points
  6. @thelee 's builds would also be up to date. I think they're on gamefaqs. One of them is linked here but wasn't updated I think? I actually recommend the whole guide. Very informative.
    2 points
  7. According to Fox "News" they were Democrats and got exactly what they deserved
    2 points
  8. a lot of new trailer on ign not sure how many main faction wasteland 3 will have
    2 points
  9. That's perfectly fine, the 3600 is a very capable chip that's going to serve you well for years to come. I can't see it becoming a gaming bottleneck any time soon. On the off chance the 4xxx chips wind up being some revolutionary leap forward (la_noire_doubt.jpg), you could always swap out the cpu.
    2 points
  10. And another boss in Dark Souls 2 down. This time nothing special, just Prowling Magus and Congregation. Not very proud of that, but I needed 4 tries to get it done. Including one when my controller run out of battery What to say, I did not like the encounter, but I did not need to spent a lot to get it done. All I needed was to learn how to avoid the Lightning Bolts *shrugs*
    1 point
  11. A lot of fun memories with this RP system
    1 point
  12. "What is the difference, again? " Did the first group kill or rob people en masse? The second group certainly did. Yet, the media vilified the first group and got them all sorts of nasty names yet make excuses for the second.
    1 point
  13. No one does, 2020 ain't even halfway and we've already seen a plague and an anti-state insurgency. Remember that we lost 8 years centuries ago with calendar changes and this year is the real 2012, maybe the Mayan doomsday was right after all.
    1 point
  14. The Humanoids pack is barely worth it unless you're buying it off G2A for $2 or something. The Lithoids one does add some interesting mechanics aside from nice aesthetic variety, but as usual, it's fairly buggy. Plantoids is like Humanoids but it does at least add fairly distinct visuals. Ancient Artifacts is cool because it focuses on what's the weakest point of Stellaris (aside from bugs, AI, clunky interface...), and that is story flavor. They seem to have taken inspiration from one of the coolest aspects of Endless Space 2 and adopted it somewhat. The mechanics of how it's actually done aren't very engaging though, which is made worse by not allowing excavations unless you own the system. I've all but given up on vanilla Stellaris by now. I'll start a Dominion playthrough in New Horizons when they iron out the kinks in the latest version, though.
    1 point
  15. I'm sticking with FF 14. So many people have said it gets better in Heavensward. And playing Gladiator/Paladin instead of Thaumature/Black Mage has resolved the feeling of monotony. I finished Astroneer. Fun game, I might go back if I clear other stuff off my plate. But the same thing that makes me want to go back has me eyeing Satisfactory instead. Also ended up buying a game on itch.io along with that bundle of like a thousand games. A Hand With Many Fingers. It's a conspiracy theorist simulator, only not racist or mentally ill. You get two white boards and an archive and you use that to unravel a mystery. I'm not very far in, but I'm intrigued. I love mystery games where you unravel it.
    1 point
  16. That's the reason why I added 10% Guile on Crit on Wall of Flasing Steel with my mod It isn't much but should help giving back a handful of useful guile points for long fights.
    1 point
  17. She has my vote. Certainly better than any of the other choices.
    1 point
  18. Libertarians are probably the closest thing we have to that. They, or I should say we, since I consider myself a libertarian, have our fair share of looneys and ***holes too. *sigh*
    1 point
  19. Not just the fringes, the middle too. Meanwhile I'm still looking for the "just leave everyone alone" party.
    1 point
  20. Only Brilliant (from Cipher for example) and Chanter's "His Heart Did Fill With the Light of the Dawn".
    1 point
  21. This is why Pickett's Charge was doomed before the first rank stepped out from the treeline.
    1 point
  22. am honest too lazy to look up current numbers, but in 2016, ~90 unarmed americans were killed by police. of those ninety, a smidge over 50% o' the dead and unarmed persons were black... and almost invariably, "armed" meant the person were in possession o' a handgun. various people is gonna look at such numbers based on own personal lens. 2nd amendment folks will balk at suggestion (reality) handgun possession leads to a much higher rate o' getting death by cop or death by accident. many white conservatives will see higher rate o' black deaths from cop as no more than proof blacks is committing more crime and resisting more frequent. some folks will look at 90 when compared to total arrests and police confrontations and wonder what all the concern is 'bout... qq over yet another nothingburger, or somesuch. blm supporters will see disproportionate black killings as unconscionable and mere tip o' the iceberg when all police killings is considered. ... discuss race insta polarizes folks. is particular tough on law enforcement. tell a moderate/liberal white cop how he is a bigot whether he realizes or not is probable a less than constructive way to get such cops to buy-in to a program for changing use o' force schemes. is a good chance a white cop passed over for promotion twice in favor o' a minority applicant is gonna secret be grumbling 'bout affirmative action even if the minority applicants were clear more qualified-- again starting at disadvantage to buy-in. got a non-minority cop who has faced multiple ia investigations 'cause minorities complained 'bout treatment and even if the cop had started as a blm supporter who marched along with protesters after michael brown shooting, there is a good chance cop is no longer as sympathetic. etc. there is a race problem for cops and daniel shaver incident(s) don't in anyway diminish the need for change. the fact a large % o' times cops go rogue the victim is white don't somehow erase what is disproportionate happening to minorities. that said, given current environment and America's inability to discuss race w/o it turning into a metaphorical blood bath (or worse-- have angry white participants to such conversations simple holding their opinions to themselves and getting angrier and angrier,) has us dubious 'bout the success o' a race-focused plan to deal with cop violence. cop violence in the US is bad and is bad regardless o' the race o' the cop or the victim. and yes, cop violence is levied disproportionate 'pon minorites. fact. the thing is, am believing there is a cop solution to cop violence, but pretend as if there is a solution to cop racism without a broader and more general fix to USA cultural and social racism is a pipe dream. you aren't gonna somehow fix cop racism without addressing centuries o' systemic racism which lead to our current income disparity issues. you aren't gonna fix cop racism without addressing historical racism which has lead to minority distrust o' government institutions. you aren't gonna fix cop racism until you fix educational and healthcare racism. look to board responses and see just how resistant is more than a few folks to wanna recognize cop racism as a problem and then imagine how much more difficult it will be to engage actual cops in meaningful change. am thinking an attempt to address cop racism is laudable but ultimately a waste o' effort w/o simultaneous addressing broader race concerns and problems. raise your hand if you believe such a sea change o' American culture and law is gonna happen anytime soon. cop violence is not an issue beyond the ability o' state and local governments to address. is a difficult problem but is one which offers room for improvement and a legit possibility for short and long-term change. try and fix cop racism, as if such improvement may be achieved w/o larger (and less likely) societal changes, strikes us as being o' being beyond any sorta realistic hope in 2020. am not suggesting folks ignore cop racism. contrary, we need learn to discuss race issues in this country w/o everybody having their brains dribble outta their skulls whenever race is mentioned. learn to deal with racism is an enormous problem and is a generational fix. as a people we need to deal with US racism, but we also need deal with cop violence. general rule: when faced with a seeming insurmountable problem, am finding it is always beneficial to choose to focus on one aspect o' the problem which may be fixed. be paralyzed by the enormity o' an obstacle benefits none. obstacles typical appear less monolithic once you make constructive headway, even if change is small. so focus on cop violence w/o ignore cop racism. even so, recognize you ain't gonna fix cop racism w/o changing American racism. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. Rewatched DS9 "For the uniform". It's good to be reminded that not all old Trek is good. The high point has to be Starfleet officers casually committing war crimes in pursuit of a personal vendetta and laughing about it in the end. Good times. I didn't remember this episode, but I think it would have killed Sisko for me -- if it wasn't so out of character for all involved, and consequences were so non-existent that it may as well have transpired in a dream or a parallel reality.
    1 point
  24. There are bad people in all walks of life. Bad people + authority = Really bad people.
    1 point
  25. You guys are crazy. It is clearly the fact that cities are filled with democrats and small towns are filled with Republicans.
    1 point
  26. They should do reruns of Sledgehammer instead
    1 point
  27. Well, already ordered the following: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming 4 G.Skill Ripjaws V - DDR4 - 16 GB Should work well enough. Thanks for the advice. I already thought about that upgrade thing, but what happens when I plan ahead for upgrading is that I end up not upgrading down the line.
    1 point
  28. ^Is that an act of protest, or an act of God?
    1 point
  29. After some struggles and 8 attempts, I was able to defeat Scorpioness Najka. IMO encounter with one of the most interesting designs in DS2. My favourite is still Executioner's Chariot, but this one was much more challenging. The biggest issue was to get there. First the poisoned hollows who attacked always in big groups, then invisible enemies in fog area, and next cursed goat-lions with extreme magic and elemental resistances... I do not know, if there was some glitch in development or if it was intentional, but the next two areas after this boss have much much weaker enemies, which I found strange...
    1 point
  30. At first I thought it said Gene Hackman was turned invisible.
    1 point
  31. Of course Full VO can be nice, I like the VO of Deadfire, too. Question is if the outcome justifies the investment when talking about financial success of Deadfire. Or why it did sell badly. Missing VO can't be the reason for low sales. But Full VO might be a reason why it didn't break even sooner.
    1 point
  32. Scientists Gene-Hack Human Cells to Turn Invisible.
    0 points
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