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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/20 in all areas

  1. I now feel I was right, all those times I pissed on shrubs.
    4 points
  2. The one thing you have to realize, everything either side complains about the other side doing - they are likely doing it too.
    3 points
  3. 2 weeks out from my bike crash, and I was able to do a nice long 9-mile run today relatively pain free. I climbed one decent grade on the route, and the uphill felt good. Downhill was a bit rough, but at least I didn't fly off the side of the mountain. I saw a bunch of my cycling buddies too, so that was fun. I still have a sizable pocket of fluid on my thigh. I wore a compression sock to keep it from bouncing and that worked well. My thigh also seems to have a bit of a permanent dent in it. I'll have to wait and see what happens as it continues to heal. The doctor said he isn't worried unless it gets infected, and at this point it is doing everything normal and doesn't hurt badly. It just looks super weird and feels weirder. My wife says I have a healthy A cup boob on my leg. She is using my new boob to stress the importance of her getting high quality sports bras. Apparently women deal with flopping pockets of fluid every day. I can run with this cast on my hand all day! It is starting to smell bad though.
    3 points
  4. the problem from a legal standpoint is that the cop job is inherently scary and frightening. is almost no situation where a cop cannot get decent expert testimony to back her/him up and support notion they were in a state o' heightened anxiety. beyond a reasonable doubt is also an extreme forgiving standard. is tough to fail a person on beyond a reasonable doubt when at issue is a split-second value judgement during a necessarily tense encounter. folks look at extreme low conviction rates o' cops as proof o' something skeevy but is not genuine surprising. juries do not like to convict cops, but beyond such is the reality o' beyond reasonable doubt criminal standard being applied to a high intensity situation with almost zero time for reflection by the cop. and cop training tends to be suspect. force, up to and including deadly, is complete justified by cop training if there is any threat o' injury to self, other cops or otherwise innocent civilians. juries hear what cops is trained to do in situations and then already muddled situation becomes more opaque. reasonable is the standard for torts-- civil. defendant in a civil case need be reasonable and is only o' a preponderance o' evidence required for a jury/judge to find liability. beyond a reasonable doubt is a much more difficult standard than preponderance, and even for manslaughter you need recklessness as 'posed to unreasonable. @Hurlshot mentions accountability, but to whom is police accountable? why is there no good statistics for police shooting and excessive force encounters? we have answered this previous and we keep mentioning, but am thinking it ain't ever gonna be accepted 'cause it feels wrong. regardless, those state and municipal police departments, o' which there is near 15k in the US, don't owe any accounting to the federal government. the Constitution, for better or worse, specific reserves police power to states, which is why US is almost unique in not having a national police force. 'cause o' Constitution, no national accounting enforceable and no national training standard. there is south dakota v. dole, which we has also mentioned previous, but am thinking such complicates matter unnecessarily. nevertheless, if any is interested in how fed might plausible enforce police standards and accountability, do a search for south dakota v. dole. while recognizing yet again that there is 15k police departments which need be monitored and for training and accountability and we ask for persons to think o' practicality o' such on top o' obvious legal hurdles. nevertheless, google south dakota v. dole if interested. and arrest somebody who does not wanna be arrested, regardless o' crime, raises potential for force to be applied. unfortunate am thinking hurl has this aspect reversed. there is no good reason to resist arrest. particular if you believe cops is racist or prone to violence, why would you resist arrest? we will mention homelessness and mental health in a bit which complicates, but is a culture in this country which promotes being confrontational with cops which is profound dumb given recognition o' police willingness to use use force. why arrest somebody for passing funny money? why not? is a crime with, in theory, big penalties. has nothing whatsoever to do with shop owner where bad money were passed 'cause in criminal is always State v. Defendant. oddly enough, pass a bad check under a thousand dollars, in most jurisdictions, is only a misdemeanor. however, pass bad currency carries up to 20 freaking years o' fed time. frame the infraction so it appears so trivial an arrest is unnecessary is a failure to recognize actual nature o' the potential crime. arrest is perfect legit and resist is almost always stoopid. admission: back when we were a freshman at Cal, we almost got arrested. had the misfortune, for various reasons, o' being on streets o' danville at 2:00 am. a minority with a hoodie at 2:00 am were enough to attract police attention, so when the cop cruiser pulled up and police asked Gromnir for id and demanded an explanation for what we were doing, we provided the id and then suggested the cops engage in physical impossible sexual self gratification if they desired any additional information... at which point alpha cop got outta car and advanced towards us threatening. luckily alpha's partner intervened. instead o' the confrontation escalating, the cops got back in their car... at which point they followed us for twenty minutes until we arrived at a gas station where our ride picked us up and drove us back to campus. in retrospect we knew how close we were to being f'd up by police, which woulda' changed our life trajectory considerable. why did we get mouthy with cops? answer: 'cause we were so smart and we knew our rights and we were offended at being targeted by cops. grow up on reservation and then go to a rather rough high school on south side of chicago for four years had ingrained in us fundamental contempt o' cop. should we have been feeling threatened by cops for getting chippy with them at 2am? no. law were on our side, but we knew the reality o' the situation and nevertheless put our self in a bad situation. the thing is our behaviour, while ill-advised, were hardly unique to Gromnir. if cops justifiable or unjustly seek to arrest you, there is no good reason for resisting save to protect a family member from immediate harm. none. nevertheless, in spite o' cop casual brutality, too many persons give cops the excuse they want. *shrug* this is an exceeding complex issue and is no Court case or single legislative action which is gonna fix the problem. is a deep issue with historical, cultural and legal obstacles which complicate. am not suggesting do nothing 'cause is difficult, but am knowing many people feel frustrated 'cause governments ignore the problems and do nothing no matter how many times we see examples o' police violence perpetrated on otherwise innocent citizens. ordinary and everyday police violence is particular troublesome considering US homelessness and mental health issues in this country which has our most vulnerable populations understandably failing the attitude test almost before a police encounter begins. the problem is vast and complicated by Constitutional limits which means achieving change should not be expected save at local level. local level is where folks should focus efforts. but is unsatisfactory. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  5. When you really get into the process of your own mask..
    2 points
  6. Across several different forums that use this particular forum software and updated to the latest version within the past year or so, I've found that using the spoiler tag has destroyed every single post I've ever tried to use it on. I do not understand how you're supposed to use it - it always does something horrible to my posts when I try, sometimes multiple horrible somethings. HOWEVER, if you instead use the spoiler button on the actual post editor while selecting what you want spoilered, it usually works - no guarantees, but usually. I've just gotten so use to typing it out manually that I sometimes still forget to actually click the button instead.
    2 points
  7. I start to understand why republicans say that there is wide spread voting fraud in USA
    2 points
  8. If you don't mind the conversation audio being disabled for her character, you can change Ydwin's voice by altering the "ChatterFile" and "ChatterPrefix" lines from the entry in speakers.gamedatabundle to those from the Noble Female. { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.SpeakerGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "SPK_Companion_Ydwin", "ID": "6bca91c7-7933-49e5-b27a-29d52d3304c2", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.SpeakerComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ChatterFile": "1af15f4a-4a1e-435a-a597-9104adb8246e", "ChatterPrefix": "player_noble_f", } ] } ] }
    2 points
  9. December choices January February March April May June In the spirit of billion dollar companies* making empty proclamations: Be gay, not racist. Be excellent to each other. *I count as a charity organization, right?
    2 points
  10. I used to be very pro-police. Then I took a 12-week community outreach course hosted by our local police department, and it changed my opinion completely. I still believe your average law enforcement officer wants to do the right thing. I still know a ton of cops in different branches, and they aren't bad people. But there are massive flaws in the entire systems. 1. Accountability: How many police involved shootings were there last year? How many officers drew a weapon on someone? You can't find the data. We do not track it. Police departments and unions have consistently stood in the way of collecting the very data that would allow them to recognize problematic trends on a local, state, and federal level. We track crime, we do not track law enforcement. I don't understand this at all. I want to see data driven changes and results. 2. Training: Law enforcement is a drill and kill environment. That makes sense in emergency response situations. When you are dealing with life and death, you want training to override panic. But it also makes for complete inability to think critically. There is not enough time spent training conflict resolution and restorative justice and too much emphasis on using weapons and force. If you had reliable data, you could direct your training properly. 3. Militarization: Is the job to protect and serve the people? Or is it to enforce the law? I believe the police should be serving the community first and foremost. The law is a tool towards serving that community. It's not Judge Dredd, it shouldn't be the other way around. Most of these police brutality situations are very clearly not serving the community. George Floyd was accused of using a fake $20 bill. Why was use of force necessary there? If it was true, it didn't serve the store to have him physically handled in that manner. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/02/26/trump-administration-says-that-militarizing-police-reduces-crime-is-that-true/
    2 points
  11. Would be better to use that instead of the sailing ship like I was going to I suppose lol. Thanks a bunch for the help. May seem like small answers but being able to create global variables and finding the best pngs will make my mod that much better. Currently working on Pallegina's romance after having just created global romance variables for her, fassina, mirke, and ydwin thanks to your answer. Replaced all of ydwin`s barks with the player female noble voice set since I felt it suits her better and moved the rest of the voice files out. Also finished: 1. Adding slides for the sidekicks (unromanced versions and text not complete so far, pngs could also use changing such as using the ydwin one you recommended) . 2. Added variables for good/evil watcher for the created convos after xoti goes dark or light allowing me to give more variation to what xoti ending you can get (evil watcher/light xoti/not in a romance, good watcher/dark xoti/not in a romance, etc. 3. Added convos for after maia gets flagged to quit the navy. 4. Added convos for after the player enters a full romance with maia. 5. Added convos for after the player enters a full romance with xoti. 6. Altered/expanded most of the ending slides for almost every node. Left what feels fine alone but it`s all subject to change till it's done. Thinking about what I can do for Vatnir as well. Good bit of potential there. I also recently discovered a trick. Maybe others might get something out of it too. In each node there is something called DisplayType: if it is set at 1 it shows your usual dialogue box that you can connect nodes with. If it is set to 2 it shows floating text over the npc's head and it's done. No participation. (like that floating text in combat) Set the display type from 2 to 1 of one of those floating nodes and you can start a branch of dialogue. For example here is one of the usher's lines that's usually just floating text with no continuation or choice selection, but is now in a dialogue box and continues to a node I made. https://i.imgur.com/qih0LBi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/UcFkWou.jpg So not only can you simplify the process of making a new conversation by sacrificing a line of floating text (or keeping it and just transitioning into a new convo), but you can go off of that floating text allowing you to make it so the watcher can participate in banters or other dialogue from npcs you might think they would chime in on. Thanks to someone else for locating the lines I needed I was able to take those floating dialogs that you can't respond to (floating text you get when to talk to the sidekicks) and give the sidekicks the potential to be elevated to nearly full companion status (of course these convos will be silent, but people who have played poe1 like me should have no problem).
    2 points
  12. What's this thread is and what to post here: your video game recordings/streams other people's good recordings/streams (to note, do not lie about this please) Honest self promotion (maybe?) Please, only one post per day per user, fine? Please, says something about video you're posting. Now, is this dev approved? (I might get a super quick warning) Recording of Kynseed, it's actually second video, but first video is already posted in screenshot threads and this one is longer, shows more stuff and so on. It's no commentary video.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I forgot how much harder Tiberian Dawn is compared to Red Alert. Sitting on the GDI campaign today, I'm in mission 13 or 14 and it's frustratingly hard at times. I'd actually say it is very unfair most of the time, due to cheating ai and weird / bad mission design. Bit of a shame, because I kinda like the setting of TD more than that of RA, but RA pretty much improved every area of the first game. I mean ... hell, you even have to micro-manage the repair bay in TD. The "mark x units, click repair bay, wait for everything to be done"-thing was added with RA and doesn't work in TD ... (IMO this is something they really could have brought into the game with the remaster) and that's just one example.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, I wanted to start shooting again since you posted last time about your guns, so I checked what some 6.5 Swede costs here, and the "cheapest" I can get my hands on 50 Hornady A-max 100gr for 600 Swedish crowns, or 65USD... Blackpowder isn't really even an option here, or it is if you can get your hands on a muzzle-loader made before 1890. As long as there is no (gas sealed)cartridge you're allowed to have, and shoot one, but using a weapon that old feels like heresy to me. Not to mention hideously expensive if it's a working example. If it's an exact replica of a pre-1890 design you need a licence. Because raisins...
    1 point
  16. I'm not sure why I'm linking this, aside from Mandalore deserving more exposure. But hey, a timely review!
    1 point
  17. I sat at my kitchen table making paper cartridges for my muzzleloader shotgun. 50 rounds of 100gr, 1 oz steel slugs. It cuts the loading time from 1 minute per barrel to about 15 seconds. I also made 4 with a .50 hardpoint in a .72 sabot. I'm going to have a little fun today. And I ordered this: ACCURA LR VEIL SCOPE PKG One of the problems with shooting as a hobby is it's expensive. Large bore and high velocity ammunition is expensive. My X-bolt is my favorite rifle but it costs over a $1 every time you pull the trigger. But black powder/muzzleloader supplies are cheap. 12 ga slugs cost $8 for 5 rounds. The 50 black powder rounds I made last night cost less than $.05 each. If you like shooting and the price of ammo gives you sticker shock that is something to think about. Plus you can have the guns AND supplies shipped right to your house. That is worth it alone.
    1 point
  18. Only one man has ever hit a home run in the MLB and scored a touchdown in the NFL and did both in the same week. Who was it? A) Bo Jackson B) Brian Jordan C) Jim Thorpe D) Deion Sanders
    1 point
  19. Yeah, have you ever marinated something in vodka? Not particularly nice. Whiskey on the other hand... So... drink more vodka people,you needto syay safe from bears and tigers!
    1 point
  20. Not to mention, prices are amusing. 50% off Dragon Age 2 still costs 20 quid. Why? It's barely worth playing for free. And they still couldn't be bothered to release Mass Effect2 DLC on steam.
    1 point
  21. Pretty sure the joke is that Bethesda is all about gay rights except in countries where they are needed the most.
    1 point
  22. You ain't nothing but a hound dog! EDIT: Also, I can't help but feel like "camshaft" is one of those inherently funny words. Damn it, brain.
    1 point
  23. A couple of packs actually! There's a doggy daycare next to my workplace though, so I don't want to count it, it's cheating. I'm more impressed by the girls that walk the dogs though...
    1 point
  24. Did you see a dog while arguing about these camshaft things? If not, can't beat Skazz's day.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. As evidenced (not by a bear though) by Roy Horn being mauled by his white lion just because it felt like it. That's what wild animals do. Heck, happens with domesticated animals just as well. Cows are vicious killers.
    1 point
  27. I caught "Message from the King" on Netflix. Feels very much like an old-school style film, low-key and that focus on telling the story. Chadwick Boseman as a mysterious man from South Africa arriving in LA to track down his sister after getting a phone call from her requesting help that was suddenly cut off. Trying to solve her last known moments, he slowly unravels how her life went off the rails as she was pulled into the sleazy underbelly of noir Los Angeles. Luke Evans and Alfred Molina are just a couple of the main characters involved in it all. It even has a nice little twist to what you're expecting when the film follows him home in the ending.
    1 point
  28. For anyone wondering, that is not a belly button and this gif is highly inappropriate.
    1 point
  29. I have the same bug. Moving from the scriptorium to the temple of revelation and the game is stuck after the cut scene / dialog between tayn and the imp about dice. I got rid of the egg in the scriptorium so it’s doesn’t appear to be related to the cut scene about the egg. It’s game breaking (and I didn’t go to Ukaizo, and can’t now )
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Transformers, more than meets the eye. Alternatively, play Emerson Lake and Palmer while viewing the above gif.
    1 point
  32. I have encountered a game breaking bug in the Forgotten Sanctum under the Black Ilses. When i go from the Sciptorium to the Temple of recollection talk to Tayn after completing his "a shout..." quest the game plays a scene where he argues with an imp. When the scene ends nothing happens. No keyboard no mouse no HUD just stuck. All the animations still work. I then have to ctrl+alt+delete to quit the game When i reload the game it shows a message in the top right corner just before the load screen starts (maybe it's relevant - see black image) I've noticed the game seems unstable after the latest massive update to Steams UI but i do not know if that is just a coincidence (the load screen flickers quite a lot and the whole sanctum area have seemed a bit unstable. for example: in battle sometimes error messages will appear instead of the normal red damage counters) I have run a file integrity check via steam and the game should be updated with the latest patch. please help! i've played almost 130 hours and i absolutely love this game! regards Bear
    1 point
  33. Bobby The Tick Kotick earns such a ludicrous amount of money that even a shareholder is raising eyebrows.
    0 points
  34. Would say the genre died rather evolved with MOBAs
    0 points
  35. 0 points
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