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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/20 in all areas

  1. Well, akshually... "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know." -- Donald Rumsfeld So sometimes you do know what you don't know.
    2 points
  2. Well, given those two places there are some local issues that feed into it. Also French and Quebecers just like to protest, admirable trait in a way.
    2 points
  3. That's fair, I'm annoyed by the low (and obfuscated) trigger chance more than anything. Sounds like good values. 50% will be much more consistent without going overboard. Keen Mind and Greater Focus definitely needed buffs, indeed. Ciphers get Focus up in the 200's, I don't think +20 would be too extreme at all.
    2 points
  4. Thunderous silence if there ever were one..
    2 points
  5. It could've been worse. Just imagine if he had worn a red shirt
    2 points
  6. Don't forget about the massacre of those padawans by Anakin a long time ago in a galaxy far away.
    2 points
  7. complete inversion and you wouldn't accept such nonsense from others making such specious arguments, but you are embracing yourself. Gromnir is pointing out trump errors and mistakes. converse, medicine dan is not defending substance o' arguments, but is instead attacking the motives o' Gromnir and others... which he knows is a logic fail and weak. even if you genuine believe a person is utterly partisan and indulging in obvious hypocrisy, that don't mean their argument is a fail. nevertheless, you has replaced perceived flaw in messenger with any attempt to refute arguments. all the trump criticisms fail, and medicine dan need not respond on merits, 'cause all those attacking trump is mean spirited. bah. nonsense. am gonna give you perhaps more credit than you deserve and posit that you would never defend such intellectual flimflammery on any other issue save trump. "What I'm suggesting is that people wait for robust clinical trials of the drug." that is exact what dr. fauci suggested and is at the heart o' the criticism o' trump regarding hydroxy. BEFORE promoting hydroxy and creating synthetic shortages o' a medicine which helps keep lupus patients alive, trump shoulda' waited for robust clinical trials. when trump were questioned as to why he were advocating untested drug insofar as covid-19 instead o' taking medicine dan advice, trump doubled-down. nevertheless, medicine dan is defending trump from those who has asked trump why he did not do as medicine dan suggest is the reasonable course o' action? madness indeed. and no, you don't drive us crazy. sadly. am sad to say that medicine dan curious obtuseness on all things trump is just so... ordinary. never thought it would be ordinary, but have become numb to it. were initial curious to see such zealotry from the fox talking heads and from gun-toting crazies at (fill in the blank here with protest dujour whether it be white supremacists with tiki torches in virginia or confederate flag waving nutters fighting stay-at-home orders in michigan). not driven least bit crazy but am admitted disappointed 'cause am knowing medicine dan can be better. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  8. I think it would be more humanitarian to fire laughing gas, rather than tear gas at protesters. Haven't we had enough tears already?
    1 point
  9. Three new games became free on GOG. One of them is Warwind, pretty original classic RTS. https://www.gog.com/news/check_3_games_that_just_became_free_on_gogcom
    1 point
  10. Just watched the first 30 seconds and read the title, but didn't Bethesda do exactly the same.
    1 point
  11. this is fake, everyone knows that wheat sharks have stripped fins
    1 point
  12. Keen Mind yes, virtually all the time. Greater Focus, less so (it might be obvious to say that the couple times I've played ascendant it is an anti-synergy, among other things). I was only giving one example with the puppet master from stealth.
    1 point
  13. Authentic Scottish dialogue
    1 point
  14. Now that I'm thinking about it, all Cipher Focus talents are pretty bad. Complete Self isn't even the Worse. How much focus worth ? I usually consider following equivalence : 1 ressource pool point* <-> Tier 1-3 spells 2 ressources pool point <-> Tier 4-6 spells 3 ressources pool point <-> Tier 7-9 spells *bar special cases such as Focus and Phrases So given the focus cost of Cipher spells, I'd say that 1 ressource pool point <-> 20-30 focus. There are Abilities that provide +1 ressource. So Greater Focus and Keen Mind should provide around 20-30 focus instead of 10. 10 is bad. I would consider Something like this : Greater Focus : +20 starting and max Focus Keen Mind : +30 starting Focus Complete Self : (minor buff) 50% +5 focus on Crit. This one should be enough.
    1 point
  15. The final chapter is optional. You can try to let Nyrissa use her artifact/magic cup. Something interesting might happen (depends on a side quest).
    1 point
  16. https://www.theonion.com/serbia-deploys-peacekeeping-forces-to-u-s-1819565829
    1 point
  17. Sports fans have it tough this year. I haven't watched much baseball/regularly for a while (I go in long "phases" of watch/not watch) but it doesn't feel like summer without it.
    1 point
  18. Total War: Troy will be free for 24h on launch day on the EPIC store (13th August)
    1 point
  19. I started rewatching all the X-Men movies with the boy over the last week or so, the earlier ones have not aged that well and they really are a little poor overall. Logan is easily the pick of the bunch.
    1 point
  20. So just in case, is your reasoning ? They are already laws to deal with them as is without inflating their stature. He is the Lucius DeBeers of our time. It's all in the numbers.
    1 point
  21. is wrong way to consider the issue. assume for a moment trump has authority to label a domestic quasi-organization such as antifa as a terrorist group. now imagine all the other similar groups with little organization save an online presence. how many such associations o' american citizens has members who has advocated and indulged in violence at one time or another? consider what it means if any antifa analogous association o' americans may be labeled as a terrorist group. always consider these kinda moves when used as a weapon pointed at something/somebody you cherish. also, the idea that with all the race and religion driven groups in america which advocate and indulge in violence, antifa is the group which would brings 'bout a fundamental change in the way we define terrorism perpetrated by american citizens on american soil is kinda mind blowing. am nevertheless dismayed by the increasing popularity o' antifa. for funsies, ask an antifa member to define fascism and see 'em struggle. *shrug* confront fascists and capitalists with means up to and including violence is so utter wrong and broken we have a hard time expressing our rejection. who are these people and what is the hole in their education which needs be filled? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection For people that like reading source code, the C&C and Red Alert source code is on Github.
    1 point
  23. MovieWeb - SpaceX Astronaut suits were designed by the same guy who did Batman and Captain America's costumes for the movies
    1 point
  24. to be fair, the beguiler effect is extremely powerful. Also @Elric Galad is right. The comparison point is not with subclass features, but with other talents. Remember that Keen Mind (at 5) only gives you +10 and in a non-trivial fight with the right setup (lots of aoe or multi-target powers), this could give you quite a bit more. Though frankly I didn't know about the 33% proc chance - in a perfect world it probably should be tuned up. They really should've made the effort to auto-generate the odds of something happening within their tooltips.
    1 point
  25. Whatever Gromnir! This isn't about Trump for me, regardless of your wall of text. This *is* about Trump for you. You're fixated on Trump. What I'm suggesting is that people wait for robust clinical trials of the drug. There's a good chance that the news about the drug won't be important enough by the time sufficient clinical trials are conducted and vetted to warrant people talking about them either way. If they indicate that the drug doesn't work, it won't matter because Trump will be out of office even if he gets a second term. If it indicates the drug has therapeutic value, the media will largely ignore it. Even Trump-friendly media won't spend a lot of time on something that amounts to old news. Grom, I'm not defending Trump. You're attacking him. As with most liberals, you accuse me of exactly what you're doing. You fixate on the president, not me. This *is* madness, but of your making, not mine. I promise, if it comes out that the drug lacks therapeutic value or, heaven forbid, actually causes more harm than good, I'll come back and own it. I'd say I'd eat my words, but I never said that it was good, only that I suspect it might have some benefits on the periphery. I stated at the time that it was unwise for the president to make claims about the drug before it were vetted. I stated that specifically because Trump taints every he touches now by and large because of crazies who use any stick with which to beat on him. I stand by what I've said, which is entirely about the drug. We should stop worrying about whether or not the president likes or dislikes it and allow actual research to happen. God bless you Gromnir, but I hope I drive you crazy sometimes as much as you do me. :Dan's half maddened/half laughing icon:
    1 point
  26. so medicine dan does wanna discuss hydroxy? didn't wanna discuss 'til he finds what appears to be a life preserver for trump? 'course the lifeline doesn't actual legitimize what is the irresponsible promotion by trump o' hydroxy, which medicine dan is still missing as the point o' the animosity o' trump's double-down behaviour as 'posed to any kinda misplaced anger at a drug. again, anger weren't 'bout hydroxy but rather trump's initial reckless promotion o' an unproven drug which resulted in shortages for those people who genuine do benefit from the drug. when confronted with the lack o' scientific support for promoting an unproven drug simple to provide hope to the masses (is least skeevy argument in favor o' trump's promotion 'cause otherwise is worst kinda self-serving cronyism) trump doubled-down and increased the promotion o' hydroxy contemporaneous with being questioned 'bout every subsequent hydroxy study which appears to call its covid-19 benefits into question. for chrissakes, the media, as a whole, did their freaking job insofar as hydroxy is concerned. the % o' americans who has any idea o' what is possible benefits and the subsequent side effects o' hydroxy in the treatment o' covid-19 patients at the time trump first promoted would be negligible. media sources did due diligence and presented facts o' covid-19 to understandable ignorant public. reasonable media then did responsible and asked the President why he would advocate so strong for hydroxy in spite o' so little scientific support while simultaneous observing the potential dangers o' promoting a drug not approved for treating. point out dr. fauci reservations is counting as hounding the President? observe shortages suffered by lupus patients is unfair? mention va studies and others which question hydroxy efficacy? how on earth does medicine dan see such as unreasonable? such questions is, paradoxical, only unreasonable 'cause the President doesn't have good responses. consider for a moment a change in reality: if trump had scientific data and preponderance o' expert support on hydroxy issues, such questions as medicine dan is seeming seeing as unfair would be labeled as softballs lobbed up to make trump look good. internet is only place we may have these kinda discussions. in rl we use understanding and empathy 'cause confront the obtuse with their unreasonable and irrational support o' trump behaviours does not promote constructive dialectic. such ineffectual understanding in the face o' rejection o' sound argument and clear facts is so exhausting. get to throw of shackles o' nice behaviour. medicine dan, and the like, will spin every trump criticism. why? question trump 'bout idiocy such as crowd size, cancer causing windmill sound and sharpie altered weather maps is inverted and becomes criticism o' liberal media hounding the President? and those is the minor lies and mistakes which trump promotes. is maddening. is madness. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Are there any likable or memorable NPCs in Dark Souls 2 anyways? Can't remember anyone but the spammy Firekeeper (Ms. "Bearer, seek, seek, lest"...). @Skazz That's cool. Yeah, I thought they did a good job, and I enjoyed the minimalistic-but-well-written story. It helps that they nailed the length of the game - if this game had been ~12 hours like that other indie game I recently played, Underhero, I probably would've been dying by the end of it - conciseness in dialogue, plot, and gameplay with minimal fluff and repetition/recycling will almost always be welcomed by me. Also, something cool they did was have a bunch of unlockable bonus missions you can find throughout the main story missions, each with a particular theme (e.g. one is Holy Grail-inspired, another One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest out of all things, etc.) - doesn't make any difference for the main story, but if you were concerned the game wasn't long enough, well, there you go! Overall, a simple but well-made and very effective game.
    1 point
  28. The SpaceX Dragon launch is pretty compelling TV. Can they beat the Florida weather?
    1 point
  29. Big business gonna big business.
    0 points
  30. Well there is the potential argument being made that Police being so eager to use Tear Gas on crowds, causing them to tear and sneeze, is an extra underhanded chemical/biological attack because of the Covid-19... But eh, the fun of the conspiracy theories and where the reality does lay... Also, for added fun factor: Washington Post - Trump tried to register to vote in Florida using an out-of-state address... And yes, in the midst of that, I forgot Elerond had already mentioned it...
    0 points
  31. In pther news, Take 2 reached new level of being ****... First they cancelled Kerbal Space Program 2, which caused the indie developer going out of business Second they created new internal studio called Intercept and poached the staff of defunct indie dev Third they renewed Kerbal Space Program 2 as internal project All of that allegedly because the Indie devs declined thier offer for possible buyout of studio... NSFW:
    0 points
  32. Sorry for digging this up, but I'm really frustrated. All the trouble in Nyrissa's home, and what happens? It's the final chapter. I'm ready for the final battle, but my game keeps crashing during the cutscene after I've given the order to go to the city. Always at the same second. Tell the final boss they've won. I'm giving up for now.
    0 points
  33. Well, it's not worse than the other focus talent. Free focus is still free focus. Granting +5 focus here and there is still giving you free casts. You can't really compare an ability with a subclass feat that comes along drawbacks. Low priority, not mandatory, but probably good enough.
    0 points
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