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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/20 in all areas

  1. This. So much this. However long we have with our dogs is brief and never enough. But to her, it made all the difference. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss GD.
    3 points
  2. Wouldn't rat cannibalism be a good thing?
    2 points
  3. "I wanted orange. You gave me lemon lime. I'm coming for my orange."
    2 points
  4. Ok, looked at the decompiled code to confirm, and it seems Hostile effects only clears Non-Hostile effects and vice versa. Makes sense. Could've been made clear in the tutorial page, though... Sadly, it doesn't always seem to work as intended. Hand of Weal and Woe for example removes hostile Water/Frost effects from enemies, because the part of the beam that triggers the damage effect wasn't correctly set to hostile... Tekehu has complete Immunity to the Fire Keyword which is different from Counters, I think?
    2 points
  5. Hmm, I've noticed Moonwell countering several effects (on allies, effectively making aoe-all spells into aoe-enemy only). Not sure which now. Ray of Fire perhaps? Rays in general?
    2 points
  6. Not metal per se, but... it's Rammstein!
    2 points
  7. As were you no doubt. It's amazing how big a piece of our lives these mutts are isn't it? But not nearly so big a piece as we are of theirs.
    2 points
  8. The Skaven hordes gather, it is the End Time.
    1 point
  9. The latter, it's hardcoded. The ClearOpposingKeywords method specifies that the attack and the existing effect must have opposing IsHostile values. Inspirations/Afflictions use a different mechanic than Keyword Counters though and are specified in AfflictionTypeComponents: https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/components#afflictiontypecomponent Sorry, I meant that his ability uses the literal Immunity effect with a Fire-only filter to clear the effects, rather than through Keyword Counter I would guess that's why it affects non-hostile effects as well.
    1 point
  10. Released in 2014, which is a surprise.
    1 point
  11. If its working like it is supposed to...what is there to fix?
    1 point
  12. Not really an immunity afaik. He has a passive that clears fire effects on him periodically - I guess every 3 secs(?). Unfortunately it removes benefical effects, too. I mean it makes total sense so Im not complaining. I was just a bit bummed that I had to find out about that after trying to use Mith Fyr for quite a while and wondered why the f he wouldn't get any burning lash on his attacks althoug he was singing Mith Fyr all the time. Is suspect he also clears stuff like Flame Shield - but I didn't try.
    1 point
  13. I have no idea. Chillfog does trigger CW, even Frostseeker does iirc (might be wrong here though) - but I have issues with Tekehu using the Mith Fyr chant (it gets cleared by his godlike passive which makes sense but is also annoying ). Maybe explicit water spells do quench/not work with CW, but I didn't do a comprehensive test. At first glance it seems that this "element x counters element y" stuff doesn't work at all (besides Tekehu). Maybe it was planned to be like inspiration vs. affliction, but it surely didn't get implemented thoroughly (if at all). And what would counter acid, what shock? Maybe they dropped it because it just wasn't worth the hassle. If others have more insight then please share! Would love to know what works and what wouldn't. Anyway - multiple Chillfogs, a Wall of Flames, Wicked Briars and such things combined with CW is often my 1-trick-pony approach in a lot of encounters in the mid game. Most classes have one or more of those pulsing or multiprojectile abilites and the others can use stuff like blunderbusses or Sun & Moon (with Swift Flurry even...) or so. Even against some late(ish) enemies that are vulnerable to fire - like Neriscyrlas - it's a great thing to use CW. And if you go with a Beckoner who uses his skeletons frequently and who's accompanied by a Priest with Spark the Souls then you might want to add a Wizard with CW, too. Druid with Avenging Storm + dual mortars: same. Missile Salvo: yep.
    1 point
  14. Summoned Weapons have the ItemMod Scaling_Weapon, which has three StatusEffects: Scaling_Weapon_SE_Accuracy (cb6879e9-e07d-4380-8acc-b698891a8555) Scaling_Weapon_SE_Damage (cf93bd41-47d4-4d0d-90ae-7fd9ef0066cd) Scaling_Weapon_SE_Penetration (31b89607-0914-4453-8f9d-f5a18aa8327f) You want to look at each of their PowerLevelScaling parameter. Here's the specific documentation: https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/structures#statuseffectlevelscaling However, touching these values will also affect all non-summoned weapons that use Scaling_Weapon (there's a bunch of them). I'd recommend making a new ItemMod with Scaling_Weapon and its StatusEffects as a template, make it scale with PL, then replace the ItemMod references to Scaling_Weapon with your new ItemMod for all the summoned weapons you want to affect. Quarterstaff_Concelhauts_Parasitic has the ItemMod Draining, which in turn contains Draining_SE_ApplySEByDamageDealt (f6269b2d-6a7a-4956-8894-2b5e76a39089) which you'll find in statuseffects.gamedatabundle!
    1 point
  15. It's been to long since I posted any Nightwish here.
    1 point
  16. I still listen to all 3 soundtracks regularly -- the whole trilogy had some pretty fantastic music.
    1 point
  17. Desperados 3 and System Shock remake got a demo. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/05/27/play-demos-for-desperados-3-and-system-shock-right-now-via-gog/ I can't imagine they are exclusive to the platform, but they are featured on the front page of GOG current sale. Perhaps timed exclusive? It is still 3 weeks until Desperados release (guess who is counting!) so plenty of time to bring it to steam as well. EDIT: Yup, Desperados is pretty much a higher budget Shadow Tactics, and that's all I wanted. The pausing Showdown Mode does make things a bit easier, but that might mean I might try to fight a way out instead of immediately reloading. The Demo consist of tutorial, first mission (half tutorial half genuine mission) and a taste of mission no. 3. Runs great, looks great plays great. I love the end-mission detailed replay, and customizable difficulty settings. Can't wait for the release. Mocap improves presentation a lot (as well as more detail and some nice little visual touches), though it is somewhat at odds with lack of facial detail, and blocky hands.
    1 point
  18. Plodding along in Disco Elysium, I guess I am doing a boring run as I am playing it like a plain old cop sort of like Kim I guess - well, other than RP'ing a US cop and blowing away a kid for being lippy. Not sure why helping out some old lady got me marked as some sort of pathetic 'sorry cop', but whatever.
    1 point
  19. So this is not about defending anyone and yes the majority of actual people who do this job dont fundamentally care because the work conditions and salary is much more important than what you and I want to call them But my real point is its not about them but what you and I personally decide to refer to them as, we are defined by our words in life in many areas so I always try to use the better framing of how we refer to things, domestic worker sounds much better than maid Ask yourself this, if you were doing housework as a permanent job how would you like people to describe your job title ?
    1 point
  20. It could be worse, here in Sweden you get a taxbreak for hiring a maid. I mean... ****...
    1 point
  21. Sorry to hear about Bela. I remember when you took her in and how she immediately fitted into her new home You gave her an additional year of love and happiness and as far as old dogs are concerned it doesnt get much better than that ...and she returned those emotions which is even better
    1 point
  22. Ah, so sorry GD. Also sorry for Sunny, we lost one then another 6 months after and he was also upset missing his buddy. Good way to look at it though, not at what you've lost but at what you had.
    1 point
  23. I'll give you guys the exact reply I got from obsidian when I submitted the run. "I just wanted to let you know it may take us a bit of time to review all of the footage as we have a couple others we are going through right now as well, but rest assured we will get to it and let you know when that process has been completed" So, I'm guessing a lot of people , like me, had tons of extra time during the quarantine period and did this challenge, so I'm not even sure if I'll make it on to the honor roll, maybe just a badge So expect frequent updates on the newer hall of fame in the coming days
    1 point
  24. It doesn't really matter if the potential player likes it better with Full VO or not. What matters is: does Full VO lead to more sales which compensate for the higher developement cost? I don't think so (at all) - but if somebody has some metrics on that I will reconsider. I just don't think that there are many players of isometric RPGs out there who would give a CRPG a pass just because it has no Full VO.
    1 point
  25. Kebab (from a restaurant) and some home made dessert after a South African recipe (one of the girls is a very good cook). Something soft and delicious with a distinct peppermint flavour and a bit of a cheesecake like consistency. No idea what it was called. As for drinks, no wine. Just whisky (I know, we're such plebs! ). Was a nice evening. Hadn't planned on doing anything for my birthday, so I got taken a bit by surprise with no time to really prepare anything.
    1 point
  26. we have championed lloyd alexander more than once on these boards. when we mention how the best and most often overlooked fantasy authors is those who crafted books for a younger audience, lloyd alexander is getting frequent mention along with the likes o' madeleine l'engle, norton juster, and neil gaiman, to name only a few. that said, while we do much enjoy the prydain books, am gonna observe our favorite lloyd alexander series is actual westmark. is fantasy, but perhaps not in the way folks tend to think o' fantasy. no magic. regardless, if hurl has not read westmark, we highly recommend. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. 1) They would invest in a solid, top down 3D engine. For all the things I don't like about D:OS2, I am amazed by engine it is powered by - As big of a hub as you want, with moving inside and outside without any issues, multiplayer maps etc. I wouldn't necessarly want the structure of D:OS, but lack of gameplay interuptions. Yup, yup, yup. 2) I would like to have Josh back at the helm, and use Microsoft money and hopefully lack of interference, to appeal neither to publishers nor fans. Make best Pillars game he can make. Is it even possible? Pillars as a world and game was created to appeal to IE game fans afterall. But I like to think there is a game he wants to make and we want to play. Or maybe I would hate it... who knows.
    1 point
  28. Just to note that Offensive Parry still works properly on turn-based. A roll of 1-24 will graze, but Offensive Parry does activate.
    1 point
  29. I tested war caller devoted/skald with single handed sun and moon - clear out scored 30 crits, but got only one phrase. There must be some kind of restriction, so you can't get more than one at a time. I think monk with swift flurry/HBD will work simillar (but didn't tested this). In this case you want to get as much atkspd, as possible, to make it work. in this case the best options would be: For weapons: sun and moon - two chances for crit with one blow, 10 more acc to fire roll with ring of focused flames (single handed for better acc and hit-to-crit) ranning's wrath - 9 more acc, +10% aspd (single handed for better acc and hit-to-crit) WotEP - aoe damage (even if only one phrase can be aquired from one blow, you hit more targets, so more hit rolls=better chance to crit), retaliation on being missed that can do crits and generate phrase For classes: fighter - hit-to-crit bonuse from disciplined strikes, clear out is guaranted phrase with enough enemies and weapon modal can debuf several targets at once, more sturdy character, godd acc with conqueror stance ranger - chanter buffs makes animal companion more tanky, best acc monk - SF/HBD synergize with crits giving solid dps (and maybe more phrases?) rogue, streetfighter - great aspd, so with enough acc/hit-to-crit you get fastest phrases generation and good weapon dps, but also most fragile character
    1 point
  30. I am terribly sad today. Bela passed away at the vet's office this morning. She had been lethargic the past two days. Today she wouldn't eat. My regular vet is closed so I drove her up to the 24 hr emergency hospital in Dyersburg. The root cause was internal bleeding due to a tumor in her liver. They did an ultrasound and found it. The only course was to remove part of her liver followed by a round of chemotherapy. But the Dr. didn't recommend it because of her age. It was unlikely she would have survived the treatment. They had her sedated for the ultrasound already so I said my goodbye to her in the exam room without them waking her up. She passed with her grizzled old muzzle cradled in my hands. I hope she could at least smell me and know I was there. Bela came to live with us a year ago. Her original owner was a friend from the VFW who had passed away. She had nowhere else to go and I was happy to take her in. Both for him and for her. She was 13 years old. Sunny is very upset. She walks from room to room looking for her friend. My only solace is to think that she is back with John again. He loved that dog. And to be thankful she was my girl for the short time we had together. So, I'm going to open a bottle of Four Roses and have a drink. Probably quite a few drinks, and site on my porch and listen to the sounds of day turning to night. No other music can capture the mood i'm in today.
    0 points
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