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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/20 in all areas

  1. This is my video, made due to the fact GOG Galaxy don't take screenshots in IWD2. I apologize if video is of bad quality, you should be able to twinkle the settings manually,
    3 points
  2. The farmers market in Covington has closed for good. Another casualty of Corona. So get this.. my garden is ready for picking. Four and a half acres of various veggies. I have the means to can/freeze/dry preserve about a quarter of it. Usually I sell the surplus in Covington. So I started calling the local food banks to donate the surplus. Can you believe they won't take it? There are three and they all told me the same thing. No fresh produce. Canned or dry goods only. I can't believe people who give away food to people who need it don't want a donation of food! The pastor of the Covington Methodist Church is a VFW member. His church makes hot meals at a "community kitchen" for families in town. He was happy to take all the surplus. Some of the kids from the church are coming to help me pick and fill hampers today. Sunny & Bela are going to LOVE that. They love meeting people. Duke and his wives will need to be locked up. He is NOT friendly to any humans but me.
    3 points
  3. Well, it has happened. It may not be fair to paint them all with the broad brush but far to often even the ones that are "good" examples of policing rally around the ones that are not in order to protect the integrity of the institution. Even when the actions are inexcusable. There was a case in Minnesota where a woman witnessed a sexual assault in progress. She called the police. When they showed up she approached them to direct them to the location. One of the cops pulled his weapon and shot and killed the witness. Why he did it is a matter of speculation. I think he was tense and panicked. But as vile as the action was the way his fellow officers defended him and made excuses for him was every bit as repugnant. Up to the point he was fired and charged with murder. Then they just pretended it never happened. Police officers do not engender a great deal of respect and the truth is they have only themselves to blame. If you don't want to be viewed at thick necked, heave handed sadists the first step is to stop being that and stop defending it when it happens.
    2 points
  4. My favorite part of that scene has always been how at 1:56 Eric Idle has to bite his scythe to keep from laughing.
    2 points
  5. Gunplay is just a game design neologism for the way first-person or third-person shooting works and "feels" in a game. It's a mix of animations/sound design, responsiveness, surfacing of relevant information, etc. It's not the most precise and informative of terms, but it's generally used to compare how different shooters and games with shooter elements play. Hardly indicative of a western setting.
    2 points
  6. Realms Beyond first videos.
    2 points
  7. Lets keep the meme alive! Or better yet, undead.
    2 points
  8. Latest release is live on nexus. 50 items total at this time. Player feedback to address any balancing issues is appreciated. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/415/
    1 point
  9. On Ultimate it will not. Also you can just start the encounter with Lover's Embrace - so it won't stop if you become invisible.
    1 point
  10. What I would like to see in PoE 3: 1. Keep the voice acting to PoE 1's level, it's expensive and means less dialogue & stuff to read. 2. While the sidequests and factions in PoE 2 were good an' all I would like a stronger & longer main plot next time. 3. More books to read, like in PoE1. 4. While I hope they would keep refining the isometric RPG style, if this cannot be done, please make sure the alternative has tactical combat.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, they don't generally accept produce for donations as it can be hard to store and keep fresh. That said, if you can contact them far enough in advance then they can probably get a solution in place. I used to volunteer at a food bank in a small farming town and mostly what they'd do with it is exactly what you did, find a church or shelter or something that can use it more efficiently/effectively.
    1 point
  12. I just read through the thread, and I thought this was the most interesting comment. 1. Games always blame poor marketing. 2. Maybe. However, Pillars benefited from being in the initial wave of Kickstarters, so I don't think all 40,000 would have come back. 3. This argument would hold more water if the game wasn't already going to an incredibly narrow demographic. 4. Yeah, who likes pirates? Oh, everyone. 5. Why didn't this affect the first Pillars? Sure it probably would have increased sales, maybe even to the point where it paid for itself, but there have been plenty of successful single-player games. Not buying it. 6. Sure, maybe. 7. Why is this last? and why is main story last? If 500k+ will buy a game that looks like Undertale for the story, maybe that's a sign that plot is actually pretty damn important, and this game didn't have one. Here's my take on it. In some ways it just felt like there was a lack of ambition from the start. The kickstarter was more about chasing other games (full VO!, character portraits! Romance! Intelligent Sword!) than actually adding interesting features to Deadfire. You can see this in the pointless Fulvano's voyage, no new races, no new classes. The enemy creature design also felt uninspired, except in the DLC. The new monsters were eoten (what do they offer that ogres don't), fire giants (ok, but pretty bog standard), Naga (ok, but certainly nothing new), Exploding zombies (fun game change, but what year is this?), Titans (pretty cool), and grub generators (added neat tactics to combat, but old). The plot felt superfluous because I don't know if they ever thought of a story this game had to tell; similarly, the main characters didn't need to be on your ship. Most times Eder and Pallegina felt like the only ones who belonged (maybe Fassina & Xoti of the new characters, and Xoti is terrible). Similarly, there aren't many fights outside of the DLC that are actually that interesting: flooded street, caves under the city, gunpowder cave, druid's grove, and maybe vampire cave. It's a shame, because the game shines in many ways. Neketaka is one of my favorite cities in any game, easily equaling Tarant, and coming close to Amn. The art is ****ing gorgeous. The itemization is actually pretty good this time. The factions are so. much. better. Multiclassing is really fun and the sub-classes work really well. There's the appropriate amount of piano assassination. The spirit world is really cool. The Gods, except Wael, are really well done. Josh needs to take a long break and make a game he wants to make. Pillars 3 if it ever happens, needs to go to one of the DLC leads; they all did great, particularly whoever lead the Forgotten Sanctum.
    1 point
  13. The performance issues will likely not be addressed. This is because Deadfire is a poorly optimized game that puts strain on the HDD. PS4's are equiped with an archaic HDD with 4500RPM. That stuff was ancient 10 years ago. You can put an SSD in to improve the performance. It's the only way to do anything about it. Some PS4 specific bugs are likely to be picked up, but posting them here will probably not help. You should contact Versus Evil for this I think as they published the game and ported it to the PS4. Don't think Obsidian had much to do with it. I've not had the bugs you mentioned on the PC version.
    1 point
  14. BordedPanda - Ikea quarantine campaign on furniture to Fort Tents
    1 point
  15. This question brings up two separate points that I think I must address to answer you. 1) There is cheesiness strictly related to content -- and this was my main thrust when I brought up how cheesy some of the writing is. In P:K, most dialogue trees are very simplistic and straightforward: what you basically have to do is click every possible option to see all possible content. There is almost no subtlety; in other words, choosing to click one particular option rarely makes other options unavailable like it does in PoE and Deadfire. In P:K dialogues, you are quite often not even given the opportunity to have a viewpoint or a strategy related to the person you're talking to, you just have to click all the options and that's it. The most common exception to this is that sometimes, in the end, you get to make a choice that affects your alignment or is restricted by your alignment. So in this sense, when compared to PoE and Deadfire, this type of content in P:K is so simplistic that it qualifies as cheesy. This type of cheesiness is made worse by the fact that the narrative itself so hopelessly simplistic. The lines between good and evil tend to be very well defined, especially because the narrator / commentator Linzi is telling her story from a clasically naive "We the marvelous heroes in this world of evil!" viewpoint. So even if I, as a player, personally have ambiguity about whether I'm doing the right thing or not, Linzi doesn't have any: her journal entries underline that I am a hero and we "did the right thing with that awful wizard" (note: not a direct quote, but faithful enough in style), and so on. I think this is also cheesy. The characters are also cheesy. Linzi is exaggerated in her naivety. Valerie is exaggerated in her humorless posturing. Amiri is exaggerated in her butch warrioriness. And so on. I wonder if you agree with me on this: many of the characters are so exaggerated that they look like comic stereotypes. And this is, inevitably, cheesy. 2) More directly related to what you're talking about, there is also cheesiness on the level of language irrespective of its content, and I am certain that this is not helped by the fact that the writers are Russian. Or, to be more precise, not helped by the fact that their command of English is lacking. There are grammatical errors in the game. There are even some spelling errors. There are word choices that immediately betray an inexperienced and/or clumsy writer(*). Like, using too many adjectives or adjectives that are way too obvious. And if memory serves me right on this point, using far too many exclamation marks! It doesn't look good! So yes, the language itself is not quite right and greatly contributes to the overall cheesiness. Translation from Russian to English is no different from other translation jobs, but what a lot of people don't appreciate well enough is that all good translation is difficult and translators often aren't as educated as they should be (translation is one of the very few areas where I have no qualms about claiming expertise: I know what I'm talking about). But this particular language problem doesn't explain all the language problems. For example, Nok-Nok was entirely written by Chris Avellone, and I'm pretty sure he wrote in English. But Nok-Nok is still cheesy, although it's cheesy in a way that appears to know that it's cheesy -- and this is one of the reasons why I sometimes wonder just how much of a parody the whole game possibly is. So, after all this, I think the answer your question is yes, but the whole issue is more complicated than that. Good question, by the way. (*) In fairness, it has to be said that some of the word choices in Deadfire seem to betray a writer who's trying just a bit too hard. You know, there is the sense that the writer is thinking, "I must make this sound literary." But I didn't mind this very much. It was not a problem for me. I know there are other opinions.
    1 point
  16. In case you want to do this yourself, don't read these spoilers: Overall, only missed a couple I shouldn't have. Not too terrible. Coincidentally, a few friends and I recently did this video game sound effect test: https://vg-sfx-quiz.herokuapp.com/ I ended up getting 33/60, which was the second best out of the people that I knew - a friend got I think it was 54 out of 60, but he is a no-lifer that has played just about every game under the sun.
    1 point
  17. Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I play on 720p . . . and 30fps . . . even 32 bits. The hours that I've lost . . . the games I had to uninstall . . . won't stop hurting. It's like we're all still there. You feel it too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past!
    1 point
  18. Looks like the proposed Captain Pike Star Trek show ("Strange New Worlds") is going ahead, covid19 permitting. Yeah, it is. Sisko's actions work because they are the culmination of 5(?) prior seasons of plot and character development; and the other involved parties act entirely in character. They also work because Brooks wasn't telling everyone who'd listen that they were a commentary on [late 90s social/ political issue] instead of being plot driven. Guess what I'd say overall is that it isn't a matter of care for Trek that made Picard's (or Discovery's) plot so shambolic, and it isn't absolutely inconsistent for the Fed either (bit like seemingly half the Fed's officers being Romulan spies, there is a precedent). The key problem is that they simply aren't very good writers, not good enough to make a coherent overarching plot woven from multiple threads, and certainly not good enough to weave a commentary on real world politics seamlessly into the tapestry. But that ultimate problem is the one many other programs have as well and which is a bane of most modern TV writing; that characters and factions have the motivations and capabilities demanded by what the plot needs at any given time, not what has been established by previous characterisation or motivation; ie simple bad writing is the problem- and they'd do (and have done in some cases) the same to any other franchise they were writing for.
    1 point
  19. adding on to an earlier post by phyriel: reading this discussion, i wonder if a better thing when talking about single-class or multi-class to look for is simply "unbalanced" holistically. a lot of the stuff that people are bringing up as OP don't strike me as OP per se, but more just combos and stacking which feels different to me (just lots of metagaming). because given a more general "unbalanced" take i would argue that trickster or trickster/x strikes me as a strong candidate for being an unbalanced subclass. it always struck me as extremely weirdly under-used through much of deadfire history - even before it got significantly buffed the downside was extremely minor (was starting +10% sneak attack damage, now +20% sneak attack damage) because it gets trivialized by PL scaling and deathblows, and you get a crap ton of extra utility and survivability. you barely need to metagame at all to get extremely strong outcomes from rolling a trickster, and with a bit of metagaming you can get extremely powerful multiclasses, even if you don't quite get to degenerate-combo level of powers that others have mentioned (or have been used in ultimate runs).
    1 point
  20. Unions have nothing to do with socialism. Unions help workers to get what they deserve. Just compare the crunch exploitation of game creators and the “small” workers around movie creation. The video game people in numerous cases do not even get credited for their hard work...
    1 point
  21. On the other hand uncontrollable private monopolies are as damaging to economy as state monopolies, and without subsidies, the agriculture in some countries would not exist anymore...
    1 point
  22. Subsidies and state monopolies end in disaster, not only it removes the profit motive from the company but it will sustain failing practices.
    1 point
  23. Fallout was fairly niche too and look how that turned out.
    1 point
  24. reviving this thread with my first post here. Finished recording my ultimate run, I just copied tenray's zealot run (woedica priest/streetfighter rogue) with some very very minor adjustments here and there. I even encountered the same bug that made me alt f4 and waste 2 days in game time at the SSS bridge repair interaction. Heres hoping obsidian approves it Shoutout to Victor Creed & jaggedjimmayjay82 for helping me figure the dragul sss fight, and ofcourse tenray since i basically copied his strat!
    1 point
  25. "She turned me into a newt!" "A newt?" "..." "...I got better..."
    1 point
  26. Funnily enough I had one of those Benny Hill chases yesterday evening and thought: "Wait - didn't I tell people that this isn't a thing in Deadfire?".
    1 point
  27. After Deadfire Josh (from Obsidian) spoke to Swen (from Larian) and they found out that the overlap of D:OS- and PoE-players is only about 40%.
    1 point
  28. K, but animals are fair game? I'm pretty sure that some Pillars game will be done. But PoE3 as another sequel? Most likely not. The sales numbers were 7 times lower than those of PoE and while that was a financial success (given the small budget) it also wasn't selling like hot cakes either. Feargus said that he would love to do a skyrim-like Pillars game and after the success of the Outer Worlds I can't think about a reason why this wouldn't be tackled. Also Josh said recently about this topic: "Well Feargus wants to make such a game and usually Feargus gets his way." Josh himself stated that he thinks that someone else should direct a PoE3 should it ever come out. He said instead he would like to do a "Tactics" game with the Pillars IP. Which sounds awesome. It's not an RPG though and I don't know how Microsoft thinks about such a game (given that they bought Obsidian in order to expand their RPG portfolio). But who knows? If you ask yourself "Where do these infos come from?": Josh does a stream nearly every evening since he's working from home due to Corvid-19. There he talks about this and that while playing games like Darklands or Battle Brothers and so on. Lately he even held a presentation/talk about reputation systems which was very nice. He often answers questions from the chat.
    1 point
  29. 0 points
  30. Man, I got 0 out of 20 but I only played less than half of those
    0 points
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