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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/20 in all areas

  1. I wouldn't go that far, but it is Josh's particular sensibilities and interests which made PoE what it is. I would be interested in seeing what PoE under his full control would look like, and I would be interested in seeing what a new lead would do with the game - I did enjoy all three DLCs after all. What I am not terribly interested in, is a non-isometric PoE. The world doesn't have that much appeal to me, to automatically transfer my interest in PoE3 into another genre - it would need to sell me on the concept mostly from the ground up... that being said, being made by Obsidian is, for now, still a good start.
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. I do one Dreams tutorial a day. It's fun for me to just learn tools and pretend I'll do something with them. And I spent several hours playing Star Wars: Fallen Order. It's an interesting experience. Feels like a good exploration of various Star Wars tropes. Maybe the best Star Wars since the Disney acquisition that Filoni wasn't involved in.
    2 points
  4. I'm sure he has developed a thick skin in his 20 years of game development, but some things just have too high penetration. Some recovery time is needed.
    2 points
  5. I can only imagine the feeling of that punch in the gut: Divinity:OS sells well --> PoE sells well --> Divinity:OS II sells like hot cakes --> Josh expects the same for Deadfire --> Deadfire tanks (despite good critics). I mean that sure does hurt. It's like when I was young and doing websites for clients in my freetime and I would always include four designs: three that I really worked on and which i liked and a forth that was just trash cobbled together. And every time clients said: "Oh we like the forth one best!" Ouch...
    2 points
  6. Hello, The goal of this topic is to list all the problems we (PS4/XBOX players) found on Deadfire Console version. Feel free to add the problem/bug/crash you constated and rate it with a severity note (from ++1 to 10, ++1= it break the game and make it unplayable, 10 = visual bug nothing too bad but should be fixed)... I will try to edit this topic regularly to add new problems we found in the list... I start with : Very SERIOUS problems which make the game broken, or break the gameplay : • The game crash and the PS4 is returned to desktop (this happen too frequently for a PSN Store game) - Advice : Save each time you finish a fight or before you enter any area, the game is unstable, and must be considered as an Alpha version still under developpment, if you get less than 3 crashes per hour you should be happy . Severity = ++1 • Sometime Deadfire completely freeze the PS4 and we can't do anything except removing power (very very dangerous for the PS4 or any computer), it happened to me in Poko Kohara (can't remember the exact name) in the outside while i opened the inventory, game freezes for 1s on equipping item in inventory - Severity = ++1 • Too frequently, when we try to click "Enchant" on an unique weapon, the game is crashing, and we get a blue screen, i thought i found a way to avoid this while enchanting a weapon which don't crash, i mean one i already tried to enchant like Xoti reaping hook and the enchant screen displayed, but 10 seconds after it crashed the game, great another blue screen, i am not frustrated, not a bit i swear - Severity = ++1 • Under some circumstances (dying in a random?area) the game save can be corrupted (if it happen to me ....) - Severity = ++1 • Sometime transition from one area to another make the game return to home screen and the following message "An error occurred you returned to the home screen to avoid corrupting the save", for me it happen mainly when i am on the ship and want to go in my personal quarters (under the bridge) or if i want to leave personnal quarters to return to world map - Severity = ++1 • Sometime the game crash during save, very nice when you save after a though fight like the one with Concelhaut, i recommend you to buy this broken game if you want to test your nerves and ability to stay ZENNNNNNNN - Severity = ++1 • When swapping characters in any location the game shuts down with PS error code (annoying because you can't complete their personal quests!)- Severity = 3 • Too frequently we click or select an interaction which is right in front of us (door, chest, attack enemy) or we launch an AOE spell and the companion (or watcher) go straight in the opposite side, very very annoying specially during a fight when your tank go at 10 km and can't protect the group or if there is traps around.. Also, because of this sometime it take hours to enter a room, because the interaction is misplaced, we have to trigger cursor mode (triangle) and search the exact point which trigger the interaction/room entrance, ... reloading a save seem to fix this, but it is very disturbing - IT BREAK THE GAMEPLAY PLEASE FIX THIS - Severity = 1 • Once you get further in the game, with the DLC, there are spots where even moving is nigh on impossible, it considers you in constant combat mode while no foes, so you cannot click on items and certain portals needed, I found to remedy that was to open as much things like maps, status, etc. so it forces it to jump, and then detects those portals; Once teleported, it bugs like that again and you need to spend minutes trying to force it. Then once you get further than that area, it keeps crashing in a battle. Note from the player (I was not the frustrated player this time) : Between that and the absurd loading times, I actually yesterday calculated it and for 5 minutes of actual gaming, you spend an hour of loading, crashing, etc.; I'm sorry but between fulltime work and other hobbies, this is just not acceptable for a 59 euro full price game and warrants a refund • Sometime the game start to lag, the game stop responding during 1-4 seconds and then return to normal.. Severity = 2 • Too frequently, while in a store inventory, we can't select any store item (mean we can't buy anything) - Only way i found to fix this is to restart the game - Severity 3 • Loading time are long, too long for a 2020 game, even with on a PS4 Pro + SSD (have both), there is a lot of room/houses/area to explore (mean wait when we enter and when we exit, and waiting from 40 seconds to more than 1.5 minute is frustrating for a console player) - Severity = 3 • Paladin "Lay on Hands" ability is broken, it don't heal, which make the paladin a bit useless - Severity = 2 • Auto pause is bugged (for me auto pause is set if a trap or secret detected) when a secret or a trap is detected during fight, the game auto pause as intended, but it is almost impossible to remove the pause (usually if not during a fight pressing two time square on PS4 remove the pause - this don't work during fight) - FIX : if this happen to you and you can't remove the pause during a fight, disabling the auto pause from the settings should solve the problem, don't forget to re-enable it after your fight... - Severity = 4 • One character block another, this is very very annoying, it was the same in POE, if in a corridor and your tank ended up in the back, he is stuck and can't melee attack because other characters are blocking the path. Severity =2 • During fight, the status window come on top of the spell windows, and we ca no more see half of the spell bar, it is really problematic, because we already fight blinded and with one hand tied in the back, and with this let's say we fight on one feet, blinded and with one hand tied in the back - Severity = 2 • It would be nice if we could zoom in/out the world/Sea map/any map, as we can do when we navigate or are walking, some of us have difficulty to read small characters... Severity = 5 • In the old city, when the group is walking, each time he get the status "Intoxicated" from those poisoned smoke/water (if it is water) the group is stopping and i have to enable cursor mode to get through it (very annoying when it happen every 20 seconds) - Severity = 4 • We should have a way to move an item from watcher/companion inventory to the reserve in one click, in the actual state (may be i miss something) i have to select an item and move it to the stash, manually and one by one, it should be a key (PS4 controller have at least 13 buttons which can be used) to automatically move an item to the reserve (group stash) - Why not "Square" button on PS4 like it was on POE - Severity = 3 • AOE Spells should be more visible, the AOE area should always be visible like it was on POE (if i recall correctly), and we should see the area of effect of spells like the druid Relentless Storm, the first time i launched it i didn't realized it was an AOE, because we don't see any AOE... - Severity = 5 • In a city like Neketaka, we should be able to travel from any room, shop,.., (from the 2nd floor terrace of The Wild Mare in Queen's Berth for example) to any other location in the city, because entering or leaving any room take between 40 seconds to 1 minute, repeat it 3 time to leave the terrace of tavern and enter Neketaka, it is too much, so the best way (you could completely re-code the game for console, this would be the real best way) to avoid this problem would be to be able to travel from inside a shop to any district of the city - Severity = 2 • Wizard "Dimensional" spell do not work as it should be, it don't stun enemies which are between the caster and the ally target. Severity = 2 • Wizard "Expose Vulnerabilities" seem not working, it don't expose vulnerabilities like on POE (we don't see anymore what are the target vulnerabilities, on POE, we have all the infos in the target info windows, if vulnerable to cold, fire, slash, and how much), another broken thing in Deadfire Ekera - Severity = 2 • Sometime (happened several times after i finished a scripted event with Ooze in Neketaka, and during burning house event with the thugs in the back of the house ), if we display the map or any item information pressing "O" to return to the game do not work, only thing which work is force quit the game, anr restart from a save (Fantastic) = +1 • On Xbox, the A button stopped working after some hours of game, the user reported it is the same with all his save, he can't interact with anybody, anything, the button is working, the controller is working ... • In Junvik Village, Gabel shop is bugged, we can open the store inventory but can't buy anything from her, navigation in her inventory is not possible Bugs, and Problems which must be solved asap to enhance the customer experience (Customers = us the players) and prevent other players to avoid buying Deadfire. • Sometime, in our inventory the little description popup disappear, pressing Triangle button work, but... - Severity = 10 • In POE, Wizard Wand had two damage type (piercing and crush), like Scepter which have (crush and slash), now it have only piercing damage type, and a lot of creature are immune to piercing damages, it is a bit unfair, wand should have like scepter two damage type because we wizard don't have much weapon choice it is wand, scepter or staves - Severity = 5 • "Plucked fruit" quest seem a bit bugged, i speaked to Rongi with Serafen which had required "bluff", but dialog choice is still in red... I read the note in his chest and waited on the beach several night around Midnight, but he never came, i felt a lot of frustration to eventually leave the quest for later completely disappointed... Severity = 5 • Sometime after having been close to a sigil (nightmare or any other), even after the fight the curse stay (even one hour after) and we have to save, and reload to "clean" our character and remove the curse... - Severity = 5 • During a fight, we should have access to more informations on the spells, like it was on POE (duration, time it take to launch, area of the spell, if the spell is ZDE or Enemies only, ...) in the actual state we fight with one eye closed, and one hand tied in the back, you can't expect us to write on a paper all the useful informations to be able to have them during a fight... - Severity = 2 • We should have a way to see the position of the character which is attacking (in turn mode)- in the actual state, even on a 50" 4K tv it is very hard to see the location of the character which will attack, i remember on POE (or may be another game) a command which enlight the character, so we can see his exact location... Severity = 7 • Sometime an enemy have been knocked by Eder (enemy is on the ground, on his back), and when another attack this knocked enemy, the attack make the enemy stand up, even if the turn is not ended and still have the knocked status.. I don't know if it is a visual glitch or a bug ... Severity ? • Sometime when we open a container, we see the content changing in front of us, example : a weapon disappear and is replaced by a potion, i don't know if it is a visual bug, but ... Severity = ? • When a new character is recruited it would be nice if we could see his attributes before choosing his class/multiclass - Severity = 8 • When Eder is killed and get second chance during fight, and it is his turn, he can't attack, he is stuck, the only way is to press square (end turn) or triangle (postpone? turn), this give enemies the chance to kill him (another time) - Severity = 2 • During fight on ship (boarding) companions which are not in the team should be controlled by the player, because they use abilities with friendly fire and kill us, it is very frustrating, and we don't get a game to be frustrated (frustrated because the AI can not be set manually, i mean by us), if we could set AI, it would take 20 seconds for us to prevent companions controlled by AI to use friendly fire spells definitively - ... Severity = 2 • The game is big, but we see always the same tips on loading screen (so much loading screen, always the same tips), we should have plenty tips, many many, not always the same 10 (i say 10, but i haven't counted, in any case there is too few tips on loading screen)... Severity = 8 • Wizard "Essential Phantom" is attacking enemies charmed by Seraphin (they are in green and there is other enemies around, but this stupid phantom attack them and remove the charm), Fantastic when enemies are almost immune to our damages and it take several turns to have enough energy for Seraphen to use its LV1 spell ... Severity = 5 • it would be useful to have the exact life remaining (a number) close the enemy lifebar, it would be encouraging for us when fighting a difficult enemy, and will permit to see what we are doing are useful or useless... On an enemy which have a ton of life, sometime it is very hard to see if we damage his life, even if we see our damages... - Severity = 7 • Ring of Overseeing and any item which have overseeing effect (Ring of Overseeing, Aloth armor) don't work (we can't see the effect on the character (summary, the section with all attributes and curent effects, confirmed by comparing the AOE with and without it, no difference - Severity = 7 • Why are the potions so expensive in gold to craft ? I don't understand why I should pay for something I will craft by myself, is the 3500 gold part of the fabrication ? Gold is a poison if we eat it, if I recall correctly It was the same in POE... Ingredients and potions dropped by enemies or found in containers are so rare, why adding money to the recipe? - Severity = 4 • During ship fight (sea battle) we should have acces to the entire maneuver history, sometime we want to turn starboard and starboard to use specific side canons, but an something happen (a phone call, someone speaking at home) and we can't remember if we turned starboard or the other side, and we can't see the last maneuver in history because it is a "new page", in the actual state of the game we should write every maneuver to be sure we remember, because they will be wiped from the history screen... Should be fixed - Severity = 5 • As a Wizard, i notified we found very very few magical weapons (scepters/wand/little staves) and not a single one unique magic weapon, since i started, and as far I know, no Mage soulbound weapon(scepter, wand, magic staff) in the base game, one wand (useless against a lot of enemies which are immune to pierce damage) in of the dlcs, i found a lot of unique melee weapon, some unique pistols/blunderbuss/rifle, but not a single unique wand/scepter/magic stave, may be later in the game (according to the wiki) but if i should finish the game to have a decent weapon for my wizard, it is a bit frustrating (even in "Magic" shops like Arkemyr shop, there is only unique melee weapons or bow/crossbow not a single magic weapon)- Severity = 8 • In localized version of Deadfire (example french) why trying to translate the name of ship weapons (canons), and other gear ? I defy you to found any information about "Couleuvrine impériale", nothing on internet, nothing on the wikies and because during a ship fight we can't see what weapon do what, what range, how much of turns ? Do you expect us to keep any gear information in head, you try first ? leave their original English name so it is easy for us to found informations about it.. It is the same problem with area name translated, it is very hard to find any informations about "Promontoire de Periki", Names should never been translated, it is kind from you, but it don't help us (the contrary) - Severity = 5 • During Ship fight companion/Sidekick/crew which are far from the enemies are not fighting, they stay doing nothing, do i miss something ? ... - Severity = 6 • After a ship battle when we are victorious and we have the loot window, we can't press "square" on PS4 to get all the loot in one shot and send it in the group stash (reserve) we have to take each item one by one, i notified it do not work mostly when there is a lot of items (more than one page in the loot window)... - Severity = 8 • During the navigation on the world map (ship moving on the sea) we should have a way to mark a known destination / or a point on the map, so we could point the ship the the marked location direction and navigate to it. In the actual state, if i want to return to Neketaka and i am far south east, i have to check the known destination windows then click a destination then estimate the good direction and move, and repeat several time until we reach our destination, sasdly the destination don't remain displayed on the navigation screen as it should be... I don't want to use the auto navigate because one time the ship gone into a tempest... May be i miss something but in this case things should be better explained... - Severity = 5 • When selecting a single item in a sell menu by pressing x, it is moved to the basket right away. But if you have few similar items, game will first suggest you to define how much things you need to sell (it's logical), but then you need to move it with the stick to the basket, which is ridiculous - (Possible fix = Long press X on PS4 to sell the entire pile of items - it take me time to discover it) - Inventory and sell items should be more handy - Severity = 5 • On town screen (Map ?), moving mouse cursor with a stick is also completely ridiculous, it should be with r1\l1 or with arrows, same goes for level up menu - Severity = ? • Controller Touch ad should be mapped to the inventory or map, or better be customizable. currently it is mapped to the tutorials, which are mostly not used during the majority of the game - Severity = 5 • no POE save import for a new game. I was not expecting this at all. How could it be wiped out from game? (Me too, but we can at least re-create all our POE choices (and name the set of choices) while pressing Square during New Game creation, and then Selecting the set of choices in the end of NG creation) - Severity = ? • On Xaur tuk tuk island (in the cavern where you found Mother Sharp Rock crew member), two Xaurips are not marked as a combat objectives. when you kill the rest, they are attacking you, engaged character is defending, but it is not counted as a combat mode. as a result, Mother Sharp Rock is still frightened to exit the cage... Possible fix kill those two Xaurik while using the wheel menu->Attack - Severity = 5 • The quest screen should have an indication when a quest is validated (each time going in the quest list and checking the quests one by one, if we have something to do in neketaka for example is painful)... Severity = 4 • After we finished Palegina quest and saved Giacolo, later i returned on the Dunnage and the godlike are still here, we can re-enter the room like if Giacolo was still here and the quest not finished - Severity = 5 • when we are in shop inventory, there is no way to compare a seller item to our items (example : compare a seller glove to our gloves)... • When we are selling items, in the trade window, if we sell more than 20 different items, we can no more see the first item in the window, we can't double check if we don't sold something important to us, this because the sold items section have 20 slots and can't be scrolled down up left right to see all the items... We only see the last twenty... • During scripted interaction (when we have the sort of book on the screen) we can't go up and read previous text - Is is problematic because some event need us to read carefully and understand what we do or have done to decide carefully - Severity = 4 • After healing the Green Lady and her daughters, we receive the "nature's mark" but there is nothing in the Effect screen... Something is missing ? • While we are in a shop inventory we can't press "Triangle" button for more informations on an item (to see the benefit of an enchant for example), neither do the same on a Grimoire to see which spells are inside... - It should be fixed - Severity = 4 • Most of the time, when we change the team composition (remove a companion to add another companion), the group is not complete and one of the companion (the new one or the removed one) is alone wandering and not part of the team, very annoying when you enter a battle thinking your group is complete and finally it is not, also the removed companion can be here and bug the fight, because ha have a turn even if he can't do nothing (no fight) and random companion in the group (may be more) can't do nothing to (can't attack even if it is his turn) - Severity = 2 I will continue to add problems i found while hoping someone on Obsidian side will read this and FIX THOSE PROBLEMS, because in its actual state the game provide more frustration than pleasure and is mostly not playable, some games are time eater because you farm, or because there is a lot of things to do, but Deadfire is time eater, because we spend 30% of our playing time to relaunch the game because it crashed, or because we spend a lot of time searging internet a solution to bypass a bug we found in the game... The best advice i can give to any player who want to try Deadfire, is save constantly, save your game each 5 minutes, save after each fight, save before going in the inventory, be very careful because the game crash very very frequently.
    1 point
  7. Haha, yeah, I wouldn't buy something like this. I like spicy food and eat peppers every day (mostly jalapenos as well, simply because they have my favorite flavor and they're cheap and plentiful), but I'm not out there eating ghost peppers or reapers or anything like that normally. This was solidly hot, but I wasn't like dying or anything.
    1 point
  8. $20 for 3 ounces? Does a bag come with a hanj? At least you didn't have to pay for it. I did all my prove my masculinity by eating ludicrously hot food stuff a couple decades ago. I like a bit of spice, but I generally don't go past jalapeno these days. You won't see me anywhere near a 1 chip challenge, or anything like that
    1 point
  9. I don't know why, but that WotLK statement is just rubbing me very wrong way Actually I know why. They butchered Naxxramas compared to the vanilla original so much, that our semi casual guild cleared it in 2 days I've never recovered from that disapointment and quit WoW for good
    1 point
  10. And according to your experience of 38 years: if you never saw something before it must be wrong... Here is the Wikipedia article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollaxe Maybe next time just double-check before ranting in a forum about "what to expect"? It's just a Google search away...
    1 point
  11. How does it cheat? This sounds intriguing, and I'd be really interested to know. I know that Owlbear occasionally cheats with encounter design, and I feel that was a really, really poor choice. At other times, the encounter design is just nasty (most notably at the end), and while that isn't cheating, I still thought it was also a poor choice. But, good game.
    1 point
  12. The description is misleading. Not every point of percent counts. Afaik it's only the different stages of endurance ( below 75%, below 50%, near death: below 25%) that matter in this case. I don't know the exact formula though. But generally it's correct: the less endurance the target has the more damage it will get per tick from Maggots.
    1 point
  13. I half expected the start of the game to be a Skyrim meme... First encounter with a Chokobo... Just another day on the job. She's so corny, but I still like her, for some reason (cue Imperial March) March of the bad guys (and girl) See, angering dragons is never a good thing,... Not even Ctulhu is safe! Protecting the weak and annoying... Cute flying vegetables! Cat people looking cute... Meh, who needs visibility when you can look cool instead?
    1 point
  14. Next week I'm taking the pups camping and fishing at Shired Island down on the Florida Gulf Coast. It's one of my favorite spots because there are no boat ramps, RV hookups, cabins, restrooms or amenities of any kind. and it literally IS an island when the tide comes in and the road is under water. Primitive camping only usually means you have it to yourself. In other words... it's perfect. Too bad Redfish season has ben cancelled. Catch and release only. I used to wade out to the oyster mounds and catch my limit in the channels in between when I used to go there frequently.
    1 point
  15. I play on Linux and my last crash was... well I can't remember.
    1 point
  16. Meh... now I suddenly miss the 80's... again...
    1 point
  17. Personal favourite is the C64 Comic Bakery loading music (yes, playing music while waiting for cassette based games to load into your computer was a thing in the 80's). Instant Remedy Remix:
    1 point
  18. Hey, it's good stuff! Found this one, too short though
    1 point
  19. For the Radiohead fans out there....
    1 point
  20. yes. my umezawa build (which is my #1 favorite build) relies on this mobility (and the hyuuuuge +50 deflection bonus from escape) no. escape doesn't count as movement. afaict riposte effects are distinct. my umezawa build used riposte and the BoW large shield that triggers attacks on enemy misses, independently of whether or not riposte triggered.
    1 point
  21. Persistent Distraction applies Distracted which is a regular affliction: Steel Garotte draining works. Paladin passives + Trickster buffs + Riposte makes a lot of sense. Note that Riposte will also drain life for you once the enemy who gets hit by Riposte is afflicted by something. Riposte is an invisible Full Attack that has 0 attack time and 0 recovery. It always works - doesn't matter if you are currently casting or recovering or whatever. Draining effects do NOT profit from any healing buff (not MIG, not Practiced Healer - nothing) because it already scales with the damage you are dealing (more dmg = more healing). Steel Garotte draining stacks with other sources of draining (e.g. draining weapon and Blood Ward from Furyshaper and Chant...) Stats: sounds right. A superb weapon for such a class combo is Whispers of the Endless Paths - because its Offensive Parry (just like Riposte) drains health from enemies and procs on 100% of misses. It stacks with Riposte. But you'll lack the engagement slots of spear and shield (and have lower deflection although it comes with a melee deflection buff). You could get more slots with Reckless Brigandine and helmet of the Blackened Plate etc. - but that will look rather funny. For spears there's a nice backup-spear that deals slash/pierce damage instead of only pierce. Besides that I guess Stalker's Patience is the way to go. The best large shield imo is Cadhu Scalth (with high althletics/metaphysics). Its damage reduction stacks with the ones from underpenetration (and Death's Maw with its Death Runes). Akola's Apex Ward has its own retaliation effect but it's rather weak. Bronlar's Phalanx has the highest potential for deflection (scales with lost health).
    1 point
  22. He will be the last man standing on this forum.
    1 point
  23. Just go to the options in the main menu and there's a section where you can generate custom PoE1 histories.
    1 point
  24. Well youtube is to busy copyright striking music on kitten videos uploaded by 13 years old girls to care about that kind of scams *shrugs*
    1 point
  25. Oooooh, trailers for the announcements... In the classic action movie trailer voice. This summer Written by the social media intern who brought you the press release for xyz And based on the memo written by the personal assistant who ensured the Devs didn't run out of coffee. Get ready For the next Big Announcement
    1 point
  26. "And I would be interested in directing Pillars 3 if I can figure out how to make it something I would enjoy that there’s an audience for. It may be that someone else would do a better job at that than me, though." I don't think that's true. If that game would not conclude the watchers story, I wouldnt buy it and if someone else would make that game, I wouldn't buy it either.
    1 point
  27. The Skazz challenge: Cultist Joyous Forest is the first to storm the castle (and having fun doing so) : After everyone ran away from the Liche Queen and wouldn't go back to face her for all the gold in the Kingdom ("all the gold" is relative of course, add enough 0s to the number and some heroes will think about it), the Rogues hung around waiting for someone else to charge in so they could swoop in and cash in on the bounty. Cultist Yellow Boulder, followed by Cultist Pleasant Sea shifted into bear form and did just that.
    1 point
  28. I've only unlocked about a dozen of the ludicrous number of playable characters in the game, but so far my favorite is Guan Yinping: First off, she uses a hilariously gigantic mace, so that's a good start. Fire tornado is a nice bonus. Most importantly, she can rip a gargantuan boulder out of the ground and smash it on people. I'm all about smashing people with ridiculously huge chunks of rock. Super extra bonus for wielding the boulder one-handed. All of this is 100% historically accurate, I'm sure.
    1 point
  29. Warriors Orochi 4 Murdering large groups of soldiers with a scroll. You know, standard stuff.
    1 point
  30. DOWNLOAD FROM THE NEXUS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ain't no one gonna tell you what you can and can't do with quest items! This is a simple mod that allows you to sell, destroy, and freely use equippable quest items. Before, you had to keep equippable quest items in an active party member's inventory or have them actively equipped. When party members with these items weren't in the active party, the item would automatically go to the stash- and you would have to re-equip the item. With this mod, that is no longer needed! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Items Affected: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Installation: Download the .zip file of your choice and extract the contained folder to your override folder. The override folder is typically located at: \Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compatibility: This mod should work with all versions of Pillars of Eternity 2 and it's expansions. This mod should be compatible with any other mod except anything that modifies the EquippableGameData ItemComponent of "IsQuestItem" of the items listed above. No Strings were used in the creation of this mod. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version History: 1.0 - Innitial Release _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tools Used: Visual Studio Code JSON Tools by Erik Lynd Markdown _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Like my mod? Check out my other work. Trinkets Unbound.zip
    1 point
  31. These are two fairly minor mods. The first provides a small boost to single class barbarians, chanters, ciphers, fighters, paladins, rangers and rogues. They really don't seem to offer enough in return for going single class, particularly because they have only a small increase in resources for their class, as compared to getting an entire set of resources for a second class. I personally prefer the extra variety of multi-class characters, but the gap seems pretty excessive. So far as I could tell, the only reasonable way to add a bonus to single class characters was to add an ability with a conditional preventing it from being added to a character if they have any of the other classes. There does not seem to be a flag to check if a character is single class. This mod may run into compatibility issues with other mods that add to the ability stringtable and happen to use numbers from 10300-10400. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/390/
    1 point
  32. I'm 4 weeks into my carnivore diet. I've lost approximately 10 lbs and I feel great. It's been a lot easier to stick with than I had anticipated. I had one cheat meal a few days ago where I had tilapia (which is fine), but it was battered (no bueno), and I had a small salad with a little bit of Italian dressing. A cheat meal, or even a cheat day, once in a while is perfectly fine, and that was a pretty mild cheat at that (it's not like I pigged out on potato chips and ice cream or anything). One of the most noticeable things is that I don't have energy peaks and valleys, like I did when I was consuming a lot of carbs. I get sleepy just the same as before, but in terms of energy levels, it's a lot more of a steady flat line throughout the day. My initial goal was to do this for a month then evaluate, but I already know I'm going to keep going for at least 1 additional month, probably longer. I'd like to lose an additional 15-20 lbs, that would put me at a very good weight (one I haven't seen in about 4 years). Of course, the danger with any diet is that you gain back all the weight (and then some) once you come off the diet. To that effect, when I do go back to eating a more balance diet I plan to not bring cetrain things back. The most important one is refined sugar, I'm completely done with the stuff for good. I also plan to still limit carbs, though not as much as I do now (lactose is basically my only source of carbs now). Pasta, rice, and bread are going to be out, though I'll probably allow myself potatoes (I figure I'll allow myself one big carb source, and potatoes are easily my favorite out of the bunch). Anyway, so far so good. Gotta stay disciplined and keep going for now.
    1 point
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