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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/19 in all areas

  1. Wrong thread friend. This should go to TV. In other news. In an unprecedented (at least to my knowledge) move Universal Studios is sending and updated version of their latest movie release "Cats". So we are in an era of "patching" the movies... Hey Larry did you see the latest Avengers? No man, I will wait for at least two patches and I heard they are reshooting the ending.
    3 points
  2. In the first moment I didn't felt like that, but he was quickly growing on me. Also big fan of the dwarfs. Shame there wasn't more of them. Damn, I really want more episodes now. So hyped. Remember when lots of folks hated on Henry when he was announced as Geralt? lel. I don't want to imagine anyone else doing the role. /Edit: Oh I just remember... what was weird as hell and felt like pushing an agenda again... all the random black people showing up. It's like "oh damn, there's too many white folks around! Quick! Make this guard a black dude!" ....... And I can't shake off the feeling that because of the early backlash against a potential black Yen (or was it Ciri?), now Fringilla became a black person. This stuff feels just so damn forced to me. Always kinda reminds me of old 80/90s tv shows where there always was at least one black person, because there just had to. Isn't this also, like, a form of racism?
    2 points
  3. Meet Elanna. Moon Godlike Priestess of Eothas Deadfire Slave Difficulty: POTD Maim before death: Off. Knockout injuries: On. Expert mode: Off. You’d be forgiven in thinking that being born in the Deadfire Archipelago would be the perfect start for one blessed by Ondra, but fate was to play out differently. Elanna was abandoned by superstitious parents and found herself sold off as a good luck charm to a pirate crew. It was here she spent all of her formative years, until by good fortune she found her chance to escape in a boarding-gone-wrong for her captors. Tasting the free air for the first time in her memory she devoted herself to the god of redemption. When she heard that the god himself had manifested, and supposedly been killed, she set out immediately to investigate the events unfolding in the Dyrwood. Elanna has fully embraced the teachings of Eothas, wishing to impart onto the world all of the kindness that she was not shown in her early life. She does, however, still bear the scars of that life, making her sometimes quick to anger when she sees would-be oppressors. Having survived the deadly biawic Elanna quickly made her way to the Gilded Vale to find a less than warm welcome. She found comfort in finding a fellow Eothosian, and agreed to try to help him in a search for answers that looked to mirror hers. Likewise Aloth seemed to be a fish out of water in this cold and inhospitable town, so together they set out to help who they could, and find what answers were there to be found. Out intrepid adventurer and her new friends.
    2 points
  4. earlier in the thread we mentioned the appeal of straightforward villains and simple answers. immigrants are the problem, so build a wall. religion is the problem, so outlaw faith. is childlike in simplicity, but am suspecting that is the appeal. if a solution cannot be summed up on a poster or hat, then it will fail to resonate with many people. is why education is so important. hurl, thanks to his history education, recognizes the abject failure previous attempts to outlaw religion has suffered. those nations which has outlawed religion to varying degrees didn't see a reduction in fear, hate, bigotry or any other evil often attributed to religion. and yeah, is easy to point to highly educated individuals who nevertheless deny history and facts, but educate society as a whole results in lessening o' ills even if pace o' change is glacial. argue that benefits o' religion is outweighed by evils? sure. however, outlaw religious practice and belief is a far different thing than debate social ills for which religion is blameworthy. 'course even education may be twisted by oppressive authoritarian regimes and their attempt at control. is only 1% o' the population and yet the chinese are going to extremes to control. is not gonna be a satisfying answer, but consider what is most important to people. love. family. justice. such things ain't real in any sense save that folks believe they is real. even family. child accidental switched at birth. child don't know he/she isn't real family, yes? parents with switched child don't know either. family bond exists 'cause you believe it does. could we exorcise family bond in a generation? sure. take all children from their birth parents and have 'em raised by the state ignorant o' their biological mother and father. do such for two or three generations so nobody recalls "family" save for The State. am guessing fruit o' such an experiment is you end up with a nation o' psychopaths, but family as we know it would be fundamental changed by such control, no? gd would die and even kill for a rusty chainsaw. is 'cause o' what he believes the chainsaw represents. such belief is not real and tangible, but gd's belief is genuine and earnest, yes? from our pov, "real" is the least important query. when we consider what we would die for, and what is worth living for, such stuff is almost never real save for 'cause we believe. liberty. faith. love. god? tell us family and love is more real than god? dunno. seems thin. power o' such stuff comes from belief, and belief can be the most real thing there is. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  5. The 2016 Cowboys accept your challenge.
    1 point
  6. Oh come, we got Wikipedia for our factual needs and Facebook for our spiritual needs. We don’t need religion and priests anymore
    1 point
  7. i usually do prisoner, tower, dyford but you can do them in any order you want. generally when i first get these quest you are prob underleveled for dyford but im sure its doable and bonus is get two companions for at least going out that way real quick.
    1 point
  8. Didn't play either it or the first. Never thought it looked like a game I would enjoy the gameplay mechanics of - had a huge amount of trouble with Neverwinter Nights 1/2 as it was, even though I'm a huge BG/PST nerd (the switch from 2D to 3D was not kind on CRPGs in either gameplay or verisimilitude for me, even when I was trying to play them in the mid-2000s). @injurai Characters acting like actual grounded people is definitely something that tends to be missing in "epic" series, whether it be games or movies. Characters being perfect is not good - characters being "cool" all the time is not good, either. I don't want characters that are total clowns (prequels, anyone?), but most of my favorite characters from any type of media have flaws, make mistakes, attempt to learn from those mistakes, occasionally reflect upon themselves and their behavior and the way they perceive the world, have rare character moments define, evolve, and fit them, but also occasionally suffer setbacks that lower them. People live and breathe, and tend to experience a wide variety of emotions when placed into unusual or dangerous circumstances - candid, human moments make the great moments, whatever form they may take for a given character, all the more special while also making the character (and the work as a whole) more believable and relatable.
    1 point
  9. Giving Star Wars Fallen Order a whirl. Okay, I'm going to say up-front, it's a good game. But it's a good game with a however. Its an averagely good game. But what raises the bar is that its a competent good game with no particular weaknesses. It's not an overly actiony action game, it's much more like Tomb Raider in Star Wars, in the sense that it's more about the platform exploration and solve a few puzzles along the way more than anything else. It's got some elements that are really nice - Your holomap of where you've explored is projected by your robot companion, and it really highlights where you are, where you've been, routes you can't access yet (due to skills or tools not yet acquired), and routes you have found but haven't explored but ar ecapable of. The lightsaber combat is..decent. Again, it's that "averagely good with nothing significant to complain about", but I really don't understand why some critics have raved about it. It doesn't have the swooshing frenzy of joy that the Jedi Knight games had. It's fluid, but doesn't make me go "yeah!" Force powers are fairly understated, but that makes sense, your character is a padawan who wasn't fully trained and then spent several years hiding and not practicing his abilities. So again , you have that comparison that you don't have the variety or the over-the-top cinematic force powers of Force Unleashed or the like. I think that's what it actually comes down to. Nothing actually falls flat, but not much really wows you either. The combat, the force powers, it's all understated but competent. Which makes sense for the storyline, but it doesn't really evoke much feeling of wonder or joy. It's engaging, but more so if you like the idea of Star Wars Tomb Raider.
    1 point
  10. Ever heard a "genre song" from a genre your intimate with, written just for some film/show that totally misses what's good about that style? Ever peruse the posts in r/badwomansanatomy? Ever read fantasy that was a derivative of a derivative of a derivative of Tolkien? Ever take a test on a copy of a copy of a copy of the original test the teacher wrote a decade ago? Star Wars today feels like that. Probably because it is that. I legit loved Kotor because it was significant departure from SW staples. The aesthetics looked different, like it truly was a thousand years earlier. Star Wars is worse about being a degrade after image though. Because it also feels like a recreation of an imitation of a derivative of a copy of a rehash of a film, that while had charming fantasy elements, really found it's legs in good plotting. SW has been taken over by world building, and the characters within the world become subsumed by the setting. And it's the setting that is the grievous simulacrum of the original. Another thing, in OG SW you had people that carried themselves in ordinary ways. Now every character looks like they are stunting. Everyone wants to be the badass in Star Wars, even the elderly advisors. The plot all the time is about how spry and with-it it everyone is. Everyone walks or runs with a super hero posture, someone lacking confidence instead comes off as confident while claiming not to be, and really they just are uncertain. (Rose.) It's like entire substrates of humanization are left out to somehow elevate the epic setting, it's like I'm watching a dramatization of a religious legend. And that feels awful. Actually I don't think it was as bad in TFA, but TLJ and every other new thing they've put out suffers from this. It gets worse as the characters (allegedly) grow into competency. I'll probably see the film in the coming weeks with family, but it's been bizarre to see the tonal shift of the franchise. Hardly anything is salient anymore but of course that matters not to kids who mostly engage in the franchise by self-inserting themselves into the world. I know I did, but even I knew as a young kid that the prequels somehow threw out the rich(er?) [not claiming this is Lawrence of Arabia] substrate of the originals.
    1 point
  11. Star Wars bring dead to me actually made me enjoy it a lot more. Don't get me wrong, it's not a good movie, but I was entertained.
    1 point
  12. The final/last update (w/the release of Ep. Ardyn) made the game much more stutter-y and problematic for many people on the Steam version. Not me, but lots of complaints about it (since SE is "done" with the game/won't fix it, likely). There's been some evidence that installing the 4k pack (another huge download) for some reason makes the stutters go away. I've had that installed since Day 1 and have never had any major/persistent issues even on my old putt-putt rig. Anyway, if you're having issues and it's on Steam, you could try that. The higher res textures and movies are still noticeable even if you're not playing in 4k etc. I'd also keep TRAM setting to High, not Highest. Even w/11GB VRAM, Highest can cause more performance loss/suck up 9.5-10gb of vram on my system and sometimes I drop it down to High even if I can use Highest. And yeah...the side quests in the game are pretty bad. I mean if you like the combat it's just fun to ... more combat ... and later Hunts have some tough battles, but they're almost all fetch/kill quests. And don't get me started on the find lost Hunters and broken down cars "quests." >.> Don't expect stellar storytelling pacing either. I still love the game tho.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I can't wait to beta test incomplete movies for studios in early access.
    1 point
  15. I don't uave any issue with Epic's strategies here, but I don't think it is anywhere near a success yet. This game has been out for what, two years? Phoenix Point isn't exactly a huge hit, and The Outer Worlds was a better buy on the Xbox gamepass than Epic. So yeah, not sure I see them anywhere near Steam at this stage.
    1 point
  16. But you see, you are misusing the word legend. It is not a question of individual preference. A legend is someone who is overwhelmingly well known and greatly respected in their field. This does not apply to the Bitmap Brothers. Eric Clapton is a legend of the blues guitar. I don't personally care for his music and never listen to it, but he is still a legend. Whether I like him or not makes no difference.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. The left isn’t hostile to ALL religion, just mainly Christianity. Which always confused me why the hatred was so stoked against Christianity but would champion the Muslim religion. Then again I mainly get this image because of our propaganda channels and also because the left didn’t have a problem with Obama being Muslim and didn’t have a problem with him pushing and enacting pro-Muslim ideals but we are worried about Pence... Then again I’m confused why people think Muslims are considered a “race” and not a religious people like u would call Christians. Also I have to keep smh when I hear religion is the cause of all wars when really religion is just the “weapons of mass destruction” to get the population behind the wars. then again I usually stay outta the discussions because of my ignorance.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. It's cool to be anti-religion, but when you say "outlaw religion" you are handing over control to the government. So yeah, stop being a communist.
    1 point
  21. Even though BG1/2 are some of my favourite games. I would much prefer a POE3 than a BG3(which we're actually getting some some reason!).
    1 point
  22. I love the Streets of Rage 1 and 2 soundtracks.
    1 point
  23. The variant saying re: opionions and buttholes is: "Everybody finds it a little uncomfortable when their own are examined too closely."
    1 point
  24. Are spiritual needs a real thing? Serious question. If so what are they?
    0 points
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