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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/19 in all areas

  1. I call BS. If you're fine with what passes as humour in Fallout 2 then there is no reason to feel so irritated about TOW. Fallout 2 was filled with references to Monty Python's, direct quotes from movies and so many different pop culture references including Elton John and so many other things that broke immersion. If you don't remember that then you should stop posting and go back and replay Fallout 2. That will be educational.
    5 points
  2. I did play Disco. I see little connection between each other: on Riffs on Planescape, and other on Fallouts. I mean Disco isn’t funny. It has humour, but It’s an existential, sarcastic story of a broken down human finding himself in a bleak world. OW is a fun SF romp with stabs at the corporations. The focus and tone is completely different. Is Planescape better then Baldur’s Gate? Do you blame star wars for not being a psychological drama after watching Taxi Driver?
    4 points
  3. YES PLEASE!!! And maybe consider adding romances &/or further companion interactions maybe with new characters in DLC if needed. I personally would also love hearing them more as I roam the lands. You've nailed so many aspects and this would improve the game SO MUCH. For those that do not like them speaking at all or less often could be happy with this change if settings could be set to adjust to personalize experiences. Bravo on Outer Worlds, I love it!!
    3 points
  4. By popular demand: A Daemon and a lot of failing to hit people on all sides. undefined[
    3 points
  5. It's more a matter of apparently not wanting the game quite enough to make myself put up with Microsoft software/app/driver installs, blah blah. I don't like tons of stuff on my PC or super cluttered registries. I only got Steam because I wanted FO:NV so badly at the time and even now only have about 100 games purchased on Steam, most of which I barely touched. Didn't care about consoles ever until I really wanted FFXV and thought it wouldn't come to PC at all for years (I was wrong) so I bought one (it's now mostly a paperweight/streaming TV use). It's just my way. :P
    3 points
  6. I already explained I won't buy it from Windows Store, a page back or so. Edit: And I won't buy it on Epic either, until they stop with the exclude-Steam contract nonsense. Not because I think Steam is uber or have great love for Steam (I don't), I just don't like such business tactics.
    3 points
  7. Well if you guys think TOW is a mediocre wait till Bethesda release Starfield.
    3 points
  8. User-defined map waypoint please.
    3 points
  9. Does anyone else think the text is just really small? I really hope Obsidian add an option or slider to change the text size for both console and PC.
    2 points
  10. I have been enjoying the game a lot but i hit a soft lock on one of the main quests. The quest is called "Radio Free Monarch", the step i'm on is "Speak with Nyoka at Stellar Bay". The issue that I'm having is that I talked to her and went through her dialogue and she told me to get her some Caffenoid. So I got all the way through the dialogue and i told her i'd get it for her but the quest step didn't change and even figuring out where the caffenoid was and stealing it didn't progress the quest either. I also only have one option now when i speak with her. "Actually - nevermind. I'll catch you later. (Leave Conversation) Is there any way someone could help me out or possibly fix this issue. I am enjoying this game so much and would hate for people to not like it because of a game breaking bug like this. Thanks in advance. Edit 1: I think i figured out the problem. When you go through Nyokas dialogue, at the end you get two options. One is to agree with her request and get the Caffenoid. The other is to say that you'll consider it. Both options make you leave the conversation immediately after choosing the option. If you choose the second option where you say you'll consider it, the quest doesn't progress obviously because you didn't agree to help her. But when you try to talk with her again there is no dialogue option to say that you've changed you're mind and have decided to help her. So in order to fix this they would just need to add an option that lets you agree to help her after you choose the "I'll consider it" option the first time you talk to her. So if anyone from the dev team sees this please fix this. Thanks in advance, again.
    2 points
  11. Let me start by saying that I am loving TOW so far and this is by no means a deal breaker for me. Having said that, it is driving me CRAZY that every time I talk to someone I pull out my currently equipped weapon and shove it in their face every single time I press the interact button (X on Xbox). This is driving me absolutely CRAZY! PLEASE, Obsidian, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, PLEASE fix this immersion breaking oversight! The fix is so simple! Please just give us the option of having to hold the interact/reload button to holster/un-holster instead of just tapping it. That would fix the problem COMPLETELY! Thanks in advance!
    2 points
  12. Honestly, I never loved this much doing quests in any game until TOW. Not only because I love the universe and the critics behind jokes and satire, but because, unlike most Rpgs I've played these past years, you can do quests in various ways that will impact the story and evolution of your character and companions and the places you visit. I mean, take Witcher series, which was my most favorite number 1. Someone hires you to kill a monster, okay. You go and track it down, and maybe 3-5 times, in the 3 games, you can chose to spare the monster you've been paid to kill. Most of times, the only thing you can do is follow the quest, kill, and ask more money for reward. Pick almost any quest from TOW, and you'll find different ways to complete it. You can even never complete it by finding a better bidder for doing the task. No matter which quest you get, you can do it in various ways during combat, during dialogues and decide to screw everybody in the end and go for another side in the end. Also, you can make a faction believe you work with them and think the same way they do, then screw them in the long term. I've never seen this field of possibilities in any other 3D Rpg game so far. Quests may not be the most original, but nowadays that is pretty difficult to invent new quests that we'd never have seen anywhere else. W3 earned its medals for the universe, for the have-sex-with-each-girl-you-meet-if-you-want feature, and the overall writing way above what we usually find in usual rpgs, along with a dark and uncensored view on heroic fantasy, impressive graphic engine mixing poetry and beauty of fairy tales with humans inner darkness and talking about real world mature subjects behind all of it. TOW has great writing, with ton of humor at different levels, and give you the opportunity to chose how you will do a quest from start to end, also letting you chose to fail it for a more suitable outcome in your opinion, all this in a world filled with clues, secret paths, and little fun or less fun stories to read and learn, sometimes very useful for some quests, sometimes just to make you laugh. They've invented everything, and made very fun characters and companions which make the game immersive and give it this special taste you don't find at each corner, with all qualities w3 has, except for the density, the scope, and all the boring stuff all over the map. They don't reinvent how a wheel will roll, but they make it roll in various ways that gives it pepper and sugar all together.
    2 points
  13. Would you rather be gathering 8 space boar livers?
    2 points
  14. I absolutely love this game, and want to thank Obsidian for almost single-handedly keeping this genre alive! That being said, I have one small suggestion that I would love if they could incorporate into a patch for the game. The problem is that the same button used on the game pad (X on the Xbox Controller) to interact with an item/door/NPC/etc also causes the player character to unholster his weapon. That leads to many situations where I keep pulling a gun on an innocent NPC, when I’m just trying to have a friendly conversation! If the game could be patched so that the weapon is only unholstered when pressing the RT or something, then I think that would do wonders for immersion when traversing through areas that aren’t inherently hostile. Just a small suggestion, and I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be to implement, but I think it really would make a big difference in gameplay! (Disclaimer: This is my second attempt to post this topic, as the first time I didn’t have an account, so my apologies if I’m repeating myself, but I didn’t see the first attempt successfully post)
    2 points
  15. There *is*. There absolutely is. There's a quest that involves finding the dead bodies of on your companions friends, who abandoned her sister to a hard scratch life on Monarch only to find out she'd been lied to and ended up getting murdered and *eaten* by Marauders. There's so many more. There absolutely *is* real drama in TOW. And you can have long conversations with people about what they want out of life, how they're happy in the position their in, how they don't need you to come and "save" them from the corporations. There's all these things and more. Playing four hours of a 30-40 hour game, just through the opening area before the main quest even *starts*, isn't going to tell you **** about the depth and nuance of character and writing.
    2 points
  16. It’s true that Outer Worlds isn’t subversive as Obs games tend to be. Was it ever supposed to be?
    2 points
  17. Safe and unimaginative how? You not liking the jokes does not mean the writing is "safe and unimaginative" it means you don't like the joke? Safe compared to what? Unimaginative compared to what? Where did the writers go wrong? How would you have done it? Most quests in video games can be considered "fetch quests" but there are plenty of quests that do not involve going and getting an item and almost every quest has some kind of plot, choices, tells a story ect. No the factions do not just boil down corporations vs rebels, but sure in a game that centres around that conflict most of the relevant factions are invested in that conflict somehow. Enemy Veriety could be better I agree, what RPG with big open areas is not filled with marauders or bandits or something like that though? At least this game does give you a reason for why there are so many. There could be some more interesting perks like New Vegas, that's a legitimate criticism. Calling the skill system "bare bones" is nonsensical though. A gun is still a gun, you can still use it with low gun skills. I do think there could be a whole lot of tweaking to the balance though the game is a bit too easy and supernova difficulty is more just annoying that anything. Seems like your issue with the writing is that you don't personally like the writing style. That's not the same as it being bad writing. Bad writing is plots that don't make any sense, characters that are one dimensional ect ect.
    2 points
  18. For what it's worth, I'm with you in general, I decided to buy it on WinStore mainly to say **** you to Epic in a way that also supports Obsidian. Also, I haven't noticed any extra apps/software popping up since installing, I just have an icon on my desktop that starts the game, as much hassle as any game I've installed from GOG. Then again, it's still DRM'd and such I suppose, I haven't tried booting without internet because I'm way too lazy. Another alternative would be to buy that game pass for a while to play TOW, then drop it and buy the game in a year from Steam. I'll be buying it again when/if it comes to GOG.
    2 points
  19. no waifus? oh poor op, your sexual fantasies will not be fulfilled in this video game. methinks op doth protest too much.
    2 points
  20. Well there would also be "go talk to someone" quests but sure all quests are basically fetch quests or similar. I was talking more about how the setups and twists of some of the quests in the game are a little clichéd. No more than any other RPG I can think of though. Some of the criticisms I've been seeing of this game are odd. Complaining about fetch quests implies "collect ten of random item that has nothing to do with anything to advance plot" there's nothing like that in this game I can think of. The closest is bounties I guess and even those quests provide exposition.
    2 points
  21. Most important gaming news: I am back after 5 days AFK.
    2 points
  22. I do disagree: I think Bethesda's Fallout is the "cheap knockoff". Simply because Bethesda isn't smart. They do not do smart design, they do not write smart things. They themselves stated "You can either fill a large world with cheap content or make a small game with handcrafted stuff". This was true until CD Project Red showed them a pretty large middle finger. Bethesda-games do one thing right: Large, cheap worlds. It's McDonalds, sometimes I like it, but it's just "cheap, low-quality stuff, lots of it". Nothing the Bethesda-makers so far have said or done over the years made me think "Yeah, cool! That is smart!" If you want a piece of their actual abilities to plan, design and execute a game you need only to look at Fallout 76, the writing that lead to that fiasko has on the wall for all their previous titles, just they worked as moddable (!) single player titles, so we did not mind and got our fun out of them (I played Oblivion, Skyrm, Fallout 3 and 4 and enjoyed them for what they were - but always wished they were done smarter in basically all regards). Here's the actual issue: Even though they seem to look similar and are basically the same genre, Fallout 3/4 and The Outer Worlds are *very* different game with very different goals and basic ideas. Both studios want different things and do these "fairly well" when measured against their own goals (note that neither is actually perfect; Bethesda lacks in being smart, Obsidian often has lacked in funding to actually finish a large project and make it as good as it could be (Kotor2, anyone?)). So to be honest: I take "Obsidian-Fallout" over "Bethesda-Fallout" anytime. Simply because I like "smart" better than " incredibly lots". Do you know what I hope for? An Obsidian-Game made with the development effort and money that Bethesda could afford!
    2 points
  23. I agree 100%, this is the only thing that that drives me crazy with the controls, everything else works great.
    2 points
  24. Every time I enter the room with Chairman Rockwell on the final mission on Tartarus, my game crashes to the Xbox dashboard
    1 point
  25. While I don't love Steam, I hate the monopoly that Epic is creating. This is one of two games that I refuse to buy because of this practice. Yes, I created an account just to vent. I'm sure very few people care, but I do. If this game has all the bugs fixed I just read about and is still supported when other platforms can sell it, then I'll buy it then, probably at a discount. Until then, I hope your marketing strategy of using Epic exclusively bites your bottom line and alienates any fans.
    1 point
  26. I also have this problem, can't finish the game.
    1 point
  27. Aren’t all quests in RPGs fetch or kill quests? I can’t think of the quest in an RPG which would revolve around bring something or kill someone. The question is how interesting it is to get it done. So far it’s been pretty good.
    1 point
  28. Hey, Literally_Jezus I'm sorry for the crash you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  29. I watched some of that video. Couldn't finish watching because the more i watched the more I wanted to punch that guy in the mouth. He was acting like all new gamers are complete morons. Ridiculous
    1 point
  30. Yeah, I made the OP and I was replying to the person who said there was nothing in game that said there was nothing in-game mentioning the functionality I am confused about. Sorry for the confusion, I should have included the quote I was replying to. Thanks for the support though
    1 point
  31. You can make up for you abscence, Melky, with some screenies.
    1 point
  32. I'm too lazy to watch it fully, but two things: 1. When he applies his skill points - I agree this screen is not good. Didn't know where exactly to click at first myself. 2. Character face creation is ... ok, I guess. But he is right, it really doesn't matter anything, because you never see your face unless you open the character screen. And even then it's zoomed out to the whole character, so you won't see the facer ever again up close. Everything else in the video looks like trolling. Other than that I'm a bit confused why the video title is "a non-gamer" when he has uploaded lots of game videos. That's as far as I've watched it.
    1 point
  33. Hi, I'm writting in this board 1 year later only to THANK ANSALON FOR HIS TIER LISTS. I'm playing Deadfire this days and this list's have proven extremelly helpfull for me (and probably a lot of other people). Thought they are not perfect in the eyes of an expert, there are a great way to ease the path in to a complex game like POE for a new - medium player. Obliously if you are an expert it makes no sense to you because you probably know as much or even more than he does, so this list isn't for you. Sure you can complement the list with your own knowledge and that's great. I for example have learned a lot from Boeroer's comments and other people from the forum. But please refrain from calling the efforts of other people useless and such. Thought it's not an insult it's not nice to call someone's effort useless and I'm the prove it's not useless. Other people that directly insult Ansalon well... don't deserve even to explain why it's wrong. I myself have a quite popular Youtube channel that I won't post (I don't upload POE at all) were I make tier lists and builds to help people out and let me tell you something: It's impossible to make perfect stuff. I am myself quite perfectionist and feel refrained to make tier list without investing hundreds of hours to obtain perfect knowledge, but in the end you will never feel enough prepared to do a perfect list so you won't be doing it at all. Ansalon knows he will make mistakes and does the tier list anyways, helping hundreds or thousands of players even if he isn't perfect and in the end he has helped far more people that if he had decided not to do them. So dudes, because of our society's culture we are used to demand perfection to others and to ourselves and end up being to harsh even with ourselves. I just wanted to write to say thank you to Ansalon because I have seen much more negativity than positivity directed to him and in the end he has helped out a lot of people. I also want to thank Boeroer and other people in this forums that give great insight of the game and has helped me out a lot without asking anything in exchange. Peace to the world, to children and flowers and stuff to everyone!
    1 point
  34. Locate the Executable for the game itself, right-click and choose Properties. Under 'Compatibility' you can disable the scaling specifically for the game. You can disable 'Full Screen Optimizations' and also the 'Change High DPI Scaling' options.
    1 point
  35. Are you sure, you are not mistaking “tone” with “quality”? TWO has been lighthearted so far but it’s not a “fault”. It might be not within your taste but it’s not bad by default. I am not deep into the game, but so far writing has been funny, coherent, clever and the point. World seems to be well thought out, characters are well defined and consistent.
    1 point
  36. I'm going to try to reinstall the game again tonight, I ended up doing a fresh install of Windows since I was having an issue with another game as well. I'll update here if the problem persists.
    1 point
  37. I'm having the same issue. Won't even let me get the quest. I turned her down when she offered to escort and then changed my mind. When I went to get her, the dialogue just plays in a loop (also on ps4)
    1 point
  38. Well, Deadfire is game where it became painfully obvious that Obsidian team's combined writing talent went downhill, but good system was still keeping it afloat. TOW writing is like somebody cloned Xoti and contaminated whole game with her. At least the part I have seen.
    1 point
  39. I can't overstate how much I love how they handles containers. They open automatically and I can easily choose what to pick up with as little fiddling as possible! Playing in PC I encountered none of the issues OP stated. One thing which I do find annoying, is that I find it difficult to locate enemy bodies after the fight, especially if they turned into a pile of ashes. They hide to easily in the grass.
    1 point
  40. Sorry but all the replies defending this not being in 3rd person are complete bull****! The game already has a 3rd person mode. it was just closed off. I have listed a single key point that prove this. 1. Let the game idol long enough and it automatically enters 3rd person mode where the camera rotates 360 degrees around your character. This happens anywhere in the game which means 3rd person has already been programmed in. Borderlands, the Left 4 Dead, Dying Light, and Dead Island series, and even Bulletstorm were all programmed in 3rd person, then the camera is adjusted to hide the character. So people need to stop defending first person view as if developers have some massive undertaking. 2. The character customization screen has entirely way too much detail and for what? The game is in first person, it's single player, and has no multiplayer mode SO WHO THE HELL IS SEEING YOUR CHARACTER?
    1 point
  41. I think I'm the opposite. I love the vibrant alien worlds and views of the cosmos. I got pretty tired of the browns and grays of the Fallout games.
    1 point
  42. Yeah, I don't really like the idea that one bad game tanks a company anyways, even though I got burned by Fallout 76. I mean, Fallout 4 and Skyrim were both very good games, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a bit longer than one bad title.
    1 point
  43. I believe the M button opens the map.
    1 point
  44. This same topic is getting really boring and tedious. Nobody cares about your pathetic dislike of Epic Games Store.
    1 point
  45. Anytime you talk to someone who does not have an actual dialog, or open a door or click on anything with the X button on an Xbox one controller or the Square button on a playstation controller, Your gun gets Un-holstered and it's breaking my immersion along with annoying the hell out of me. It's using the same holster/unholster button as the interact button, and it's REALLY REALLY annoying. This needs to be fixed, or at least let us change the controller keys. The Keyboard and mouse are fine, but i prefer to play games with my Xbox one controller on PC along with 80% of most people on PC. Fix this Please. - Everyone
    1 point
  46. I think he was referring to having them be mandatory. Giving an extra level of complexity to the other 3 difficulties. I really don't feel like playing on supernova because of the companion perma death but survival mechanics would be fun addition.
    1 point
  47. What are you talking about? You CAN eat, sleep and drink in all the modes. It's only in hardcore mode where doing all 3 of these is mandatory. You need eat/drink at least once a day. And restricted to sleeping in the bed in your ship. I'm currently on normal mode and haven't had any problem doing any of these. I do them on the fly whenever I feel like it (for RP) or need to (in combat/after combat to heal etc.
    1 point
  48. Hi! Obsidian has a new Social Media Manager. I guess that's the same posting as the former Community Manager @Aarik D? https://twitter.com/MikeyDowling/status/1179131245239754753 I hope we see her often and that you guys behave. Couldn't find her member name here yet. Anyway that's it - have a nice German Unification Day!
    1 point
  49. Hello hello everyone! I am super excited that you found me, and I am really happy to be here with you all! I'll be on here more often now, so feel free to drop me a comment or whatnot, and I'll be reading all your threads and posts and talking and helping where I can!
    1 point
  50. Corgis make the best social media managers.
    1 point
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