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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/19 in all areas

  1. The issue with boycotts is the same issue, albeit less hilarious, than with the Area 51 Naruto Raid. Everybody claiming they are going to do it needs to ACTUALLY DO IT and not just talk about doing it. Getting a vast quantity of strangers from different locations to all stop purchasing games from Blizzard and stick to it is nigh impossible, so good luck with that. I haven't purchased a Blizzard game in 15 years, not because of some ethical or political statement, but because they haven't made a game that appeals to me since Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. It's not a boycott, they just make games for other people than me, which is fine.
    5 points
  2. Money makes the world go around I guess, even if that means people disappearing in the middle of the night or being sent to 'reeducation' camps. It's an old story though. China has been leveraging trade vs critique of its system for a long time and most countries have been playing along in one form or another. They can't afford not to. So, why would corporations be any different. That said, I piss on the NBA and Blizzard from a great height.
    4 points
  3. I did my part, I uninstalled HotS from my computer.
    3 points
  4. Damn it, I intended to come in here and flame folks. I'm grinning here. The thing is, any platform that exists must, by necessity, provide something of value to those who provide their custom. I b completely /b respect that people will push for what they desire. I'm not being facetious. Seriously, keep fighting. I'll always support consumers going to the mattresses for what they want. I just think attacking other fellow consumers is weak. It works a little sometimes in the beginning, if that. Otherwise, it just hardens opposition. Agitate for what you want. Don't waste your time going after supporters for their preference. I use STEAM *a lot.* I'd rather have it on STEAM. However, it's not a deal breaker if I need to use a different service. I'm kind of tired an maybe not at my best right now, but is there an option to buy it in hard copy mode? I don't know. Maybe I'm not as invested as I used to be, but I can't bear animosity for people buying a game on the platform they prefer.
    3 points
  5. This weekend my wife did her 2nd triathlon. It was part of a mermaid series that is mostly all women and is very friendly and less competitive, so it was a neat change of pace from some of the events I did this summer. She is still getting comfortable with the swim, and this one was around a pier in the ocean. I was able to walk along the pier as she swam, and it was pretty funny hearing her voice carry across the water as she talked to people while side stroking. I mean, conversational pace is a good goal to have when doing endurance sports, but typically the swim is pretty quiet. But she got it done and kicked butt on the rest of the race.
    3 points
  6. An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?' The bar immediately falls absolutely silent. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, 'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things: 1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat. 2. The bouncer is a blonde girl. 3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate. 4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter. 5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler. Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy. Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?' The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No, not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times.'
    3 points
  7. I don't think fanboys will ever cease to exist. I used to be a bit like that for Sega Megadrive and PS1 when I was a kid... then I turned 13 and stopped.
    2 points
  8. There's nothing, then a glimmer... Then you're dead! Build Name : The Glimmer Man Class : Swashbuckler (Fighter/Rogue) Subclasses : Tactician/Assassin Introduction : Pure sniper build using the interraction between invisibility and Brilliant Tactician. Firearms ensure that you can use Smoke Veil instantly and avoid any damage. If you don't play with Berath's challenge activated then Smoke Veil will just end the fight - use it at max range, run out of the enemy's sight, then restealth and come back to finish the target. The build starts working as soon as you get Smoke Veil. Game Version : 5.0 Difficulty : PotD Solo : Yes (or keep your party out of the fights) Race : Island Aumaua Culture : The Living Lands Background : Scientist Attributes : 21Mig/3Con/15Dex/18Per/18Int/3Res Skills : max Arcana (for Spearcaster - required for Dorudugan) Equipment : weapon - Dragon's Dowry (Eccea's Arcane Blaster vs pierce immunes), helmet - Acina's Tricorn, necklace - Charm of Bones, armor - High Harbinger's Robes, cloak - Ajamuut's Stalking Cloak, gloves - Woedica's Strangling Grasp/Gloves of the Dungeon Warden/Killer's Gloves, Ring1 - Ring of the Marksman, Ring2 - Ring of Focused Flame, Belt - Sash of Judgment, Boots - Footprints of Ahu Taka Abilities (required) : Disciplined Barrage - Disciplined Strikes+Escape, Backstab, Smoke Veil, Dirty Fighting, Fighter Stances - Conquerer Stances, Penetrating Strike, Fast Runner, Arms Bearer, Confident Aim, Two-Handed Style, One-Handed Style, Weapon Specialization, Quick Switch, Fearless, Armored Grace, Uncanny Luck, Tough, Improved Critical, Unbreakable, Weapon Mastery Temporary Bonuses : Sharksoup, Nature's Resolve, Alchemic Brawn, Alchemic Guile, Alchemic Wits, Adratic Glow, Rabyuna's Boon Other Recommended Abilities : Gift of the Machine, Effigy's Resentment: Sagani, Savage Cunning, Infamous Captain, Cauldron Brew - Might Pet : Harley (10%dmg/3acc ranged) How it works : Invisibility + Brilliant Tactician Observations : Persistent Distraction doesn't work with ranged. Deep Wounds (and all dots) will keep you in combat preventing Brilliant Tactician from triggering. Deathblows could work in theory (use sparcrackers) but in practice is not worth the effort. Belt of Magran's Chosen is good too, but the blight it summons can prevent Brilliant Tactician from triggering, making you waste more time. Sometimes enemies get stuck in a loop preventing the combat from ending - staying out of their sight and becoming invisible again will usually fix it.
    1 point
  9. Trump is the only one that will stand up to China Unfortunately he stands like this The hero we deserve
    1 point
  10. NBA is a beloved institution and nothing can turn people against it. Well, guess again: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/stand-for-freedom-boycott-the-nba Blizzard is a beloved game developer and nothing can turn people against it. Well, guess again: https://www.polygon.com/2019/10/8/20904972/blizzard-boycott-campaign-hearthstone-hong-kong-blitzchung-china It seems people do have some decency and will stand up to corporate shills praising murderous regimes, who knew.
    1 point
  11. I'll take 2, his and hers. Soon to be choplifting and airwolfing in a city near you
    1 point
  12. "Invictus" is Bell helicopters bid for attack recon aircraft. Looks like they leveraged much of the cancelled Comanche.
    1 point
  13. Zookeeper Problems - The Great Flamingo Uprising
    1 point
  14. When Amazon Fresh has been "out" of a lot of your regular stuff all week and you have to actually go to the store. Also, those Sleep Number beds are weird things. Probably better for your back if you're a back sleeper but not so great for side-sleepers (they feel too "rolly" when on your side no matter the setting). I've had cheap air mattresses with foam toppers on top that were almost as good. And if both sides are at very different settings there's a weird/uncomfy middle line difference (queen size). If I was hubby I wouldn't keep the thing, at least not for the price paid. I often don't sleep in the same room these days (I stay up late/weird hours + he snores at deafening decibels and flails around so much he's hit me in the spine and face a few times :P ) so it's up to him.
    1 point
  15. My Cabaret Dancer Cannibal Cult Leader in Cultist Simulator was keeping a very low profile, getting rich, gathering esoteric knowledge... and not really having a cult besides one believer (with potential) and one greedy disciple who'd never amount to anything. She decided it was time to move up in the world of secret cults. She had some hapless victim grabbed off the street and the believer eat them in a ritual. Police followed a trail of hearsay back to the newly ordained disciple and locked him up and threw away the key. In anger the cult leader tied up the greedy disciple and stashed him in a closet, then set out to recruit new followers. The notoriety had the police quickly start building a case against her. So she spend all her time scouring the seedy parts of town looking for a good thief. She finally found one and send her after the evidence. Just as the thief was about to grab it, the lights went on and the police detective took the folder and walked off to work on it... The thief stuck around and grabbed the evidence once the police was done with it, before the trial could start. So now we are in the clear. For now. Got a disciple, a couple of believers and a hanger on. And will send that shifty thievy person to liberate some items while they are still on my payroll.
    1 point
  16. Seems like it's like in other leagues where they ban every political statement rather than deal with the headache of sifting through each cause. English get mad about the poppy and football, well at least recently.
    1 point
  17. https://kotaku.com/blizzard-suspends-hearthstone-player-for-hong-kong-supp-1838864961/amp Gamers planning to 'boycott' Blizzard over this.
    1 point
  18. Corgis make the best social media managers.
    1 point
  19. Welcome to Not Anor Londo:
    1 point
  20. I'm dreading the end of the World Series and the conclusion of the baseball season for much the same reason. It is a very pleasant diversion.
    1 point
  21. am knowing for most folks the ol is a secondary concern, but for the cowboys, more than even mosts teams, the ol is the driver o' success, and the cowboys ol is nowhere near 100%. tyrion smith is sidelined and la'el collins were questionable even before he left the game... and zach martin is playing hurt. am knowing we sound like a broken record talking 'bout cowboys and the ol. after all, every team has some ol attrition during the year, so is not as if cowboys is in a unique situation. however, given dak limitations, the cowboys is particular ill-suited to overcome ol problems. is tough to describe just how basic is the cowboys offense and am seeing no reason for such other than minimizing dak mistakes. until the ol situation gets right, which doesn't look like is gonna happen soon, the cowboys will continue to struggle 'gainst all but the cellar dwellers defenses in the league. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. At least Dak is getting cheaper by the weeks.
    1 point
  23. A Nalpazca monk with Hylea's Talons can regenerate easily 5 wounds every 6s. With the adra ooze pet (which will prolong your invisibility for another 3s) you can basically spam WotW while staying invisible all the time. If you don't want to play a Nalpazca you can also use a scepter with modal activated + Aldris Blade which will generate a wound with every hit (from self damage) and heal you at the same time (heals on crits) or Voidwheel+Voidward (generates wounds on hit and heals on kills, the ring prevents taking too much raw damage). Also if you don't play godlike you can also add the Mask of the Grotto Deep which adds another powerful dot on hit from invisibility. PS. Keeper of the Flame can also help with wound generation but the AoE damages friendly targets and adds resonance to them (yourself included) which is a bad thing if you plan using Resonant Touch..
    1 point
  24. Depends on the enemy (and how they are positioned). There are an awful lot of enemies which have weak crush AR. For those fists are one of the best options. But there are also some very powerful combos with Resonant Touch, most notable maybe blunderbuss and hand mortars because they apply so many hits with a single attack. It's pretty wild with WotW as you can imagine. I made some videos on that. Same with Keeper of the Flame with its AoE (watch out: self damage) or Sun and Moon (double attack roll). Also everything that has special on-hit chances like Karaböru or Sungrazer can be very nice (if enemies stand together). However - looking at the pure stats of weapons the fists will always be great weapons against enemies that are vulnerable to crush. As I said Battle Axes are good with WotW as well because the recovery malus for Bleeding Cuts doesn't matter during the execution of WotW. Also check out Hylea's Talons which add a lash to your melee attacks while they can put a mild dot effect on you (generating wounds). Good item for a monk. Same with Ajamut's (or so) Stalking Cloak: it stuns with every attack from stealth or invisibility and gives an ACC and dmg bonus as well. You are invisible during WotW so... Another thing as soon as you get WotW: you won't use stuff like Raised Torment or Stunning Surge and most other abilities a lot then (Efficient Anguish I would keep since it targets fortitude and can be handy against enemies with high deflection but low fortitude). So you might want to retrain and take mostly non-attack abilities besides Anguish and WotW.
    1 point
  25. They need to look back at what made season 1 great. The last season was a mess. I really disliked how they balanced humor and horror, it always felt out of place to me. The showmakers went way too far on making the characters unrealistically quirky and snappy all the time. It felt like they were trying to force laughs out of every situation - which doesn't work too well in a horror show.
    1 point
  26. Not "news" per se, but a nice vid all the same!
    1 point
  27. Abydon is not a problem - when you're using abilities the weapons don't degrade. Vela is probably manageable if you withdraw her out of the enemies sight (you can also use Out of Fire to move her to a safer spot). The big problem is Hauani O Whe because it seems the Essence Interrupter isn't reliable to prevent the splitting...
    1 point
  28. Isn't that how people greet each other in Texas?
    0 points
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